О. В. Фёдорова е. В. Мезина е. В. Хамис английский язык в сфере информационных технологий и коммуникаций учебное пособие

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ПОСОБИЕ ИИТиК Федорова,Мезина, Хамис 2014

Multi-Partite Viruses

Multi-partite viruses are a combination of the viruses listed above.They will infect both files and MBRs or both files and boot sectors. These types of viruses are currently rare, but the number of cases is growing steadily.

Macro Viruses

Until recently, the macro languages included with most applications were not powerful or robust enough to support writing an effective virus. However, many of the more advanced applications that are being developed today include built-in programming capabilities that rival some of the larger development packages. This has recently been demonstrated by the various strains of Microsoft Word viruses, including the so-called Word Concept and Word Nuclear viruses. These viruses transport themselves through Microsoft Word documents. When opened in Word, they perform various actions, including spreading themselves into the user's installation of Word, thus preparing to infect all future documents on the system. An additional concern is that macro viruses can be cross-platform. The Word Concept virus has the claim to fame of being the first prominent cross- platform virus, because it can infect both Windows and Macintosh systems. Because most application macro languages support passing execution to an external shell, such as COMMAND.COM or CMD.EXE, the power of the macro virus is not limited to the constraints of the macro language itself.

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