Вероятностная, or rather a set of interrelated probabilistic systems

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2-лекция c транскрип

1. What is lexico-semantic system?
2. How many words are there in Modern English nowadays?
3. What is active vocabulary?
4. What is passive vocabulary?
5. What is basic word stock?
6. What does the term “archaism” mean? Give some examples of archaic words.
7.What does the term “neologism” mean? Give some examples of new words.

Test 2
1. Lexico-semantic system is:
a) a combination of interdependent elements.
b) a type of classification of English vocabulary.
c) a combination of changing elements.
d) a stock of borrowings.

2. Nowadays in English there are:

a) 470 000 words.
b) 500 000 words.
c) 350 000 words.
d) 450 000 words.

3. The basic word-stock includes:

a) nouns.
b) adjectives.
c) different parts of speech.
d) phraseological units.

4. Archaisms are words which:

a) ousted some new words.
b) are no longer used in everyday speech.
c) are used to express unimportance.
d) are used instead of new meanings.

5. “A proper neologism” is:

a) an old lexical unit for denoting a new object or phenomenon.
b) a lexical unit existing in the language and changing its meaning.
c) a new lexical unit that develops in the language.
d) a new lexical unit for denoting a new object or phenomenon.

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