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(Do not say: They did not allow that the captain disembarked …) Some common verbs that can be followed by object + to + V1:

Note: Some verbs (e.g. let, make, see, hear, feel, watch, notice and some- times help) are followed by object + infinitive without to:
e.g. I will let you know about their decision in a few minutes. They made the passengers obey them.
The cabin attendant saw the hijacker pull out a gun.

Ex. 2. Find in the text on p. 93 5 examples of Verb + somebody + to + V1.

Ex. 3. Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. Захватчики заставляют нас изменить маршрут следования.

  2. Я предупредил пассажиров, чтобы они не оказывали сопротивления захватчикам.

  3. Посредники сумели убедить террористов отпустить женщин и детей.

  4. Бортпроводники сказали пассажирам оставаться на своих местах.

  5. Я советую вам сохранять спокойствие и подчиниться требованиям за- хватчиков.

  6. Удар был таким сильным, что это явилось причиной отрыва правого двигателя.

  7. Власти Пакистана предложили захватчикам обратиться с просьбой о политическом убежище в Афганистане,но все же позволили самолету при- землиться в Лахоре.

  8. Посредник предложил им уменьшить сумму требуемого выкупа.

  9. Переговорщики хотели, чтобы террористы освободили раненых пас- сажиров.


Ex. 1. You are going to listen to an incident report. Study the following word list.

former (adj) бывший
e.g. Milton Torres, a former Air Force fighter pilot, says he had a close encounter with an UFO.
fierce (adj) сильный, свирепый
e.g. At least three people were killed after a fierce but short-lived tornado which hit northern France.
be in police custody содержаться под стражей в полиции
e.g. The unruly passenger was taken into police custody.

Ex. 2. Listen to the incident report and say whether the following statements about the incident are true or false. If you think they are false, correct them.

  1. The policeman whose name was Stefano Savorani hijacked an Alitalia flight.

  2. He hadn’t had any experience of that kind before.

  3. He did it because he had argued with his wife the previous day.

  4. He had never been prone to mental illnesses.

  5. He had a bomb with a remote control unit.

  6. He was a member of al-Qaeda.

  7. After landing in Lyon he didn’t hold the passengers as hostages on board the plane.

  8. He was arrested by the police.

  9. He had committed suicide before they arrested him.

Ex. 3. Read the report on p. 148 and check whether your answers were correct.

Ex. 4. Listen to another incident report and answer the questions.

  1. What can you remember about the identity of the hijacker?

  2. What was he armed with?

  3. Where did he conceal it?

  4. What alerted the cabin crew member?

  5. The flight crew helped the cabin attendants to subdue him, didn’t they?

  6. How many casualties were reported?

  7. What happened to the hijacker after landing?

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