Всемирная организация интеллектуальной собственности

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ОРИГИНАЛ: английский

ДАТА: 20 марта 2010 г.




Шестнадцатая сессия
Женева, 3 - 7 мая 2010 г.



Документ подготовлен Секретариатом

1 Этот документ содержит информацию, которую необходимо довести до сведения Межправительственного комитета по интеллектуальной собственности и генетическим ресурсам, традиционным знаниям и фольклору («Комитет») в отношении деятельности Добровольного фонда для аккредитованных коренных и местных общин. Правила изложены в Приложении к документу WO/GA/32/6, который был одобрен Генеральной Ассамблеей на 32-й сессии, проходившей 26 сентября - 5 октября 2005 г.
2 Статья 6(f) правил гласит:
«(f) До начала каждой сессии Комитета для информации участников Генеральный директор представит информационную записку с указанием следующего:
(i) уровня внесенных в Фонд добровольных взносов на дату составления документа,
(ii) личности лиц, вносящих взнос (за исключением случаев, когда отдельные лица специально пожелали остаться анонимными),
(iii) суммы располагаемых ресурсов с учетом выплаченных средств,
(iv) списка лиц, которые получили поддержку из Фонда со времени представления предыдущего информационного меморандума,
(v) лиц, выбранных для получения поддержки из Фонда, но которые сообщили об отказе,
(vi) выделенной каждому бенефициару суммы в виде поддержки, и
(vii) достаточно подробной информации о кандидатах, испрашивающих поддержку на следующую сессию.
Этот документ также будет поименно адресован членам Консультативного совета для рассмотрения и обсуждения».
3 Настоящий документ представляет собой восьмой такой информационный меморандум, как требуется в силу решения Ассамблеи. Информация, которую необходимо довести до сведения участников шестнадцатой сессии Комитета, содержит следующее:

Уровень добровольных взносов, внесенных в Фонд до 15 марта 2010 г., и имена лиц, внесших взнос:

  • 86 092,60 шв. франка (эквивалентно 500 000 шведских крон на дату взноса), зачисленных 7 ноября 2006 г. Шведской международной программой биологического разнообразия (SwedBio/CBM);

  • 31 684 шв. франка (эквивалентно 20 000 евро на дату взноса), зачисленных 20 декабря 2006 г. правительством Франции;

  • 29 992,50 шв. франка (эквивалентно 25 000 долларов США на дату взноса), зачисленных 27 марта 2007 г. Фондом Кристенсена;

  • 150 000 шв. франков, зачисленных 8 июня 2007 г. Швейцарским федеральным институтом интеллектуальной собственности, Берн, Швейцария;

  • 5 965,27 шв. франка (эквивалентно 5 000 долларов США на дату взноса), зачисленных 14 августа 2007 г. министерством науки и технологии, Южная Африка;

  • 100 000 шв. франков, зачисленных 7 февраля 2008 г. Швейцарским федеральным институтом интеллектуальной собственности, Берн, Швейцария.

Общая сумма добровольных взносов, внесенных в Фонд до 15 марта 2010 г.:

501 989,53 шв. франка.
Сумма располагаемых ресурсов:

  • Сумма, располагаемая Фондом на 15 марта 2010 г., включая банковский процент: 169 710,85 шв. франка.

  • Сумма, переданная на основе оценки затрат, произведенной 15 марта 2010 г.: 45 943,80 шв. франка1.

  • Сумма, располагаемая Фондом на 15 марта 2010 г., за вычетом суммы, переданной 15 марта 2010 г.: 123 767,05 шв. франка.

Список лиц, которые получили поддержку из Фонда со времени представления предыдущего информационного меморандума2:
Для их участия в пятнадцатой сессии Комитета:
(ниже следуют имена в английском алфавитном порядке, а также контактные подробности)

Nationality: Australia

Mailing address: Woolloomooloo NSW, Australia

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Arts Law Center of Australia

Seat of the accredited observer: Woolloomooloo NSW, Australia

Mr. Ani CASIMIR Chukwunonyelum Kingston

Nationality: Nigeria

Mailing address: Nsukka (Enugu Enugu), Nigeria

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Centre for Peace Building and Poverty Reduction among Indigenous African


Seat of the accredited observer: Nsukka (Enugu Enugu), Nigeria
Nationality: Saint Lucia
Mailing address: Castries, Saint Lucia
Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:
Indigenous People (Bethechilokono) of Saint Lucia Governing Council (BCG)
Seat of the accredited observer: Castries, Saint Lucia
Mrs. Haman HAJARA

Nationality: Cameroon

Mailing address: Yaounde, Cameroon

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

African Indigenous Women Organization

Seat of the accredited observer: Yaounde, Cameroon

Mr. Preston HARDISON

Nationality: United States of America

Mailing address: Seattle, WA, United of America

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Tulalip Tribes of Washington Governmental Affairs Department

Seat of the accredited observer: Tulalip, WA, United States of America

Mrs. Debra HARRY

Nationality: United States of America

Mailing address: Nixon, NV, United States of America

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Indigenous Peoples Council on Biocolonialism (IPCB)

Seat of the accredited observer: Nixon, NV, United States of America

Mrs. Lucia Fernanda INÁCIO BELFORT

Nationality: Brazil

Mailing address: Brasília, Brazil

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Instituto Indígena Brasilero da propriedade intelectual (INBRAPI)

Seat of the accredited observer: Brasília, Brazil

Mr. Devi Prasad MAZUMDER

Nationality: Bangladesh

Mailing address: Dhaka, Bangladesh

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Organization for Social Action and Development

Seat of the accredited observer: Dhaka, Bangladesh

Mr. Musa Usman NDAMBA
Nationality: Cameroon
Mailing address: Bamenda, Cameroon
Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:
Mbororo Social Cultural Development Association (MBOSCUDA)
Seat of the accredited observer: Bamenda, Cameroon
Mrs. Dora OGBOI

Nationality: Nigeria

Mailing address: Benin City, Nigeria

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

West Africa Coalition for Indigenous Peoples’ Rights (WACIPR)
Seat of the accredited observer: Benin City, Nigeria

Nationality: Russian Federation

Mailing address: Moscow, Russiant Federation

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North (RAIPON)
Seat of the accredited observer: Moscow, Russian Federation

Nationality: Guatemala

Mailing address: Chimaltenango, Guatemala

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Maya To’Onik Association
Seat of the accredited observer: Guatemala City, Guatemala

Nationality: Sudan

Mailing address: Khartoum, Sudan

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

The Sudanese Association for Archiving Knowledge (SUDAAK)

Seat of the accredited observer: Khartoum, Sudan

Applicants chosen to benefit from the Fund for the fifteenth session of the Committee but who withdrew:
Ms. Lindis Janina AREVALO COBOS

Nationality: Peru

Mailing address: Cusco, Peru

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Indigenous Peoples Biodiversity Network

Seat of the accredited observer: Cusco, Peru

Ms. Margaret RAVEN

Nationality: Australia

Mailing address: Nedlands, WA 6009, Australia

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Yamatji Marlpa Barna Baba Maja Aboriginal Corporation

Seat of the accredited observer: Geraldton, Australia


Nationality: Congo

Mailing address: Brazzaville, Congo

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Congolese Association of Young Chefs and Gastrotechnie Consultancy International
Seat of the accredited observer: Brazzaville, Congo
Mr. Teanau TUIONO

Nationality: New Zealand

Mailing address: Palmerston North, New Zealand

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Indigenous ICT Task Force (IITF)
Seat of the accredited observer: Solna, Sweden

For their participation in the sixteenth session of the Committee4:
Mr. Babagana ABUBAKAR

Nationality: Nigeria

Mailing address: Maiduguri (Borno), Nigeria

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Kanuri Development Association

Seat of the accredited observer: Maiduguri (Borno), Nigeria

Nationality: Peru
Mailing address: Tacna, Peru
Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:
Comisión Jurídica para el Autodesarrollo de los Pueblos Originarios Andinos
Seat of the accredited observer: Tacna, Peru
Mr. Ataur Rahman CHOWDURY

Nationality: Bangladesh

Mailing address: Dhaka, Bangladesh

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Organization for Social Action and Development

Seat of the accredited observer: Dhaka, Bangladesh

Mr. Badreldin Omer ELHAGMUSA
Nationality: Sudan
Mailing address: Khartoum, Sudan
Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:
Sudanese Association For Archiving Knowledge (SUDAAK)
Seat of the accredited observer: Khartoum, Sudan

Nationality: Bolivia

Mailing address: La Paz, Bolivia

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Indian Movement Tupaj Amaru

Seat of the accredited observer: Geneva, Switzerland

Ms. Debra HARRY

Nationality: United States of America

Mailing address: Nixon, NV, United States of America

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Indigenous Peoples Council on Biocolonialism (IPCB)

Seat of the accredited observer: Nixon, NV, United States of America

Mrs. Jane Naini MERIWAS
Nationality: Kenya
Mailing address: Nanyuki, Kenya
Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:
Samburu Women for Education and Environment Development Organization
Seat of the accredited observer: Nanyuki, Kenya

Nationality: Nigeria

Mailing address: Benin City, Nigeria

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

West Africa Coalition for Indigenous Peoples’ Rights (WACIPR)
Seat of the accredited observer: Benin City, Nigeria
Nationality: Russian Federation
Mailing address: Tomsk, Russian Federation
Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:
Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North (RAIPON)
Seat of the accredited observer: Moscow, Russian Federation
Ms. Maxine STOWE

Nationality: Jamaica

Mailing address: Elmont, New York, United States of America

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Ethio-Africa Diaspora Union Millenium Council

Seat of the accredited observer: Kingston, Jamaica

Applicant who was recommended for funding for her participation in the sixteenth session of the Committee but who withdrew:
Mrs. Trudie BRODERICK5

Nationality: Australia

Mailing address: Woolloomooloo NSW, Australia

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Arts Law Centre of Australia

Seat of the accredited observer: Woolloomooloo NSW, Australia

Disbursed and committed6 amount for the support allocated to each beneficiary:
Mr. Abed DEWAN MOHD7: 204.15 Swiss francs (disbursed)
Disbursed for their participation in the fifteenth session of the Committee:
Ms. Lindis Janina AREVALO COBOS8: 347.00 Swiss francs.
Mrs. Trudie BRODERICK: 6,750.42 Swiss francs.
Mr. Ani CASIMIR Chukwunonyelum Kingston: 6,261.05 swiss francs.
Mr. Albert DETERVILLE: 5,946.60 Swiss francs.

Mrs. Haman HAJARA: 5,405.20 Swiss francs.

Mr. Preston HARDISON: 3,990.20 Swiss francs.
Mrs. Debra HARRY: 5,099.40 Swiss francs.
Mrs. Lucia Fernanda INÁCIO BELFORT: 6,515.06 Swiss francs.
Mr. Devi Prasad MAZUMDER: 4.978.20 Swiss francs.

Mr. Musa Usman NDAMBA: 5,332.20 Swiss francs.

Mrs. Dora OGBOI: 5172.70 Swiss francs.

Mr. Rodion SULYANDZIGA: 3610.80 Swiss francs.

Mr. Santos TZORIN JULAJUJ: 3184.20 Swiss francs.
Mrs. Fawsia YOUSIF GALALELDIN: 3954.38 Swiss francs.
Committed for his participation in the fifteenth session of the Committee
Mr. Santos Tzorin JULAJUJ9: 2,728.80 Swiss francs.
Committed for their participation in the sixteenth session of the Committee:
Mr. Babagana ABUBAKAR: 3,687 Swiss francs.
Mr. Tomas ALARCON EYZAGUIRRE: 4,497 Swiss francs.
Mr. Ataur Rahman CHOWDURY: 4,857 Swiss francs.
Mr. Badreldin Omer ELHAGMUSA: 3,817 Swiss francs
Mr. Jury Alfredo GUTIERREZ MARISCAL: 4,967 swiss francs.
Mrs. Debra HARRY: 4,177 Swiss francs.
Mrs. Jane Naini MERIWAS: 3,732 Swiss francs.
Mr. Joseph OGIERIAKHI: 3,687 Swiss francs.
Mrs. Polina SHULBAEVA: 5,897 Swiss francs
Mrs. Maxine STOWE: 3,807 Swiss francs.
List of the applicants seeking support for the seventeenth session of the Committee:

(by alphabetical order)

Mrs. Elida Cristina AJSAC CHICOL
Nationality: Guatemala
Mailing address: Guatemala City
Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:
Maya To'Onik Association
Seat of the accredited observer: Guatemala City
Mr. Babagana ABUBAKAR

Nationality: Nigeria

Mailing address: Maiduguri (Borno), Nigeria

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Kanuri Development Association

Seat of the accredited observer: Maiduguri (Borno), Nigeria

Mrs. Bouba AEISATU

Nationality: Cameroon

Mailing address: Yaounde, Cameroon

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association (MBOSCUDA)

Seat of the accredite observer: Yaounde, Cameroon


Nationality: Cameroon

Mailing address: Bamenda, Cameroon

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association (MBOSCUDA)

Seat of the accredite observer: Yaounde, Cameroon

Nationality: Peru
Mailing address: Tacna, Peru
Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:
Comisión Jurídica para el Autodesarrollo de los Pueblos Originarios Andinos
Seat of the accredited observer: Tacna, Peru
Nationality: Armenia; France
Mailing address: Bagneux, France
Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:
L’Assemblée des Arméniens d’Arménie Occidentale
Seat of the accredited observer: Paris, France
Mr. Phillip BIRD

Nationality: Canada

Mailing address: Ottawa, Canada

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Pauktuutit – Inuit Women’s Association

Seat of the accredited observer: Ottawa, Canada

Mr. Ani CASIMIR Chukwunonyelum Kingston

Nationality: Nigeria

Mailing address: Nsukka (Enugu Enugu), Nigeria

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Centre for Peace Building and Poverty Reduction among Indigenous African


Seat of the accredited observer: Nsukka (Enugu Enugu), Nigeria

Nationality: Ecuador

Mailing address: Quito, Ecuador

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Call of the Earth - Llamado de la Tierra

Seat of the accredited observer: Cusco, Peru

Nationality: Saint Lucia
Mailing address: Castries, Saint Lucia
Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:
Indigenous People (Bethechilokono) of Saint Lucia Governing Council (BCG)
Seat of the accredited observer: Castries, Saint Lucia
Nationality: Colombia
Mailing address: Quito, Ecuador
Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:
Coordinadora Indígena de la Cuenca Amazónica (COICA)
Seat of the accredited observer: Quito, Ecuador
Mrs. Lucia Fernanda INÁCIO BELFORT

Nationality: Brazil

Mailing address: Brasília, Brazil

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Instituto Indígena Brasilero da propriedade intelectual (INBRAPI)

Seat of the accredited observer: Brasília, Brazil

Nationality: Ecuador
Mailing address: Quito, Ecuador
Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:
Coordinadora Indígena de la Cuenca Amazónica (COICA)
Seat of the accredited observer: Quito, Ecuador

Nationality: Kenya

Mailing address: Egerton, Kenya

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Ogiek Peoples Development Program

Seat of the accredited observer: Narok, Kenya

Mr. Arnold Christopher LAISSER
Nationality: Tanzania
Mailing address: Arusha, Tanzania
Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:
Olaji Lo Larusa Integrated Program for Agro-Pastoralists Development (OLIPAD)
Seat of the accredited observer: Arusha, Tanzania
Mrs. Irene LESHORE

Nationality: Kenya

Mailing address: Maralal Samburu, Kenya

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Nainyoie Community Development Organization

Seat of the accredited observer: Maralal Samburu, Kenya

Mrs. Christiana Saiti LOUWA

Nationality: Kenya

Mailing address: Nairobi, Kenya

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

El-Molo Eco-Tourism, Rights and Development Forum

Seat of the accredited observer: Nairobi, Kenya


Nationality: Niger

Mailing address: Niamey

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:


Seat of the accredited observer: Niamey, Niger

Mrs. Jane Naini MERIWAS
Nationality: Kenya
Mailing address: Nanyuki, Kenya
Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:
Samburu Women for Education and Environment Development Organization
Seat of the accredited observer: Nanyuki, Kenya
Mrs. Verna MILLER

Nationality: Canada

Mailing address: Cache Creek, British Columbia, Canada

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

The Global Coalition for Biocultural Diversity/International Society of


Seat of the accredited observer: Bristol (VT), United States of America

Nationality: India

Mailing address: Bijni (Assam), India

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Indian Confederation of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples North East Zone

Seat of the accredited observer: Guwahati (Assam), India

Mr. Musa Usman NDAMBA

Nationality: Cameroon

Mailing address: Bamenda, Cameroon
Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:
Mbororo Social Cultural Development Association (MBOSCUDA)
Seat of the accredited observer: Yaounde, Cameroon
Mrs. Cecilia NDIFON
Nationality: Cameroon
Mailing address: Mankon-Bamenda, Cameroon
Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:
Association for the Reconstruction and Development of the Moko-oh Peoples
Seat of the accredited observer: Mankon-Bamenda, Cameroon
Mrs. Dora OGBOI

Nationality: Nigeria

Mailing address: Benin City, Nigeria

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

West Africa Coalition for Indigenous Peoples’ Rights (WACIPR)
Seat of the accredited observer: Benin City, Nigeria

Nationality: Nigeria

Mailing address: Benin City, Nigeria

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

West Africa Coalition for Indigenous Peoples’ Rights (WACIPR)
Seat of the accredited observer: Benin City, Nigeria
Nationality: Kenya
Mailing address: Nanyuki, Kenya
Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:
Indigenous Laikipiak Maasai Integrated Youth Organization
Seat of the accredited observer: Nanyuki, Kenya
Mrs. Tarcila RIVERA ZEA

Nationality: Peru

Mailing address: Lima, Peru

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Centro de Culturas Indígenas del Perú (CHIRAPAQ)

Seat of the accredited observer: Lima, Peru

Nationality: Nepal
Mailing address: Kathmandu, Nepal
Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:
Nepal Indigenous Nationalities Preservation Association
Seat of the accredited observer: Kathmandu, Nepal

Nationality: New Zealand

Mailing address: Porirua, Aotearoa, New Zealand

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Hokotehi Moriori Trust

Seat of the accredited observer: Wellington, Aotearoa, New Zealand


Nationality: Russian Federation

Mailing address: Moscow, Russiant Federation

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North (RAIPON)
Seat of the accredited observer: Moscow, Russian Federation

Nationality: Congo

Mailing address: Brazzaville, Congo

Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:

Congolese Association of Young Chefs and Gastrotechnie Consultancy International
Seat of the accredited observer: Brazzaville, Congo
Nationality: Peru
Mailing address: Quito, Ecuador
Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:
Coordinadora Indígena de la Cuenca Amazónica (COICA)
Seat of the accredited observer: Quito, Ecuador

Nationality: Sudan

Mailing address: Khartoum, Sudan
Name of the accredited observer which nominates the candidate:
The Sudanese Association for Archiving Knowledge (SUDAAK)
Seat of the accredited observer: Khartoum, Sudan
4 Комитету предлагается принять к сведению содержание этого документа.

[Конец документа]

1 The final expenditure will be provided with the next relevant information note related to the Voluntary Fund.

2 See document WIPO/GRTKF/IC/15/INF/6 dated November 9, 2009.

3 The letter of invitation that was sent to Mr. Toudissa Malanda Ngue on October 23, 2009 did not reach him on time for technical reasons. Mr. Toudissa Malanda Ngue has applied for funding in view of the seventeenth session of the Committee.

4 See the list of these beneficiaries in document WIPO/GRTKF/IC/15/INF/6 dated December 11, 2009.

5 The accredited observer which nominated Mrs. Trudie Broderick withdrew its nomination following her departure from the employ of the observer.

6 Final expenditure balance will be provided with the next relevant information note related to the Voluntary Fund.

7 Mr. Ahmed Modh Dewan, who was recommended for funding in view of the fourteenth session of the Committee, decided to withdraw (see WIPO/GRTKF/IC/14/INF/4, p. 5). But cancellation fees related to his flight ticket applied in accordance with Article 5 (f) of the rules of the Fund and were disbursed on December 28, 2009.

8 Ms. Lindis Janina Arevalo Cobos decided to withdraw. But cancellation fees related to her flight ticket applied in accordance with Article 5(f) of the rules of the Fund.

9 Final disbursment for Mr. Santos Tzorin JULAJUJ's air ticket was not yet finalized on March 15, 2010.

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