Исследовательская работа по иностранному языку: «Edvard Grieg» студентка 4 курса специальности «Хоровое дирижирование»

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Edvard Grieg

Allegro molto moderato – dynamic sonata allegro of a lyric-pathetic nature, full of romantic impulses and bright contrasts (a-moll);

  • Adagio – contemplative Adagio, whose music embodies the beautiful world of northern nature (Des-dur);

  • Allegro moderato molto e marcato – life-affirming folk-genre finale (a-moll→A-dur).

    Estimated duration: 30 minutes.
    All parts are connected by a single line of symphonic development, directed to the culmination – the anthem coda of the finale. In it, a “close-up” presents the main image of the composition – the image of Norway.
    The concert is distinguished by a bright national originality of music. Grieg used folk dance themes – halling, gangar and springdans.
    The beginning of the concerto is very impressive: after the tremolo timpani, a powerful, violently tumbling virtuoso passage of the soloist on ff follows, covering the entire piano keyboard. This is an introduction full of courageous energy and strong-willed affirmation. Its intonational core is the "Norwegian" turn I - VII - V. This particular motif is also found in other works by Grieg, for example in his String Quartet, in "Nocturne" from "Lyric Pieces". Often it "moves" to other steps of the mode, as, for example, in Solveig's song, where this melodic move comes from D (through the raised IV step), and then from S. Thus, the national originality of music declares itself literally from the first sounds of the composition. The noted motif will later be encountered in other themes of the concert, playing a certain unifying role in it. [4], [5]

    The contribution to the musical heritage
    Grieg's contribution to the musical heritage is truly great. Strengthening the traditions of native music, uniting the efforts of Norwegian musicians, educating the public – these are the main activities of Grieg. His work went beyond the borders of his country and became the property of European culture. Grieg's work quickly found its way to listeners from different countries, already in the 70s of the last century; it became a favorite and deeply entered the musical life of Russia. «Grieg managed to immediately and forever win Russian hearts for himself», Tchaikovsky wrote. «In his music, imbued with charming melancholy, reflecting the beauty of Norwegian nature, sometimes majestically wide and grandiose, sometimes gray, modest, wretched, but always incredibly charming for the soul of a northerner, there is something close to us, dear, immediately finding in our hearts a warm, sympathetic response».

    The impression of his works
    The first acquaintance with Grieg's music happened to me at the art school - I performed his romances and studied his work in the lessons of musical literature. And since then it has held a special place in my musical consciousness. Lyrical and poetic character, fabulous images, and dance melodies – all this resonated in my soul.


    1. Introduction

      1. Creative heritage – творческое наследие

      2. Cultivate – развивать

      3. The sensitive guidance – чуткое руководство

      4. Acquaintance – знакомство

      5. Difficult obstacles – тяжёлые препятствия

      6. To retreat – отступать

      7. Patience – терпение

      8. Modest – скромный

      9. The secluded enjoyment – уединенное наслаждение

      10. Estate – имение

    1. Norway in the 19th century

      1. Great public upsurge – большой общественный подъем

      2. Go through – пройти через

      3. To be subordinate – быть подчиненным

      4. Cultural stagnation – культурный застой

      5. Unification – объединение

      6. Increased growth – повышенный рост

      7. National self-consciousness – национальное самосознание

      8. To fetter – сковывать

      9. The deaf, hidden struggle – глухая, скрытая борьба

      10. Obvious – очевидный

      11. Foreign political oppression – внешнеполитическое угнетение

      12. To strengthen – усиливать

      13. To leave the mark – оставить след

      14. To suppress – подавлять

      15. To affect – влиять

      16. Experiencing a remarkable heyday - переживает небывалый расцвет

      17. Remain aloof – оставаться в стороне

    2. Grieg’s contemporaries

      1. To emphasize – подчеркивать

      2. Effort – усилие

      3. To distinguish – различать

      4. Gifted – одарённый

      5. Deceased – покойный

      6. Inferior to something – уступающий чему-то

      7. Frequently – часто

      8. Chamber – камерный

    3. Creative biography

      1. Clearly trace – четко проследить

      2. According to… – по мнению …

      3. Outstanding – выдающийся

      4. To predict – предсказывать

      5. Arrival – прибытие

      6. Frankly bored – откровенно скучно

      7. Trendsetter in musical fashion – законодатель музыкальной моды

      8. Positive assessment – положительная оценка

      9. Euterp – Эвтерпа (муза лирической поэзии и музыки)

      10. Tirelessly – без устали

      11. Crusarder – крестоносец

      12. Lifetime scholarship – пожизненная стипендия

      13. Worldwide fame – всемирная известность

      14. Native landscape – родной пейзаж

      15. Forester – лесничий

      16. To correspond – вести переписку

      17. To lead – вести

      18. Reclusive life – затворническая жизнь

      19. To gather – собирать

      20. Invariably – неизменно

      21. Subsequently – впоследствии

      22. To collaborate – сотрудничать

      23. To dedicate – посвящать

      24. Undertake – предпринимать

      25. Farewell – прощание

    4. Characteristic of the style

      1. Synergy – синергия

      2. Reminiscent – напоминающий

      3. Affinity – близость

      4. Attempt – пытаться

      5. Set out – намереваться быть

      6. Essentially – по сути

      7. Firmly – твёрдо

      8. Nevertheless – тем не менее

      9. Occasionally – изредка

      10. Pave the way – проложить путь

    5. Analysis of a piece of music

      1. Fiery – огненный

      2. Double image – двойное изображение

      3. To compare – сравнивать

      4. Key – тональность

      5. Chordal descent – аккордовый спуск

      6. In addition to – в дополнении к

      7. Testimonial – рекомендательное письмо

      8. Sight-read – чтение с листа

      9. To eliminate – устранять

      10. Contemplative – созерцательный

      11. Life-affirming – жизнеутверждающий

      12. Estimated duration – примерная продолжительность

      13. Courageous energy – мужественная энергия

      14. Strong-willed affirmation – волевое утверждение

      15. Mode – лад

      16. To encounter – сталкиваться

      17. Unifying role – объединяющая роль


    1. https://www.belcanto.ru/03062011.html (biography and creativity) [05.05.23, 7:49]

    2. https://thestrip.ru/holiday/partitury-ne-goryat---edvard-grig-edvard-grig-biografiya-lichnaya-zhizn/ (creative biography) [29.05.23, 22:09]

    3. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%93%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B3,_%D0%AD%D0%B4%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B4 (selected compositions) [29.05.23, 22:19]

    4. http://musike.ru/index.php?id=93 (Piano Concerto) [1.06.23, 07:46]

    5. http://musike.ru/index.php?id=91 (Norway in 19s century) [2.06.23, 10:25]

    6. https://ru.frwiki.wiki/wiki/Concerto_pour_piano_de_Grieg (Piano Concerto) [1.06.23, 7:57]

    7. https://soundtimes.ru/muzykalnaya-shkatulka/velikie-kompozitory/edvard-grig (introduction) [4.06.23, 19:01]

    8. https://www.mfiles.co.uk/composers/Edvard-Grieg.htm (characteristic of the style) [1.06.23, 19:01]

    9. https://www.belcanto.ru/norveg_zm4.html (musical culture) [29.05.23, 17:45]

    10. https://ru.mahlerfoundation.org/mahler/contemporaries/edvard-grieg/ (Piano Concerto) [04.06.23, 21:59]

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