Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University BULLETIN Series «Historical and socio-political sciences» №1(72), 2022 Periodic – 4 issues\year
Published since 2000
Editor-in-chief: doctor of historical sciences G.K. KENZHEBAYEV Editorial staff: Koigeldiyev M.K.doctor of historical sciences, professor (editorial-in-chief’s assistant),
Ospanova R.R.candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, Dalaeva T.T.candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, (responsible secretary),
Abzhanov Kh.M. doctor of historical sciences, professor, Zhumagulov B.S. candidate of historical sciences, professor, Virginia Martin.professor, PhD (USA), Claudia Chang professor, PhD (USA), Kara Abdiyakapdoctor of historical sciences, professor (Turkey),
Osmonov O.D.doctor of historical sciences, professor (Kirgistan),
Kozmenko B.M.doctor of historical sciences, professor (Russian
Zhumagulov K.T.doctor of historical sciences, professor, Mayer M.doctor of historical sciences, professor (Germany),
Sokolov A.B.doctor of historical sciences, professor (Russian
Tomokhiko Uyamadoctor of historical sciences (Japan),
Khodjaogly T.doctor of historical sciences, professor (Turkey)
Karasayev G.M.doctor of historical
sciences, professor Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, 2022 Registered in the Ministry of culture and
information of the Republic of
Kazakhstan, May, 8, 2009 №10102-ZH
Signed for print 12.04.2022
Format 60х84
Volume 32,5 уч.-изд.л.
Issue 300. order 564.
050010, Almaty
Abai KazNPU, 13 Dostyk av.
«Ulagat» publishing house
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical
Ермекбаева А.Ш. Қазақстан Республикасы Мемлекеттік
Орталық музейі қорындағы Орталық Азия түркі халық-
тарының тарихы мен мәдениетіне қатысты этнографиялық
коллекциялар жинағы....................................................................
Yermekbayevа A. Collections on the history and culture of the
turkic Peoples of Central Asia in the funds Central state museum
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Аlpysbayeva N., Joldybayeva U. Documentary materials of
the Foundation of the Council of People’s Commissars of
KazASSR as a historical source...............................................
Алпысбаева Н., Джолдыбаева У.Документальные
материалы фонда Совета народных Комиссаров КазАССР
как исторический источник
Gursoy M. The history of the emergence of the savromato-
sarmatian tribes based on written and archaeological data.......
Гурсой М. История возникновения племен савромато-
сарматов на основе письменных и археологических данных
Дүйсен С., Әдиет Қ. Қазақстан Республикасының
сыртқы саясаты отандық зерттеушілер еңбектерінде..........
Duisen S., Adiyet K. Foreign policy of the Republic of
Kazakhstan in the works of domestic researchers
Еңсенов Қ.А. Қазақстан тарихының зерттелуі (1991-2020)........
Yensenov K.А.The study of Kazakhstan history of (1991-2020)