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Discussion. There are free electronic learning resources that teachers use to 
create didactic material for the purpose of learning a foreign language, in particular 
ClassTools, PurpozeGame, JigsawPlanet (make it possible to create didactic 
games and interactive quizzes based on templates); 
Quizlet, MasterTest, Online Test Pad, Kahoot!, ClassMaker (creating test 
tasks and exercises); 
HotPotato (creation of interactive training and control exercises, electronic 
tasks); net Rebusl (creation of crosswords, puzzles, riddles), etc. 
The best experience we got in teaching English through interactive 
technologies based on Internet platforms was the use of the Internet program Hot 
Potatoes. This is an effective tool for the development of didactic exercises, which 
allows teachers to independently, without the help of programmers, create interactive 
training exercises in HTML format in different languages in various disciplines using 
text, graphic, audio and video information. However, when the appropriate technical 
means may not be available to students for objective reasons, teachers can print out 
any exercises they have created. Such exercises will help students to process the 
necessary vocabulary, including the following: 
solving crosswords: that is, finding a word by its interpretation or equivalent in 
a foreign language to the concept in Russian; 
cross-selection tasks: find the appropriate expressions in the foreign language; 
cross-selection tasks: create a logical expression by combining the words of the 
left and right columns; 
cross-selection tasks: create logical combinations; 
cross-selection tasks: combine a question with the correct answer or a concept 
with its definition; 
With the help of another program - Quizlet - you can create a number of 
problematic tasks online. And in the presence of an Internet network, students not 
only acquire knowledge and skills, but also instantly receive an assessment. In 
addition, students can connect to the mobile version of Quizlet and complete tasks 

during self-preparation. The program is very simple and accessible, it is enough to 
enter key terms - and the program immediately "gives out" their explanation or 
definition and a whole system of problematic tasks of the type: a cross-selection task, 
determining the truthfulness or falsity of a statement, and the like. The program also 
makes it possible to track the progress of students online; check the level of 
vocabulary assimilation in the form of an interactive game (the teacher provides an 
access key via the link www.quizlet.live ). Created Quizlet tasks allow you to include 
photos, translation and interpretation in them. The pace of quizzes and tests is 
regulated by the introduction of a time limit for each task. 
A successful resource for creating interactive learning games, diagrams, quizzes is 
ClassTools, which allows teachers and students to create interactive Flash diagrams for 
effective presentations, project protection, presentation of diagrams, analytical messages, 
event planning, and the like. Registration is not required to get started. 
In turn, the Socrative educational platform is used to test the acquired 
knowledge. The platform offers interactive templates for various tests and tasks that 
need to be filled with relevant material. A ready-made test gives an instant 
opportunity to remotely check the results of students' assignments. The advantage of 
this program is that it automatically sends a report on the result of the test to the 
teacher's email. This feature significantly reduces the time for checking and 
evaluating test tasks; the teacher can control the allotted time to complete the test, 
track progress and analyze the mistakes made. The program is available for 
smartphones, computers, laptops. 
With the help of the Wordle program, collages are created with thematically 
related words that help students formulate the definition of a key concept. So, the 
teacher selects the necessary terms of the topic, for example: migration, illegal 
immigration, human trafficking, border crossing, introduces a definition to the 
program and receives a collage, according to which students study definitions using 
collage words like: "Illegal immigration is the migration of people across national 
borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country" or 
"Human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation or transfer of persons by means 
of the threat or use of force or abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power for the 
purpose of exploitation" 
And although such exercises are not communicative, they play an important 
role in mastering the phonetic and semantic image of lexical units, in understanding 
concepts, the general context of a communicative situation; they allow you to better 
assimilate the studied vocabulary and often take the place of external supports for 
solving problem situations (hereinafter PS). The knowledge gained through the use of 
interactive technologies based on Internet platforms explains both the facts and 
concepts that ensure the implementation of the necessary actions to solve the PS and 
make a rational decision, as well as the content of expressions, sentences, texts that 
are meaningfully associated with the PS. 
The resource provides users with methodological materials (interactive exercises, 
communication tools and the ability to track progress) and motivational tools. 
A similar platform for self-study of English is Englishbaby (a social network 
with developed English lesson plans). There are several ways to learn a language 
with Englishbaby: 

by corresponding with other network members; 
communicating with them on forums or in private messages; 
solving grammatical riddles; 
listening to audio recordings, news and the like. 
It is also convenient that the analyzed platform makes it possible to 
independently choose the sequence of exercises and provides an individual approach 
to learning. 

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