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| I   come home  \

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| I 

come home 
 Generally. | 

come home 
He is at 
home on Sunday.
Simple, sentences with adverbial phrases at the beginning
are usually divided into two intonationgroups.
The nonfinal intonationgroup is usually pronounced with
the lowrising or midlevel tone.

e. g. At 
two o’
clock | 
we shall have 
two o’
>>>>> clock | we shall have 
Adverbial phrases at the end of sentences do not form sepa
rate intonationgroups, as a rule, and often remain u n s t r e s s e d .
e. g. We are 
out tonight.
6. Listen carefully to the following sentences, repeat them in the inter
vals. Concentrate your attention on the intonation of the adverbials. Ob
serve the sequence of tones. Repeat the sentences in the intervals:
1. In the diningroom we have our meals. 2. On the side
board the Browns usually have a bowl of fruit. 3. In front of the
host there’s a carvingknife and a fork. 4. On the left of each per
son is a tablenapkin and a plate with a roll on it. 5. Next to the
piano is a tall bookcase standing against the window. 6. On the
left is a large window. 7. Under the window there’s a radiator.
8. On the settee there are two cushions. 9. On the ground floor
there’s the diningroom, the lounge or sittingroom, the kitchen
and the hall. 10. In the hall we see a stand for hats, coats and
umbrellas. 11. On this floor there are four bedrooms, a bathroom
and a lavatory. 12. On the top of the roof there are three chim
neys. 13. In front of the house we have a small garden. 14. At
the back of the house there’s a much larger garden with a lawn
and some fruittrees. 15. At the side of the house is a garage
where I keep my car. 16. On the dressing table, in front of the
lookingglass, you’ll see a hairbrush and a comb, a handmirror,
a bottle of scent and a powderbox. 17. In the wardrobe I keep my
suits and other clothes, which I hang on coat hangers.
18. On each side of the fireplace there’s an armchair. 19. In the
centre of the mantelpiece there’s a clock and above it an oval
mirror. 20. On the right you can see a standard lamp. 21. By the
table there’s a small chair. 22. On the extreme right there’s a
radioset. 23. After this there’ll be fish, meat or poultry with
vegetables, then a sweet and perhaps cheese and biscuits to
finish with. 24. Once or twice a week we go to a theatre or to the
pictures. 25. A few minutes later we hear a ring at the door.
26. At night when I feel tired and sleepy I go up to my bedroom
and switch on the electric light. 27. After a few minutes I fall

asleep. 28. Punctually at seven thirty in the morning, the alarm
clock rings and wakes me up.

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