Методическое пособие «Адаптированные задания для обучающихся с особыми возможностями здоровья в основной школе по английскому языку»

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Адаптированные задания для 9 класса
13. Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный вариант. При ответе используйте карточки:
The London underground was the 1_______ underground system in the world. It is over 140 years old. The system was opened in 1863 and 2_____ only 4 miles long from the west of London to the city in the east. Steam trains 3_______ used. The electric railway 4______ opened in 1890. The Londoners called this system the Tube and it is still a very popular name for the London underground.

  1. a) one b) first

  2. a) was b) were

  3. a) was b) were

  4. a) was b) were

14. Найдите соответствие между глаголами и именами существительными


имя существительное

put on

A tent


The Scout club


A uniform



15. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски словами: to, celebrates, watch, wear, important

My name is Helen. I am from Ireland. I am going to talk about an ______ festival in my country. On the 17th of March Ireland ______ Saint Patrick`s Day. On this day people _______ green clothes and colourful hats. There are huge parades and everybody wants to ______ them. Many people come ____ Ireland from other countries to take part in the parades.
16. Подберите заголовок к тексту:
1) Presents 2) Christmas food 3) Paper
We throw out over 7 million tons of food every year. So why not help out in the kitchen and get creative when cooking a Christmas turkey. If you have got a compost bin in your garden you can throw in all those veg peelings. Birds love Christmas leftovers, scraps of fruit cake and mince pies will go down a treat. It will give them energy and help them through the cold winter months.
17. Прочитайте текст и определите, верны ли утверждения:
Steve Jobs was the American businessman. People all over the world use his innovative products. He was born on February 24, 1955. His father worked for a company that made lasers. The father showed Steve how to work with electronics. Later Jobs got a job as a technician. Soon he met Steve Wozniak. They founded Apple Computer in the garage of Job`s parents in order to sell it. It was the first small computer with a user-friendly interface to be commercially successful. Jobs also build the computer on with the World Wide Web was created. Jobs guided Apple and the company was the leader in the digital revolution.
1. Steve Jobs was born in the USA
2. His father showed the son how to work with electronics
3. He founded Apple Computer alone
4. His invention was very successful

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