XVI Прочитайте и переведите следующий текст со словарем: Geodetic measurements The level is used for determining height differences and height reference
systems, commonly referred to mean sea level. The traditional spirit level produces
these practically most useful heights above sea level directly; the more economical
use of GPS instruments for height determination requires precise knowledge of the
figure of the geoid, as GPS only gives heights above the GRS80 reference ellipsoid.
As geoid knowledge accumulates, one may expect use of GPS heighting to spread.
The theodolite is used to measure horizontal and vertical angles to target
points. These angles are referred to the local vertical. The tacheometer additionally
determines, electronically or electro-optically, the distance to target, and is highly
automated to even robotic in its operations. The method of free station position is
widely used.
For local detail surveys, tacheometers are commonly employed although the
fashioned rectangular technique using angle prism and steel tape is still an
inexpensive alternative. Realtime kinematic (RTK) GPS techniques are used as well.
Data collected are tagged and recorded digitally for entry into a Geographic
Information System.
[Источник: (GIS) database [Wikipedia, URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geodesy (время
обращения - 17.06.15)].
Урок 4 Фонетика: Повторение чтения букв “S” и “T”.
Текст: MAP
Упражнения I. Прочитайте слова со следующими звуками: [z] – visual, represented, themes, easily, physical, purpose, pleased, reads, use