Плодородие почв
Почвоведение и агрохимия, №4, 2020
issues of improving saline soils in the sasa
belt of the Ili Alatau foothill plain require
further development and generation of
practical experience in its implementation.
Experimental studies were carried
out at the Teskensu (Kaz.Teskensu) village
(43°32' N, 77°51' E) of the Almaty region of
Kazakhstan (Figure 1).
The study area is situated between
601 m elevation from sea level.
Figure 1 - Location map of the study area
The climate type of study area is
“Continental Climate” which can be de-
scribed as low humidity, plenty of sunlight,
a short but rather cold winter. The average
annual air temperature is 12.3 °C, total
rainfall is 275.7 mm. The average long-
term sum of precipitation for a period with
temperature above 10 °С is 198-245 mm [5].
The field experiment
Between 1985 and 1989, the field
experiment established by S. Kaldybayev to
ameliorate with alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)
cultivation soils in some parts of meadow
Solonchaks[5-6] (Beketova et al., 2017;
Yerteyeva et al., 2018). From 1989 until
2017, alternating leguminous plants
(especially leguminous vegetable and
alfaalfa) were grown integrated production
without other amelioration methods in bio
-ameliorated meadow Solonchaks. Other
parts in meadow Solonchak is virgin land.
In the key areas (under the alfalfa
sowing and in the control plot for deter-
mining the Seasonal Accumulation of Salts
(SAS) at a 200 m interdrain area) soil sam-
ples were taken every 20 cm to a depth of 1
m and the following was performed and
1 The aqueous extract analysis -by
the K.Gedroits method [7].
2 Granulometric composition - by
pipetting method [7].
3 СО
-carbonates -by volumetric
method [7].
4 Total absorbed bases – by P. Graba-
rov method [8].
5 Totalnitrogen - byKjeldahl [8].
6 Gross phosphorus - by K. Ginzburg,
G. Shchegolova[8].
7 Hydrolyzed nitrogen - by
I. Turin [7].
8 Nitrates in aqueous extract from
fresh soil samples -by Grandval-Liazhu and
by ion-selective method [8].
9 Labile phosphorus and exchange
potassium -by B. Machigin in the modifica-
tion of B. Grabarov [8].
10 Bulk weight -by using cutting cyl-
inder [7].
11 Specific weight -by V. Faintsim-
mer (for saline potting soils) [7].
12 Total porosity -by calculating bulk
and specific weight data [7].
13 Minimumwatercapacity [7].
14 Water permeability -by flooding
the natural soil using cutting cylinders [7].
15 The degree and types of soil sali-
nization -by anionic and cationic composi-
tion [7].