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Mrs. H i l t o n : It’s much fresher here than in London.
Mr. H i l t o n : Yes, it was so stuffy in the train with the car
riage so crowded, I hate trains and buses.
Mrs. H i l t o n : It’s all over now. Look? Alice and Roger have
gone further along. They’ve chosen a nice place.
Mr. H i l t o n : Yes, there are fewer people there.
Mrs. H i l t o n : How quick the young people are! They are
already in their bathingsuits lying in the sun.
A l i c e : Isn’t the water cold?
R o g e r : It is, and you are certainly afraid to come into the
water, you coward.
Mrs. H i l t o n : Stop teasing your sister, Roger. I am sick and
tired of your quarrels. Let me have a minute’s rest.
R o g e r : Sorry, Mum. I’ll be as good as gold. Wait for me,
Alice, I’m coming too.
A l i c e : Quick! I’m already in the water.
R o g e r : I’ll catch up with you easily. You splash about too
much with your feet.
A l i c e : I’m not such a strong swimmer as you. Oh, I’ve got
a mouthful of salt water.
R o g e r : You shouldn’t swim with your mouth open.
A l i c e : I feel a bit chilly. I’d rather swim ashore and lie on
the sand.
R o g e r : I’ll join you in a moment after I dive off that raft.

be tired after 
устать от, e. g. They were tired after having practice
in hearing and pronunciation. If you are tired of London, go down to the
sea. be tired (of) надоесть; be sick and tired надоесть до смерти;
e. g. I am sick and tired of this noise.
a lot (of)
много. The following word combinations are all translated
into Russian with the word «много». Mind their usage and the way
prepositions are used: a great deal (of), a good deal (of) are used with
uncountable nouns, e. g. He spends a good (great) deal of time at the
language laboratory. She plays the piano a good (great) deal. a great

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