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+ addition, plus, positive – знак сложения или положи­тельной величины

— subtraction, minus, negative – знак вычитания или отрицательной величины

± plus or minus – плюс минус

Х или · multiplication sign, multiplied bу – знак умножения, ум­ноженный

на …

÷ или / division, divided bу – знак деления, деленный на ...

а/b а divided bу b а деленное на b

: dividied bу, ratio sign – делённое; знак отношения

:: equals; as – знак пропорции

< less than – менее

≮ not less than – не менее

> greater than – более

≯ not greater than – не более

≈ аррrохimаtеlу equal – приблизительно равно

∽ similar to – подобный

= equals – равно

≠ not equal to – не равно


= approaches – достигает значения

~ difference – разность

∞ infinity – бесконечность

∴ therеfоre – следовательно

∵ since, because – так как

√ square rооt – квадратный корень

³√ сubе root – кубичный корень

ⁿ√ nth гооt – корень п-й степенн

≤ equal to or less than – меньше или равно

≥ equal to ог grеаtег than – больше или равно

аⁿ the nth power of а а в n-й степени

а1 а sub 1 – а первое

аn а sub n а n

∟ angle – угол

ᅩ perрendicular to – перпендикулярно к

|| parallel to – параллельно

log или log10 соmmоn logarithm, оr Вriggsiаn logarithm десятичный логарифм

loge или 1n natural lоgаrithm, оr hyperbolic logarithm, оr Naperian logarithm – натуральный логарифм

е base (2.718) of natual systems of logагithms – основание натуральных логарифмов

sin sinе – синус (sin)

cos cosine – косинус (cos)

tan tangent – тангенс (tg)

ctn или cot cotangent – котангенс (ctg

sec secant – секанс (sec)

csc cosecant – косеканс (cosec)

vers vеrsinе, versed sine – синус-верзус

covers coversine, coversed sine – косинус-верзус

sin ־¹ antisine – арксинус (arcsin)

cos־¹ anticosine – арккосинус (arccos)

sinh hyperboliс sine – синус гиперболический (sh)

cosh hyperbolic cosine – косинус гиперболический (сh)

tanh hyperbolic tangent – тангенс гиперболический (th)

f(x) или (x) function of х функция от х

f' f primed – производная

х increment of х приращение х

∑ summatiоn of – знак суммирования

∫ integral of – интеграл от


∫ integral between the limits а and b – интеграл в пре­делах от а до b b

○ или ⊙ circ1e; сirсumfеrеnсе – круг; окружность

(),[],{} рагеnthеsеs, bгасkеts, and braces – круглые, квадратные и фиrурные скобки


AB length of 1iпe from А to В длина отрезка АВ
μ micron = 0,001 mm – микрон (10־³ мм)

millimiсrоn = 0,001μ – миллимикрон (10־ см)
º degree – градус

´ minute – минута

´´ second – секунда

1. № (номер), если знак предшествует числу; 2. англ. фунт, если знак поставлен после числа

⍧ centre line – центральная линия, линия центров

1st first – первый

2nd second – второй

3rd third – третий

4th fоurth – четвертый (все однозначные порядковые от 4

до 9 имеют окончание th)

5' 1. пять футов; 2. угол в 5 мин

9" 1. девять дюймов; 2. угол в 9 сек

.5 (англичане и американцы иногда не пишут нуль uелых)

1.5 (англичане и американцы отделяют знаки десятичных дробей не запятой, а точкой, ставя ее вверху, в середине или внизу строки)

7,568 = 7568; 1,000,000= 10 (англичане и американцы в многозначных числах отделяют каждые три цифры ­запятой)

.0103 = 00000103 = 0,00000103 (англичане и американцы иногда записывают, таким образом, для краткости малые дроби, впрочем, в большинстве случаев они пользуются общепринятой записью 10З x 10־⁵ )

2/0, 3/0 и т. д. означают номера размеров проводов 00, 000 и т.д, согласно британскому стандартному калибру проводов (SWG)


  1. х > у «х is greater than у»

  2. х < у «х is less than у»

  3. х = 0 «х is equal to zero»

  4. ху «х is equal оr less than у»

  5. х < у < z «у is greater than х but less than z»

  6. xv «х times or х multiplied by y»

  7. а + b «а рlus b»

  8. 7 + 5 = 12 «seven plus five equals twelve; seven plus five is equal to twelve; seven and five is (аrе) twelve; seven added to five makes twelve»

  9. а – b «а minus b»

  10. 7 – 5 = 2 «seven minus five equals two; five from seven leaves two; difference between five and seven is two; seven minus five is equal to two»

  11. а x b «а multiplied bу b»

  12. 5 x 2 = 10 «five multiplied by two is equal to ten; five multiplied by two equals ten; five times two is ten»

  13. а : b «а divided bу b»

  14. a/b «a over b, оr а divided bу b»

  15. 10 : 2 =5 «ten divided by two is equal to five; ten divided by two equals five»

  16. а = b «а equals b, оr а is equal to b»

  17. b ≠ 0 «b is not equal to 0»

  18. т : аb «т divided bу а multiplied bу b»

  19. ах «The square root of ах»

  20. ½ «one second»

  21. ¼ «one quarter»

  22. -7/5 «minus seven fifth»

  23. a «а fourth, а fоurth роwеr оr а exponent 4»

  24. а«а nth, а nth power, or а exponent n»

  25. π

e «e to the power π »

  1. ⁿ√b «The nth root of b»

  2. ³√8 «The cube root of eight is two»

  3. Log ₁₀ 3 «Logarithm of three to the base of ten»

  4. 2 : 50 = 4 : x «two is to fifty as four is to x»

  5. 4! «factorial 4»

  6. (а + b)² = а² + 2аb + b² «The square of the sum of two numbers is equal to the square оf the first number, plus twice the product оf the first and second, plus the square of the seсоnd»

  7. (a-b)² =a² - 2ab+ b² «The squаrе of the diffеrеnсе of two numbers is equal to the square оf the first number minus twice the product of the first and second, plus the square of the second»

  8. х «Increment of х»

  9. х →0 «delta x tends to zero»

  10. ∑ «Summation of ...»

  11. dx «Differential of х»

  12. dy/dx «Derivative of у with respect to х»

  13. d²y/dx² «Seсond derivative of у with respect to х»

  14. dⁿy/dxⁿ «nth derivative of у with respect to х»

  15. dy/dx «Partial derivative of у with respect to х»

  16. dⁿy/dxⁿ «nth partial derivative of у with respect to х»

  17. ∫ «Integral of ...»


  1. ∫ «Integral between the limits а and b»


  1. ⁵√dⁿ «The fifth root of d to the nth power»

  2. a+b/ a – b «The square root of а plus b over а minus b»

  3. а³ = logсd «а cubed is equаl to the logarithm of d to the base с»


  1. f[S, φ(S)] ds «The integral of f of S and φ of S, with respect to S from τ τ to t»


  1. —— + (l + b (S))y = 0 «The second dеrivаtivе of у with respect to s,


plus у times thе quantity l plus b of s, is equal to zеrо»


  1. Х a-ь =e «Х sub а minus b is equal to e to the power t times l»

  2. f (z) = Kаb «f of z is equal to К sub аb»


  1. ——— = 0 «The second partial (derivative) of и with rе­spect to t is


equal to zero»




  1. algebra is the science which deals with quantities.
    These quantities may be represented either by figures or by letters. Arithmetic also deals with quantities, but in Arithmetic the quantities are always represented by figures. Arithmetic therefore may be considered as a branch of Algebra.

  1. In Algebra it is allowable to assign any values to the letters used; in Arithmetic the figures must have definite values. We are therefore able to state and prove theorems in Algebra as being true, universally, for all values; whereas in Arithmetic only each particular sum is or is not correct. Instances of this will frequently occur to the student of Algebra, as he advances in the subject.

  1. This connection of Arithmetic and Algebra the student
    should recognize from the first. He may expect to find
    the rules of Arithmetic included in the rules of Algebra.
    Whenever he is in a difficulty in an algebraical question,
    he will find it useful to take a similar question in Arith­metic with simple figures, and the solution of this simple sum in Arithmetic will often help him to solve correctly his algebraical question.

  1. All the signs of operation used in Arithmetic are used in Algebra with the same significations, and all the rules for arithmetical operations are found among the
    rules for elementary Algebra. Elementary Algebra, how­ ever, enables the student to solve readily and quickly many problems which would be either difficult or impos­sible in Arithmetic.

5. Signs and abbreviations. — The following signs and abbreviations are used in Algebra :—

+ plus, the sign of addition.

minus, the sign of subtraction.

× into, or multiplied by, the sign of multiplication.

÷ by, or divided by, the sign of division.

~ the sign of difference ; thus, a~6 means the differ­ence between a and b, whichever is the larger.

= is, or are, equal to.

.•. therefore.
6. The sign of multiplication is often expressed by a dot placed between the two quantities which are to be multiplied together.

Thus, 2.3 means 2×3; and a. b means a × b.

This dot should be placed low down, in order to dis­tinguish it from the decimal point in numbers. Thus 3.4 means 3×4; but 3·4 means 3 decimal point 4, that is 3 + ·4.

More often between letters, or between a number and a letter, no sign of multiplication is placed.

Thus 3a means 3 × a; and bcd means b × c × d.

  1. The operation of division is often expressed by writing the dividend over the divisor, and separating them by a line.


Thus — means a ÷ b. For convenience in printing this line is sometimes

b a

written in a slanting direction between the terms ; thus a/b = —.


The words sum, difference, multiplier, multiplicand, pro­duct, divisor, dividend, and quotient are used in Algebra with the same meanings as in Arithmetic.

8. Expressions and terms. — Quantities in Algebra are represented by figures and by letters. The letters may have any values attached to them, provided the same letter always has the same value in the same question.

The letters at the beginning of the alphabet are generally used to denote known quantities, and the letters at the end of the alphabet are used to denote quantities whose values are unknown. For example, in the expression ax + by — c, it is generally considered that a, b, and c denote known values, but x and y denote unknown values.

An algebraical expression is a collection of one or more signs, figures, and letters, which are used to denote one quantity.

Terms are parts of an expression which are connected by the signs + or —.

A simple expression consists of only one term.

A compound expression consists of two or more terms.

Thus a, bc, and 3d are simple expressions; and x + 3yz — 2xy is a compound expression denoting one quan­tity ; and x, 3yz, and 2xy are terms of the expression.

A binomial expression is a compound expression con­sisting of only two terms; e.g., a+b is a binomial expression.

A trinomial expression is a compound expression con­sisting of only three terms; e.g., a — b + c is a trinomial expression.

A multinomial expression is a compound expression consisting of more than three terms.

Positive terms are terms which are preceded by the sign +.

Negative terms are terms which are preceded by the sign −.

When a term is preceded by no sign, the sign + is to be understood. The first term in an expression is gener­ally positive, and therefore has no sign written before it.

Thus, in a + 2b — 3c, a and 2b are positive terms, and 3c is a negative term.

Like terms are those which consist of the same letter or the same combination of letters. Thus, a, 3a, and 5a are like terms; bc, 2bc, and 6bc are like terms ; but ab and ac are unlike terms.
9. The way in which the signs of multiplication and division are abbreviated or even omitted in Algebra will serve to remind the student of the important rule in

Arithmetic that the operations of multiplication and division are to be performed before operations of addition and subtraction.

For example — 2 × 3 + 4 ÷ 2 — 5 = 6 + 2 — 5 = 3.

A similar sum in Algebra would be

ab + e.

From the way in which this is written, the student would expect that he must multiply a by b, and divide c by d, before performing the operations of addition and subtraction.

10. Index, Power, Exponent.—When several like terms have to be multiplied together, it is usual to write the term only once, and to indicate the number of terms that have to be multiplied together by a small figure or letter placed at the right-hand top corner of the term.


means a.a, or a × a.

a3 means a.a. a, or a×a×a.

a4 means a.a.a.a, or a× a× a × a.

a2 is read a square; a3 is read a cube ; a4 is read a to the fourth power, or, more briefly, a to the fourth; a7 is read a to the seventh power, or a to the seventh; and so on.

Similarly, (3a)4 = 3a × 3a × 3a × 3a= 81a4; and ab means that b a's are to be multiplied together.

11. Instead of having several like terms to multiply together, we may have a number of like expressions to multiply together. Thus, (b + c)3 means that b + c is to be multiplied by b + (b + c). This will be explained more fully when the use of brackets has been c, and the product multiplied again by b+c; i.e., (b + c)3 = (b + c) × (b + c) × explained.
12. The small figure or letter placed at the right-hand top corner of a quantity to indicate how many of the quantities are to be multiplied together is called an index, or exponent. This index or exponent, instead of being a number or letter, may also be a compound expression, or, in fact, any quantity; but we, at first, restricts ourselves to positive integral indices. We say, therefore, that an index or exponent is an integral quantity, usually expressed in small characters, and placed at the right-hand top corner of another quantity, to express how many of this latter quantity are to be multiplied together. A power is a product obtained by multiplying some quantity by itself a certain number of times.
13. Notice carefully that an index or an exponent ex­presses how many of a given quantity are to be multi­plied together. For example, a5 means that five a's are to be multiplied together. In other words, the index expresses how many factors are to be used. The index, if a whole number, is always greater by one than the number of times that the given quantity has to be multi­plied by itself. For example, the 5 in a5 expresses the fact that five factors, each equal to a, are to be multiplied together; or, in other words, that a is to be multiplied by itself four times. Thus, a5 = a × a × a ×a × a. This fact is often overlooked by beginners.
14. Factor, Coefficient, Co-Factor. — A term or expression may consist of a number of symbols, either numbers or letters, which are multiplied together. For example, the term 15a2bc consists of the numbers 3 and 5 and the letters a, a, b, c all multiplied together.

A factor (Lat. facere, to make) of an expression is a quantity which, when multiplied by another quantity, makes, or produces, the given expression. In the above example 3, 5, a, b, c, and also 15, ab, ac, &c., are all factors of 15a2bc. For we may consider that

15a2bc = 3 × 5 a × a × b × c;

or that 15a2bc = 15 × ab × ac;

or that 15a2bc = 15 × a2 bc;

or that 15a2 bc = ab × 15ac ; &c.

15. It is evident that the term 15a2 bc may be broken up into factors in several ways. Sometimes the factors of a quantity may be broken up again into simpler factors. Thus the factors 15 and a2 bc may be broken up again into 5 and 3 and into ab and ac; and ab and ac may be broken up again into a and b, and into a and c. When a quantity has been broken up into its simplest factors, these factors are called the simple or prime factors of the quantity. In whatever way we begin to break up a given integral quantity into factors, if we continue to break each factor into simpler factors as long as this is possible, we shall always arrive at the same set of simple factors from the same integral quantity. There is therefore only one set of simple or prime factors for the same integral quantity. In the above example the simple factors of 15a2bc are 3, 5, a, a, b, c.
16. When a quantity is broker up into only two factors,
either of these factors may be called the Coefficient or
of the other factor. For example, in 15a2bc we may call 15 the coefficient of a2bc, or 15a2 the coefficient of bc, or 3ab the coefficient of 5ac, &c. It is convenient, however, to use the word coefficient in the sense of numer­ical coefficient, and to speak of 15 as the coefficient of a2 bc in 15a2bc. In this sense the coefficient of a quantity is the numerical factor of the quantity.

  1. In Arithmetic the factors of a whole number or
    integer are always taken to be whole numbers or integers. The factors of a fraction may be either integers or fractions. For example, the factors of 6/5 may be either 3 and 2/5, or 2 and 3/5, or 6 and 1/5; or, again, the factors of 3/4 may be taken as ½ and 2/3, or as 3 and 1/4. In the case of fractions, a fraction can be broken up into different sets of simple factors in an infinite number of

  1. The coefficient of a quantity may be either integral or fractional. Thus in 5/6a2b the coefficient is 5/6. When no coefficient is expressed, the coefficient one is to be understood. Thus ab means once ab, just as in Arithmetic 23 means once 23.

19. Roots. — We have seen that a×a = a2. Here we multiply the quantity a by itself and so get a2. Suppose we reverse this process; that is, we have a quantity given us, and we try to find some quantity which, when multi­plied by itself, will produce the given quantity. For example, what quantity multiplied by itself will give a2? Evidently, a is the required answer. Again, what number multiplied by itself will produce 16? Here 4 is the answer. In these cases we are said to find a root of a2, and of 16.

A root of a given quantity is a quantity which, when multiplied by itself a certain number of times, will produce the given quantity.
20. The square root of a given quantity is that quan­tity which, when two of them are multiplied together, produces the given quantity. Thus, the square root of a2 is a; because two a's multiplied together produce a2. Again, the square root of 16 is 4, because two fours multiplied together produce 16.

The square root of a quantity is indicated by the sign √, which was originally the first letter in the word radix, the Latin for root. Thus, √16 = 4 ; √a2 = a.

  1. The cube root of a given quantity is that quantity which, when three of the latter are multiplied together, produces the given quantity. The cube root of a quantity is indicated by the sign ³√. Thus, ³√64 = 4, because 4 × 4 × 4 = 64. Similarly, ³√a3 = a, because a × a × a= a3.

  1. In like manner 4√, 5√, 6√ &c., are used to indicate the fourth, fifth, sixth, &c.,

roots of a quantity. Thus, √64 = 2, because 2×2×2×2×2×2 = 64. Similarly,
a5 = a; 7 a7 = a ; ³√x3= x ; ³√y3 = y.

  1. With regard to Square and Cube Boot, the student may notice that in Mensuration, if the area of a square is given, the length of each side of the square is expressed by the square root of the quantity expressing the area. For example, a square whose area is 16 square feet has each side 4 feet long. Similarly, a cube whose content is 27 cubic feet has each edge 3 feet long.

24. Brackets. — In Arithmetic each number, as, for example, 13, is thought of as one number. It is true that 13 is equal to the sum of certain other numbers; e.g., 6 + 4 + 3 = 13; but we do not necessarily consider 13 as made up of these numbers, 6, 4, and 3. So also in Algebra each expression must be considered as expressing one quantity, e.g., a + bc represents the one quantity which is obtained by adding 5 to a and then subtracting c from the sum of a and b.

So also each of the expressions in Exercises I a and I b represents one quantity. The answer to each of these examples is the numerical value of the example when the letters a, b, c, d, e, and f have the numerical values mentioned.
25. When an expression is made up of terms containing
the signs +, —, ×, and ÷, either expressed or under­stood, we know from Arithmetic that the operations of multiplication and division are considered as indicating a closer relation than the operations of addition and sub­traction. The operations of multiplication and division must be performed first, before the operations of addition and subtraction. For example,

3 + 8 ÷ 2 — 2×3 = 3 + 4—6 = 1.

Exactly the same rule applies in Algebra. For example, consider the expression a + bc d÷ e + f. Here we must first multiply b by c, and divide d by e. Then we add the product to a, then subtract the quotient, and finally add f to get the result.
26. Frequently, however, it is necessary to break this rule about the order of operations, and we may wish some part of an expression to be considered as forming but one term. This is indicated by placing in brackets that part which is to be considered as one term.

For example, in Arithmetic, (3 + 7) × 2 = 10 × 2 = 20. Here we treat 3 + 7 as one term, and therefore we place it in brackets. If we leave out the brackets,

3 + 7×2 = 3 + 14 = 17. Exactly the same thing is done in Algebra. For example, (a + b) ×c means that the sum of a and b is to be multiplied by c; whereas a+b×c means that first of all b is to be multiplied by c, and then the product is to be added to a.
27. Negative quantities. — In Arithmetic, in questions
involving subtraction, we are always asked to take a smaller quantity from a larger quantity. For example, if we have to find the difference between 5 and 7, we say 7—5 = 2. But suppose we are asked to subtract 7 from 5.
Arithmetically this is impossible. In Algebra such a question is allowable. We say that 5 — 7 = 5—5—2 = —2, and we arrive at a negative answer, namely —2. In Algebra, therefore, we may either subtract 5 from 7, or 7 from 5; and we consider it correct to write a — 5, whether a is larger or smaller than b.
28. Instead of considering abstract numbers like 5 and 7, let us suppose that we have to deal with concrete quan­tities such as £5 and £7. Suppose a tradesman made a profit of £5 one day, and then lost £7 the next day. How should we express his total profit? We should say £5 —£7 = —£2; his profits on the two days amounted to —£2; or, in other words, he lost +£2. It appears then that the negative result of —£2 profit can be ex­pressed as a positive result of + £2 loss.
29. Again, suppose a ship sails 5 miles towards a harbour, and then is carried back by wind and tide 7 miles away from the harbour. We might say that the ship has advanced (5 — 7) miles, or —2 miles towards the harbour;
or that the ship has retired + 2 miles from the harbour.

30. In both these examples a negative answer can be expressed as a positive answer by altering the form of the answer. This can always be done with concrete quantities, and, in Arithmetic, whenever we arrive at a negative result, we transpose the form of the answer and express the result as a positive answer. In Algebra, however, it is convenient to leave a negative result and even to speak of a negative quantity without expressing any positive quantity. Thus we speak of —a, or of —3b, &c., as well as of +a or of +3b, &c.

31. The signs, therefore, + and — are used to dis­tinguish quantities of opposite kinds. Every term in an algebraical expression and also every factor in every term must be thought of as being preceded by either + or —. If no sign is expressed, the sign + is understood. This use of the signs + and — is so constant and so important that + and — are often spoken of as the signs in an expression, and to change the signs in an expression means to change all + signs to —, and all — signs to +. For example, a + b—c is the same expression as -a—b+c with the signs changed.

This use of + and — before each term must not be confused with the use of the same signs to mark operations of addition and subtraction.

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