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Smoke and Fumes. Smoke can reduce visibility within the aircraft. An elec- trical fire in an aircraft typically generates a lot of thick white smoke which can render the flight crew blind; unable to see the instruments or see out of the win- dows. In such circumstances, unless the smoke can be cleared, the crew are una- ble to control the aircraft. Smoke and fumes from an in-flight fire are likely to be highly toxic and irritating to the eyes and respiratory system. Smoke and fumes may quickly incapacitate the crew unless they take protective action.
Heat. Heat from fires will affect aircraft systems and the structural integrity of the aircraft, both of which will lead to loss of control.

Aircraft Fire Fighting Equipment

Smoke Detectors. Smoke detectors are installed in airplane lavatories and sometimes in cargo compartments as well.
Portable Fire Extinguishers. Portable fire extinguishers are to be found in the cockpit and in the cabin. They are designed to fight small fires as their capacity is limited.
Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems. Some aircraft have automatic fire suppression systems in the lavatory waste bins. The cargo holds of most airliners are equipped with "fire bottles" (essentially remote-controlled fire extinguishers) to combat a fire that might occur below the passenger cabin.
Fire / Crash Axe. Fire axes are provided to obtain emergency access to areas and parts of the airplane which are not easily accessible (e.g. behind sidewall, electrical or ceiling panels). In the past, fire axes could be found in the cockpit and in the passenger / cargo compartment but on most carriers, to comply with an- ti-terrorist regulations and policy, the axe in the passenger/cargo compartment has been removed.
Fire Protection Gloves. These gloves are kept in the cockpit and / or in the ca- bin to protect the user against heat and fire.
Smoke Protection Devices. There are several different smoke protection de- vices for cabin crews. The PBE (Protective Breathing Equipment), most common- ly referred to as a Smoke Hood, incorporating a small oxygen generator, which provides the wearer with oxygen for a certain amount of time. Portable oxygen bottles with full face masks may also be found on board some aircraft.
Smoke Goggles. Smoke goggles may be found in the cockpit for use with oxy- gen masks. Many aircraft are equipped with oxygen masks with integral smoke goggles.
Fire Blankets. Some operators have fireproof blankets onboard which can be used to suffocate a fire by cutting off the supply of oxygen.

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