Магистранттарды ғылыми-зерттеу іс-әрекеттеріне дайындау: мазмұны аспекті л. П. Илларионова – педагогика ғылымдарының докторы,«Педагогика және заманауи білім беру технологиялары»

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Илларионова, Радзицкая Жауен статья (1)

Key words: research, methodology of research work, master's thesis, professional competencies, teacher's research culture.

As you know, the content of the master's degree program traditionally consists of theoretical training, which includes the study of cycles of basic and profile disciplines, as well as practical training of undergraduates based on various types of practices, scientific or professional internships. As for research work, according to its orientation, content and methods of implementation of the master's thesis, regardless of whether it is implemented within the framework of a scientific and pedagogical master's degree, or experimental research work in the form of a master's project in a specialized master's degree, it is distinguished by a clearly defined amount of information that forms the basis of scientific work of various formats.

If we turn to the State mandatory standard of postgraduate Education, it should be borne in mind that the master's thesis should be "an independent scientific study containing theoretical and/or practical developments of an urgent problem in the field of the chosen educational program, based on modern theoretical, methodological and technological achievements of science and technology" [1].
Achieving this goal is impossible without appropriate research training, which involves: designation and proof by a graduate student of the relevance of the topic of the master's thesis, its scientific novelty and practical significance; the use of modern theoretical, methodological and technological achievements of science and practice; the use of modern research methods; reliance on advanced pedagogical experience, etc.
In addition, since the requirements for the level of training of a master's student are determined on the basis of the Dublin descriptors of the second level of higher education (master's degree), in so far as they should reflect the acquired competencies expressed in the achieved learning results, which are most definitely manifested in their ability to apply their knowledge at a professional level, understanding and ability to solve problems in a new situation; the collection of factual data and their interpretation at the level of judgments, taking into account scientific criteria, the presentation of the information obtained in the study to the scientific community, as well as mastering the teaching skills necessary in further professional pedagogical activity [1].
It should be noted that the above-mentioned issues related to the formation of the research culture of the future teacher were successfully solved, both in theory and in practice within the framework of pedagogy of the Soviet period, and in the years of independence in the post-Soviet space.
The foundations of the organization of scientific research were sufficiently fully disclosed by philosophers Yudin E.G. [2], Ruzavin G.I. [3], teachers Babansky Y.K. [4], Skatkin M.N. [5], Zagvyazinsky V.I. [6], Kochetov A.I. [7] and others.
Every scientist knows that the success of his research activity is largely determined by the level of his methodological training, it was this aspect that the outstanding scientist of the twentieth century N.D. Khmel paid serious attention to when working with his students. Thanks to her skillful scientific leadership, today the Republic of Kazakhstan has a galaxy of scientists working in domestic universities, abroad, occupying a worthy place in pedagogical science.
It is clear that in the training of young scientists, in particular, starting with a master's degree, students need to be introduced to reading scientific literature, as, for example, graduate students of the 70s - 80s of the last century did it, studying "Methodological problems of the development of pedagogical science" [8], "Introduction to scientific research on pedagogy" [9], "Theory and practice of pedagogical experiment" [10], "Methodology and methods of psychological and pedagogical research" [11]. In the future, a fairly large number of works devoted to organizational and methodological aspects of writing and preparing for the defense of dissertation research appeared [12].
Many years of personal experience in pedagogical universities, studying the work of colleagues engaged in scientific training of teaching staff [13], [14], [15], [16] he convinces of the correctness of the strategy of working with novice scientists, which involves a thorough study of the "Methodology and methodology of scientific and pedagogical research" as an academic discipline.
Naturally, without knowledge of a general scientific nature, the organization of research training of undergraduates is impossible, therefore, in the 1st year in the first academic period, classes in the discipline are held for them.
"Methodology and methodology of scientific research", which assumes, simultaneously with the assimilation of theoretical knowledge, the mastery of practical methods and techniques of research activity.
In our opinion, the inclusion of this discipline for study is due to:
- firstly, the need to form the theoretical foundations of research training of undergraduates aimed at improving the search and research aspect of the professional competence of trainees;
- secondly, the need for them to perform qualification work at the proper level in the form of a dissertation.
It is clear that the master, regardless of what pedagogical educational program he is studying, the basis of his professional training should be a formed methodological culture, which, first of all, is a culture of scientific thinking and involves the development and development of research skills for obtaining new knowledge, both empirical and theoretical levels.
In addition, it should be taken into account the fact that the content of the discipline "Methodology and methodology of scientific and pedagogical research" plays a very important role in this issue, since it is important not only to select what undergraduates will study, but also the informative content of classes, the logic of submitting thematic material, the "instrumentation" of the learning process, which involves working out in accordance with the topics of practical tasks of a research nature. Let's consider the content of preparation of undergraduates for research activities, reflected as in textbooks [15], [16], [17], so it is in the work programs of teachers working in this discipline.
As a rule, understanding the essence of their research work begins with undergraduates understanding the general issues of the relationship between the concepts of science and scientific research, its types, levels and main features. It is no coincidence that in the textbook by S.T. Taubaeva, the first chapter describes science with a description of its parameters and features, which in fact represent structural components of scientific knowledge as a system and at the same time are closely related to the development of scientific apparatus by masters in their dissertation in the future [16, pp. 9-19].
The content of the discipline being studied, conducted by us, also includes the main issues, the knowledge of which will allow the undergraduate to have a holistic view of the essence
of research activity and its results. Thus, the topic "Science and scientific research: problems of interrelation" discusses general information about science, scientific research as a special form of cognitive activity, types, classification, levels and main features of scientific research, features of a master's thesis as a form of scientific research and qualification work.
The issues of the researcher's skill are also not ignored: his general culture and erudition, professional knowledge, research abilities and skills, research orientation, professionally significant personal qualities of a person, scientific integrity and ethics, the art of communication and the culture of behavior of a researcher.
We believe that it is important for a novice scientist to master the topic: "Sources of information support for scientific research", the content of which the explanation of the "Structure and logic of scientific research" includes questions that reveal the general scheme of scientific research, stages, requirements for structural components, the definition of the work plan for the dissertation, noting the role of the supervisor in the implementation of the master's thesis.
It should be borne in mind that writing the theoretical part of the study involves clarifying the categorical apparatus of research (concepts, terms, definitions, theories,
concepts, their relationship), a dialogue with the authors, determining the logic and methodology of presenting research material, describing the tasks to be solved, the course, the methodology of research and its results. Therefore, "Methodology and methodology as the general scientific basis of research activity" is an important topic for a researcher of various levels, since it is impossible to omit consideration of issues of its essence:
- as a teaching about the structure, logic and methods of research activity;
- how are the teachings about the methods of scientific cognition;
- as a methodological basis for their own scientific work.
The issues of "Choosing the topic of scientific research" are very important, since they assume: the definition by the undergraduate of the scientific direction within which scientific work will be carried out, the formulation of the problem and the topic of the proposed research, the characteristics of its relevance, the degree of development, novelty, the development of scientific apparatus.
The "Methodology of the experiment", its general structure, the development of the program, the construction of empirical models and the organization of the experiment, the choice of means for evaluation, measurement, processing and analysis of empirical data is an important system of operations that a graduate student should master while working on his dissertation.
At the same time, we should not forget that it is necessary to pass the "Approbation of the results of the study". publish scientific articles, and prepare the obtained research results for implementation into practice.
The final stage of mastering the content of the named discipline is associated with the disclosure of the issues of "Registration of the results of scientific poi
The result of studying this training course should be:
- obtaining basic knowledge by undergraduates about the conceptual-categorical, scientific apparatus and methods of conducting scientific research (to determine the relevance of the research problem, the goals and objectives of the master's thesis, formulate a hypothesis, substantiate the novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the research, develop a methodology for all stages of the experiment, etc.);
- formation of skills and abilities to observe and analyze phenomena and the processes of pedagogical reality, the development of a criterion apparatus for the systematization of factual data in accordance with the subject of scientific research; - generalization of personal research experience, conducting a scientific experiment, processing and interpretation of the results of the research, generalization of research materials in the form of a master's thesis.
This is, in general terms, the content of the discipline taught, but the effectiveness of research activities

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