С.К. Кудайбергенова и др.
The authors translated and adapted a set of methods for screening diagnostics of levels of anxiety,
aggression, depression, and subjective well-being in Russian and Kazakh languages in the Kazakhstani
sample. These methods are widely used worldwide but have not yet been adapted in Kazakhstan.
An empirical study was carried out on a sample of 2 Kazakhstani higher military
educational institu-
tions in September and October 2021. A total of 597 cadets took part in the study. Correlational, cluster,
and frequency analyses and other methods of nonparametric statistics were utilized, considering specif-
ics of the data distribution and psychodiagnostic methods.
The results demonstrate that,
in general, most cadets display a low level of aggression (including
hostility, physical aggression, anger), anxiety, depression, and a high level of psychological well-being.
However, the frequency analysis shows that 18.4% of cadets report the presence of mild, moderate, and
high anxiety; 13.07% report not quite comfortable or uncomfortable mental state (subjective ill-being);
36.5% experience a mild, moderate,
and high levels of depression; 3 % of cadets display increased ag-
gression level compared to average standard scores. Although the absolute values of anxiety, depression
and aggression do not seem to be high, age,
language, and the year of study influence their salience in
future officers. The cluster analysis revealed the variables that contribute the most to the level of sub-
jective well-being. The results will make it possible to develop more effective targeted psychological-
pedagogical interventions aimed at enhancing the morale of cadets, creating an optimal psychological
atmosphere for training cadets and preventing destructive and delinquent behavior among students of
military institutions.
Key words: negative emotional states, subjective well-being, cadets of higher
military educational
institutions, aggression, depression, anxiety.
С.Қ. Құдайбергенова
*, З.Б. Мадалиева
, Қ.Ж. Алкамбаев
, А.С. Адиев
Әл-Фараби атындағы
Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Қазақстан, Алматы қ.
С. Нұрмағамбетов атындағы Құрлық әскерлері Әскери институты, Қазақстан, Алматы қ.
*e-mail: sandugash.kudaibergenova@kaznu.kz
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