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1) I each of the following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it.

a) I have studied for ten years.

b) Tom has studied for three years Biology.

c) I finished university this year.

d) We have had these books sinse five years.

e) Where have you been on holiday last year?

f) How long do you know your teacher?

g) They not have payed for education for a long time.

2) Put been or gone into each gap.

a) I’ve___________to most countries in Europe, but I’ve never__________to England.

b) Where’s Baljan?

She’s___________to work.

c) Sorry I’m late. I’ve___________stuck in a traffic jam for an hour.

d) – Can I speak to Mrs. Sagantaeva?

- I’m afraid she’s just___________out of the office.
3) In each of the following sentences, there are two verbs in brackets. Put on in the Past Simple and one in the Past Perfect.

a) The patient (die) after he (be) ill for a long time.

b) I (thank) her for everything she (do).

c) When I got to the University, I(realise) that I (forget) to lock the front door.

d) When the pupil (do) his homework, he (go) to bed.

3rd hour

  1. Use the Topical Vocabulary in answering the following questions, give your own opinion:

  1. Do many children in Great Britain attend pre-school institutions?

  2. Have all maintained school equal opportunities to provide the same level of education?

  3. What do you think of the main aim of the publicly maintained system of education?

  4. What’s your opinion of the fact that administration of publicly provided schools is not centralized?

  5. What subjects are usually included in a primary school curriculum?

  6. What is the aim of primary education? What types of the secondary schools are there in Britain?

  7. Why do you think most children in grammar schools are from rich families?

2) Give a brief talk on the main features of schooling in Britain. Use the Topical Vocabulary.

3) You are supposed to give a description of imaginary primary or secondary schools which

is organized according to the English pattern a name.

The following questions can be helpful:

  1. What kind of school is it?

  2. What is the size of the school?

  3. What buildings does the school possess?

  4. How many class rooms are there?

  5. Is there a hall, a library, specialist rooms, playing fields?

  6. Are the buildings modern?

  7. What subjects are included into the curriculum?

  8. What forms of reward and punishment are normally used?

  9. What testing is done in the school?

  10. What system of the examinations is used in the school?

  11. In what way are parents involved with the school?

  1. Write a composition about one of the following questions:

  1. Pre-school and primary education in Britain.

  2. Secondary education in Britain.

  3. Examination in Great Britain.

5) Retell the text Education in Great Britain.

Recommended literature:

  1. Text Education in Great Britain.

  2. Murphy English grammar in use.

  3. Shershneva. English grammar.

  4. Oxford student’s dictionary of English.

  5. Materials of the department.

  6. WWW@Com.KZ.

Control section. Test.

1) Write in the Past Participle of the following verbs:

attend visit

write stop

win study

try do

read come

play walk

find go

2.Put numbers in brackets after each action to show the order in which they happened.

1.I went to bed (-) after I had had a bath (-) and brushed my teeth (-).

2.When I arrived at Johns house (-), he had made a cake (-) and done the washing-up (-).

3.My stomach- ache disappeared (-) after I had taken some medicine (-).

4.When we got to the theatre (-), the play had started (-) and all the seats had been

taken (-)

3.Join the following pairs of sentences, using the conjunction in brackets. Change one verb into the Past Perfect.

1.I had a bath. I went to (after)

2.I read the letter. I threw it away (when)

3.He passed his driving test. He bought a car (as soon as)

4.I read the book. I saw the film (before).

5.I didn’t go to bed. I didn’t my home -work (until).

4. Aigul says «I have been to Astana». Is she there now? a) Yes. b) No.

5.Azat says «Alans gone to South Kazakhstan». Is he there now? a) Yes. b) No. 6.Complete the following sentences:

a) Anar crying because she /just/have/ since bad news.

b) Nurbol laughing because someone /just/tell/ him joke.

c) My parents are furious because I /lose/the car keys.

d)I'm fed up because someone/steal/ my bike.

7. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense, Present Perfect or Past Simple.

a)How long you (learn) English?

b)How long you (use) this book?

c)Which book you (have) before this one?

d)How long you know your teacher?

e)When you (start) primary school? „„„„
8. In each of the following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it.

a) I have studied for ten years.

b) Tom has studied for three years Biology.

c) I finished university this year.

d) We have had these books since five years.

e) Where have you been on holiday last year?

f) How long do you know your teacher?

g) They not have payed for education for a long time.

9. Put been or gone into each gap.

a) I’ve ___________to most countries in Europe, but I’ve never __________to England.

b) Where’s Gulnaz?

She’s ___________to work.

c) Sorry I’m late. I’ve ___________stuck in a traffic jam for an hour.

d) – Can I speak to Mrs. Kairakbayeva?

- I’m afraid she’s just ___________out of the office.
10. In each of the following sentences, there are two verbs in brackets. Put on in the Past Simple and one in the Past Perfect.

a) The patient (die) after he (be) ill for a long time.

b) I (thank) her for everything she (do).

c) When I got to the University, I (realize) that I (forget) to lock the front door.

  1. When the pupil (do) his homework, he (go) to bed

11.What stages of education are there in Great Britain?




12.At what age are pupils usually transferred to secondary schools?




13.What kind of education do grammar schools offer?

a. pre-school education

b. primary education

c. secondary education

d. high education
14.How many universities are there in Great Britain?




15.What differs one university from another?

a. history, tradition

b. economic

c. culture

d. expensive
16.What are world-known universities?

a. Winchester

b. Oxford and Cambridge

c. Harvard

d. Eton
17.What does a university usually consist of?

a. school

b. college

c. university

d. kinder garden
18.What does an undergraduate programmer consist of?

a. lectures, seminars, tutorials, laboratory classes

b. discussion

c. technical drawing

d. dancing, singing

19.How long may a lecture course last?

a. 2-3



20.How long must one study to get the Degree of Bachelor?




21.What does the term “comprehensive” imply?

a. designed for students of all abilities in the same school

b. where boys and girls study together

c. a secondary school for young people of all levels of ability

d. only boys study
22.Do all primary and secondary schools in Great Britain belong to the state system?

a .yes

b. no

c. may be

d. of course
23.What secondary schools maintained by the state do you know?
24.Which are the most notable public schools?
25.What are the principal examinations taken by secondary school pupils in GB?
26. In what school within the maintained system can children get primary education?
27.What’s your opinion of the fact that administration of publicly provided schools is not centralized?
28.Why do you think most children in grammar schools are from rich families?
29.What do you think of the main aim of the publicly maintained system of education?
30.Don’t you think that independed schools sustain inequality in the field of education?

Work-out 8

for students´ self-studying under the guidance of a teacher.

Contact hour (3)

Theme: Education in Kazakhstan

Grammar: Future Perfect Tense

Aim: To study new lexical and grammar material, to practice student’s speech and grammar skills.
Form of conducting: control of phonetic, lexico-grammatical exercises, reading and translating the text, oral questioning, tasks, testing.

1st hour

Tasks on the theme:

  1. Write the correct transcription of the words:






  1. Rearrange the mixed letters and write the word.

  1. n s i m u s g a y m

  2. s m u a I g s n y m

  3. m m s i s y u g n a

  4. i u s g m y n a m s

  5. g m s y i u m s a n

  1. Find English equivalents from the

right column

1. в возрасте a) gifted children

2. среднее образование b) a lot of subjects

3.одаренные дети с) pass successfully

4.множество предметов d) private

5. успешно сдать e) technical schools

6. частный t) entrance examination

7. вступительные экзамены g) at the age

8. технические школы h) secondary education

  1. Give Russian equivalents to the following word – combinations:

in order to enter, those who successfully pass a higher educational institution, to take an entrance examination, getting the Bachelor degree, on the commercial basis.

  1. Ask questions to the italicized words working in pair.

  1. Besides secondary schools there are other types of schools in Kazakhstan.

  2. Compulsory education begins in our country at the age of.

  3. Most of gymnasiums, colleges and lyceums are private.

  4. Only those who successful pass entrance testing are admitted free of charge.

  5. There are specialized art music ballet, sport schools for gifted children.

Control: vocabulary test
2nd hour

Tasks on the theme:

    1. Write the correct transcription of the following words:
















    1. Choose the words with letters ch, ng from the text.

Explain the rules of their reading

    1. Quote the sentences in which the following words and word – combinations are used in the text:

the secondary stage, at the age of seven, at vocational or technical schools, other types of schools, for handicapped children, adopted the western model.

    1. Tick out the correct sentences:

Compulsory education begins in our country at the age of 8.

The children go to primary school at the age of 6.

Examinations are taken at the end of the 7 th and 8 th forms.

Secondary education in our country is free of charge.

There are gymnasiums, colleges and lyceums among higher educational institutions.

    1. Insert prepositions according the text:

Before going ……- school children attend kindergartens.

The secondary stage begins …. the 5 th form.

Examinations are taken …..the end of the 11 th form.

There are special schools …. gifted children.

There are schools …. higher education.

    1. Insert the missing words given bellow:

Children study a lot of ----------, such as Literature, history, Natural Sciences.

There are specialized schools with ---------study of a certain subject.

In 1992 Kazakhstan --------of higher education adopted the western model.

Young people have --------- an entrance examination.

    1. Insert articles where necessary.

In order to enter a higher educational institution you have to take ------ entrance examination.

The secondary stage begins ------- 5 th form.

A four years course of studies with getting ----- Bachelor degree after graduation.

    1. Write Future Perfect of the following verbs and translate them.

get, bring, tell, see, write, read, pass, go, come, answer, work, live, make, do, characterize.
Control: control reading of the text.
3rd hour

1.Tasks on the theme:

Answer the questions:

-When do children attend kindergartens in our country?

- When does compulsory education begin?

-What subjects do children study at the secondary stage?

-May any children leave schools at the end of the 9th form?

-What kind types of schools are there in our country?

-What schools are there for gifted children?

-What can you tell about the western model?

- Is education given on the commercial bases?

2.Make up 5 sentences using Future Perfect Tense and translate them.

3.Say the following sentences in the Future Perfect Tense.

I have entered a higher education institution

He has passed successfully entrance examination.

Children have gone to primary school.

4.Make these sentences (ex 5) negative and interrogative.
5.Write the scheme about the process of Education in our country.
1. Internet wikipedia org/wili/ education in Kazakhstan

2. www educ. “Bolashak”

3. Maslova A.M. Essential English for Medical students. Moscow 2002.

4. Maslova A.M. Language laboratory exercises for medical students. Moscow 2002.

5. Maslova A.M. Essential vocabulary for medical students. Moscow 2002.

6. T.Hutchinson Hotline – Upper intermediate, Oxford, 2005

7. Additional literature from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Education in Kazakhstan).
Control: rendering the text.

    1. Before going to school children attend ______ in our country

    1. Nursery school

    2. Kinder gardens

    3. State schools

    4. Colleges

    5. Special schools

    1. Insert the right antonym of the word: rapidly

  1. quickly

  2. fast

  3. suddenly

  4. immediately

  5. slowly

    1. Choose the right translation of the word combination “ free of charge”

a) бесплатное

b) платное

c) средние

d) интенсивное

e) кредитное

4. Choose the right sentence in Future Perfect Tense

a) I will had written a letter

b) I will have wrote a letter

c) I will have written a letter

d) I have written a letter

e) I had written a letter

5. How many years do students study to get Master’s degree?

a)4 b)2 c03 d)7 e)5

6. What schools are there for gifted children in our country?

a) art, music, ballet and sport schools

b) secondary schools,

c) lyceums

d) primary schools

e) private schools

7. Choose the right synonym of the word “gifted”

a)calm b) romantic c) capable d) disability e) wise

8. When does compulsory education begin in KZ?

a) at the age of 7

b) at the age of 12

c) at the age of 3

d) at the age of 16

e) at the age of 18

9. What do young people do to enter a higher educational institution in KZ ?

a) pass entrance test

b) pass exams in oral form

c) answer only 3 questions

d) write a composition

e) write a dictation

10. When pupils move to junior school?

a) when they are 11

b) when they are 7

c) when they are 3

d) when they are 16

e) when they are 18

11. Who was the first rector of Almaty State Medical Institute?

a) T.A.Muminov

b) S.D.Asfendiarov

c) B.B. Kuibushev

d) T. Ryskulov

e) D.A.Furmanov

12. When KZ system of higher education adopted the western model?

a) 1992


c) 1987

d) 1990

e) 1993

13. How many years students have to study to get the Bachelor degree?

a) 4 years

b) 5 years

c) 3 years

d) 6 years

e) 2 years

14. Choose the right translate of the word “successfully”

a) быстро

b) плохо

c) скоро

d) успешно

e) долго

15.When children go to primary school inKZ?

a) at the age of 7

b) at the age of 6

c) at the age of 3

d) at the age of 11

e) at the age of 5

Work-out 9

for students’ self-studying under the guidance of a teacher.

Contact hour (3)

Theme: Scientists of Great Britain

Lexics: words and word-combinations

Grammar: Modal verbs: can, may, must

    1. to consolidate new lexical and grammar material

    2. to teach the students to prepare topics about scientists of Great Britain.

Form of conducting: control of phonetic, lexico-grammatical exercises, reading and translating the text, oral questioning, tasks, testing.
The 1st Hour

1. Pay attention to pronunciation and read the following words correctly:

Smallpox , vaccination, apprentice, clergyman , stimuli, cараblе, vеsiсlеs, outbreak, protection, youth, to acquire , reliance, inoculation, cowpox , lesion

2. Write the definitions of these words:






3. Translate the following words into English:

приобретать знания, прививка, « телячья» оспа, юноша, вспышка, вакцинация, пузырек, способный.

4. Insert the proper words:
…………. Jenner was the discoverer of ……… . He studied ………… in London. His persistent ………….. work resulted in the discovery of vaccination against………

Smallpox, scientific, Edward, vaccination, medicine.


Read and translate new words and word соmbinations (using cards):

Discoverer, vaccination fоr smаllрох, country youth, stimuli, сlеrgуmаn, to acquire, apprentice, соnfirm, reliance, сараblе, outbreak, inoculation, cowpox, lesion, exposure, deliberate, slight fevеr.
The 2nd hour:
1. Explain the usage of can and could in the following sentences and translate them:
a. I can easily carry this trunk to the station.

b. He said that he could ship the goods in September.

c. When he was young, he could run a mile in less than five minutes.

d. Why did you stop at a hotel? You could have spent the night at my house.

2. Translate into English:

Я не могу закончить работу сегодня.

Я думаю, что я смогу помочь вам.

Когда он приехал в Лондон, он мог вести переговоры с фирмами без переводчика.

Можете ли вы перевести этот договор на французский язык?

3. Translate the following sentences:

Можно мне взять ваш словарь? – Да, можно.

Погода может измениться завтра.

Вы можете пойти погулять.

Он может позвонить завтра.

4. Find in the text the sentences with modal verbs.
5. read and translate the sentences according to the grammar constructions (text "Edward Jenner").
Complete the sentences with can or may. Use the negative as appropriate.

  1. I ____ play only one musical instrument: the piano. I_____ play a guitar.

  2. Tommy, you _____ stay up until eight tonight, but you________ stay up past that time.

  3. May I have everyone’s attention? The test is about to begin. If you need to leave the room during the examination, please raise your hand. You _____ leave the room without permission.

  4. A: What channel is the news special on tonight?

B: I’m not sure. It ________ be on Channel Seven. Try that one first.
The 3rd Hour
1. Game “Dead Famous”
You will need: one set of cards per three or four students

  • Put students into groups of three or four. Give each group one set of cards face down, and ask them to divide them equally among themselves. Allow time for students to read the information on their cards. They are not allowed to look at each other’s cards.

  • Write the following question prompts on the board or on a separate handout. If necessary, check that students can make questions in the Past Simple from these prompts by doing an example with the whole class.

Born in America/ Europe? Nationality?

Live in 20th/19th century? Live in Europe/ Asia?

Married? Wife/husband famous too? Die young?

Write something? Discover something?

Actor/politician/film star/singer? Rich/poor?

  • Student A chooses one of his/her cards, and the other students have to find out who the famous person on the card is by asking questions, either based on the prompts on the board or their own ideas. However they are only allowed to ask questions which require a yes/no answer. They can ask a maximum of fifteen questions.

  • If they haven’t guessed after ten questions, student A reads out the clue at the bottom of the card. If the other student doesn’t discover the person’s identity after fifteen questions, student A can reveal his/her identity.

  • Students take it in turns to be asked questions about a famous person until all the cards are finished.

    1. Retell the text “Edward Jenner”

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