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Read the grammar material

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6. Read the grammar material.

Make up 7 sentences. Use the Future Perfect Tense.

Control: answer questions

-What is the rule of the Future Perfect Tense?

-When do we use the Future Perfect Tense?

-How is the negative form of Future Perfect Tense formed?

-How is the question form of Future Perfect Tense formed?

3rd Hour

1. Read the following sentences and compare them with the translation.

He said (that) he lived in Almaty. Он сказал, что живет в Алмате.

He said (that) he had lived in Almaty. Он сказал, что жил в Алмате.

He said (that) he would live in Almaty. Он сказал, что будет жить в Алмате.

2. Explain the rules of grammar material “Sequence of Tenses”

according to ex. № 1

  1. Make up your own sentences using Sequence of Tenses with the word-combinations:

to study a lot of new subjects

to go to primary school

to leave school

to enter a higher educational institution

to get the Bachelor degree

to get the Masters degree.

  1. Work in pairs. Put 10 questions using the text information.

  1. Make up dialogues about the education in Kazakhstan.

Using the expressions given below.

As for as you know… …

First of all

To tell the truth

It is necessary

On the one hand

On the other hand

  1. Compose the plan of retelling the text.


Questions to the theme:

-When do children attend kindergartens in our country?

-When does compulsory education begin?

-What subjects do children study at the secondary stage?

-May any children leave schools at the end of the 9th and the 11th forms?

-Where do they continue education?

-What kind of other types of schools are there in our country?

-Are there schools with intensive study of a certain subject?

-What schools are there for gifted children?

-What schools are there for handicapped children?

-Is secondary education free of charge in Kazakhstan?

-What can you tell about the western model?

-What do young people do to enter a higher educational institution?

-In what cases education is given on the commercial bases?


1. Printed text: “Education in Kazakhstan”

2. Maslova A.M. Essential English for Medical students. Moscow 2002.

3. Maslova A.M. Language laboratory exercises for medical students. Moscow 2002.

4. Maslova A.M. Essential vocabulary for medical students. Moscow 2002.

Work-out 9

Contact Hours (3)
Theme: Scientists of Great Britain

Lexics: words and word-combinations

Grammar: Modal verbs: can, may, must
Aim: the students have to know all about the country of the studied language, particularly, about the scientist of Great Britain, get acquainted with the biography and his contribution to science. It is very important for the development of students’ general knowledge.
Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: the students have to know lexics of the text "Edward Jenner" (words and word-combinations of the text) and are ablе to use new lexics of the text in their speech.

Grammar: Modal verbs are “modal auxiliaries”. They are helping verbs that express a wide range of meanings (ability, permission, possibility, necessity, etc.). Most of the modals have more than one meaning.
Methods of teaching: performing practical classes, including key themes of discipline, reading and translating texts, compiling topics, dialogues, doing lexico-grammatical exercises, working with book and computer programs.
1st hour

  1. Read and memorize the following words paying attention to the pronunciation:

Smallpox - оспа

Vaccination - вакцинация

Apprentice – ученик, подмастерье

Clergyman – священник

Stimuli -стимул

Capable - способный

Vesicles - пузырек

Outbreak - вспышка

Protection - охрана

Youth – юноша, молодость

To acquire - приобретать

Reliance - зависимость

Inoculation - прививка

Cowpox – «телячья» оспа

Lesion – повреждение, рана

2Read and translate new words and word – combinations:

Discoverer, vaccination for smallpox, country youth, stimuli, clergyman, to acquire, apprentice, confirm, reliance, capable, outbreak, inoculation, cowpox, lesion, exposure, deliberate, slight fever.

3.Match the words from the left column with the synonyms from the right column:

youth gifted

to gain adolescent

apprentice capable

learner to acquire
4.Translate into Russian:

spread rapidly, mechanism of protection, could be transmitted, clinical surgery, experimental investigation, honours.


  1. Translate the following wоrd - соmbinatiоns: клиническая хирургия, механизм защиты, экспериментальное исследование, сын священника, любовь к природе.

  2. Choose the right synonym:

1. Youth a. child

      1. man

      2. old

      3. adolescent

2. gifted a. romantic

b. capable

c. modest

d. calm
3. apprentice a. learner

b. person

c. teenager

d. worker

4. to gain a. to know

b. to sorrow

c. to acquire

d. to like

2nd Hour

  1. Write down three things you can do. ( two true and one false )

  2. Write down three things you can’t do. ( two true and one false )

  3. Which of these things can you do in your town. Make sentences.

  1. travel by tram

  2. travel by underground

  3. ride a bicycle safely

  4. find a taxi easily

  5. go shopping on a Sunday

4. Соmрlеtе the sentences with could оr couldn't and уоur own words.

Ехаmрlе: А уеаг ago I couldn't speak English well, but now I саn.

a. When I was а bаbу, I____but now I саn.

  1. Five years ago, I __ , but now I can't.

  2. In the past I __ , but now I саn.

    1. Explain the usage of may and might and translate the following sentences:

You may take any book you like.

She told him that he might go home.

He may come tonight, but I am not sure.

I said that he was not in the house, but he might be in the garden.

6. Make a logical conclusion. Use must:

    1. Mrs. Chu has a big smile on her face.

    2. Emily is coughing and sneezing.

    3. Jack always gets the highest score on every test he takes.

7. Complete the dialogues with must or must not:

a.) A. Did you offer our guests something to drink?

  1. Yes, but they didn’t want anything. They______ be thirsty.

        1. A. You’ve been out here working in the hot sun for hours. You_______thirsty.

B. I am.

        1. A. Adam has already eaten one sandwich. Now he’s making another.

  1. He __________ be hungry.

        1. A. I offered Holly something to eat, but she doesn’t want anything.

B. She _______ be hungry.

  1. Fundamentals of English Grammar. Betty S. Azar. pp 189-194


  1. Write two things you can do:

a. in a restaurant You can have lunch.

b. at the weekend in your town / city

c. in a classroom

d. with an e-mail
3rd Hour
1. Read and translate the text:
Edward Jenner
Edward Jenner was born in 1749 in Berkeley, England and died in 1823, English surgeon and discoverer of vaccination for smallpox.

Jenner was born at a time when the patterns of british medical practice and education were undergoing gradual change. He was a country youth, the son of clergyman. Edward acquired a love of nature remained with him all his life. He attended grammar school and at the age of 13 was apprentice to nearby surgeon. On completing his apprentice ship at the age of 21 he went to London and became the house pupil of John Hunter. From no one else could Jenner have received the stimuli that so confirmed an interest in biological phenomena, disciplined powers of observation, a reliance on experimental investigation.

In addition to his training and experience in biology Jenner made progress in clinical surgery. He was capable, skillful and popular.

Smallpox was widely spread in the 18th century, and occasional outbreaks of special intensity resulted in a very high death rate. The only means of combating the disease was the so-called inoculation.

Jenner had been expressed by the fact that a person who had suffered an attack of cowpox – a relatively harmless disease that could be contracted from cattle – could not take the smallpox – i.e., could not become infected whether by accidental or in intentional exposure to the smallpox. Jenner concluded that cowpox not only protected against smallpox but could be transmitted from one person to another as a deliberate mechanism of protection.

The story of the great breakthrough is well known. In May 1796 Jenner found a young dairymaid , Sarah Nelmes, who had fresh cowpox lesions on her finger. The first child whom Jenner introduced the substance from cowpox vesicles was an eight-year-old boy, Jimmy Phipps.

Then he inoculated the boy again, this time with smallpox matter. No disease developed.

The procedure spread rapidly to the European continent, then to America, and soon was carried around the world.

Jenner not only received honors but also aroused opposition and found himself subjected to attacks, despite which he continued his activities in behalf of vaccination.
2. Find in the text the following wогd -соmbinatiоns :

клиническая хирургия, механизм защиты, экспериментальное исследование, сын священника, любовь к природе.

3. Insert prepositions where necessary:
Edward Jenner was the discoverer ….. vaccination. He studied medicine …. London. His persistent scientific work resulted …… the the discovery of vaccination against smallpox. The vaccination is effective …. Prolonged period … time. The diseases had been common …… centuries ….. many countries …. Asia.

  1. Complete the sentences using the text information:

    1. Edward Jenner was born in …….

    2. He was ……

    3. Edward acquired a love of ……

    4. Smallpox was widely spread in the ……

    5. Jenner concluded that cowpox …….

5. Trans1ate the following sentences :

a. Looking back at the great discoveries of science manу of them seem so simp1e/

b. The disease had bееn соmmоn for centuries in manу соuntгiеs of Asia.

c. Тhеге were few реорlе who recovered from the disease.

d. Immunity, mау vary depending оn various conditions.

    1. Express the essence of every paragraph in a short sentence and entitle each


    1. Put ten questions to the text “Edward Jenner” and answer them.

    2. Make up a plan of the retelling of the text: “ Edward Jenner”


Plan of the retelling of the text:

  1. English surgeon and great discoverer

  2. Reliance on experimental investigation.

  3. Dangerous disease.

  4. Deliberate mechanism of protection.

  5. First inoculation.

  6. The magic procedure.


1. Questions to the theme:

    1. Answer the questions:

  1. Who was the discoverer of vaccination?

  2. When was Edward Jenner born?

с) What disease was оnе of the main causes of death in the 18t1h century?

d) Who was the first person whom Jenner introduced the substance from cowpox vesicles?

2. Choose the right variant:

  1. Edward Jenner was

  1. a pilot

  2. a politician

  3. a scientist

  4. a cook

  1. Edward Jenner was born in

  1. Scotland

  2. Berkeley

  3. Poland

  4. Cambridge

  1. Edward Jenner acquired a love of

  1. astronomy

  2. physics

  3. mathematics

  4. nature

  1. The only means of combating smallpox was

  1. inoculation

  2. auscultation

  3. percussion

  4. invasion


1. text “ Edward Jenner” encyclopedia “ Britannica”

2. Fundamentals of English Grammar. Betty S. Azar. p.211

3. Maslova A.M. Essential English for Medical students. Moscow. 2002

Work out 10

Contact Hours (3)

Theme: The prominent medical scientists of Kazakhstan

Lexics: words and word-combinations

Grammar: Constructions going to, would like to, want to

Aim: to teach the students to tell about scientific research work of prominent medical scientists, living in Kazakhstan; to study new lexical and grammar material and to use it in their speech.

Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: The prominent medical scientists of Kazakhstan made a great contribution to the development of our country’s science. Studying of their scientific research work is very important for the development of students’ general knowledge, their patriotic education, and development of their mental outwork. In texts about prominent medical scientists of Kazakhstan new lexics and special English medical terminology are widely used. Studying of special English medical terminology helps the students to read and translate more complicated medical texts and is very important for their future professional work.

Grammar: In English language the grammar construction going to, would like to, want to are widely used. They have an important stylistic meaning. They are used in such cases, when the narrator wants to pay attention of his listener on the importance of the reported information or when the narrator wants to stress the most important phrases and sentences in his speech or in written text.

These constructions are translated into Russian language as: собираться, хотеть, сделать что-либо.

These constructions are often used in stories about life and research work of prominent scientists, etc. In such cases the speech of narrator becomes more emotional and has a stylistic meaning, at example: I am going to tell you about scientific research work of prominent Kazakhstan’s phthisiatrician Muminov T.A.

Translation of constructions going to, would like to, want to in Russian language and examples of their use in English language are shown in the table №

Table № 1




going to

собираться сделать ч-л.

I am going to tell you about prominent scientists of Kazakhstan.

would like to

хотел бы сделать ч-л., был бы рад сделать ч-л.

I would like to tell you about political work of S.D. Asfendiarov.

want to

хотеть сделать ч-л.

I want to tell you about scientific and pedagogical work of T.A. Muminov.

Methods of teaching: performing practical classes, including key themes of discipline, reading and translating texts, compiling topics, dialogues, doing lexico-grammatical exercises, solving situational tasks.

1st hour.

1. Remember:

The letter o before m, n, th, v is usually read as []: among [’mŋ], above [ə’bv], [bikm].

In closed [2] stressed syllable letter u is read [] adult [‘ædlt], consult [kən’slt],
2. Pay attention to the pronunciation and read the words;

son, upper, above, adult, among, another, become, blood, colour, consult.

3. Remember the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, and learn them.

doctor, n


доктор, врач

author, n



offspring, n



person, n


лицо, личность

education, n

[edju:’ keiЅn]


health care

[helθ kεə]


professor, n



scientist, n



medicine, n



medical science

[‘medikəl ‘saiəns]

медицинская наука

assistant, n



graduate (from),v


окончить университет, институт

expert, n



supervision, n


научное руководство

to defend a dissertation

[tu di’fend ə disə:’teiЅən]

защитить диссертацию

tuberculosis, n

[tju: bə:kju’lousis]


pulmonary tuberculosis

[plmənəri tju:bə:kjulousis]

легочный туберкулез



врач, медик

prevention of diseases

[pri’venЅn əv di’zi:zəs]

профилактика заболеваний

lung, n



lung disease

[lng di’zi:z]

легочное заболевание

diagnosis, n



ecology, n



phthisiology, n






postgraduate education

[poust’grædjueit edju:keiЅn]

последипломное образование, аспирантура




4. Match the words A and B.

A. B.

a) health 1. tuberculosis

b) to defend 2. a dissertation

c) pulmonary 3. diseases

d) lung 4. education

e) postgraduate 5. care

1. Read these sentences and answer the questions.

1) I am going to tell you about prominent medical scientists.

2) I would like to tell you about political activity of S.D. Asfendiarov.

3) I want to tell you about scientific and pedagogical activity of T.A. Muminov.

1. What meaning have the constructions want to, would like to, going to?

2. What cases are these constructions used in English language?

3. How are these constructions translated in Russian language?

4. Can we use these constructions, when we tell topics about life and research work of prominent scientists?

2. Read and translate the following sentences. Pay attention to the use of constructions want to, would like to, going to.
1. At the end of my report I would like to say you, why I had chosen this theme.

2. I want to tell you about scientific research work of prominent German scientist R. Koch.

3. He is going to defend thesis for degree of the candidate of medicine on a speciality “Phthisiology”.

4. My friend is going to enter Medical University.

5. My friend wants to work as an intern at an in-patient department.

6. I would like to tell you about political and pedagogical activity of S.D. Asfendiarov.

3. Make up six sentences of your own, using constructions would like to, want to, going to.

2nd Hour

1. Read and translate the text A. and B
Text A

S.D. Asfendiarov

S.D. Asfendiarov was a revolutionary, political man, author of works on history of KZ, doctor. He was the first rector of Almaty State Medical Institute.

He was born on the 20th of October 1889 in Tashkent, in a family of a military statesmen, that he was a son of a poor sultan became false. If in very truth, S.A. was a direct offspring of khan Abulhair. Khan Abulhair had 7 sons. The fourth of them was sultan Aishuar, who became the leader of Junior Juz. In accordance with the family, one of his sons Sigal was the grandfather of S.A. In times of Alexander the first he was given some land near river Amu – Darya.

In the end of the first term of the 19th century in the life of society appeared his son – Asfendiar Sigalin. He was one of the most well-known persons of that time. He perfectly understood that children were needed high education to get success and fame.

That is why one of his sons Seitjaphar got the best education in the school of frontier commission. Seitjaphar A. personally knew Nicolay the second. He mastered in perfection turk, tajik and farsy languages. Most of all Seitjaphar A. was the author of many books about traditions and mode of life of native people – Kazakhs.

Most probably the education of father helped his son Sanzhar in his future life, because the depth of erudition, which can be found in his works organically, enters the life of a man from youth.

After graduation from Tashkent secondary college in 1907, he entered the Military Medical Academy in Petersburg, which he finished in 1912. So he was one of the first Kazakh doctors. At the beginning of the 1st World War a young doctor went to the front.

In years of revolution and establishment of Soviet Power S.A. had worked with brigar persons as B.B. Kuibyshev, T. Ryskulov, D.A. Furmanov. In 1920 he was appointed as National Commissar of the Turkistan health care. During this period S.A. tried to fight with infections and wrote a lot of works on this theme.

In 1927 he got the grade of the professor of Moscow University of East Nations, where for a long time he had been reading lectures.

S.A. went to Almaty in 1928 and was engaged in questions of science organization, high education and health care in the Republic. It was a bright and fruitful period in a life of scientist and teacher. He was one of the first directors of Kazakhstan Pedagogical Institute from 1918 – 1931.

S.Asfendiarov was the founder of KSMI, which was opened in 1931 in Almaty. Later on, having been the head of Ministry of Health Care he contributed much in becoming and developing of medicine in Kazakhstan. Then he was the sector’s Manager of history of Kazakh Institute of National culture.

From 1933 – 1937 year S.A. had been working as first assistant of culture branch.

In 1938 he was accused of treachery of Soviet Republic and was shot.

Today, the fund exists, which was organized by his name.

And at the end of my report I would like to say, why I had chosen this theme. I think that it is our duty to know the history of one of the brightest persons of our Kazakh medicine, because thanks to him we study in one of the best Universities.

Text B

T.A. Muminov

Muminov T.A. was born in 1953. He graduated from Almaty state medical institute. Now he is the leading expert on TB and Lung Diseases in Kazakhstan. He published more then 180 scientific articles and books. He is the author of 10 monographs and textbooks. Under his supervision 5 doctors of Medical Science and 10 PhD defended thesis and got their degree. Many parts of the national tuberculosis program in transition period are based upon Muminov’s research.

Muminov T.A. is the outstanding physician, scientist and the manager of Public Health. He is the author of several variants of State standard and the concept of High medical education.

He is the Chairman of Rectors’ Council of medical universities of Central Asia, the Member of Senate of the National Academy of sciences, the Board Member of Ministry of Health in Kazakhstan, the President of TB Association of Kazakhstan, the Academician of the Academy of sciences of the higher school of Kazakhstan, the Academician of the Hamburg Academy of medicine and prevention of diseases, the Academician of the Polish Medical Academy, the Member of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases. He is awarded to Albert Schweitzer Gold Medal for humanism and the contribution to development of a medical science (1998). He is the winner of Tarlan (Master) National Scientific Prize (2003).

Now Muminov Talgat Ashirovich is the leader of new program, called “Elaboration and improvement of new methods of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of several forms of the diseases in ecologically adverse regions of Kazakhstan” 2003 – 2005.

After graduation from Almaty state medical institute in 1976 Muminov T.A. worked as the intern, the assistant – researcher of tuberculosis department. In 1983 Muminov T.A. worked as the probationer in clinic of Academic A.G. Homenko, where he defended the thesis for degree of the Candidate of Medicine on a specialty “Phthisiology”. He was the lecturer of Phthisiopulmonologic department of Almaty State Institute for postgraduate education from 1984 till 1992. After defending the thesis for the Doctor of medical science (DMS) degree in 1992 he was elected as the chief of phthisiology and pulmonology department of Almaty State Institute for postgraduate education. From 1994 till 1995 D-r Muminov was the head of the department of science and education of the Ministry of Health. He was nominated for the rector of Almaty State Medical Institute (nowadays the Kazakh National Medical University) in 1995. Muminov’s basic clinical, scientific and pedagogical interests are related to tuberculosis and to antituberculosis organization.

2. Quote the sentences in which the following words and word combinations are used in the texts.

Political man, military statesman, high education, one of the first Kazakh doctors, health care, developing of medicine in Kazakhstan, leading expert on TB and Lung Diseases, outstanding physician and scientist, to work as an intern, phthisiopulmonologic department, rector of Kazakh National Medical University, pulmonary tuberculosis.

3. Find in the texts all sentences, in which the constructions would like to, want to, going to are used. Make up 4 sentences of your own according to the main contents of the texts, using these constructions in them.
4. Make up the plans of the texts: “S.D. Asfendiarov”, “T.A. Muminov”

3rd hour

S.D. Asfendiarov


1. S.D. Asfendiarov’s political and pedagogical activity

2. His ancestors and relatives

3. S.D. Asfendiarov’s study at Military Medical Academy in Petersburg.

4. His political activity during the years of revolution.

5. S.D. Asfendiarov as a rector of Kazakh Pedagogical Institute and Kazakh State Medical Institute.

6. His activity as the head of Ministry of Health Care and the first assistant of culture branch.

7. Fund, named by S.D. Asfendiarov.

T.A. Muminov


1. T.A. Muminov’s study at Almaty State Medical Institute.

2. His scientific activity.

3. T.A. Muminov as the author of State standard and the concept of High Medical Education.

4. His main scientific and pedagogical titles, merits and medals.

5. T.A. Muminov’s biography.


1. Printed texts: “S.D. Asfendiarov”, “T.A. Muminov”

2. Maslova A.M. Essential English for Medical students. Moscow 2002.

3.Maslova A.M. Language laboratory. Exercises for medical students. Moscow 2002.

4. Maslova A.M. Essential vocabulary for medical students. Moscow 2002.

Questions to the theme:

S.D. Asfendiarov

1. What profession had S.D. Asfendiarov?

2. Did the education and political activity of his ancestors and relatives help him in political and scientific work?

3. What Academy did S.D.Asfendiarov graduate from?

4. Where did he work during the years of establishment of Soviet Power?

5. When did he get the grade of the professor? Where did he work after getting of this grade?

6. What Institutes did he organize? Was he the first rector of Kazakh State Medical Institute?

7. Did S.D. Asfendiarov constitute much in becoming and developing of medicine in Kazakhstan?

T.A. Muminov.

1. What Institute did T.A. Muminov graduate from?

2. Has he great and fruitful scientific activity?

3. Did he create several variants of State standard and the concept of High medical education?

4. Has T.A. Muminov many scientific and public titles?

5. What antituberculosic program was worked out?

6. Where did Muminov T.A. work as an intern?

7. Where did Muminov T.A. work as a probationer? What thesis did he defend?

8. Where did Muminov T.A. work as a lecturer?

9. When did Muminov T.A. defend the thesis for DMS? And where did he work after that?

10. When was Muminov T.A. nominated for the rector of Almaty State Medical Institute?

11. What are his basic clinical, scientific and pedagogical interests?

Work out 11

Contact hours (4)

Theme: Our chemical laboratory

Lexics: words and word-combinations

Grammar: Present Continuous Tense
Aim: To develop communicative skills and habits in reading, writing, speaking.

To practice their speech

To teach the students to use the new lexics in their speech

To teach the students to put the questions

To introduce Grammar material
Basic- thematic issues:
Grammar: We use Present Continuous tense to talk about actions in progress at the time of speaking and for actions that are not necessarily in progress at the time of speaking but have not finished.
Lexics: The students have to know lexics of the text “Our chemical laboratory” (words and word- combination of the text) and are able to use new lexics of the text in their speech. Studying of special English medical terminology helps the students to read and translate more complicated medical texts and is very important for their future professional work.
Methods of teaching: Working with book, reading and translating texts, compiling topics, doing lexico- grammatical exercises, cards.
Murphy. Essential grammar in use

English for students-pharmaceutısts, chemists-technologısts

Contact hour 1

Work on phonetics:


[s] before e,i,y eg: cell, cinema

A) The letter Cc is pronounced as

[k] in other cases eg: cat, cold.

[dз] before e, I, y. eg: age, gin

B) The letter Gg is pronounced as [g] in other cases eg: got, game

Exercise 1.Put down the words into 4 columns with the sounds [s],[k],[g],[d].

Gate, page, big, stage, icy, slice, age, cell, gin, bag, mice, gold, cup, cap, clean, got, gym, fact, pencil, nice.

Exercise 2. Read the following words paying attention to the rules of pronunciation and translate them.

Give, black, nice, club, picture, gas, scale, crucible, glassware, escape, can, class, large, gate, ceiling.

Exercise 3. Write the taranscription of the following words and translate them:

  1. Cell

  2. Icy

  3. Glassware

  4. Gap

  5. Page

  6. Cat

  7. Cold

  8. Got

  9. Age

  10. Cinema

Work on grammar: Present continuous tense.


I am

He/She/It is

You/We/They are



I am not

He/she/it is not

You/ we/they are not



Am I

Is he/she/it

Are you/we/they


Uses: We use the present continuous:

  1. To talk about actions in progress at the time of speaking.

Eg: I am using the photocopier at the moment.

  1. For actions that are not necessarily in progress at the time of speaking but have not finished.

Eg: We are trying to enter new markets.

  1. For temporary situations:

Eg: We are staying at the Hilton for the next few days.

  1. To describe temporary situations, ones which happen for a short time.

Eg: I am walking to work this week.
Exercise 1.Give the Participle 1 of the following verbs.

To work, to start, to study, to live, to do, to make, to learn, to sit, to write, to read, to call, to have, to listen, to give, to put, to sleep, to stop, to use.

Exercise 2.Complete these sentences with the Present Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. BMW …………. (sell) Minis in China now.

  2. People …………. (work) in the factory 51 weeks a year.

  3. I …………….. (call) about a problem.

  4. She ………….. (attend) a course on presentations.

  5. He ……………. (not work) in the office today.

Exercise 3. Write short answers to these questions

1. Is the situation getting better?

Yes, ------------------

2. Are they improving the quality of their services?

No, --------------------

3. Is their new shop attracting a lot of customers?

No, ----------------------------

4. Are you and Robert testing our new product?

Yes, -----------------
Exercise 4. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative and translate them:

  1. Jack is opening the window.

  2. Sally is cleaning her teeth.

  3. My mother is cooking the meal.

  4. My father is reading the magazine.

  5. She is sweeping the floor.

Contact hour 2

Work on words

Read and memorize the new words to the text.

Beaker- мензурка

Funnel- воронка

Burner- горелка

Crucible- тигель

Escape- улетучивать

Filter –stand- фильтровальная установка

Flask- колба

Bench- лабораторный стол

Glassware- стеклянная посуда

Laboratory liquid- лабораторная жидкость

Odour- запах

Rack- узкая палочка

Sink with running water- водопроводный кран

Test- tube- пробирка

Vapour- пар

Water – bath- водяная баня

Evaporate- выпаривать

To obtain- получать

Pure- чистый

Exercise 1. Choose the correct equivalents of the English words.

  1. Bench a) колба

  2. Crucible b) стеклянная посуда

c) лабораторный стол

  1. flask

  2. beaker d)твердое вещество

  3. scales e)весы

  4. funnel f) водяная баня

  5. glassware g)тигель

  6. solid h)горелка

  7. burner i) мензурка

  8. Water- bath j) воронка

Exercise2. Make a word or word-combination with given letters and translate them.

  1. tatetutsbends

  2. isldo

  3. reburn

  4. yb a burbre uteb

  5. sgwlsaawre

  6. no hte ehelsse

Exercise3. Translate these words and word- combinations

Штатив для пробирок, горелка, тигель, лабораторный стол, фильтровальная установка, жидкость, бутыль, мензурка, колба, во время опыта.

Exercise 4. Give the antonyms of the following words.
Light, large, liquid, disagreeable, harmful.
Contact hour 3

Work on the text.

Read the text and translate it:

Do the tasks bellow.

Our chemical laboratory
This is our chemical laboratory. We have our practical classes on chemistry in the chemical laboratory. It is on the first floor. Our laboratory is a large room.

There are two benches in it. There are shelves and racks above the benches. On the shelves, you can see some glasswear. You can see funnels, beaker and flasks of different forms on the shelves. There are also bottles with liquids and solids on the shelves. On the benches, there are burners, crucibles and scales. There are also test-tube stands and filter-stands there.

All the burners are connected with the main gas line by a rubber tube.There is a sink with running water in every chemical laboratory. On the wall, you can see the Periodic Table.

Each student has his or her working place in the laboratory.

there is a ventilating hood for the escaping of disagreeable odour and harmful vapours.

The students of our University study Chemistry.They study different branches of chemistry such as organic, inorganic,

analytical and other branches of chemistry.

Every week the students attend lectures and have their practical classes on chemistry.

The first year students study inorganic chemistry. They have practical classes in a chemical lab, which is equipped with special apparatus.

During practical classes, the students make many interesting experiments. They obtain pure oxygen, hydrogen and other elements and study their properties. They often dissolve and mix substances and obtain solutions and mixtures. Before a reaction, they weigh substances, as they have to know the exact amount of substances, which they use in a reaction.

During the reaction they observe it and at the end of a reaction they record the yield

Contact hour 4

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences using text information.

All the burners are connected with ………………

They study different branches of chemistry such as ………………

They have practical classes in a chemical lab. ……………..

Before a reaction …………………………

During the reaction they ………………….

Exercise2. Make the sentences using the following word- combinations in the Present Continuous tense:

  1. To have practical classes. 2. To go to the chemical laboratory. 3. To take glassware from the shelves. 4. To shake the bottles with liquids. 5. To study the Periodic table.

Exercise3. Read the following word- combinations and find the sentences with them. Translate into Russian.

  1. To weigh substances, branches of chemistry, to attend lectures, to be equipped with special apparatus, at the end of reaction.


  1. Answer the questions:

  2. Where do medical students have their practical classes on chemistry?

  3. How many benches are there in your laboratory?

  4. What do the students obtain?

2.Translate the following sentences using the Present Continuous tense:

1.Что вы сейчас делаете?- Я изучаю свойства элементов.

2. Кто стоит у доски?- Преподаватель.

3. Студенты сидят, и регистрирует результат реакции.

4. Вы идете в химическую лабораторию?- Нет.

5. Куда вы идете?- Я иду в библиотеку.

3. Find the sentences with the following word-combinations and translate them.

  1. Фильтровальная установка. 2. взвешивать все вещества. 3. разделы химии. 4. изучать свойства. 5. чистый водород.

4. Speak on the following topics.

  1. My chemical laboratory.

  2. Practical classes.

  3. Interesting experiment.

Work – out 12

Contact Hours (3)

Theme: Chemistry

Lexics: words and word-combinations

Grammar: Modal verb “should”

Aim: to teach the students to read unknown pharmaceutical words and work – combinations of the text.

Basic Thematic issues: As the students study Chemistry they should know what chemistry deals with, elements and compounds, their types. Students are able to know the types of model verbs, definitions and the usage of “should”. In the text about Chemistry new lexics and special English chemical terminology are widely used. It’s studying is very important for their future professional work.

Methods of teaching: performing practical classes, reading and translating the text, doing grammatical, phonetical and lexical exercises, working with book.
Contact Hour №1

1 Remember:

In words of Greek origin ch, ph, th, rh are pronounced as followings:

Ch [k] - chemistry

Th [ө] - asthma

Ph [f] - photo

Rh [r] – rhizome

2 Pay attention to the pronunciation and read the words:

Character [‘kæriktә] – качество, характер

Chalybeate [kә`libiәt] -железистый

Chemical [‘kemik(ә)l] -химический продукт, химикат

Chemist [‘kemist] -химик

Chemistry [‘kemistri] - химия

Chemotherapy [,ki:mә`өerәpi] - химиятерапия

Chrestomathy [kres’tomәөi] - хрестоматия

Chrome [krәum] - хром

3 Remember the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations and learn them:

A science – наука

A structure – строение

A property – свойство

To change – менять

To exist –существовать

Ordinary –обычный

The same –тот же самый

A condition –условие

To turn into –превращаться

A compound –сложное вещество

To divide –делить

Can be divided –может быть разделено

Namely –именно

To decompose –разлагать

Decomposable –разлагаемый

Indecomposable –не разлагаемый

To consist of –состоять из

A state –состояние

4 Learn the names of chemical elements:

Iron –железо

Silver –серебро

Bromine –бром

Mercury –ртуть

Sulphur –серо

Carbon –углерод

Nitrogen –азот

Lead –олово

Tin –свинец

Remind Grammar:

1 Answer the questions:

  1. Which modal verbs do you know?

  2. What are the substituent’s to these verb?

  3. Is the verb “should” a modal verb?

  4. How is it translated into Kazakh or Russian?

2 Remember:

The verb “should” can`t be used as full verb it is used without “to”

e.g. You should study hard

I (you, he, she, we, they) should buy a dictionary

I (you, he, she, we, they) should not worry about the exam

Should I (you, he, she, we, they) come in now?

  1. We use “should” to give advice or to give an opinion:

e.g. You look tired. You should go to bed.

Should we invite Susan to the party? – Yes, I think we should.

  1. We also use “should” to say that we expect something to happen:

e.g. She’s been studying hard for the exams, so she should pass.

3. “Should” is less strong, than “have to”:

e.g. We have to learn now or we’ll be late (this is necessary).

3 Put “should” or “shouldn’t” in the spaces. Translate the sentences.

  1. You ________ argue with your father, you should obey him.

  2. Mother’s ________ look after their children.

  3. That doesn’t suit you, you _______ buy another shirt.

  4. There are too many accidents there. Everyone ______be much more careful.

  5. The teacher told us that we _______ write the translation of the words in our notebooks.

  6. The old man’s eyes are weak, and he ______ read without glasses.

4 Complete the sentences using should + one of these verbs: ask, be, listen, say, worry.

  1. It is strange that she should be late. She is usually on time.

  2. It is funny that you _______that. I was going to say the same thing.

  3. It’s only natural that parents _______ about their children.

  4. I was surprised that he _______ me for advice.

  5. It’s very important that everybody ______ very carefully.

Contract Hour 2
1 Read and translate the text “Chemistry”


Chemistry is a science of substances, their structure, their properties and the reactions that change them into other substances. Chemistry is a great and complex subject.

Substances may exist in any of the three states. They may exist as solids, liquids or gases. Sulphur, iron and silver are solids, at an ordinary temperature, bromine and mercury are liquids in the same conditions and oxygen and hydrogen are gases. But solid substances may become liquids if we heat them to a proper temperature. Liquids turn into gases at very high temperatures.

Elements and compounds. All substances can be divided into two great classes, namely, elements and compounds. An element is an indecomposable substance, all compounds are substances, which consist of two or more different substances, and so they can be decomposed into oxygen and hydrogen. Elements may be metallic and non – metallic. Nitrogen and carbon are non – metals, but lead and tin are metals.

2. Make up the plan of the text “Chemistry”

  1. Retell the text.

  2. Make up a dialogue according to the theme:

  1. Chemistry

  2. Elements and compounds

  1. Make the sentences using the modal verb “should” according to the given new chemical terms from the text above.

For example: You should be careful while working with the mercury in the closed room.


1 Bazarova L, English for pharmaceutics

2 Textbook “English for pharmaceutics, chemists – technologists”, Almaty 2006

3 Gutting edge – teacher’s recourse book

4 Murphy “English grammar in use”

Control: Questions to the theme:

1. What is Chemistry?

2. Which states do substances exist in?

3. Is iron a liquid or solid element?

4. May solid substances become liquids?

5. Which groups are all elements divided into?

Contact hour 3

  1. In what word the letter combination ch read [k]?

  1. Cheek

  2. Child

  3. Chemical

  4. Childish

  5. Chill

  1. Tick the sentence that is true:

  1. All substances can be divided into three great classes.

  2. All substances can be divided into two great classes.

  3. All substances can be divided into four great classes.

  4. All substances can be divided into five great classes.

  5. All substances can be divided into six great classes.

  1. Elements may be

  1. Only non – metallic

  2. Only metallic

  3. Metallic and non – metallic

  4. Liquids

  5. Gases

  1. Sulfur, iron and silver are

  1. Solids

  2. Liquids

  3. Gases

  4. Elements

  5. Oxygen

  1. Find the generalizing word from this group of words?

  1. Bromine

  2. Mercury

  3. Oxygen

  4. Hydrogen

  5. Chemistry

  1. Fill in the gaps with the proper preposition:

Water can be decomposed …… oxygen and hydrogen.

  1. In

  2. Into

  3. To

  4. By

  5. On

  1. How is translated the modal verb “should” into Russian?

a. Мочь

b. Иметь

c. Быть

d. Следовать

e. Xотеть

8. Choose the word or phrase, which completes the sentence best:

________________ you do me favor?

  1. May

  2. Should

  3. Can

  4. Need

  5. Must

9.Circle the correct answer: Substances may exist ____ solids, liquids or gases.

  1. As

  2. Or

  3. In

  4. For

  5. To

10.What do liquids turn at very high temperature into?

  1. Metal

  2. Solid

  3. Gases

  4. Liquid

  5. Nitrogen

11.Water can be decomposed …

  1. Into oxygen and hydrogen

  2. Into metallic and non – metallic

  3. Into solid and liquid

  4. Into elements and compounds

  5. Hydrogen and gases

12.Solid substances may become … if we them to a proper temperature:

  1. Gases

  2. Liquids

  3. Solids

  4. Metals

  5. Elements

13.Find English equivalents:

Ему не следует принимать это лекарство

  1. He cannot take this drug

  2. He shouldn’t take this drug

  3. He mustn’t take this drug

  4. He may not take this drug

  5. He can take this drug

14.In what word the letter combination ch is read [k]?

  1. Cheat

  2. Chronical

  3. Chatterer

  4. Cheap

  5. check

This lesson will be concentrated on the consideration of the new vocabulary on the given theme and should be organized by the vocabulary games are mentioned here.
Vocabulary Game

Concentration- The purpose is to match the word card with its definition card. About 25 word cards and 25 definition cards are laid face down. The students take turns turning over two cards, trying to find a match. If they don’t find a match, they turn cards down again, and the next person plays: if they do make a match, they take those two cards out of the game and play again. The person with the most cards wins the game.

Word Jeopardy- The class is divided into two teams. The teacher reads the definition of a word, and the first person on Team 1 just says the word for that definition. If the person knows it, the team receives a point, if not; the other team is given a chance to supply the word. The teacher might list the words that the students did not know.

Work-out 13

Contact Hours (4)
Theme: D.I. Mendeleyev

Lexics: words and words-combinations

Grammar: Passive Voice


  • To give more information about great scientist D.I. Mendeleyev

  • To develop students’ speaking, reading and writing skills

  • To enrich students’ vocabulary and grammar materials with examples.

Basic thematic issues:

Lexics: all of us know who D.I. Mendeleyev was and to know more about him is our duty because he made a lot for our lives. He was not only Russian scientist who grouped chemical elements in a special way and put them into the Periodic Table. This text helps students to enrich their knowledge and to be informed about great people who contribute to the development of the world.

Grammar: In English there are two Voices: Active Voice and Passive Voice. And in order to know the differences between them it is necessary for students to know the meaning of Active Voice and Passive Voice and use them in their speech.

Methods of teaching: cards, puzzle, pictures, working with the text, doing the exercises, making up sentences with new words and dialogs.

  1. Remember

Compare active and passive:

Somebody cleans the office every day. (active)

The office is cleaned every day. (passive)

Somebody cleaned the office yesterday. (active)

The office was cleaned yesterday. (passive)

The Passive is:

Past Participle


Was/were (not)

Will be

Cleaned done

Invented built

Examined taken

Present simple

Past simple +

Future simple

Contact Hour № 1.

  1. Remember:

The following letter combinations are pronounced as followings:

wr [ r ] write

wh [ w ] what

kn [ n ] knew

before o letter combination wh is pronounced as [ h ]: who

after w and wh letter a is pronounced as [ o ]: what

  1. Read the words paying attention to their pronunciation.

Knee, knock, know, who, whom, whose, when, where, what, want, war, was.

  1. Remember the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, to learn them by heart.

Age, n [eidᴣ] возраст, век

At the age of [æt ði: eidᴣ ɔf] в возрасте

Attention [ə’ten(t)ʃ(ə)n] внимание

To pay an attention to [tu pei ə’ten(t)ʃ(ə)n tu] обращать внимание

To appoint [tu ə’point] назначать

To be appointed [tu bi: ə’pointid] быть назначенным

In addition to [in ə’diʃ(ə)n tu] кроме того

Applied [ə’plaid] прикладной

To be able [tu bi: ‘eibl] быть в состоянии, мочь

To bring [tu briŋ] приносить

(brought, brought) [brɔ:t, brɔ:t]

To bring together [tu briŋ tə’geðə] собирать

Complete [kəm’pli:t] полный, заканчивать

A discussion [di’skΛʃ(ə)n] обсуждение

To follow the discussion [tu fɔləu ði: di’skΛʃ(ə)n] следить за обсуждением

To describe [tu di’skraib] описывать

A description [di’skripʃ(ə)n] описание

To elect [tu i’lekt] избирать

A layer [‘leiə] слой

To put forward [tu put ‘fɔ’wəd] выдвинуть

To spend [tu spend]

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