
Ex. 2. Listen to the story and answer the questions

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Ex. 2. Listen to the story and answer the questions.

  1. What happened?

  2. At what stage of the flight did it occur?

  3. Did the fire break out immediately after the impact with the runway?

  4. What was the cause of the crash?

  5. How many people died in the accident?

Ex. 3. Listen to the story again and find out what the following numbers refer to.

3 1834 3–5 4–10 18

Ex. 1. Before reading another report on the same accident study the fol- lowing word list. Listen and repeat the words and sample sentences.

palm (n) ладонь
e.g. To carry out a closer inspection of the wing surface the first officer touched it with his palm.

assess (v) оценивать, давать оценку
e.g. In order to reduce the dangers of icing it is neces- sary to assess the condition of the critical aerodynam- ic surfaces before the flight.
ambient (adj) внешний, окружающий
e.g. There was substantial temperature difference be- tween the ambient air and the remaining fuel in the tanks after landing.

Ex. 2. In the text below there is some more information on Belavia flight 1834. Complete the gaps with the following prepositions.

on at with after to with between in at for
The airplane had arrived (1) . . . . . . . . . . Yerevan 2 hours before scheduled departure and was preparing (2) . . . . . . . . . . departure as flight B2-1834 from Yerevan to Minsk (3) 18 passengers and 3 crew. Refuelling was done
(4) . . . . . . . . . . automatic mode 25 minutes after landing, and 2,200 liters (1,802 kg) of Jet-A-1 fuel were added (5) . . . . . . . . . . the tanks. Due to reported reducing visibility (6) . . . . . . . . . . the main alternate airport, the crew decided to add another 400 liters of fuel about 30 minutes later during flight preparations.
The first officer performed the preflight check of the aircraft about 15 minutes

  1. landing (and before refueling) and found all aerodynamic surfaces

clean and dry by visual inspection as well as by touching the surfaces (8) . . . . . . .
. . . the palm of his hand.
After the engine start the crew activated the anti-ice systems of the engines, but the wing anti-ice systems were not activated.
The Interstate Aviation Committee (MAK) performed a test to assess the accumulation and freeze of atmospheric moisture with large temperature differences (9) . . . . . . . . . . the ambient air and the remaining fuel in the tanks after landing. It was found that ice accumulated (10) the underside of
the wing immediately after landing and grew 25 minutes after landing upon refueling. The upper side of the wing showed dew accumulation after refueling. The fuel temperature at the time of arrival was measured at –21 °C, and before departure at –12 °C with an ambient temperature of +8 °C.

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