3 Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям

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1 The principles and methods of literary translation.

There are two important requirements for literary translation: one and the most important one is that the main idea of ​​the translated work should be correctly expressed in the second language, and the second is that the artistic quality of the work should be completely preserved. The last requirement depends on the translator's understanding of the writer's wishes, which are unique to him, hidden to a certain extent through word colors, beautiful descriptions, and the presence of various characters. Of course, since a translation is a work of art recreated in a second language, translators not only understand the original, but also creatively sift it to convey it into the second language.

2 How can we use the denatative approach in the translation process?

The way to use denotation is simple—choose words for their meaning, not the feelings they create or the associations they may have. Denotative meaning should be used when writing objectively.

Translational transformation is often used in rendering international words, semantically expanded concepts, adaptation of lexical and stylistic tools, neologisms, and proper nouns. The denotative meaning of a word is its main meaning, not including the feelings and ideas that people may connect with that word: Although words have both denotative and connotative meanings, there has been little research on a child's acquisition of connotations.

3 Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям.

to achieve equality... добиться равенства...

to become pessimistic... стать пессимистом
to be based on …. основываться на
to become accustomed to.. привыкнуть
to be based on..... быть основанным на
to share values .... разделять ценности
to be on the rise..... быть на подъеме.
to establish validity.... достоверности
to go to war.... идти на войну
to excite commentary.. чтобы возбудить комментарий
to come to an end ..... кончиться
to address the question ..... для решения вопроса
to give way to.... уступить дорогу
to demand recognition ..... требовать признания.
to have effect.... чтобы эффект был....
to appeal to the authority.. обратиться в инстанции
to make possible. сделать возможным.....
to establish the basis for.... создать основу для...
to make sense .... придавать смысл ....
to span different regions... охватывать разные регионы...
to make compatible .... сделать совместимым....
to undergo modernisation. пройти модернизацию
to present an effort .... представить усилия
to draw on the ideas of smb... черпать идеи из кого-л..
to prove wrong.... доказать свою неправоту
to establish a uniform horizon... установить единый горизонт.
to raise the question... поднять вопрос.....
to increase standards of living ... повысить уровень жизни.
to seek recognition ... добиваться признания
to provide for the universal education… обеспечить всеобщее образование…
to unify nationally .... объединиться на национальном уровне...

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1 Synthesis of functional communicative and emotional- influential aspects in literary translation.

The communicative-functional. approach suggests that a text to be translated should be viewed within a certain communicative situation in which it. was produced as an instrument of communication between specific actors. Communicative translation attempts to produce on its readers an effect as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original. Semantic translation attempts to render, as closely as the semantic and syntactic structures of the second language allow, the exact contextual meaning of the original. The linguistic aspect of literary translation includes consideration of diverse translation actions in the process of transmitting the content of the source text in connection with the language system, language norm, and usage.

2 What approaches does the Transformational Approach include and how are they used?

Transformational leadership is an approach in which a leader inspires and motivates team members to create positive changes within an organization. This leadership style can increase group morale, lead to rapid innovation, improve conflict resolution, decrease turnover and foster a sense of ownership amongst a team. Transformational leadership is defined as a leadership approach that causes change in individuals and social systems. In its ideal form, it creates valuable and positive change in the followers with the end goal of developing followers into leaders. Transformational leaders help their followers understand the significance of their work and how it contributes to the organisation's success. Intellectual Stimulation (IS). Transformational leaders encourage creativity, innovation, and critical thinking among their followers.

3 Переведите следующие предложения.
1 Өмір сүру деңгейі жоғарылайды, популяциялар космополитке айналды
және неғұрлым білімді болса, қоғам тұтастай алғанда үлкен теңдікке қол жеткізеді
жағдайы, және адамдар жай ғана емес, көбірек байлықты талап ете бастайды
олардың мәртебесін бағалау.

2 Недостаточно апеллировать к авторитету великих философов

прошлое, чтобы установить достоверность объективной истории

3 Люди уже привыкли ожидать, что будущее будет

содержат плохие новости относительно здоровья и безопасности либеральной политики
калическими практиками, и у них есть проблемы с распознаванием хороших новостей, когда они
4 История подходит к концу, поскольку противоречия, толкавшие его
Торический процесс теперь улажен.

5 Тезис о «конце истории» был основан на идеях филос.

такие исследователи, как Кант и Гегель, которые уже задавались этим вопросом раньше.

6 Современное естествознание устанавливает единый горизонт экономического развития.

возможности индукции.

7 Новая теория вызвала необычайное количество комментариев и

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1 Preparation of the text for translation and the basis of Pretranslatory analysis of Source Text.

Textual analysis in translation is the process of analyzing a text to determine its meaning and purpose and to identify the best way to translate it into another language. The process typically includes close reading and researching the text's culture, history, and context. Pre-translation analysis of the text allows the translator to determine - the correct guidelines in translation, - the translation strategy; - the main thing in translation, that is, the dominant of the translation; - what type of text it deals with and what is its typical structure, as well as the features on which ...

2 What approaches does the Transformational Approach include and how are they used?

Transformational leadership is an approach in which a leader inspires and motivates team members to create positive changes within an organization. This leadership style can increase group morale, lead to rapid innovation, improve conflict resolution, decrease turnover and foster a sense of ownership amongst a team. Transformational leadership is defined as a leadership approach that causes change in individuals and social systems. In its ideal form, it creates valuable and positive change in the followers with the end goal of developing followers into leaders.

3 What are the major civilisations of today? 

These are (1) Western or European-American civilization, the core of which is North America and Europe, (2) Chinese civilization (hereinafter we will call it Eastern civilization), (3) Muslim civilization and, finally, (4) Indian civilization

What are the roots of the major contemporary conflicts? 

The main causes of conflict are ongoing regional tensions, breakdown of law and order, lack of government institutions or their exploitation for personal gain, illegal economic gains and resource shortages exacerbated by climate change.

3.What countries should be incorporated into Western institutions?

Further enlargement of the European Union is open to any free market European democratic country that has the desire and capacity to bring legislation into line with EU law[1]. Since the founding of the European Union as the European Coal and Steel Community in 1952, enlargements have increased the number of member countries from six to twenty-eight. The conditions for accession are included in the Copenhagen Criteria, agreed in 1992 and enshrined in the Maastricht Treaty (Article 49). Whether a country is European is determined by a political assessment carried out by EU institutions[2].

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1 Consideration in translation the author’s concept of the text. Analysis of the author’s content.

The translator's singling out of a specific variant may depend on various factors such as: a) the type of text to be translated; b) the extent to which the SL text bears stylistic markings; c) the intended TL audience; d) the extent to which the translator can comprehend the SL text and identify with it; e) A translator must be able to understand and appreciate the text in its original form, and then will use the resources of a writer: style, tone, diction, word choice, grammar, imagery, and idiom, to name just a few, to create a new version of the work that provides this experience to readers in the new language

2 Напишите все возможные производные от следующих


He succeeded in concealing his whereabouts.

Ему удалось скрыть своё местонахождение.
We succeeded in getting tickets to the show.
Нам удалось достать билеты на это представление.
The government succeeded in breaking the unions.
Правительству удалось разогнать профсоюзы.
She succeeded in converting me to her point of view.
Ей удалось привлечь меня на свою точку зрения.
The government has succeeded in making this policy stick.
Правительству удалось закрепить эту политику.
He hasn't succeeded because he doesn't want it bad enough.
Он не добился успеха потому, что недостаточно сильно этого хотел.
Government troops have succeeded in capturing the rebel leader.
Правительственным войскам удалось захватить главаря мятежников.

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1 Lexical aspects of translation.

Lexical translation is the task of translating individual words or phrases, either on their own (e.g., search-engine queries or meta-data tags) or as part of a knowledge-based Machine Translation (MT) system. One of the major lexical problems is translating metaphorical meaning as a non-metaphorical, or vice versa. Another problem is translating synonyms, near-synonyms, polysemous items, collocations and homonyms. Other problems include problems of equivalence, lexical gaps, and denotative and connotative meanings. One of the major lexical problems is translating metaphorical meaning as a non-metaphorical, or vice versa. Another problem is translating synonyms, near-synonyms, polysemous items, collocations and homonyms. Other problems include problems of equivalence, lexical gaps, and denotative and connotative meanings. In the context of morphology we are often interested in the lexical categories, which is to say nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.

2 Подберите из правой колонки русские эквиваленты к 

Английским словосочетаниям, помещенным в левой колонке.
1 j
2 m
3 e
4 l
5 c
6 o
7 f
8 a
9 d
10 g
11 n
12 i
13 h
14 k
15 b
🔴6 сурак
1 Grammatical aspects of translation. Grammatical methods of translation: functional substitution, conversion, antonymic translation, descriptive and others.
Grammatical aspect is a formal property of a language, distinguished through overt inflection, derivational affixes, or independent words that serve as grammatically required markers of those aspects.
Grammatical methods of translation: functional substitution, conversion, antonymic translation, descriptive and other.
Functional substitution describes the application of information on function to identify, evaluate, and select safer alternatives that achieve a particular result.
Conversion is the act or process of changing something into a different state or form.antonymic translation is a complex transformation, the essence of which lies in the synonymy of the sentences / constructions with a negative element and its affirmative counterpart, or vice versa. descriptive translation is "the use of a description to translate a term or a phrase in the source by characterizing it instead of translating it directly".

2 Переведите на русский язык 

следующие словосочетания

to come to one's defence.... встать на защиту.

to have a veto over smth ... иметь право вето на что-ли
to have a vote.. иметь право голоса....
to join as partners….. присоединиться в качестве партнеров
to maintain a hedge ... поддерживать хеджирование..
to possess nuclear weapons... обладать ядерным оружием.
to renounce aggression.. отказаться от агрессии
to voice concern .. выразить обеспокоенность

Intergovernmental organization - environmental issues - victims of war - limiting armed violence - ecumenical organization - regional security - supranational bodies - non-governmental organization - executive, legislative and judicial authorities - mutual assistance - environmental issues - resolving controversial issues through peaceful means - medical care high level - international cooperation - storage, retrieval, dissemination and evaluation of information.

🔴7 сурак
1 Stylistic aspects of translation: substitution of words, images, stylistic devices, word-for-word translation.

Stylistics, a branch of applied linguistics, is the study and interpretation of texts of all types and/or spoken language in regard to their linguistic and tonal style, where style is the particular variety of language used by different individuals and/or in different situations or settings. He distinguishes four types of equivalence: linguistic, indicating word for word correspondence; paradigmatic, affecting grammatical categories; textual, restricted to text pattern; and stylistic equivalence, defined as "functional equivalence of elements in both original and translation aiming at an expressive ...

2 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты к следующим выражениям.

World culture, concept of progress, universal principles, main driving force, world arena, model of legality, world state, local differences,

homogeneous world, universal harmony

3 Переведите письменно на английский язык следующие

предложения, используя необходимые формы инфинитива.

According to the developed solution, sovereign states are defined as subjects that allow the authorities to formulate collective goals.

2. In crisis situations, the behavior of the leader
and his approaches to key decisions are influenced by a complex of factors that can be described as status characteristics.
3. States play a key role
in maintaining existing
hierarchy systems, as they promote redistribution
national wealth.
4. With the beginning of the era of great geographical discoveries, the Western culture
tour began to spread to vast areas that had previously developed
within independent civilizations
5 In order to avoid future crises, it is necessary to develop non-standard solutions that would be consistent with the “crisis management” strategy.
8 билет
1) The main translation transformations in Literary ?
The most common type of translation transformations is divided into grammatical and lexical substitutions, based on the differences in the levels of the language. From the group of grammatical substitutions, it distinguishes syntactic substitutions of the word form, word class, sentence members, and complex sentence.Literary translation is working with a text in its original language to prepare a version in a new language. This work promotes broader reading and distribution of the work.
2)Подберите из правой колонки синонимы к словам, расположенным в левой колонке.
Переведите с листа на русский язык следующие предложения.
1. С тех пор, как термин «глобализация» впервые был использован для обозначения крупномасштабных изменений, ученые спорили о его значении и использовании.
2. Термин «глобализация» все чаще использовался для выражения обеспокоенности по поводу последствий глобальных изменений для благосостояния различных групп, суверенитета и самобытности стран, неравенства между народами и здоровья окружающей среды.
3. Интеллектуальные дебаты, смешанные с политическим конфликтом; В ближайшие годы дебаты и конфликты вокруг глобализации будут все больше влиять на процессы, охваченные этим термином.
4. Согласно одной популярной точке зрения, глобализация – это неумолимая интеграция рынков, национальных государств и технологий до невиданной ранее степени, позволяющая отдельным лицам, корпорациям и национальным государствам распространяться по всему миру дальше и быстрее, глубже и дешевле
чем когда-либо прежде.
5. Обсуждения глобализации часто создают ощущение, что с миром происходит что-то новое: он становится «единым местом», глобальные практики, ценности и технологии теперь формируют жизнь людей до такой степени, что мы вступаем в «глобальную эпоху». , а глобальная интеграция означает конец
национальное государство.
9 билет
1)Polystructural characteristics of literary texts. Structure of the Target Text?
The target text, on the other hand, is the result of the translation process. It is the final product that is meant to be read or understood by the target audience. The translator's goal is to convey the meaning, tone, and style of the source text into the target language while taking into consideration the cultural and linguistic differences between the source and target languages.
The difference between the source and target texts lies in the language and cultural context
The source text represents the original content, while the target text represents the translated content. The translator's role is to bridge the gap between the two by ensuring that the target text accurately reflects the meaning and intent of the source text while being appropriate for the target audience.
2)Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания?
нормы международного права,
независимая судебная власть,
основное состояние международных отношений,
соблюдение договоров,
сосуществование суверенных государств,
международная среда,
абсолютная осмотрительность,
правовая система,
расширение европейского общества,
лидирующие позиции в мировых событиях
3)Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, обращая внимание на употребление страдательного залога.
1. Корни многих англо-американских правовых концепций как юристы, так и историки возводят к принципам римского права.
2. Нормандские французские термины наряду с англосаксонскими были введены в юридическую процедуру после норманнского завоевания Англии в 1066 году.
3. Английское судопроизводство велось на французском языке до конца четырнадцатого века.
4. До сих пор широко используются многочисленные французские термины, такие как «малое жюри» и «большое жюри».
5. Утверждается, что консервативные юристы больше не занимают лидирующие позиции в юридических дебатах и что мы фактически стали неотличимы от тех, кого мы когда-то привыкли критиковать.
6. В случае новой глобальной войны существующий мировой порядок будет изменен к концу этой войны.

10 билет
1)Temporal factors in translation. Cultural code in the ST and TT.?

For every translation there is necessarily an original text (termed the source text, or ST for short) and there is the translation itself (the target text, or TT).
2)Сгруппируйте слова в синонимические ряды.
Advocate, agreement, agreement, advice
contract, convention, counselor, court, courthouse, covenant,
decree, decree, decree, federal building, judge,
saying, settlement
lawyer, lawyer, law, lawyer, jurist, legal expert, lawyer, lawyer, magistrate, man of law, negotiations, pact, rule, settlement, negotiations, treaty,
3)Переведите письменно на английский язык следующие
предложения, используя необходимые формы страдательного залога.
. Modern international law can be defined as a system of legal norms governing relations between states
and other subjects of international law who
are created by coordinating the will of the participants in these relations and are ensured, if necessary, by coercion carried out by states and international organizations.
2. The UN General Assembly, at its 60th plenary meeting, which took place on November 17, 1989, adopted a resolution proclaiming the 1990s as the “Decade of International Law”
3. The state’s foreign policy is being implemented
within the framework of the international system, where it interacts with the foreign policies of other states and their unions, and is influenced by international organizations.
4. The foreign policy behavior of a state is determined directly not only by internal factors, but also by the state of the international system, which, on the one hand, imposes restrictions on foreign policy, and on the other, provides freedom
opportunities for certain foreign policy actions.
5. Compliance and violation of international law are expressed in the foreign policy actions and decisions of individual states.

11 билет

1)Translation and style. Stylistic interpretation of equivalence in translation?
Stylistic (translational) equivalence, where there is functional equivalence of elements in both original and translation aiming at an expressive identity with an invariant of identical meaning.Translation is closely connected with stylistics because stylistics aims to explain how a text means rather than just what it means, and knowing how texts mean is essential for translation.
2)Переведите следующие словосочетания.
Move freely-подвергнуться пыткам –governance of the country is the conscience of humanity-свободный выбор места работы-reasonable limitation of the working day - human personality-свобода мысли, совести и религии -responsibilities to society - equal and inalienable rights-неправительственная организация-- human rights law-власть правительства - место жительства в границах каждого штата-to be arbitrarily deprived -удержать власть -public opinion -- быть обвинен в совершении уголовного преступления -- to have right to-- для предотвращения дискриминации -to be free from fear and want- нарушение основных свобод-right to citizenship.
3)Подберите из правой колонки синонимы к словам, расположенным в левой колонке.
charge -accusation.

12 билет

1)Peculiarities of literary translation
Translation and style. Stylistic interpretation of equivalence in translation?
Literary translation is exceptionally complex because every language uses different expressions and grammatical structures, so it is not always possible to translate the original text literally. The translator often has to almost completely change a sentence or paragraph, so they are often considered a second author.

2)Переведите с листа по предложению на английский язык следующий отрывок

Human rights are important, they have their own meaning and purpose. We are not talking about some abstract values that were invented by fanatical fighters for individual freedom in wealthy Western societies. Respect for human rights helps improve the life of each of us and make it safer. At the same time, respect for human rights does not mean being soft on criminals. Violations of the rule of law are a real problem in almost all countries, and governments have the right and obligation to protect their citizens through various, including repressive, measures. However, such measures must be carried out while respecting human rights and the rule of law. Otherwise, they will not only be unfair, but also ineffective in the long term.
3)Ответьте на вопросы
1.When did the concept of human rights appear in Europe? How did it evolve throughout the world?
European Convention on Human Rights (1950) serve as the primary instruments for human rights protection in their respective regions.
2. What ancient laws and customs were enumerated in the Magna Carta that later came to be thought of as human rights?
The Magna Carta (1215)
Among them was the right of the church to be free from governmental interference, the rights of all free citizens to own and inherit property and to be protected from excessive taxes.
3. What new principles were invented by the modern human rights move ment?
21st century
Human rights advocacy has continued into the early 21st century, centred around achieving greater economic and political freedom.In July 2022, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution in which it is recognized that everyone on the planet has a right to a healthy environment. It called on states to step up efforts to ensure their people have access to a "clean, healthy and sustainable environment.

13 билет
1)Stylistic interpretation of equivalence in translation.?

Stylistic (translational) equivalence, where there is functional equivalence of elements in both original and translation aiming at an expressive identity with an invariant of identical meaning
2)Подберите из правой колонки русские эквиваленты к
словосочетаниям, помещенным в левой колонке.
1)regional superpower -e
2)foreign policy-f
3)western ideals-g
3)Переведите следующие предложения.
Friday May 13 - the year 2037 - 12:19 p.m. - every third Wednesday of the month - the first Tuesday following the first Monday of November - Moscow time 18 o'clock sharp - the first Monday of September - Saturday, June 21, 1941 - one million rubles - TU-134 - January 1, 1700 - the twentieth century - Highway 54 - through Friday - fifth compartment of the tenth car - nine-one-one - Sunday, May 1 - midnight in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - ten minutes past three - 25 thousand dollars. October 31 – a quarter past eleven - the train leaves at 23:55 - the last Sunday of the year - fourth floor - 56th Street - eleven team players - Leningradsky Prospekt 21, bldg. 3 - fourteen dollars per hour - thirteen percent tax - 283 miles - 716-44-20 - Thursday, October 17, 2002 - with a score of 4-1 - twenty minutes to three - Il-86 - at the age of 37 - 'audience 669 - 38 million dollars - second building - ten millionth resident of the capital - September 1, Monday - one hundred and first kilometer - 230 thousand men.

14 билет
1)Stylistic interpretation of equivalence in translation.

Stylistic (translational) equivalence, where there is functional equivalence of elements in both original and translation aiming at an expressive identity with an invariant of identical meaning
2)Прочитайте вслух следующий текст, вставляя пропущенные предлоги. Переведите устно текст на русский язык.
27 января 1987 года ....пленум Горбачева перешёл ..........в наступление и призвал ....изменения ....официальных идей партии. Он охарактеризовал состояние страны как «социализм… процесс… саморазвитие». Косвенно он предполагал, что социализм еще не построен... СССР. Горбачев выдвинул несколько политических предложений: избрание, а не назначение секретарей партийных комитетов; проведение....многокандидатских выборов....Советов; назначение... беспартийных на высокие государственные должности. Горбачев стремился... как к промышленной, так и к политической демократизации. Он намеревался реконструировать советский комплекс, и его страна запатентовала бы новую модель… политической демократии, экономической эффективности и социальной справедливости.
3)Подберите из правой колонки синонимы к словам, расположенным в левой колонке.
policy- course
reform - improvement
agreement - pact
depression - recession
🔴15 сурак
1 Typology of stylistic changes in translation

Stylistics, a branch of applied linguistics, is the study and interpretation of texts of all types and/or spoken language in regard to their linguistic and tonal style, where style is the particular variety of language used by different individuals and/or in different situations or settings. A stylistic change on the other hand is a correction that is meant to improve how the text flows and focuses on style. Stylistic changes can also reflect the style of the person doing the review or client preferences . The stylistic aspect of equivalence implies the rendering in translation of stylistic and emotive connotations. Stylistic connotations presuppose the use of words belonging to the same layer of the vocabulary (literary, neutral and colloquial

2 full-scale war, ground operations, peaceful actions, civil authorities,

close distance, team cohesion,
chemical weapons, operating conditions,
distinctive feature, high morale,
the consequences of victory or defeat, the result of leadership and camaraderie.
3 Вступая в армию, солдаты принимают на себя бессрочное обязательство служить в любое время и в любом месте, какими бы ни были трудности и опасности.
2. Такие обязательства накладывают определенные ограничения на свободу личности и требуют определенной степени самопожертвования; в конечном итоге это может потребовать от солдат отдать свои жизни.
3. Солдаты, добровольно вступающие в армию, признают, что, ставя нужды Службы выше своих собственных, они отказываются от некоторых прав, которыми пользуются те, кто не входит в состав Вооруженных Сил; но взамен они всегда могут рассчитывать на справедливое обращение, на то, что их будут ценить и уважать как личности, а также будут вознаграждены разумными условиями службы.
4. Все солдаты должны быть готовы к выполнению задач, предполагающих применение контролируемой смертоносной силы: к бою.
5. От солдат может потребоваться отнимать жизни других и сознательно подвергать риску свою собственную; проявлять сдержанность, даже если это сопряжено с личной опасностью; и стать свидетелями ранения или смерти своих товарищей, но при этом продолжать выполнять поставленную задачу.
🔴16 сурак
1 Temporal factors in translation. Cultural code in the ST and TT.

The cultural code is the collective unconscious that predetermines our actions. This is the “collective programming” of consciousness that distinguishes members of one group or category of people from another. The components of the cultural code are identity, values, traditions, signs and symbols. A cultural code is a set of characteristics, images and stable ideas inherited by a people from their ancestors, which are understandable to everyone**. It helps to understand behavioral responses and defines folk psychology***. The cultural code is a kind of key to understanding the culture of peoples, their unique characteristics. According to culturologists, a cultural code is a set of characteristics that help identify a culture. For example, it is the elements of the national cultural code that directors use to show that the location of the film is conditionally Paris.

2 full-scale war, ground operations, peaceful actions, civil authorities,

close distance, team cohesion,
chemical weapons, operating conditions,
distinctive feature, high morale,
the consequences of victory or defeat, the result of leadership and camaraderie.

3 Вступая в армию, солдаты принимают на себя бессрочное обязательство служить там, где и когда бы они ни потребовались, какими бы ни были трудности и опасности.

2. Такие обязательства накладывают определенные ограничения на свободу личности и требуют определенной степени самопожертвования; в конечном итоге это может потребовать от солдат отдать свои жизни.
3. Солдаты, добровольно вступающие в армию, признают, что, ставя нужды Службы выше своих собственных, они отказываются от некоторых прав, которыми пользуются те, кто не входит в состав Вооруженных Сил; но взамен они всегда могут рассчитывать на справедливое обращение, на то, что их будут ценить и уважать как личности, а также будут вознаграждены разумными условиями службы.
4. Все солдаты должны быть готовы к выполнению задач, предполагающих применение контролируемой смертоносной силы: к бою.
5. От солдат может потребоваться отнимать жизни других и сознательно подвергать риску свою собственную; проявлять сдержанность, даже если это сопряжено с личной опасностью; и стать свидетелями ранения или смерти своих товарищей, но при этом продолжать выполнять поставленную задачу.

17 билет
1)Translation in literary communication. The choice of literal strateg?

When using literal translation, each word is translated directly. The target text must be idiomatic and retain the same word order, meaning and style as the source text. This technique can miss the nuances of the original text, and is only possible with languages and cultures that are extremely close.
2)Choose the best answer
3)Write “True" or false.

18 билет
1)The principles and methods of literary translation.?

Translation of literature is fundamentally different from other categories. This is because the main principle of literary translation is the dominance of poetic communicative function. It means that in addition to rendering information to the reader, literary translation also has aesthetic functions
2)Choose the best answer
3)Write “True" or false.

19 билет
1)The principles and methods of literary translation.

Translation of literature is fundamentally different from other categories. This is because the main principle of literary translation is the dominance of poetic communicative function. It means that in addition to rendering information to the reader, literary translation also has aesthetic functions
2)Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям
Olympic eligibility, ideals of Olympism, spirit of solidarity , sport,
social milieu, balanced whole, concept of amateurism.
Олимпийское право, идеалы олимпизма, дух солидарности, спорт,
социальная среда, сбалансированное целое, концепция дилетантизма.
3)Переведите на русский язык следующий текст, вставив пропущенные предлоги.
The perspective argues that ongoing international changes and sports are an example for Americanization rather than their globalization. The reason for this view is that strategies and products related to sports and the world are predominantly focused on America. This can be seen in the proliferation of sports on television and the promotion of consumption patterns and lifestyles. Sport is another form in which the world's population submits to American cultural hegemony. Another point of view argues that the ongoing changes in sports are an aspect of globalization. It is argued that modern sport has always ruled... the world economy. But the changes that are taking place, sports are part of the globalization process, while American strategies and forms dominate this process. Globalization and sports are not a one-way process, football has effectively penetrated the US sports market... 1994

20 билет

🛑1) Stylistic aspects of translation: substitution of words, images, stylistic devices, word-for-word translation.?

stylistic aspect of translation

consists in the correct selection of lexical and grammatical means in accordance with the general functional and communicative orientation of the original and taking into account the existing norms of the language into which the translation is being made.

The word “image” can be replaced with words that are similar in meaning, such as: face, image, appearance, appearance, manner, appearance, portrait, warehouse, ghost, figure, and so on. Sentences containing "image":

There are general linguistic stylistic devices, as well as author’s ones, which are used individually

Literal translation is a type of translation from one language to another in which the syntactic structure and order of words and word forms of the source language are preserved as accurately as possible in the text in the target language.
Among linguists there is no single approach to the interpretation of literal translation; there are several approaches to the definition of this term.

🛑2) Подоерите из правой колонки синонимы к словам.

расположенным в левой колонке?
celebrity-famous person

🛑3) напишите на англииском языке эссе на тему «теато и кино

место в ооществе массовои культуры
It seems that in the realities of modern society the “demarcation” line that lies today between theater and cinema is very conditional and flexible. They often turn to the same life material, use the same historical subjects and literary sources. For a long time, ever since the creation of silent cinema, it was believed that the border between theater and cinema is the border between the art of words and the art of action. We, of course, have long been accustomed to hearing the voice of an author or hero, thinking out loud, assessing the events that unfold before us, or simply talking about them. It cannot be denied that in modern cinema the role of the Word is increasing: announcer comments, voice-over text, dialogues, and especially the monologues of the characters.
21 билет
🛑1) Stylistic aspects of translation: substitution of words, images, stylistic devices, word-for-word translation.?

stylistic aspect of translation

consists in the correct selection of lexical and grammatical means in accordance with the general functional and communicative orientation of the original and taking into account the existing norms of the language into which the translation is being made.

The word “image” can be replaced with words that are similar in meaning, such as: face, image, appearance, appearance, manner, appearance, portrait, warehouse, ghost, figure, and so on. Sentences containing "image":

There are general linguistic stylistic devices, as well as author’s ones, which are used individually

Literal translation is a type of translation from one language to another in which the syntactic structure and order of words and word forms of the source language are preserved as accurately as possible in the text in the target language.
Among linguists there is no single approach to the interpretation of literal translation; there are several approaches to the definition of this term.

🛑2) Подоерите из правой колонки синонимы к словам.

расположенным в левой колонке?
celebrity-famous person

🛑3) напишите на англииском языке эссе на тему «теато и кино

место в ооществе массовои культуры
It seems that in the realities of modern society the “demarcation” line that lies today between theater and cinema is very conditional and flexible. They often turn to the same life material, use the same historical subjects and literary sources. For a long time, ever since the creation of silent cinema, it was believed that the border between theater and cinema is the border between the art of words and the art of action. We, of course, have long been accustomed to hearing the voice of an author or hero, thinking out loud, assessing the events that unfold before us, or simply talking about them. It cannot be denied that in modern cinema the role of the Word is increasing: announcer comments, voice-over text, dialogues, and especially the monologues of the characters.

22 билет

🛑1) Stylistic aspects of translation: substitution of words, images, stylistic devices, word-for-word translation.?

stylistic aspect of translation

consists in the correct selection of lexical and grammatical means in accordance with the general functional and communicative orientation of the original and taking into account the existing norms of the language into which the translation is being made.

The word “image” can be replaced with words that are similar in meaning, such as: face, image, appearance, appearance, manner, appearance, portrait, warehouse, ghost, figure, and so on. Sentences containing "image":

There are general linguistic stylistic devices, as well as author’s ones, which are used individually

Literal translation is a type of translation from one language to another in which the syntactic structure and order of words and word forms of the source language are preserved as accurately as possible in the text in the target language.
Among linguists there is no single approach to the interpretation of literal translation; there are several approaches to the definition of this term.

🛑2) Подоерите из правой колонки синонимы к словам.

расположенным в левой колонке?
celebrity-famous person

🛑3) напишите на англииском языке эссе на тему «теато и кино

место в ооществе массовои культуры
It seems that in the realities of modern society the “demarcation” line that lies today between theater and cinema is very conditional and flexible. They often turn to the same life material, use the same historical subjects and literary sources. For a long time, ever since the creation of silent cinema, it was believed that the border between theater and cinema is the border between the art of words and the art of action. We, of course, have long been accustomed to hearing the voice of an author or hero, thinking out loud, assessing the events that unfold before us, or simply talking about them. It cannot be denied that in modern cinema the role of the Word is increasing: announcer comments, voice-over text, dialogues, and especially the monologues of the characters.
🛑1) The main translation transformations in Literary

Translation transformations (TT) are technical techniques for transforming elements of the source text in order to achieve translation equivalence, that is, maintaining equality of content, semantic, stylistic and functional-communicative information in the original and translation.

Н. Комиссаров выделяет 3 вида переводческих трансформаций: лексические; грамматические; лексико-грамматические (комплексные)

Переводческие трансформации – это преобразования, с помощью которых переводчик осуществляет переход от единиц оригинала к коммуникативно- равноценным единицам ПЯ при невозможности использования регулярных соответствий в условиях заданного контекста

🛑2)полберите из правой колонки русские эквиваленты к

словосочетаниям, помещенным в левои колонке
1) founding father/g создатель
2)political interference/d политическое вмешательство
3) running commentary/правительственное сооошение
4) organ recital/е. органный концерт
5) commercial radio/h. коммерческое радио
6) commercial pressure/b. давление деловых кругов
7) editorial independence/свобода прессы
8) public announcement/прямой репортаж

🛑3) Перевелите названия следующих компании на русскии язык.

ABC - American Broadcasting Corporation-ABC — Американская радиовещательная корпорация

ABS - American Broadcasting System-

ABS — Американская радиовещательная система

BBC - British Broadcasting Company

BBC - Британская радиовещательная компания

CBS - Columbia Broadcasting System

CBS - Колумбийская радиовещательная система

CNN - Cable News Network

CNN — сеть кабельных новостей

GMTV - Greenwich Meantime Television

GMT – среднее время по Гринвичу

ITN - Independent Television News

ITN - Новости независимого телевидения

ITV - Independent Television

ITV - Независимое телевидение

MTV - Music Television

MTV — музыкальное телевидение

NBC - National Broadcasting Company

NBC - Национальная телерадиокомпания

24 билет

🛑1) Temporal factors in translation. Cultural code in the ST and TT.

Culture is the background of every human communication. Cultural embedding as a feature of texts in general is also valid in technical and scientific texts. As translation by humans is based on understanding, the translator needs knowledge in order to detect cultural aspects. This is possible by putting down implicit cultural references to certain structures on the text level. Cultural elements appear in the text on all levels – from the concept and form of words, to the sentence and text structure, to pragmatics. Examples for the various appearances are presented in the first part of the paper.

The second part discusses translation as a writing process. Here the categories of attention governing the translator’s approach are presented. Taking a holistic view of the text, the translator may consider the relevant cultural context, discourse field, conceptual world and predicative mode to promote his or her understanding. The target language formulation will then observe the medium, stylistics, coherence and function of the text. Dealing with cultural elements may be motivated in view of the aforementioned categories of attention.

For every translation there is necessarily an original text (termed the source text, or ST for short) and there is the translation itself (the target text, or TT

🛑2) Подберите из текста английские эквиваленты к следующим


artificial intelligence, first glimpses of intelligence, thinking machines, symbol of culture, cradle of high technology, silicon storage, intelligence and intelligence, networked computer

🛑3) Переведите следующие словосочетания.

OS level software - off-line processor - virtual community - embedded software- to dig up information - plug-and-play hardware - node processor - real-time processor - throwaway hardware -pilot program - to dig up information - base node - canned software - soft hardware - to program in - to withhold information - virtual value - host program - silicon software - input / output processor - proprietary software - to offer information - to introduce a program - digital information - to implement a program -slave node - to leak information - to terminate a program.?

Программное обеспечение уровня ОС - автономный процессор - виртуальное сообщество - встроенное программное обеспечение - для поиска информации - оборудование Plug-and-Play - процессор узла - процессор реального времени - одноразовое оборудование - пилотная программа - для поиска информации - базовый узел - консервированный программное обеспечение - мягкое аппаратное обеспечение - программировать - скрывать информацию - виртуальную ценность - хост-программу - кремниевое программное обеспечение - процессор ввода/вывода - фирменное программное обеспечение - предлагать информацию - внедрять программу - цифровую информацию - реализовывать программу - подчиненный узел - утечка информации - прекращение работы программы.

25 билет

🛑1) Translation and style. Stylistic interpretation of equivalence in translation?
In accordance with the conditions and goals of communication or creating a written text, we make a choice in favor of certain stylistically colored linguistic means - vocabulary and syntax, etc., thus forming certain stylistic systems - translation styles, characteristic of a particular or different situation.
Scientific style:
Professional technical style
Formal business style
Journalistic style
In relation to the activities of the bureau
Art style
Conversational style

Stylistic (translational) equivalence, where there is functional equivalence of elements in both original and translation aiming at an expressive identity with an invariant of identical meaning.

support hardware initial loading program text processor fresh information teaching program irrelevant information central data processor word-processing software central processing unit inessential data educational software startup software ancillary equipment latest

🛑3) Ознакомьтесь самостоятельно со слелуюшими компьютерными терминами. Переведите на русскии язык термины и их определения.

A software program that is used to look at various kinds of Internet resources. Browser is a specific kind of client program that enables to contact and obtain data from a server software program on another computer, often
across a great distance.
Originally, the web page that the browser is set to use when it starts up.
The more common meaning refers to the main web page for a business, organisation, person or simply the main page out of a collection of webpages.
A computer, or a software package, that provides a specific kind of service to software running on other computers. The term can refer to a particular piece of software, such as a WWW server, or to the machine on which the software is running. A single server machine could have several
different server software packages running on it.

Программное обеспечение, которое используется для просмотра различных видов интернет-ресурсов. Браузер — это особый вид клиентской программы, которая позволяет связываться и получать данные от серверной программы на другом компьютере, часто

на большое расстояние.
Домашняя страница
Первоначально веб-страница, которую браузер должен использовать при запуске.
Более распространенное значение относится к главной веб-странице компании, организации, человека или просто к главной странице из набора веб-страниц.
Компьютер или пакет программного обеспечения, который предоставляет определенный вид услуг программному обеспечению, работающему на других компьютерах. Этот термин может относиться к определенной части программного обеспечения, например WWW-серверу, или к машине, на которой работает это программное обеспечение. На одной серверной машине может быть несколько
на нем работают различные пакеты серверного программного обеспечения.
26 билет
🛑1) Stvlistic interoretation of equivalence in translation

Stylistic (translational) equivalence, where there is functional equivalence of elements in both original and translation aiming at an expressive identity with an invariant of identical meaning.

🛑2) Подберите из разных колонок пары связанных терминов.

gene transplant

cell. chromosome
implant. vacuole
molecule. Атом
nucleus android
clone. COre
🛑3) Переведите следующие словосочетания.

transplanted organ - cell population - chain molecule - long-chain molecule - mutant cell - gene that controls the development and growth of cells - molectronics - genetic oank - hereditary disease - maternal gene - primary molecule -

blood descendants - cellular oiology - clone of cells splitting genes - egg - cell-free - galactic nucleus - absolute copy - nerve cell - mutagenic gene - random transdistribution of genetic mutations in a population -
genetic danger - free molecule - irreversible gene combination - genetic code - macromolecule -
repressive gene - gene pool
27 билет
🛑1 ) IStvlistic interoretation of equivalence in translation

Stylistic (translational) equivalence, where there is functional equivalence of elements in both original and translation aiming at an expressive identity with an invariant of identical meaning.

🛑2) Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим словосочетаниям.

совершить облет, ориентироваться в космосе, исследовать Солнечную систему, наблюдать за планетой с близкого расстояния, разработать узкоспециализированный космический корабль, отправить на задание космический робот-робот, выполнить обзоры с близкого расстояния, провести исследования наших планетарных соседей в космосе, чтобы олицетворять квантовый скачок в технологическом развитии.

🛑3) перевелите слелуюшие словосочетания

test flight - inner planet - orbital flight launch a research station into orbit - flyby of a planet - inter-orbital transport vehicle - enter orbit - solar radiation

- space station on
near-Earth orbit - solar eclipse - intermediate orbit - horizontal launch reusable spacecraft - liquid fuel rocket - single-stage spacecraft - lunar orbit - automatic interplanetary station - multi-stage rocket
- leave orbit - flight on autopilot - controlled satellite - comet observation orbit - thermal probe - automatic satellite - flight simulator - astronomical day.
28 билет
🛑1) Typology of stylistic changes in translation

For a translator who has taken on a text that is very difficult to convey another culture, solving the following problem plays a big role: choosing the type of stylistic changes. This task is of paramount importance, since the similarities and differences between the translation and the original are expressed in the equivalence of visual means, or in a change in the style of the original. Stylistic shifts arise not only from the objective situation, but also from the individual figurative and expressive baggage of the translator, his preferences and individual inclinations.

Let us consider the transfer of stylistic situations from the original into the target language, since it is on the basis of this classification that we will analyze the text in the practical chapter of our study.

🛑2) Сгруппируйте слова в синонимические ряды.

asteroid, celestial body, circuit, course, flight, minor planet, missile, orb,orbit, planet, planetoid, probe, rocket, satellite, satellite station, shuttle,space station, spacecraft, spaceship, sputnik, sol, star, sun, trajectory

🛑3) Переведите письменно на английский язык следующие сложноподчиненные и сложносочиненные предложения.

1 paired stars are very interesting and mysterious because they

proficiency is not visible even in any telescope.
2. Venus is one of the most beautiful luminaries of the sky; it is no coincidence that she was the subject of admiration of the ancient Romans, who gave her the name of the goddess of love and beauty.
3. Almost each of the planets of the solar system can boast of some kind of cosmic record, for example, Jupiter is the largest among the planets, Earth is the densest,
Mars - the highest mountains.
4. As a result of the fact that the Solar system is located practically in the plane of the Galaxy, filled with absorbing matter, many details of the structure of the Milky Way are hidden from the view of an earthly observer
5. Saturn was considered the border of the solar system until the music teacher from England William Herschel discovered a new planet - Uranus in March 1781.
6. In 1974, astronomers were amazed that the American spacecraft Mariner 10, flying near Mercury, transmitted to Earth an image of its surface, which resembled the surface of the Moon

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