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170. Use the proper article:
1. There was at ... diningtable ... middleaged man with ... dark
eyes and ... sunburnt face, who had attracted ... Martin’s attention. 2.
Aileen knew almost nothing of ... literature except ... few authors. 3.
I must have slept ... long time, for when I got up and went out of ...
room I didn’t know whether it was ... night or ... morning. 4. We had
... cold bacon for ... lunch that day. There was not much of it. I took
it to be ... bacon we had not eaten for ... breakfast. But on ... clean
dish it looked rather appetizing.
5. When ... winter came Hans suffered ... good deal from ... cold
and ... hunger and often had to go to ... bed without any supper
but ... few dried peas or some nuts.
171. Point out the Complex Object and the verbs after which this
construction is used. Translate the sentences into Russian:
1. Then they heard the doorbell ring. “Who can that be?”
said Mrs. Wainwright irritably. 2. Mrs. Mooney sat in a straw
armchair and watched Mary remove the breakfast things.
3. There’s a conference of teachers of history at Leeds. Your
father wants to go to it. 4. He saw her eyes glint in the darkness.
5. It was past two o’clock when she heard the car return. 6. Tom
made the boys go away. 7. He let us take the box. 8. They heard
her start the car. 9. Would you like me to leave now? 10. I think
I know why she makes you come here every day. 11. She felt her
voice tremble. 12. Make your daughter help you.
172. Point out the Complex Object and answer the following questions:
1. When do you expect your friends to arrive? 2. Why did
you let the boy touch my things? 3. Would you like me to stay
or to leave right now? 4. Do you want me to inform them of the
news? 5. Which question do you want me to answer? 6. How
did you manage to see him enter the house if it was pitch dark?
7. Has anybody heard him say these words? 8. Who made you
act in such a way? 9. Do you feel my hands grow cold? 10. How
did you make him agree to this proposal? 11. What direction did
you notice them drive? 12. What do they expect me to do in this

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