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To visualize some physical processes, cryomicroscopy was performed. Briefly, the cryomicroscopy system consisted of a microscope (MEIJU Techno microscope, Japane). A specially designed polyethylene terephthalate chamber with an internal volume of 10 ml was installed on the working stage of the microscope. Сell containing or cell-free sample aliquots of 5 μl were pipetted on a quartz glass (glass thickness 0.15 mm), covered with a cover glass and placed in the chamber. Samples were incubated at 20 C for 3 min and cooled with a ramp of 1 С/min down to -50 C by nitrogen-air mixture. After holding at -50 C for 1 min the supply of the nitrogen-air mixture was turned off and the samples were passively warmed at a room temperature of 20°C.
The experimental set-up is shown schematically in Fig. XXX. The sample temperature was controlled using a resistance temperature detector (RTD) (ТЕМ-006-05, LLC “SENSOR ENTERPRISE “ZAVOD RAPID”, Ukraine) via RTD converter (MAX31865, Adafruit, USA) for PT100 and PT1000 thermistors, reprogrammed and modified to allow working with cupper RTD, to the temperature-control system based on Arduino boards (Arduino Uno Rev3 controller (ATmega16U2), China). Sketch for the operation of the microcontroller was made with Arduino IDE for Windows (Arduino Software, лицензия LGPL или GPL — лицензия на свободное программное обеспечение(Поэтому страну указать проблематично, так как ее делают все кому не лень с разных стран, как Линукс)). We also tested a K-type copper-constantan (Adafruit, USA) that was connected via digital thermocouple amplifier MAX31855 as described in [Prokopiuk V.Yu., Rozanov L.F., Prokopiuk S.V., Safonov R.A., Lazurenko V.V. Simple, easily modifiable 3D printable device for cryomicroscopy. Cryobiology 2020; V. 97 (December), Page 303 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cryobiol.2020.10.206 ]. The temperature detectors were positioned and in contact with the quartz glass. We used two detectors to double-check the correctness of the temperature changes and the overall performance of the setup. The system controlled voltage transferred to the heating spiral located in the liquid nitrogen storage container. The nitrogen vapor, thus obtained, entered the polyethylene terephthalate chamber and change the sample temperature depending on the programmed modes. The use of the similar type low-costing approaches is shown for various experimental tasks [Colville MJ, Park S, Zipfel WR, Paszek MJ. High-speed device synchronization in optical microscopy with an open-source hardware control platform. Sci Rep. 2019 Aug 21;9(1):12188. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-48455-z. PMID: 31434941; PMCID: PMC6704125.; Gualda EJ, Pereira H, Vale T, Estrada MF, Brito C, Moreno N. SPIM-fluid: open source light-sheet based platform for high-throughput imaging. Biomed Opt Express. 2015 Oct 19;6(11):4447-56. doi: 10.1364/BOE.6.004447. PMID: 26601007; PMCID: PMC4646551.; Teikari P, Najjar RP, Malkki H, Knoblauch K, Dumortier D, Gronfier C, Cooper HM. An inexpensive Arduino-based LED stimulator system for vision research. J Neurosci Methods. 2012 Nov 15;211(2):227-36. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2012.09.012. Epub 2012 Sep 21. PMID: 23000405.; Artoni P, Landi S, Sato SS, Luin S, Ratto GM. Arduino Due based tool to facilitate in vivo two-photon excitation microscopy. Biomed Opt Express. 2016 Mar 30;7(4):1604-13. doi: 10.1364/BOE.7.001604. PMID: 27446677; PMCID: PMC4933559.] and can be utilized by low-budget laboratories [Chen KL, Ven TN, Crane MM, Chen DE, Feng YC, Suzuki N, Russell AE, de Moraes D, Kaeberlein M. An inexpensive microscopy system for microfluidic studies in budding yeast. Transl Med Aging. 2019;3:52-56. doi: 10.1016/j.tma.2019.05.001. Epub 2019 Jun 7. PMID: 31511839; PMCID: PMC6738973.].
It was experimentally shown that under the used rates of cooling/warming the temperature lag between measured temperature and the temperature of distilled water melting came to 0.1-0.2 C. A camera (5PM USB Camera Electronic Digital Eyepiece Microscope, China) was attached to the optical output of the microscope. The camera was connected with a laptop which allowed direct visual observation and recording of the cooling/warming experiments.

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