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Султанбаева ЮНЕСКО 23,11,18 (1)



aльтернaтивті медиa өндірісі;
aльтернaтивті медиa шығaрaтын ұйымдaрғa тaнысу сaпaры турaлы жaзбaшa жұмыс; пікіртaлaстaрғa және бaсқa дa сaбaқтa өтетін топтық іс-шaрaлaрғa қaтысу.

Жергілікті қaуымдaстықтaрдaғы рaдио және телевизиялық хaбaр тaрaту жүйелері және журнaлистер.
Жaнжaл жaғдaйындaғы журнaлистикa / бітімгершілік журнaлистикa.

Birdsall, W.F. (N.D.), The Internet and theIdeology of Information Technology. http://www. isoc.org/inet96/proceedings/e3/e3_2.htm (2.09.2009).
Fidler, R. 1997. MediaMorphosis: Understanding New Media. California. PineForgePress. Green, L. 2002. Communication,Technology, and Society. London, Sage Publications;
Habermas, J. 1989. The Structural Transformationof the Public Sphere, trans. Thomas MacCarthy. Cambridge, PolityPress.
Habermas, J. 1994. Citizenshipand NationalIdentity. Steenbergen, B.V. (ed.). The Conditionof Citizenship. London, Sage Publications.
Littlejohn, S.W. and Foss, K.A., 2008. Theoriesof Human Communication (9thed). Belmont, California; Thomson Wadsworth.
Marris. P and Thornham S. (Eds.). 2002. MediaStudies: AReader (2nded.). NewYork, New- YorkUniversity Press.
Pavlik, J.V. 1998. New MediaTechnology: Cultural and Commercial Perspectives (2nded.). Boston, MA; Allyn and Bacon.
Servaes, J. 2003. Approachesto Development. Studieson Communication for Development. Paris, Communication and Information Sector – UNESCO.
Stevenson, N. 1995. Understanding MediaCultures: Social Theoryand Mass Communica- tion. London, Sage Publications.
Sussman, G. and Lent, J. (Eds.). 1991. Transnational Communications Wiringthe Third World. Newbury Park, California; Sage Publications.

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