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into Russian as «еще»:
1. Don’t hurry. The performance is not over ... . 2. I’d like to
read something ... by this author. 3. What ... impression did you
get there? 4. What ... did Jean say about the performance?
5. I’ve read two ... books by Dickens. 6. You’d better ask some
body ... . 7. It is ... spring, but it is getting rather hot. 8. The
theatre is going to stage ... play by this playwright. 9. How many
... English books have you got? 10. Fetch ... chair, please.
11. What ... have you seen in this ancient town? 12. He hasn’t
returned from the South. He is ... there. 13. Please book two ...
tickets for me. 14. Will you call ... time? 15. What ... things did
you buy?
XIX. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Где еще можно посмотреть эту пьесу? 2. Мы решили устро
ить еще несколько вечеров на английском языке. 3. Мне бы хоте
лось еще чашку кофе. 4. Боюсь, что он еще спит. 5. Мы боялись
опоздать, но спектакль еще не начался. 6. Мне нужна еще одна
книга по истории театра. 7. Сколько еще репетиций будет на этой
неделе? 8. Через месяц в этом театре будет еще одна премьера.
9. Какие еще актеры принимают участие (играют) в этом спектак
ле? 10. Дождь еще не перестал, но потеплело. 11. Вы все еще рабо
таете над докладом? — Да. Я еще не собрала всего нужного мате
риала. 12. Нам нужно еще три билета на этот спектакль. 13. Кого
еще вы встретили в театре?
XX. Pick out words and phrases from Text 1 and Text 2 and group
them under the following headings: a) theatre; b) appearance. Learn them.
XXI. Retell Text 2 in indirect speech as if you were Helen (Nick).
XXII. Render these jokes. Use indirect speech:

1. The wellknown singer Enrico Caruso was once driving
not far from New York. It so happened that something went
wrong with his car and he had to spend some time in the house
of a farmer. Soon they became friendly and the farmer asked
Caruso his name.
When the farmer heard the name, he rose to his feet. “My,
I never thought I should see a man like you in my kitchen, sir,”
he cried out. “Caruso. The great traveller. Robinson Caruso!”
2. “I say, Dad,” said a schoolboy, returning home, “we gave a
wonderful performance at school. A lot of parents came and al
though some of them had seen it before they all had a jolly good
“How do you know?” asked his father.
“Why, they laughed all through the play,” the boy replied.
“And what was the play?” the father asked.
“Hamlet,” said the boy.

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