Методические указания Новосибирск

Try to give definitions to the computer terms below following the definition formula

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1.10. Try to give definitions to the computer terms below following the definition formula:
An A is a B that C

A toolbar is a bar that contains buttons for the most commonly-used commands in a computer.
A=the word we want to define
B=the general group or class that includes A
C=the characteristic(s) that make(s) A different from other examples of B
1. a file
2. a bus
3. a worm
4. a spam
5. a server
Check your definitions in the Internet using any search engine.

1.11. Add another word, abbreviation, or part of a word to complete common “computer” words and phrases.
1. soft____
2. a word ______.
3. ______-friendly
4. ______-literate
5. key_____
6. lap_____
7. system _____
8. search ______
9. tool_____
10. ____sheet

1.12. Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss and cross out a word/phrase in each box that is not usually used when talking about computers.
a) b)

a new password

a hard copy


a new document

print out

a soft copy

a new printer

a document

c) d)

a file

a chatroom


an e-mail


a website

a document

a document

e) f)

a file

your software


a software


your hardware

a hardware

the menu

g) h)

a key word

an icon

type in

the keyboard

click on

a hyperlink

the password

a bug

i) j)



cut and paste



an e-mail



k) l)

start up

go on

shut down



the Internet



Do you know any other useful “computer” words and phrases? Share them with your group.
1.13. Study the vocabulary you may need to understand the text below. After that

  • count how many words/word combinations you’ve known before

  • elicit words/word combinations you would like to learn

phase out ['feɪz'aυt] (v) постепенно прекращать,

свертывать (выпуск,
производство и т. д.)
The makers have decided to phase out the production of this model. – Производитель решил постепенно прекратить производство этой модели.
difference ['dɪfrǝns] (n) разница; отличие, различие
great difference – значительное различие
slight difference – незначительная разница
It makes no difference. – Нет никакой разницы; это не имеет значения.
It makes all the difference in the world. – Это существенно меняет дело; это очень важно.
portable ['pɔ:təbl] ( adj) портативный, переносный
portability (n) портативность
manufacturer [̗mænjυ'fæktʃǝrə] (n) изготовитель, производитель
car manufacturer – производитель машин
computer manufacturer – производитель компьютеров
matter (n) вопрос, дело
It is a matter of a few months. – “Это дело/вопрос нескольких месяцев.
weigh [weɪ] (v) весить, иметь вес
the computer weighs quite a lot – чемодан весит довольно много
How much do you weigh? – Cколько вы весите?
weight (n) вес; масса
heavy weight – тяжелый вес
light weightлегкий вес
average weight – средний вес
pound [paυnd] (n) единица веса – фунт
(современная мера веса, используемая в англоговорящих странах; = 453,6 г)
fit (v) умещаться, помещаться, входить
to fit in a briefcase – умещаться в портфеле
lap (n) колени (верхняя часть ног
у сидящего человека)
The mother had her son on her lap. – Мать держала сына на коленях.
somewhat (adv) отчасти, до некоторой степени,
originally [ə'rɪdžɪnǝlɪ] (adv) первоначально, вначале; сначала, поначалу
Computers originally were very big. – Компьютеры вначале были очень громоздкими.
feature ['fi:tʃə] (n) особенность, характерная черта;
признак, свойство
компьют.: функция, функциональность, опция
сленг: фича (у программного продукта, системы)
tradeoff ['treɪdɒf] (n) компромисс
decrease [̗di:'kri:s] (v) уменьшать(ся), сокращать(ся)
(in – в чем-л.)
to decrease in size – уменьшаться в размере
decrease ['di:kri:s] (n) уменьшение, убывание,
понижение; спад
to be on the decrease – идти на убыль
device [dɪ'vaɪs] (n) устройство, механизм; аппарат,
term (n) термин
reason ['ri:zn] (n) причина, повод, основание,
by reason of – по причине; из-за
to have a reason (for) – иметь уважительную причину (для)
comparable ['kɒmpǝrəbl] (adj) сравнимый, сопоставимый,
comparable results – сравнимый результат
comparable prices – сопоставимая цена
lead (v) вести, приводить
heat (n) жар, тепло, теплота
well-suited [̗wel' sju:tɪd] (adj) подходящий, пригодный
interchangeably [̗ɪntə'tʃeɪndžəblɪ] (adv) заменяя друг друга, попеременно,
inexpensive [̗ɪnɪk'spensɪv] (adj) дешевый, недорогой
powerful ['paυ əfl] (adj) мощный, сильный
generation [̗dženə'reɪʃn] (n) поколение
mainstream ['meɪnstri:m] (n) основное направление, главная
линия, тенденция (в искусстве,
технологии, и т. п.)

1.14. First discuss with your partner:
Is there any difference between a laptop and notebook computer? If so, what is it?

Then quickly read Paragraphs 1, 2 of the text below and compare your ideas with information given.

1.15. Read the text again and answer these questions.
1. Which mobile computer (laptop or notebook) is considered to be technically smaller in size?
2. What is the average weight of a notebook computer?
3. Why did the notebook originally weigh less than the laptop?
4. Why is the size of portable computers decreasing nowadays?
5. What are the reasons the term “laptop” is becoming used not so often?
6. What mobile computers are becoming mainstream devices?
7. Why aren’t netbooks perfect yet?

Is "Laptop" Being Phased Out?

Is there really a difference between a laptop and notebook computer? For most people shopping for a mobile (or portable) computer today, the short answer is “no”. In fact, the difference between a laptop and notebook today is mainly what the manufacturer chooses to call its product. Technically and traditionally, the difference between the two is a matter of size.
Notebook computers typically weigh less than six pounds and are small enough to fit easily in a briefcase. Laptop computers are small enough too that they can sit on your lap. Nowadays, laptop computers are more often called notebook computers, though technically laptops are somewhat larger in size than notebooks.
The laptop was originally designed to be similar to a desktop, but be small and light enough. For this reason, years ago, a laptop had more features than notebooks did, but the tradeoff was it was also a larger and heavier than a notebook. This is because the notebook style of portable computers was for mobility, not just portability. To be a more mobile device, the notebook was a thinner design and it weighed less than the laptop, simply because it didn't come packed with features and multiple devices and drives.
Today technology allows devices to be smaller and better for mobile computing by design, so the size of portable computers is decreasing.
Another reason the term “laptop” is becoming used not often is because a portable "comparable to desktop" system today could easily lead to heat discomfort if left on your lap for long periods of time. By calling a laptop a notebook, it also removes the association that the portable device is well-suited to being used only on your lap.
People often call their notebook a laptop and use the two words interchangeably. However, most mobile computer manufacturers stopped using the term “laptop” completely; they use the term “notebook.”
At present netbooks are a new category of laptops. It's an inexpensive, lightweight machine which is powerful enough for the basic, day-to-day, Internet-based tasks that people use a regular laptop for.
At the same time, today's netbooks aren't perfect. Since they are such small, inexpensive devices, they include processors, memory, and hard disks several generations behind the ones found in regular notebooks. Even so, the potential is there for netbooks to become mainstream devices.

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