ISSN – 2617-6319 ҚӘӘИ ХАБАРШЫСЫ №3 (51), 2022
powerful weapon known to man; more powerful than the heaviest tank, than the most destructive
bomb. High morale is a means that can turn defeat into victory.
The moral and psychological state is a combination of psychological capabilities, the
degree of mobilization and mental attitude of each serviceman for active and selfless actions in a
combat situation. The most important factor in the formation and strengthening of the fighting
spirit of soldiers is scientifically based psychological work with military personnel aimed at
forming their mental resistance to the powerful stressors
of modern combat and their
psychological readiness to effectively solve combat tasks in accordance with their regular
Keywords: personality, mental qualities,
activity, temperament, character, abilities,
resistance, psychological stability, psychological readiness.
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2. Karayani, A. G., Syromyatnikov, I. V. (2016).Voennaya psihologiya ushebnik dlya
spesialistov psihologisheckaya rabotiy BS RF. [Voennaya psychology: teacher for specialists in
psychological work of the Russian Federation]. – M.: VU. – 500 р.
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sost. Kadyrov, R.V. – M.: Vo TOVMI. – 260 р.
4. Zhakupov, S. M. (2021). Zhalpy psihologiaga kirispe [Introduction to general psychology]. -
Almaty: Kazakh University. – 300 р.
Ысқақ Гүлнұр Тілеубайқызы
Психология магистрі, докторант 2 курс Тұран
университеті, Алматы, Казақстан
Ысқақ Гульнур Тулебаевна
Магистр психологии, докторант 2 го курса,
Туран, Алматы, Казахстан
Iskаk Gulnur
1-st year doctoral student, Turan, Almaty, Kazakhtan
Сангилбаев Оспан
пс.ғ.д. профессор Тұран университеті, Алматы,
Сангилбаев Оспан
д.пс.н., профессор университет Туран, Алматы,
Sangilbaeva Ospan
Doctor of Psycholoqy, Professor University of Turan,
Almaty, Kazakhstan