Баҫма башҡорт халыҡ ижады, башҡорт халҡының рухи мәҙәниәте менән ҡыҙыҡһыныусылар өсөн файҙалы ҡулланма буласаҡ

{«I could give birth to a bogatyr*»)

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{«I could give birth to a bogatyr*») the Moon takes her as a wedded wife. Spots on the Moon are a girl with a yoke; or a stepdaughter with a yoke who was turned out of the house-9, 10, 11, 12.

  • The Milky Way is a starry road formed of scattered crane feathers — 5.

  • The Great Bear (Sevenstars) is a scoop of a giant (Alp), seven beautiful girls; seven wolves —6, 7, 8.

  • Zekhra—yondoz (Venus)—a girl raised to the skies by the moon—12.

  • Zekhra-yondoz (Venus) — a beauty (with a ring), raised to heaven by two angels —BFA: 7.

  • Earlier the sky and the sun were lower, closer to the Earth — 13.

  • Twelve years, named after various animals constitute one musal. The first year in musal is the year of the Mouse, as the Mouse was the first to have seen the coming year —14.

  • The name of the snowstorm is related to names of two brothers, who perished during a March snowstorm —BFA: 12.

    Toponymic Legends and Folk-Tales

    1. The extermination of spirits-hosts, who live in the guise of two ducks in a mountain lake, by man results in vanishing of the mountain and the lake —


    1. The people get hold of a water-sprite; having made rid of its host, the lake dries out—41.

    * Figures at the end of the sentence indicate the number of the text in the book «Башҡорт халыҡ риүәйәттәре һәм легендалары — Башкирские народные предания и легенды — Bashkort Folk legends» / Author-compiler — Fanuza Nadr- shina (Уфа, 2001) and also in the book «Башкирское народное творчество. Т. 2: Предания и легенды» [Bashkort Folk Art. Vol.2: Folk tales and legends / Compiled by Fanuza Nadrshina. Ufa, 1987 (publ. in Russ.)]. In the given index it is indicated by the abbreviation: BFA.


    1. A batyr (strong man) is punished for his boasting: the host of the mountain sends a bear to him; in the process of fighting both of them turn to stones — 20.

    2. A 'live' stone attacks a hunter with a roar. Hence the heading 'Ukertash' ('A Roaring Stone') — 21.

    3. A stone connected with a rite of calling rain —22.

    4. Mountains emerge from sand (clay) lost from a giant's (Alp's) boots —

    1. 25.

    1. A huge stone is a squared beam fallen from Alpamysh's pocket —19.

    2. A mother-in-law curses her daughter-in-law, who went to fetch some water, and the latter turns to stone —23.

    3. A mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law quarrel and turn into two stone blocks —BFA: 19.

    4. The name of a lake is related to a mythical host and exodus of his horses from underwater world —40.

    5. The name of the lake is related to a mythical creature —a dragon—49.

    6. A spring appeared at the place where a horse struck its hoof—43.

    7. The name of a hill-side, a stone is related to a mythical horse — a winged tulpar—36.

    8. A place-name is related to a mythical monster—26.

    9. The toponym is related to:

    1. a bloody battle. Being squeamish about blood a lake moves away (liter, «flies away») and flows into another lake —42;

    2. the invasion of Huns —30, 31;

    3. intertribal clashes— 106; BFA: 35-37, 81;

    4. events of Peasant War of 1773 -1775 -BFA: 251, 276, 320-323;

    5. a name of a person who gained prominence in history (Ye. Pugachev,

    S. Yulayev)-249, 254-256, 310-319;

    1. a wedding rite — 56; BFA: 80, 50,52;

    2. some event, a happening — 24, 25, 29, 33, 53; BFA: 55, 57, 58, 59, 66,

    1. 86, 88, 89,92, 96, 111.

    1. Footprints of Mukhammad-baigambar and his son on a stone —34.

    2. Footprints of hooves of the horses belonging to Ye. Pugachev and

    S. Yulayev on a stone — BFA: 312.

    1. Aplace was named in honour of perished people, a mishappening—38; BFA: 26, 41, 51, 52, 54, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 95, 97, 98, 100, 101, 102.

    2. A place got its name after a noble brigand, fugitive — BFA: 47, 79.

    3. A place was named in honour of people buried in that locality-32, 35;BFA: 31, 32, 39, 41, 42, 45, 65, 85, 91.

    4. Naming the place in honour of a hero, a personage —53; BFA: 20, 40, 41,43,44, 45, 46, 83.

    5. A place got its name after a personage's character—BFA: 48.

    6. A name is related to objects resembling it—37.


    1. The origin of a name is related to names of things and objects found in that area, to quality and character of objects —51; BFA: 87, 99.

    2. A place name is related to natural peculiarities of the locality, vegetation. «The Dispute of the Rivers» —26, 28, 44 — 47; BFA: 78.

    Adjacent Motifs

    1. The breach of the prohibition to kill swans incurs a trouble (the main character, his wife and children die)—16.

    2. Giants (alps) wandered in woods as if they (woods) were grass and uprooted trees —18.

    3. Alps* stepped over mountains and pine forests as people stepped over stalks of burdock — 19.

    4. An alp's son brings home a ploughman and his three horses with a plough on his palms — 18.

    5. A young hunter-yeget* marries a mermaid (Khyu-khylyu) — 24.

    6. A man catches a wood-goblin, who overrode his horse, playing a trick on him —93.

    7. The rite of giving a name related to a popular belief — 27.

    8. Raids (barymta and karymta). Intertribal clashes — 28.

    9. An attempt to marry a girl off against her will results in her death — 37.

    10. Burying of a treasure —28.

    Motifs of Legends about Plants, Animals, Birds

    1. A snowdrop (umyrzaya) — a spellbound girl, turned into a flower (or: a girl cursed by the father of a rich bridegroom) — 54.

    2. The first bear—a man miraculously turned into a bear—56.

    3. A bear takes away a woman (a girl); the son of this woman and the bear has remarkably great strength — 57.

    4. A mosquito learns that man's blood is the most delicious. When the mosquito is making an attempt to inform a snake of it, a swallow tears off a part of the mosquito's sting; the snake bites through the swallow's tail — that is why its tail is cloven —62.

    5. A cuckoo-girl (woman) turned into a bird —60, 61.

    6. A cuckoo's flowers are the flowers that grew from the blood of a batyr* Cackook by name, who had died on a battle-field — 60.

    7. Cranes' song is the premonition of a trouble — BFA: 111.

    8. The origin of a tune related to cranes' singing —BFA: 111.

    9. The child left on a battle-field was reared by a crow—BFA: 112.

    10. The origin of a tune in honour of the child reared by a crow — BFA: 112.

    11. The origin of kurai*, a cane pipe, goes back to the event when the plant kurai responded to the words about the two-horned Khan, uttered by ayeget* —55.


    1. A wolf became a beast of prey because he misheard something when people and animals were deciding what food they will it eat —58.

    2. Prophet Nulch, unwilling to wake a cat, which was sleeping on his lap, cut off the hem of his gown, before standing up. Hence is the belief: a cat is a holy animal, one can't abuse it— 59.

    Motifs of Legends and Folk-Tales about

    the Origin of Tribes and Kins

    1. Bashkorts are descendants of the kin of Alyps (giants) — 63.

    2. Seven glades, formed of seven Alyp's steps are camps of seven Bashkort kins — 63.

    3. The origin of the ethnonym «Bashkort» is related to a totem animal (wolf): «bash» (head-chief) and «lcort» (wolf), i. e. «the chief wolf» — 64, 65,


    1. The origin of the ethnonym «Bashkort» from «kor bashy» which in this case means «the chief of the kin» — 67.

    2. The origin of the ethnonym «mishar» from «myshar» (rowan-tree), i. e. the tree of the Bashkort tribe of the Usergens — 85.

    3. The wolf is a leader. The place where a wolf stopped or disappeared became the place of the Bashkorts' habitation — 64, 65, 70, 71.

    4. The place which was to the lost horses' liking became the area of habitation of a kin subdivision of the Bashkorts — 72, 88.

    5. Korkut-ata is the leader of the Bashkorts' ancestors — 68.

    6. A she-wolf, a bear, a stallion, a swan are forefathers — 69, 74, 75, 82.

    7. A shaitan*, a shurale (wood-goblin) are forefathers —76, 77, 78; BFA:


    1. The origin and names of the kin is related to a mythical master of the Earth —79.

    2. The origin of the tribe is related to a character's marriage to a khan's daughter, who got pregnant of sunrays — 86.

    3. The origin of a kin (a kin subdivision) name is related to the name(s) of the first settler(s) — 80, 81; BFA: 201.

    4. The origin of a kin (a kin subdivision) name is explained by the character of the first settlers' activities —63; BFA: 176.

    5. The origin of a kin name is related to the social position of its founder—73.

    6. The origin of a kin subdivision is related to assimilation of representatives of other nations with the Bashkorts — 85, 91, 92;

    7. The origin of a kin subdivision is related to a remote event, happening in the past —87; BFA: 141, 149.

    8. The origin of a kin (a kin subdivision) name is explained by words, a phrase uttered long ago — 84, 91; BFA: 201.


    1. The histoiy of settlement of Bashkort kins (kin subdivisions) — 83, 87, 89, 90; BFA: 139, 141.

    2. Tsar Ivan the Terrible dispenses charters to land ownership among envoys of Bashkort kins— 89, 90; BFA: 139, 151.

    3. Family register (pedigree) of the Bashkort tribe of the Kypsaks —BFA:


    Adjacent Motifs of Ethnogenetic Tales

    1. A deer is overridden out by a hairy old woman, the mistress of the locality —79.

    2. A male character of the story beats a magical old woman (a witch); the latter turns into a beauty, whom he marries — 79.

    3. A hero sets free the Sun which was stolen and hidden by an old woman- ubyr (or azhdaha-dragon) in a cave; he carries it on a deer's horns to the other bank of the river, where the old woman-ubyr loses its magical powers — 80.

    4. The origin of a place name is explained by the number of brothers who first settled in this area—76, 93.

    5. The origin of the mound name is explained by a stoiy about the contest between a queen-maiden (kyz-batsha) and a king-boy (yeget-batsha) — 72.

    6. The origin of a place name is related to the name of a legendary batyr* or a saint buried in that area —BFA: 144.

    Folk-Tales and Legends about the Origin of Villages

    1. Villages got their names after their founders and the first settlers — BFA: 153-156, 168, 173, 176, 178-180, 182, 218, 231, 234.

    2. A village name is motivated by the number of sons of the ancestor —


    1. A village name is related to the tribal or kin appurtenance of the first settlers —BFA: 162, 174, 177.

    2. A village name is motivated by names of peoples inhabiting it—BFA: 164-166.

    3. A village name is related to a special kind of stone nearby —95.

    4. The origin of a village name is motivated by some specific building (a fortress) nearby — BFA: 170.

    5. Villages got their names after first settlers + a place name—BFA: 172.

    6. Villages got their names in the honour of S. Yulayev, Ye. Pugachev's fellow-fighter —

    7. The place name is related to the custom of giving children some special name — 97.

    8. The origin of a village name is motivated by some social event—BFA: 157,184-186.


    1. Village names originate from some words uttered some time ago —94, 96; BFA: 159, 175, 181, 183.

    Motifs of Historical Folk-Tales

    The Middle Ages (before XVIII cent.)

    1. Embracing of Islam by ancient Bashkorts — 98.

    2. Interethnic strife. The bloody vengeance — karymta. Feudal plundering raids (barymta) — 99, 106-109; BFA: 206, 208-211, 213, 329.

    3. The fellow-fighters of a hero, killed in a battle, make a mound of soil brought from afar, from their native place, for this purpose — 106.

    4. The Mongol invasion. The enemy troops kill the peaceful population, capture women. Batyrs* stir the people to fight — 99—102; BFA: 192.

    5. Paying tribute to Jenghiz-khan —102, 103.

    6. The charters to land ownership granted to biys* by Jenghiz-khan —


    1. Akhak Timer (Tamerlan) sends his men in the guise of paupers to town (to mix with people) in order to learn the reason of his failures — 104.

    2. Thartay kin perishes in the unequal fight with Tamerlan— 106.

    3. Forty Nogai batyrs* fight against the army of Kalmyks, having invaded the country — BFA: 198, 199.

    4. Place names related to names of Nogai batyrs* —BFA: 198.

    5. Koblandy-batyr takes the upper hand of Kazan-Khan —BFA: 200.

    6. A woman as an army leader — BFA: 196.

    7. Sura-batyr renders help to Russian troops besieging Kazan- BFA: 202.

    8. Ivan the Terrible conquers Kazan —BFA: 202, 217.

    9. The free-willed joining of Bashkiria to Moscow state. Issuing of charters to land ownership by «the white Tsar» to representatives of Bashkort tribes and kins —BFA: 216, 218.

    10. Bashkort envoys at Tsar Ivan the Terrible's. Stealing of Tsar's spoon by one of them —BFA: 215.

    11. The end ofNogai khans' rule —BFA: 303

    12. Baptizing of Muslems-Nogaibaks by Ivan the Terrible —BFA: 220.

    13. The Bashkorts preferred death to changing their religion—119, 120.

    The First Half of the XVII-th century.

    Events before the Peasant Uprising of 1773—1775

    1. The upgrowth of rebel spirit in Bashkort national environment— 113; BFA: 243,244, 261,341,342.

    2. The leaders of Bashkort uprisings of the I-st half of the XVIII-th century: Akai-batyr, Karahakal, Batyrsha—113, 114; BFA: 243.


    1. Appropriation by merchants-factory-owners of Bashkort lands. Selling of plots of land the size «of a bull's hide» — 111, 115; BFA: 170, 171, 227, 229, 244, 357.

    2. Selling of lands by Bashkorts to merchants- factory-owners for a song; forging of documents certifying the right to ownership of land by merchants — BFA: 226, 341, 343.

    3. The death of a greedy merchant, who tried to ran around as much land as possible from dawn to dusk in order to come into its possession-110; BFA: 224.

    4. Merchants come into possession of Bashkorts' furs by fraud — BFA:223.

    5. The disappearance of a magical belt where were embroidered places of the Urals mineral resources — BFA: 222.

    6. Building of factories, fortresses on the Bashkort land — 112; BFA: 227, 261.

    7. A skirmish of local Bashkort population with Cossacks in the southeast of Bashkiria (in the beginning of the XVIII cent.)—112.

    8. The Tsarist government forbid Bashkorts to have smithies — BFA:


    1. The chief

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