Words adapted from a traditional song by Rabbie Burns (1759-96) Перевод С. Я. Маршака

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Program for January 29th, 2005.
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!

When somebody told you some Russians are going to be here I’m sure you’ve asked yourself: what are they here for, it’s none of their business! Well, let me tell you, we are not going to play ice hockey here. We actually can do a lot of things, cause 3 of us are computer programmers and one poor guy is dentist, but we’d rather sing for you. And that’s both our business and pleasure tonight.
Since our Russian English may be even further from the standard British English than the Scottish dialect, and your Russian might be also far from perfect, you may be relieved to know that are only going to sing 3 songs.
The main reason why we are singing here tonight is that we always wanted to continue the dialog of our cultures that existed for centuries, but it only quite rarely becomes a dialog of people. This is one of those opportunities, and we didn’t want to miss it.
As we celebrate Robert Burns heritage here, let us start from one his most famous songs, very well known back in our country.

Words adapted from a traditional song by Rabbie Burns (1759-96)

Перевод С.Я. Маршака

Should auld acquaintance be forgot...

Забыть ли старую любовь...
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear,

For auld lang syne,
We'll tak a cup of kindness yet,
For auld lang syne!
Забыть ли старую любовь
И не грустить о ней?
Забыть ли старую любовь
И дружбу прежних дней?
Переплывали мы не раз
С тобой через ручей.
Но море разделило нас,
Товарищ юных дней...

За дружбу старую —

До дна!
За счастье прежних дней!
С тобой мы выпьем, старина,
За счастье прежних дней.
And there's a hand my trusty fiere,
And gie's a hand o thine,
And we'll tak a right guid-willie waught,
For auld lang syne
For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll tak a cup of kindness yet,
For auld lang syne!

Баллада о том, как Георг IV попал в эту балладу

Ballad on how His Majesty King George IV managed to get into a ballad

Стихи В.Левина, Муз. С.Никитина

(перевод на английский Вадима Тхора)

(Translation to English by Vadim Tkhor)

His Majesty King George which had, an index number four

Was fond of hunting, women, sports, liked grog and even more

He had another passion though; we cannot keep it close

He dreamt of being glorified in ballads George the fourth.


He wanted bards to glorify in ballads our King

Dir le Dir le Dir le de Dong, Dir le do ding

Dir le Dir le Dir le de Dong, Dir le do ding

Though jingles knight’s waistcoat like bell, the hope is less and less,

No traces of the glory yet and modest is success

In fight, at table, lifting weight, he always played to draw

But dreamt about only thing, King George of number four

Once gathered Sages our Knight and asked them for advice

“How can I be a glorious King? I won’t be asking twice”

“Just tell me now, right away, how can I reach the goal”

“Or if you don’t, you’ll find yourselves behind the Tower wall!”

It seemed to us advice was good, since our George the fourth,

Just threw away knight’s outfit and asked to saddle horse,

To famous poet Walter Scott in kilt he rode with speed,

In brave and very Scottish look, he wanted Scott to meet.

There were too many kings named George, a very long before,

But people just remember one – King George of number four,

What do we know about him, oh, quite a lot in ride,

By King a famous poet Scott once was accompanied.

And started bards to glorify in ballads our King

Dir le Dir le Dir le de Dong, Dir le do ding

Dir le Dir le Dir le de Dong, Dir le do ding

Его величество Георг под номером четвертым

Любил охоту, женщин, грог и увлекался спортом,

Но всех сильней была в нем страсть совсем иного сорта:

В балладу, страсть, мечтал попасть король Георг четвертый


Чтоб барды прославляли в балладах короляб

Ай-ла-ли-ли-ли -ла-ли, ай-ла-ли-ли-ля.

Ай-ла-ли-ли-ли -ла-ли, ай-ла-ли-ли-ля.

Гремит на рыцаре жилет и прочие доспехи,

А славы и в помине нет - скромны его успехи.

Хотя в бою и за столом, и выжимая гири

Мечтает только об одном король Георг-четыре.

Вот собирает мудрецов и вопрошает рыцарь:

- Скажите же в конце концов, как славы мне добиться?

А не дадите королю полезного совета,

Я в крепость Тауэр велю отправить вас за это!

Наверно, мудрым был ответ, коли Георг четвертый

Немедля снял стальной жилет и латы сбросил к черту,

И к Вальтер Скотту он верхом в шотландской юбке мчится,

Чтоб рядом с ним в наряде том однажды появиться.

Георгов разных до него на свете было много,

Но помнят люди одного - четвертого Георга.

А что о нем дошло до нас, что знаем про него-то?

Сопровождал он как-то раз поэта Вальтер Скотта.

И барды прославляли в балладах короля,

Ай-ла-ли-ли -ли-ла-ли, ай-ла-ли-ли-ля.

Ай-ла-ли-ли -ли-ла-ли, ай-ла-ли-ли-ля.

Now, the Georgian Song by Bulat Okudzhava.

Georgia is a small peace of former Soviet empire, now independent state, Highlands of the Soviet Union, if you will. Here high Caucasus Mountains overlook the beautiful Black See, here proud and brave people live and sing. This song is about friendship and love that are the all the reasons why we came into this world. Its author Bulat Okudzhava, Georgian by origin, is may be the most influential and recognized bard of Russia.
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