Гуманитарный издательский

IV. Write the following sentences in indirect speech using the Past

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IV. Write the following sentences in indirect speech using the Past
1. Roger said: “My uncle has been here more than once”.
2. Alice asked me: “Did you spend much time there?” 3. Ben
asked me: “When did you join our circle?” 4. She said: “Our
group has worked in the lab today.” 5. Bill said: “I remember she
was good at singing.” 6. The mother asked her son: “Why have
you spent so much money on sweets?” 7. Fanny asked her
friend: “Where did you go during your vacation?”
V. Find in the book you use for your home reading examples on
Sequence of Tenses. Copy them out.
VI. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Мы слышали, что все первокурсники получили большое
удовольствие от концерта. 2. Все были уверены, что Петр сдаст
все экзамены на отлично. 3. В письме сын писал матери, что при
нимал участие в трудной, но интересной работе. 4. Мы узнали,
что они не поехали за город изза отвратительной погоды. 5. Бекки
сказала матери, что она пригласила на пикник своих друзей.
6. Я был уверен, что не смогу получить отличную оценку по гео
графии. 7. Брат сказал, что он не любит химию. 8. Анна сказала
Николаю, что ему придется делать доклад в субботу. 9. Дети ска
зали Тому, что учительница поставила ему хорошую оценку.
10. Он узнал, что этот человек был когдато храбрым генералом.
11. Мы услышали по радио, что на следующий день мороз будет
еще сильнее. 12. Она боялась, что день будет холодным и дождли
вым. 13. Гарри сказал, что дождя не было, по крайней мере, двое
суток. 14. Девочка сказала, что ее братья уехали кататься на лы
жах. 15. Отец сказал, что он уже просмотрел утренние газеты.
16. Подруга Нины сказала, что ей удалось достать билеты.
It was six o’clock when Ben Smith, dreadfully tired, arrived
home from the school where he was a teacher. He had had a lot
work and trouble that day. He dreamed of a quiet evening at

home. June, his wife, met him at the door smiling radiantly. She
asked Ben to be quick with his supper and change after that.
She said she had got everything arranged and they would go to
the theatre.
Only then did Ben remember it was the very night that had
been settled for their going out. So June was realizing her
dream. He envied his daughter Penny, a sixteenyear old girl,
who said she would stay indoors and watch television. But sud
denly he was sorry for June who got too little entertainment
even at weekends.
It was already past seven when they started for the theatre.
The weather was unusually nasty. Ben’s nose and feet were
cold. After 20 minutes a number 64 bus stopped. They got on,
but the seats were full. Unfortunately the bus conductor told Ben
to get off as only seven people could stand in the bus. Ben did so
forgetting that his wife had got the tickets.
It was pouring now. The road was wet and there was a hole in
his shoe. Luckily he got on the next number 64 bus soon
enough and found a seat. Ben shut his eyes. When he opened
them again, the bus was past the theatre. It was still raining as
he walked back to it feeling unhappy. Over the doors were the
words, “Under the High Trees”.
The man at the door said he could not let him in without a
ticket. Ben was about to leave when a girl behind the ticket
office window said: “Are you Mr. Smith? Your wife left your ticket
with me.”
Ben squeezed to his seat in the dark, stepping on people’s
feet. He asked June what the play was about. She whispered she
could not understand much as one actor, an old man, spoke very
quietly, and the other, a young man, spoke very quickly.
As soon as the play was over, they ran out. There were no
buses and it was raining. They waited and waited and their
clothes got wetter. At last Ben lost his patience and shouted:
A passing taxi stopped. Ben pushed his wife in.
“Two pounds,” said the driver when they arrived.
“After ten o’clock in the evening the fare is higher.”
Unwillingly Ben paid the driver. Besides all the trouble it
turned out to be too expensive for them.

“Did you watch television, Penny?” Ben asked his daughter.
“Yes,” she said. “You can’t imagine how brilliant the play
“What was the name of it?” asked Ben as he picked up his
cup of coffee.
“Under the High Trees” was the answer. Ben Smith put his
cup of coffee on the kitchen table and went slowly upstairs to

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