Issn 305-9397. Ғылым және білім. 2022. №1-1 (66) issn 2305-9397

Ауыл шаруашылығы ғылымдары

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Журнал Наука и образование №3-3(68) 2022

______ ____________Ауыл шаруашылығы ғылымдары 
Precision agriculture is a modern trend in crop production that takes into account the 
heterogeneity of soil and crops within a single field, as well as a set of technical means consisting of a 
decision-making system aimed at managing fertility parameters that affect plant growth. The main 
parameters include factors such as: organic matter content; relief, soil nutrients, moisture in the soil, 
weed infestation. To create highly efficient precision farming technologies, appropriate elements are 
important, such as: progressive agricultural machinery capable of producing highly differentiated 
agro-reclamation and technical measures, precision positioning devices on the ground and new 
information technologies in agriculture. The basis of precision farming technology is the latest 
software that can receive spatial data in an agricultural field, as well as increase production efficiency 
and implement agrotechnical measures, taking into account the variability of indicators within the 
cultivated lands. In 2021, to assess the initial state of the soil at the production site of the farm 
«Lugovoye», soil samples were selected for the content of the main elements of mineral food. The use 
of remote sensing means allows you to remotely plan the order and timeliness of harvesting on the 
scale of the entire array, thereby minimizing losses from the stagnation of grain in individual fields. 
Ключевые слова: точное земледелие, агрохимическое обследование почвы
картограмма, дистанционное зондирование земли, беспилотный летательный аппарат
спутниковый снимок, NDVI, засоренность. 
Key words: precision agriculture, agrochemical soil survey, cartogram, remote sensing of the 
earth, unmanned aerial vehicle, satellite image, NDVI, weediness. 

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