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Өзіндік жұмысқа арналған әдістемелік ұсыныстар

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Өзіндік жұмысқа арналған әдістемелік ұсыныстар

Пән атауы: Ағылшын тілі IYa 1103

Мамандық: 051103 «Фармация»
Кафедра: шет тілдер

Құрастырушылар: Сағантаева С.Х. Рахманова А.М

Бикташева Г.М. Лозенко И.В.

Унасбаева Г.А. Мезгильбаева З.М.

Маскеева З.К. Шойбекова А.Ж.

Махамбетова Ж.Т. Баянбаева А.А.

Султанова Н.Т. Кайбалдиева Б.М.

Серикбеккызы А. Кенесбекова К.К.

Бижанова А.А.

Алматы, 2007

Work-out 1

for self-studying of students ( out of classes)
Theme: London is a capital of Great Britain
Aim: 1. to get and study new information about London.

    1. to consolidate new lexical and grammar material, connected with this theme.

Tasks on the theme:

In your work you must describe the following main thesis:

  1. Territory of London.

  2. Sightseeing, traditions, culture, climate etc.

Form of conducting:

  1. To prepare an essay to the theme: “London is a capital of Great Britain”

For preparing your essay you may use the suitable literature.

In your essay you have to describe the sightseeing of one or two places of London

Criteria of fulfilling:

The requirements to design and fulfilling of an essay:

  • The volume of an essay must be 3-4 printing pages ( supplements do not belong to the volume of an essay):

  • By preparing of an essay it is recommended to use 5-7 different sources:

  • The essay must be fulfilled literately, with observance on summary’s culture;

  • Text of the essay must contain references on the used literature;

  • Bibliography must be compiled correctly;

  • Structure of the essay must contain:

  • Title page

  • Contents

  • Introduction

  • The main part

  • Conclusion

  • Bibliography

Terms of passing:

According to time-table

Criteria of marks:

Volume and contents of the essay must correspond to main criteria of fulfilling.


  1. Encyclopedia “Britannica”

  2. articles from newspapers, magazines and internet sites


  1. to prepare a report for practical lesson according to the theme of the essay

  2. to write a scientific article according to the theme of the essay. You may publish your article in a scientific journal together with your teacher.

  3. you may prepare a report for students’ scientific conference, devoted to the theme: “London is a capital of Great Britain”

Work-out 2

for students’ self-studying (out-of-classes)
Theme: Education in Kazakhstan
Aim: The students should be able:

  1. to get and study new information about education in Kazakhstan

  2. to consolidate new lexical and grammar material connected with theme

  3. to learn new terminology of the theme

Tasks on the theme: writing an essay
Forms of conducting: to prepare an essay to the theme: “Education in Kazakhstan” (you may use the additional foreign literatures)
Criteria of fulfilling:

Requirements to design and fulfilling of an essay:

-the volume of an essay must be 3-4 printing pages (supplements don’t belong to the volume of an essay);

-by preparing of an essay it is recommended to use 5-7 different sources;

-the essay must be fulfilled literately, with observance on summary’s culture;

-text of the essay must contain references on the used literature;

-bibliography must be compiled correctly;

-structure of the essay must contain:

Title page


Introduction the main part


Terms of passing

According to time-table

Criteria of marks:

Volume and contents of the essay must correspond to main criteria of fulfilling.


1. Internet wikipedia org/wili/ education in Kazakhstan

2. www educ. “Bolashak”

3. Maslova A.M. Essential English for Medical students. Moscow 2002.

4. Maslova A.M. Language laboratory exercises for medical students. Moscow 2002.

5. Maslova A.M. Essential vocabulary for medical students. Moscow 2002.

6. T.Hutchinson Hotline – Upper intermediate, Oxford, 2005

7. Additional literature from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Education in Kazakhstan).


1. to prepare a report for practical lesson according to the theme of the essay.

2. you may also prepare a report for students’ scientific conference, devoted to the theme: “Education in Kazakhstan”

Work – out 3

for self – studying of students (out – of classes)
Theme: The Prominent Medical Scientists of Kazakhstan.
Aim: 1. To get and study new information about prominent medical scientists, living in Kazakhstan.

2. To consolidate new lexical and grammar material, connected with this theme.

3. To learn new medical terminology, connected with the theme: “The Prominent medical scientists, living in Kazakhstan”.
Tasks on the theme:

In your work you must describe the following main thesis:

1. Biography of the scientist, his study, developing of his scientific outlook and interests.

2. His political, pedagogical and scientific activity.

3. His main scientific investigations and achievements.

Form of conducting:

1. To prepare an essay to the theme: “The Prominent Medical Scientists of Kazakhstan”.

2. The Recommended list of prominent medical scientists. Their biographies you may use for preparing of your essay.

1. Jarbussynov B.U.

2. Aliev M.A.

3. Supiev T.K.

4. Cyzganov A.N.

5. Zazulevskaya L.YA.

6. Beklemishev I.P.

7. Beklemisheva N.J.

8. Urazalin J.B. and others

For preparing your essay you may use the biographies of other scientists according to your own wish.
3. In your essay you must describe the scientific work of one or two prominent medical scientists, living in Kazakhstan.
Criteria of fulfilling:

Requirements to design and fulfilling of an essay:

• the volume of an essay must be 3-4 printing pages (supplements don’t belong to the volume of an essay);

• by preparing of an essay it is recommended to use 5-7 different sources;

• the essay must be fulfilled literately, with observance on summary’s culture;

• text of the essay must contain references on the used literature;

• bibliography must be compiled correctly;

• structure of the essay must contain:

title page



the main part


Terms of passing:

According to time – table

Criteria of marks:

Volume and contents of the essay must correspond to main criteria of fulfilling.


1. Who is who in Medicine. Reference – book. Almaty, 2000.

2. Articles from newspapers and magazines on the theme: “Prominent Medical Scientists”, Library of KazNMU, Card Index № 8, 9, 10, 11.

1. To prepare a report for practical lesson according to the theme of the essay.

2. To write a scientific article according to the theme of the essay. You may publish your article in a scientific journal together with your teacher.

3. You may also prepare a report for students’ scientific conference, devoted to the theme: “The prominent medical scientists”.

Title page of an essay


named after S.D. ASFENDIAROV

DEPARTMENT ______________________________________

THEME: _________________________________________


Student’s surname, name, patronymic ______________________________________

Faculty _______________________
Course _______________________
Group ________________________

Teacher _______________________

Almaty, 200__ - 200__

Work-out 4

for self-studying of students ( out of classes)
Theme: Scientists of Great Britain
Aim: 1. to get and study new information about prominent scientist of Great Britain.

    1. to consolidate new lexical and grammar material, connected with this theme.

Tasks on the theme:

In your work you must describe the following main thesis:

  1. Biography of the scientist, his study, developing of his scientific outlook and interests.

  2. His main scientific investigations and achievements.

Form of conducting:

  1. To prepare an essay to the theme: “ The prominent scientist of Great Britain”

  2. The recommended list of prominent scientists:

Roger Bacon

William Harvey

Edward Jenner

Joseph Lister

Ronald Ross

Frederick Hopkins

Alexander Fleming

Francis Crick
For preparing your essay you may use the biographies of other scientists according to your own wish.

  1. In your essay you have to describe the scientific work of one or two scientists of Great Britain.

Criteria of fulfilling:

The requirements to design and fulfilling of an essay:

  • The volume of an essay must be 3-4 printing pages ( supplements do not belong to the volume of an essay):

  • By preparing of an essay it is recommended to use 5-7 different sources:

  • The essay must be fulfilled literately, with observance on summary’s culture;

  • Text of the essay must contain references on the used literature;

  • Bibliography must be compiled correctly;

  • Structure of the essay must contain:

  • Title page

  • Contents

  • Introduction

  • The main part

  • Conclusion

  • Bibliography

Terms of passing:

According to time-table

Criteria of marks:

Volume and contents of the essay must correspond to main criteria of fulfilling.


  1. Encyclopedia “Britannica”

  2. articles from newspapers, magazines and internet sites


  1. to prepare a report for practical lesson according to the theme of the essay

  2. to write a scientific article according to the theme of the essay. You may publish your article in a scientific journal together with your teacher.

  3. you may prepare a report for students’ scientific conference, devoted to the theme: “Scientists of Great Britain”


Title page of an essay


named after S.D. ASFENDIAROV

DEPARTMENT ______________________________________

THEME: _________________________________________


Student’s surname, name, patronymic ______________________________________

Faculty _______________________
Course _______________________
Group ________________________

Teacher _______________________

Almaty, 200__ - 200__

Work – out 5

For self – studying of students (out – of classes)

Theme: D.I. Mendeleyev

Aim: 1. to get and study new information about great Russian scientist D.I. Mendeleyev.

2. to consolidate new lexical and grammatical material connected with the theme.

3. to learn new medical terminology connected with the theme:” D.I. Mendeleyev”.

Tasks on the theme:

In your work you must describe the following main thesis:

  1. Biography of D.I. Mendeleyev, his study, developing of his scientific outlook and interests.

  1. His pedagogical and scientific activity.

  1. His main scientific investigations and achievements.

Form of conducting:

  1. To prepare an essay to the theme:” D.I. Mendeleyev”.

  2. For preparing your essay you may the information about the Periodic Table.

  3. In your essay you must describe the scientific work of D.I. Mendeleyev.

Criteria of fulfilling:

Requirements to design and fulfilling of an essay:

  • The volume of an essay must be 3-4 printing pages (supplements don’t belong to the volume of an essay);

  • By preparing of an essay it is recommended to use 5-7 different sources;

  • The essay must be fulfilled literately, with observance on summary’s culture;

  • Text of the essay must contain reference on the used literature;

  • Bibliography must be compiled correctly;

Structure of the essay must contain:

  • Title page

  • Contents

  • Introduction

  • The main part

  • Conclusion

  • Bibliography

Terms of passing:

According the time-table

Criteria of marks:

Volume and contents of the essay must correspond to main criteria of fulfilling.


  1. Encyclopedic book about great people.

  2. Articles from newspapers and magazines on the theme:”D.I. Mendeleyev”, library of KazNMU, card index # 8, 9, 10, 11.


  1. To prepare a report for practical lesson according to the theme of the essay.






  1. To write a scientific article according to the theme of the essay. You may publish your article in a scientific journal together with your teacher.

  2. You may also prepare a report for students’ scientific conference, devoted to the theme:

” D.I. Mendeleyev”.
Work – out 6

For self – studying of students (out – of classes)

Theme: D.I. Mendeleev’s Periodic Law

Aim: 1. to get and study new information about great Russian scientist D.I. Mendeleev’s Periodic Law.

2. to consolidate new lexical and grammatical material connected with the theme.

3. to learn new medical terminology connected with the theme: “D.I. Mendeleev’s Periodic Law”.

Tasks on the theme:

In your work you must describe the following main thesis:

1.Biography of D.I. Mendeleyev, his study, developing of his scientific outlook and interests and Periodic Law.

2.His pedagogical and scientific activity.

3.His main scientific investigations and achievements.

Form of conducting:

1.To prepare an essay to the theme:” D.I. Mendeleev’s Periodic Law”.

2.For preparing your essay you may the information about the Periodic Table.

3.In your essay you must describe the scientific work of D.I. Mendeleyev.

Criteria of fulfilling:

Requirements to design and fulfilling of an essay:

  • The volume of an essay must be 3-4 printing pages (supplements don’t belong to the volume of an essay);

  • By preparing of an essay it is recommended to use 5-7 different sources;

  • The essay must be fulfilled literately, with observance on summary’s culture;

  • Text of the essay must contain reference on the used literature;

  • Bibliography must be compiled correctly;

Structure of the essay must contain:

  • Title page

  • Contents

  • Introduction

  • The main part

  • Conclusion

  • Bibliography

Terms of passing:

According the time-table

Criteria of marks:

Volume and contents of the essay must correspond to main criteria of fulfilling.


1.Encyclopedic book about great people.

2. Articles from newspapers and magazines on the theme:”D.I. Mendeleyev”, library of KazNMU, card index # 8, 9, 10, 11.


1.To prepare a report for practical lesson according to the theme of the essay.





2.To write a scientific article according to the theme of the essay. You may publish your article in a scientific journal together with your teacher.

3.You may also prepare a report for students’ scientific conference, devoted to the theme:

“ D.I. Mendeleev’s Periodic Law ”.


Емтихан сұрақтары
Қорытынды бақылау тестілеу + ауызша емтиханнан тұрады:

Емтихандық билеттің құрылымы

  1. сөздікпен оқу және жазбаша аударма, мамандық негізі бойынша оқылған текстің мазмұны. Текстің көлемі – 2000 – 2500 баспа белгі.

  2. жалпы профессионалдық мазмұнды тексті (сөздіксіз) оқу, оқылған текстің негізгі мазмұнын шет тілінде немесе ана тілінде беру. Текстің көлемі – 800-1000 баспа белгі.

  3. оқылған тақырыптың бірін мазмұндау.

Емтихан тақырыптарының тізімі:

1.Менің өмірбаяным.

2. Менің жанұям.

3. Менің пәтерім.

4. Қазақстан – менің Отаным.

5. Менің сүйікті қалам.

6. Оқытылатын тілдің елі.

  1. Лондон – Ұлыбритания астанасы.

  2. Ұлыбританиядағы білім беру.

  3. Қазақстандағы білім беру.

  4. Ұлыбритнанияның атақты ғалымдары.

  5. Қазақстанғы атақты ғалымдары.

  6. Біздің химиялық зертхана.

  7. Химия.

  8. Д.И.Менделеев.

  9. Д.И.Менделеевтың периодтық жүйесі.

Тестке дайындауға грамматикалық тақырыптар тізімі:

1. Зат есім.

2. Артикль.

3. Есімдік.

4. Сын есім.

  1. Предлогтар.

6. Етістік.

7. Белгісіз осы шақ.

  1. Белгісіз өткен шақ.

  2. Белгісіз келер шақ.

  3. Созылыңқы осы шақ.

  4. Созылыңқы өткен шақ.

  5. Созылыңқы келер шақ.

  6. Аяқталған осы шақ.

  7. Аяқталған өткен шақ.

  8. Аяқталған келер шақ.

  9. Ырықсыз етіс.

  10. Герундий.

  11. Күрделі толықтауыш.

  12. Сабақтас құрмалас сөйлем құрылымы.

  13. Бағыныңқы сөйлем түрлері.

  14. Шылаулар, шылау сөздер, клишелік фразалар.

Ситуациялық тапсырмалар.

  1. Тақырып: «Менің өмірбаяным».

Оқытышу – топ. Диалог «Жеке тұлғалы анықтау» оның мотивін және жоққа шығару жауабын ескере отырып оқытушы сұрақ қояды. Қолданылатын клишелерді жаттықтыру. Сұрақтарды белсенділеу.

  1. Тақырып: «Менің жанұям».

Оқытушы – топ сыңарларымен. Жанұяның туралы айтыңыз. Әңгімеде сұрақтарды және өзініздің жауабыңызды қолдаңыз Жаңұяңыздың мүшелері генеологиялық ағашта көрсетіңіз. «Сіз бір жанұяда қонақта болдыңыз, сол жанұя мүшелері туралы тобыңызға айтып беріңіз».

  1. Тақырып : «Менің пәтерім».

Оқытушы – топ. Ситуация «Сіз қозғалмайтын мүлік жөніндегі агентсіз». Пәтеріңізді суреттей отырып, оны сатуға тырысыңыз.

  1. Тақырып: «Қазақстан – менің Отаным».

Оқытушы – топ. Ситуация «Англиядағы досыма хат». Өзіңіздің еліңіз жайында, географиялық орналасыуы, климаты, үлкен қалалары, өнеркәсібі т.б. жөнінде әңгімелеңіз.

  1. Тақырып: «Менің сүйікті қалам».

Оқытушы- топ Ситуация «Сізді телевидениеге шақырды». Журналист сізден сіздің қалаңыздың көрнекті жерлері жөнінде сұрайды. Алматы жөнінде өткен тексті қолданыңыз.

  1. Тақырып: «Оқытылатын тілдің елі».

Оқытушы- топ. Ситуация «Англияға саяхат». Саяхаттан алған әеріңіз туралы айтыңыз.

  1. Тақырып «Лондон – Ұлыбритания астанасы».

Ситуация «Сіз – саяхат жүргізушісіз». Лондонның көрнекті жерлері туралы айтып беріңіз.

  1. Тақырып: « Ұлыбританиядағы білім беру». Ситуация «Сіз

Оксфорд университетінің студентісіз». Ұлыбританияның білім беру жүйесі туралы әңгіме құрыңыз.

  1. Тақырып «Қазақстандағы білім беру». Ситуация «Сіз конференцияда

біздің еліміздің білім беру жүйесі жайында баяндама жасайсыз». Мектепке дейінгі кезеңнен жоғары оқу орнына дейінгі жүйені көрсетіңіз.

  1. Тақырып: «Ұлыбритания, Қазақстанның атақты ғалымдары». Ситуация

«Сіз атақты тұлғасыз». Сіздің қалай әйгілі болғаныңызды білмейтін журналисттің сұрақтарына жауап беріңіз. Ситуация. «Сіз журналистсіз». Сізге атақты адам жөнінде репортаж жасау керек. Керекті сұрақтарыңызды қойыңыз.

  1. Тақырып: «Біздің химиялық зертхана»Ситуация «Сіз химиялық зертхананың лаборантысыз». Лабораторияның құрал – жабдықтарын суреттеп, құралдардың суретін салыңыз, диалог құрыңыз.

  2. Тақырып: «Химия». Ситуация «Химия сабағында». Студенттерге химия ғылымның қандай саласы екенін түсіндіріңіз. Диалог құрыныз.

  3. Тақырып: «Д.И.Менделеев», «Менделеевтің периодтық жүйесі». Ситуация «Сіз химия пәнінің оқытушысысыз»Студенттерге Менднлеевтің кестесін түсіндіріңіз ғалым Менделеев жайында айтыңыз. Диалогтар құрыныз.


  1. Compile a word with following letters: u,l,f,w,a

a. ulawf

b. fulow

c. awful

d. fawul

e. uflaw

  1. The antonym of the word “Set” is:

a. recite

b. rise

c. show

d. ring

e. get up

  1. Choose the correct word: His … names are Jean and Chris.

a. of cousins

b. cousins’s

c. cousins

d. cousins’

e. cousen’s

  1. Compile the sentence: The First of September … a great holiday in the life of all pupils.

a. am

b. were

c. been

d are

e. is

  1. Choose the appropriate Russian equivalent: Nick was going to call me tomorrow.

a. Ник собирался позвонить мне завтра.

b. Ник зашел в кино за мной завтра.

c. Ник позвонил мне вчера.

d. Ник собирался играть в футбол сегодня.

e. Ник вчера заходил ко мне.

  1. Choose a word in which the picked out letter differing from others:

a. Garden

b. Gate

c. Gentle

d. Geese

e. Gaze

  1. Choose the correct variant of preposition: The children stood … when the teacher came in.

a. of

b. under

c. over

d. up

e. down
8. Choose the correct variant of date reading: “27/04”

a. The twenty- seventh of April.

b. The twenty and seventh of April.

c. The twentieth and seven of April.

d. The twentieth seventh of April.

e. The twentieth seven of April.

9. Choose the correct variant of degrees of comparison of adjectives: Sasha is much … than her sister.

a. youngerer

b. younger

c. young

d. youngest

e. youngster

10. Choose the correct variant of pronouns: Are there … toys in the box?

a. nothing

b. none

c. something

d. anything

e. any
11. Choose the countable noun:

a. bottle

b. time

c. butter

d. sugar

e. health
12. Find the correct variant of predicate: The holidays … last week.

a. begin

b. was begin

c. begins

d. began

e. will begin

13. Choose the correct Russian equivalent to the sentence: He said he would phone back.

a. Он сказал, что он звонит еще раз.

b. Он сказал, что он перезвонил опять.

c. Он сказал, что перезвонил домой.

d. Он сказал, что позвонит назад.

e. Он сказал, что перезвонит.

14. Choose the unnecessary word in the given group of words:

a. bread

b. ham

c. aunt

d. juice

e. chicken

15. Compile the proverb: Every country has its … .

a. flower

b. customs

c. queen

d. king

e. keys
16. Find the adverb:

a. twenty

b. changeable

c. heavily

d. agree

e. traditional
17. Complete the sentence: You remembered everything, …?

a. didn’t you

b. don’t you

c. doesn’t you

d. do you

e. aren’t you

18. Translate into English: Он всегда рад помочь своим друзьям.

a. He was always glad to helped his friends.

b. He is always glad to being help his friends.

c. He was always glad to help his friends.

d. He is always glad to helping his friends.

e. He is always glad to help his friends.

19. Choose the correct answer: What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

a. Astana

b. Aktobe

c. Almaty

d. Aktau

e. Atyrau

20. Choose the correct variant: Look! … my house over there and those are my cows/

a. this are

b. there are

c. that is

d. this is

e. these are

21. Choose the correct variant: She asked her friend … her that afternoon.

a. why she didn’t phoned

b. why didn’t she phone

c. why she hadn’t phone

d. why she hadn’t phoned

e. why hadn’t she phoned

22. Find the correct form of verb: I went to see how she was and found her … .

a. were crying

b. has been crying

c. crying

d. cries

e. cried
23. The letter “w” is read in the word:

a. whose

b. who

c. two

d. write

e. why
24. The synonym of the word “slight” is

a. brave

b. dark

c. strong

d. weak

e. heavy
25. Choose the correct word: … dog is too big.

a. -

b. the

c. these

d. an

e. those
26. Put in the verb in the correct tense form: Look! The girl … the floor.

a. were sweeping

b. are sweeping

c. is sweeping

d. was sweeping

e. am sweeping
27. Choose the appropriate English equivalent: На телевидении слишком много рекламы.

a. On television too much advertising is there

b. There too much advertising is on the television

c. Too much advertising is there on television

d. There is on the television too much advertising

e. There is too much advertising on television.

28. Choose the word in which picked out letter differing from others:

a. sock

b. dog

c. mother

d. rock

e. top

29. Form the adjective with the opposite meaning of the word “possible”:

a. repossible

b. impossible

c. ilpossible

d. inpossible

e. unpossible
30. Choose the correct pronoun: Be careful! They are looking at … .

a. ours

b. us

c. I

d. our

e. we
31. Choose the question pronoun for the picked out word: We usually have dinner at five.

a. why

b. where

c. with whom

d. what time

e. what
32. Choose the correct form of verb in the Passive Voice: This newspaper (to sell) everywhere.

a. is sold

b. sold

c. were selled

d. are sold

e. were sold

33. Choose the correct modal verb: You … stop writing at the end of the exam. Your time is limited.

a. need

b. can’t

c. must

d. don’t have to

e. might have

34. Choose the correct variant: The sky is dark … ten o’clock already.

a. this

b. its

c. there is

d. it is

e. this is

35. Choose the correct Participle: The … day.

a. followned

b. followning

c. followeding

d. followeded

e. following

36. Choose the appropriate word: England is the most … part of Great Britain.

a. kingdom

b. populated

c. little

d. valley

e. wet
37. Give the definition to the word “neighbour”:

a. A person who lives near you

b. A person who is interested in sport

c. A person who is fond of reading

d. A person whom you like

e. A person who studies at the institute
38. Put the necessary preposition in the sentence: I am interested … most sports.

a. at

b. for

c. with

d. in

e. on
39. Choose the correct variant of translation, paying attention to the suffix: “Счастливо”

a. happiest

b. happily

c. happier

d. happiness

e. happiiul
40. Choose the correct variant of the degree of comparison of adjectives: My … sister doesn’t live with us.

a. elder

b. more old

c. old

d. more older

e. eld
41. Choose the correct variant of plural form of the noun: Our … are … .

a. childs/ brothers

b. children/ brother

c. child/brothers

d. childrens/brothers

e. children/brothers
42. Choose the correct variant of the possessive form of noun: … mothers were talking.

a. The babie’s

b. The baby

c. The babies’

d. The babys’

e. The babies

43. Put the sentence into negative form: The boys are playing in the yard.

a. The boys are not playing in the yard

b. The boys don’t playing in the yard

c. The boys isn’t playing in the yard

d. The boys not playing in the yard

e. The boys didn’t playing in the yard

44. Choose the correct variant of negative to the given sentence: He used to live in Astana.

a. He didn’t used to live to Astana

b. He used not live in Astana

c. He didn’t use to live to Astana

d. He used not to lived in Astana

e. He not to use to live in Astana

45. Compile the sentence: His only … in life is making money.

a. bag

b. way

c. issue

d. uniform

e. aim
46. Read the numerals: 150, 235

a. One hundred and fifty thousand two hundred and thirty five

b. One hundred and fifty thousands two hundreds and thirty five

c. One hundreds and fifty thousands two hundred and thirty five

d. One hundred and fifty thousand and two hundreds and thirty five

e. One hundred fifty thousand two hundred thirty five
47. Choose the correct variant: I don’t know what … if you …this information.

a. happens/forget

b. happen/forget

c. will happen/ will forget

d. happens/will forget

e. will happen/forget

48. … working at the hardware store, Vincent was never happy.

a. He was

b. When was he

c. When he was

d. Was he

e. Was he when

49. Complete the sentences with the verb: I’ll wait for you until the taxi ….

a. will come

b. has been come

c. come

d. comes

e. came

50. Circle the best answer: A, B, C, D, E: You would have a great time if you … .

a. went

b. go

c. have been

d. would go

e. going

51. Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition: He went … speaking for hours. It was so boring.

a. by

b. off

c. in

d. up

e. on
52. Circle the best answer: A, B, C, D, E: You are late. What …?

a. was happened

b. has happened

c. is happened

d. was happening

e. is happening
53. Circle the correct answer: If you don’t take a map, you’ll … .

a. have lost

b. get lose

c. get lost

d. lost

e. lose
54. Complete the sentences with the verb: Oh no, it’s broken! Don’t worry. I … you a new one.

a. am going to buy

b. am buying

c. will buy

d. will be buying

e. are buying
55. Valerie decided … a garden this year.

a. to grow

b. for growing

c. grow

d. grown

e. growing

56. Choose the correct form of the Passive voice: Everybody got a gift but I … nothing.

a. had been sent

b. was sending

c. none of the above

d. have sent

e. was sent

57. Complete the sentences with the adverb: Jack says he … to move out into the country this year.

a. want

b. is wanting

c. have wanted

d. have been wanting

e. wants

58. Circle the correct answer: … that picture. Isn’t it lovely!

a. watch

b. look at

c. see

d. look

e. do
59. Complete the sentences with an appropriate preposition: The TV series was based … her autobiography.

a. near

b. over

c. on

d. of

e. by
60. Circle the correct answer: Everybody …mistakes sometimes.

a. does

b. makes

c. has

d. gets

e. knows
61. … working at the hardware store, Vincent was never happy.

a. He was

b. Was he when

c. When was he

d. Was he

e. When he was
62. Bob wants money. Please give … to him.

a. they

b. those

c. them

d. it

e. its
63. Your flat is bigger than … . … walls are too high.

a. hers/Its.

b. our/Her

c. her/ its

d. my/her

e. us/his
64. She is busy with … daughter.

a. yours

b. mine

c. hers

d. her

e. ours
65. I think we have met her … .

a. somebody

b. somewhere

c. something

d. anywhere

e. sometimes
66. There aren’t … fruit-trees in the orchard.

a. any

b. some

c. no

d. anything

e. nothing

67. There are a lot of … in this place.

a. mices

b. mouse

c. mice

d. a mouse

e. a mice

68. You look happy. What’s the news? … good?

a. Are they

b. Is there

c. Are there

d. Is it

e. There are

69. Cuba is … sugar-growing areas in the world.

a. one of the larger

b. one of the largest

c. the largest

d. largest

e. one of the largest

70. Choose the right article if it is necessary: Can you play … piano?

a. an

b. a

c. the

d. -

e. cood

71. What is …matter with … baby?

a. an/the

b. -/the

c. a/the

d. the/the

e. the/an

72. … America is … far away country.

a. The/a

b. -/-

c. The/the

d. An/-

e. -/a
73. Choose the word of phrase, which completes the sentence best: I’ll be on vacation … next week.

a. -

b. on

c. at

d. the

e. in
74. Choose the word or phrase, which completes the sentence best: What are you laughing …?

a. on

b. over

c. at

d. above

e. up
75. Antarctica is the side of … elevations on the earth.

a. than the highest

b. the highest are

c. and the highest

d. higher

e. the highest
76. Choose the necessary form of the verb “to be”. Common forms of drugs (to be) of three categories.

a. am

b. is

c. was

d. are

e. shall be

77. Choose the necessary form of the verb “to be”: A leaf (to be) an expanded organ of a plant.

a. are

b. is

c. am

d. were

e. aren’t

78. Put the verb “to study” in the brackets in a proper tense: The science (to study) the arrangement and classification of plants

a. studies

b. study

c. is studying

d. studys

e. is studied

79. Put the verb “to take” in the brackets in Present Indefinite: The pharmaceutist (to take) the prescription.

a. take

b. took

c. to take

d. takes

e. will take

80. Put the verb “to grow” in the brackets in Present Indefinite: Roots and rhizomes usually (to grow) under the ground.

a. grew

b. grown

c. is grow

d. will grow

e. grow
81. Put the verb “to try” in the brackets in Present Indefinite: Since ancient times people (to try) to find medicinal plants.

a. try

b. trying

c. tried

d. was tried

e. is tried
82. Put the verb “to administer” in the brackets in Present Indefinite: Physician (to administer) me capsules and pills.

+a. administered

b. to administer

c. administer

d. administers

e. will administer

83. Put the verb “to be” in the brackets in Future Indefinite: An ointment (to be) useful for the skin.

a. am

b. were

c. will be

d. are

e. to be

84. Choose the correct variant of the verb “to be”: There … four important groups of plants.

a. am

b. was

c. been

d. is

e. are
85. Choose the correct variant of the verb “to have”: Most plants … no true roots or stems.

a. has

b. has got

c. has not

d. have

e. having
86. Put the verb in the brackets in a proper tense: Usually the fruit (to contain) the seed.

a. will contain

b. are contained

c. contains

d. is contained

e. was contained

87. Put the verb in the brackets in Present Indefinite: Botany is the science which (to deal) with living and extinct plants.

a. dealt

b. deals

c. deal

d. dealing

e. is dealt

88. Put the verb in the brackets in Past Indefinite: Roots and rhizomes (to grow) under the ground.

a. grew

b. will grow

c. is grow

d. grown

e. did grow

89. Put the verb in the brackets in Future Indefinite: A patient with a chronic peptic ulcer (to tolerate) pills.

a. to tolerate

b. tolerate

c. will tolerate

d. tolerates

e. is tolerate

90. Choose the correct variant: … roots usually absorb water and minerals?

a. Does

b. Did

c. Has

d. Do

e. Are
91. Choose the correct variant: … the shape and positions of leaves vary?

a. Am

b. Are

c. Is

d. Does

e. Do
92. Choose the correct variant: … the fruit contain the seed?

a. Does

b. Are

c. Has

d. Is

e. Am
93. Choose the correct variant: … there four important groups of plants?

a. Does

b. Are

c. Is

d. Have

e. Has
94. Give the negative form of the verb: Plant morphology (to study) the life processes and functions of the plant.

a. not study

b. do not study

c. was not studied

d. does not study

e. study not

95. Give the negative form of the verb: All semisolids (to have) fat material.

a. do not have

b. has not

c. are not have

d. is not have

e. are not having

96. Choose the correct form of the Passive Voice: All medicines (to keep) in drug cabinets.

a. kept

b. to keep

c. to be kept

d. is kept

e. are kept

97. Choose the correct form of the Passive Voice: Usually composite fruits (to form) from many flowers.

a. was formed

b. is formed

c. will be formed

d. are formed

e. should form

98. The antonym of the word “Rise” is:

a. recite

b. set

c. show

d. ring

e. get up

99. Choose the correct word: His … names are Jack and Nick.

a. cousins’

b. of cousins

c. cousins

d. cousins’es

e. cousen’s

100. Choose the correct variant of degrees of comparison of adjectives: Julia is much … than her sister.

a. youngerer

b. young

c. youngest

d. younger

e. youngster

101. Choose the right variant.

There are many… in the garden.

a) flower

b) flowers

c) fower’s

d) flowers’

e) a flower
102. Complete the sentence.

I … a student now.

a) will

b) am

c) was

d) will be

e) have
103. Complete the sentence

Every day I … breakfast at 8 a.m.

a) had

b) has

c) am having

d) have had

e) have

104. Add the sentence.

Peter is a pupil. … studies in the 10th form.

a) She

b) He

c) I

d) We

e) You
105. Complete the sentence.

This concert is … spoken about.

a) many

b) more

c) few

d) much

e) big
106. Choose the right variant.

It’s difficult for you. You can’t do it … .

a) yourself

b) himself

c) myself

d) ourselves

e) themselves

107. Choose the right sentence.

a) My parents were in much countries.

b) Do it as any as possible.

c) Did you take some photos?

d) My wive speaks few.

e) You watch TV too much.

108. Choose the right variant.

February is the … month of the year.

a) one

b) first

c) second

d) third

e) one of
109. Indicate the antonym.


  1. a) superior

  2. b) inferior

  3. c) backwards

  4. d) anterior

  5. e) low

110. Complete the sentence.

We keep our clothes in the ….

a) sofa

b) cupboard

c) wardrobe

d) TV-set

e) refrigerator

111. Complete the sentence.

These shoes are made of … leather.

a) the

b) any

c) an

d) -

e) an
112. Complete the sentence.

Tom is in his room. He … the piano.

  1. a) was playing

  2. b) plays

  3. c) played

  4. d) has playing

  5. e) is playing

113. Complete the sentence.

Books … to the students in the library.

  1. a) was given

  2. b) are given

  3. c) gave

  4. d) gives

  5. e) gaves

114. Choose the right variant.

… I come in?

  1. a) can

  2. b) had to

  3. c) have to

  4. d) can to

  5. e) may

115. Choose the right variant.

I don’t like this pen. Give me … one.

a) that

b) these

c) this

d) those

e) its
116. Choose the right variant.

I met my … friend yesterday.

a) goodest

b) better

c) the best

d) best

e) well
117. Complete the sentence.

If we study … we’ll pass our exams successfully.

  1. a) worst

b) well

  1. c) good

  2. d) best

  3. e) bad

118. Complete the sentence.

The capital of Russia is … .

  1. a) Moscow

  2. b) Leningrad

  3. c) Volgograd

  4. d) Almaty

  5. e) Kiyev

119. Choose the right variant.

Doctor-neurologist treats the patients with … .

  1. a) pneumonia

  2. b) cardiovascular diseases

  3. c) urological diseases

  4. d) gynecological diseases

  5. e) diseases of the nervous system

120. Choose the right variant.

The system is … into some groups.

  1. a) taken

  2. b) divided

  3. c) given

  4. d) belonged

  5. e) refered

121. Complete the sentence.

I … this work already.

a) did

b) done

c) have done

d) had done

e) didn’t

122. Choose the right variant.

I saw a girl … out of the window.

a) looks

b) have looked

c) is looking

d) look

e) looking

123. Choose the right variant.

Children go … kindergarden at the age of 3.

  1. a) To

  2. b) on

  3. c) from

  4. e) in

  5. f) at

124. Choose the right variant.

No news … good news.

  1. a) are

  2. b) am

  3. c) is

  4. d) will

  5. e) have

125. Choose the right variant.

The teacher asked the students … late.

  1. a) don’t be

  2. b) not being

  3. c) not to be

  4. d) not be

  5. e) doesn’t be

126. Choose the right variant.

There is … on the table.

  1. a) books

  2. b) book’s

  3. c) a book

  4. d) books’

  5. e) book

127. Complete the sentence.

He … born in 1975.

  1. a) is

  2. b) were

  3. c) had

  4. d) was

  5. e) am.

128. Complete the sentence.

Last year the students … lessons on Physics.

  1. a) have

  2. b) have had

  3. c) was having

  4. d) don’t have

  5. e) had

129. Complete the sentence.

Jane works at a hospital. … is a doctor.

  1. a) She

  2. b) They

  3. c) I

  4. d) We

  5. e) You

130. Complete the sentence.

There are … books in the library.

  1. a) little

  2. b) much

  3. c) few

  4. d) many

  5. e) any

131. Complete the sentence.

Let her do it by ….

  1. a) Herself

  2. b) himself

  3. c) ourselves

  4. d) itself

  5. e) themselves

132. Choose the right sentence

a) Thank you very much.

b) Much students passed this examination.

c) There is many money in my pocket

d) I enjoyed the party very little.

e) There were not some people in the street.
133. Choose the right variant.

He is…of the best student.

  1. a) second

  2. b) third

  3. c) one’s

  4. d) one

  5. e) ones

134. Indicate the antonym to ‘’seldom’’.

a) usually

b) sometimes

c) never

d) frequently

e) often

135. Complete the sentence.

All the drugs are kept in the ….

  1. a) cupboard

  2. b) sofa

  3. c) table

  4. d) drug cabinet

  5. e) bag

136. Complete the sentence.

This dress is made of … cotton.

  1. a) any

  2. b) an

  3. c) –

  4. d) the

  5. e) a

137. Complete the sentence.

Where are our children? They … pictures.

  1. a) are drawing

  2. b) was drawing

  3. c) were drawing

  4. d) is drawing

  5. e) have drawing

138. Complete the sentence.

Yesterday we … to the party by our friend.

  1. a) was invited

  2. b) were invited

  3. c) are invited

  4. d) is invited

  5. e) will invited

139. Choose the right variant.

He … to do this work.

  1. a) can

  2. b) may

  3. c) must

  4. d) has

e) have
140. Choose the right variant.

I need only … book.

a) these

b) those

c) it

d) its

e) this
141. Choose the right variant.

Mary is … in her family.

  1. a) younger

  2. b) the youngest

  3. c) youngest

  4. d) young

  5. e) the youngerst

142. Complete the sentence.

If he sees him he will ask some … .

  1. a) story

  2. b) questions

  3. c) answer

  4. d) paper

  5. e) advice

143. Complete the sentence.

The head of our state is the … .

  1. a) prime minister

  2. b) president

  3. c) chairman

  4. d) akim

  5. e) senator

144. Complete the sentence.

Butcher’s is a shop where we buy … .

  1. a) sweets

  2. b) bread

  3. c) meat

  4. d) drugs

  5. e) vegetables

145. Choose the right variant.

The heart … of two chambers.

  1. a) contains

  2. b) consists

  3. c) gives

  4. d) composes

  5. e) divides

146. Complete the sentence.

He … out just now.

  1. a) has gone

  2. b) went

  3. c) have gone

  4. d) goes

  5. e) gone

147. Complete the sentence.

The teacher … the students in room 4.

  1. a) examine

b) is examining

  1. c) examining

  2. d) will examine

  3. e) have examined

148. Choose the right variant.

My little brother is afraid … spiders.

  1. a) on

  2. b) in

  3. c) of

  4. d) from

  5. e) to

149. Choose the right variant.

East or West home … best.

  1. a) are

  2. b) will

  3. c) am

  4. d) have

  5. e) is

150. Choose the right variant.

Mike hoped that his friend … him with his car.

  1. a) helped

  2. b) would help

  3. c) have helped

  4. d) will help

  5. e) is helping

151. Choose the right variant.

There are some … in the room.

  1. a) chair

  2. b) chair’s

  3. c) chairs’

  4. d) chairs

  5. e) chaires

152. Choose the right variant.

Moscow … the capital of Russia.

  1. a) Is

  2. b) were

  3. c) am

  4. d) are

  5. e) have

153. Choose the right variant.

Margie and her sister …wonderful voices.

a) do

b) has

c) is having

d) are having

e) have
154. Complete the sentence.

Saule and Gulnar are students. … study at the university.

a) He

b) I

c) She

d) They

e) We
155. Complete the sentence.

He has … money.

a) many

b) small

c) much

d) big

e) any
156. Choose the right variant.

They did this work ….

a) himself

b) itself

c) herself

d) themselves

e) ourselves

157. Choose the right sentence.

a) He doesn’t have some time.

b) There are much buildings in this region.

c) Little childrens go to the school.

d) Any students of this group know it.

e) Many people live here

158. Choose the right variant.

March is the … month of the year.

a) first

b) third

c) tenth

d) fourth

e) fifth
159. Indicate the antonym to ‘’ever’’.

a) always

b) usually

c) never

d) often

e) sometimes

160. Choose the right variant.

We buy drugs at a … .

a) chemist’s

b) butcer’s

c) grocery

d) shop

e) market
161. Choose the right variant.

The table is made of … wood.

a) –

b) some

c) an

d) a

e) the
162. Complete the sentence.

I … for my key . I can’t open the door.

a) is looking

b) are looking

c) am looking

d) were looking

e) have looking
163. Complete the sentence.

This film … on this channel very often.

a) showed

b) show

c) is shown

d) shown

e) were shown
164. Choose the right variant.

… you speak English?

a) have to

b) should

c) may

d) would

e) can
165. Choose the right variant.

Don’t touch … things. They are mine.

a) these

b) this

c) that

d) it

e) its
166. Choose the right variant.

This book is the … … one.

a) more interesting

b) as interesting as

c) interesting more

d) most interesting

e) interesting most
167. Complete the sentence.

If he wants to study English he will need … .

a) Russian teacher

b) English teacher

c) Spanish teacher

d) French teacher

e) Kazakh reacher
168. Complete the sentence.

The Day of Independence of RK is … .

a) the 30 th of August

b) The 25 th of October

c) the 31 st of May

d) the 23 d of February

e) the 16 th of December
169. Choose the right variant.

Medical student … .

a) don’t like reading books

b) don’t know anything

c) are very strange

d) know everything

e) is a well educated person
170. Choose the right variant.

Jane … swimming.

a) go

b) looks

c) gets

d) likes

e) gives
171. Complete the sentence.

I … never...to London.

a) had/been

b) have/been

c) was/been

d) were/been

e) don’t/been
172. Choose the right variant.

I saw him … the road.

a) crossed

b) cross

c) crosses

d) crossing

e) having cross
173. Choose the right variant.

Alice is fond … ballet.

a) of

b) on

c) in

d) at

e) to
174. Choose the right variant.

Money … not everything.

a) are

b) an

c) is

d) will

e) have
175. Choose the right variant.

A doctor asked the patients … her.

a) not to disturb

b) no to disturb

c) don’t disturb

d) doesn’t disturb

e) aren’t disturb

176. Choose the right variant.

There are no … among them.

a) boy

b) boy’s

c) a boy

d) boys’

e) boys
177. Complete the sentence.

What … your sister’s name?

a) are

b) am

c) is

d) were

e) have
178. Complete the sentence.

Pete … anatomy lessons every day.

a) have

b) has

c) is having

d) had

e) have had

179. Add the sentence.

I see this picture every day….is beautiful!

a) I

b) It

c) He

d) They

e) We
180. We enjoyed the film very … .

a) much

b) few

c) more

d) a few

e) best
181. Choose the right variant.

Let me introduce … .

a) himself

b) herself

c) itself

d) ourselves

e) myself

182. Choose the right sentence.

a) My friend didn’t make some mistakes.

b) There isn’t many milk in the bottle.

c) She has much friends.

d) He spends much money on his clothes.

e) I have many time.

183. Choose the right variant.

The… month of the year is April.

a) fourth

b) third

c) sixth

d) first

e) eleventh
184. Indicate the antonym to ‘’rare’’.

a) never

b) seldom

c) sometimes

d) usually

e) frequently

185. Complete the sentence.

We lay on the … .

a) wardrobe

b) refrigerator

c) table

d) chair

e) sofa
186. Complete the sentence.

It is made … steel.

a) for

b) to

c) off

d) on

e) of
187. Complete the sentence.

Listen! Somebody … … a lovely song.

a) was singing

b) are singing

c) is singing

d) were singing

e) has singing

188. Complete the sentence.

The Olympic games … once in 4 years.

a) hold

b) were hold

c) are hold

d) was held

e) holds
189. Choose the right variant.

You … attend all lectures.

a) could

b) must

c) has to

d) would

e) have
190. Choose the right variant.

Look at … flowers, they are beautiful.

a) this

b) that

c) these

d) it

e) them
191. Choose the right variant.

Henry is … than his brother Bob.

a) strong

b) strongest

c) the stronger

d) so strong

e) stronger

192. Choose the right variant.

If the weather is … tomorrow we will have a picnic.

a) bad

b) best

c) fine

d) worse

e) baddest
193. Complete the sentence.

The Day of Constitution in Kazakhstan is … .

a) the 30 th of August

b) the 9 th of February

c) the 25 th of October

d) the 16th of December

e) the 1st of May
194. Choose the right variant.

A polyclinic is an institution where ………….

a) we dance

b) we go to see a doctor

c) we study mathematics

d) we cook meals

e) we have breakfast
195. Choose the right variant.

He always … to this music.

a) hates

b) sings

c) hears

d) listens

e) likes
196. Choose the right variant.

We … this letter already.

a) wrote

b) write

c) has written

d) writes

e) have written
197. Choose the right variant.

I don’t like … TV .

a) have watched

b) watching

c) watched

d) watch

e) is watched
198. Choose the right variant.

Fresh fruit is good … your health.

a) in

b) at

c) for

d) on

e) of
199. Choose the right variant.

Knowledge … power .

a) are

b) is

c) am

d) have

e) having

200. Choose the right variant.

The dean asked the students … .. … lessons .

a) missing

b) not to miss

c) doesn’t miss

d) don’t miss

e) be missed

201. Complete the sentence.

… is a teacher.

a) Aiguls sisters

b) Aiguls sisters

c) Aiguls sister

d) Sisters of Aigul

e) Aigul sisters
202. Complete the sentence.

Here is … notebook you need.

a) an

b) the

c) a

d) this

e) some
203. Complete the sentence.

She … be in the village next week.

a) am


c) will

d) are

e) were
204. Choose the correct form of the pronouns:

I must go to the English lesson.

… begins at 5 o, clock.

  1. а) she

b) they

c) him

d) it

e) he
205. Choose the right variant.

Give … this book, please.

a) his

b) she

c) it

d) your

  1. e) me

206. Complete the sentence.

She is speaking … her sister.

a) on

b) to

c) of

d) for

e) from
207. Choose the right variant.

Now they … an English article.

a) is translating

b) translate

c) translates

d) are translating

e) have translated

208. Complete the sentence.

The Parliament of Kazakhstan is located in:

a) Almaty

b) Atyrau

c) Astana

d) Taraz

e) Aktau
209. Complete the sentence.

He … for his father at that time yesterday.

a) was / waited

  1. b) was / waiting

c) waiting

d) were / waiting

e) ware / waited
210. Choose the right variant.

After a few months of the training course he … swim well.

  1. a) have to

  2. b) am allowed to

c) could

d) am able to

e) can to
211. Choose the right variant.

The home task … by me yesterday.

a) done

b) is done

c) do

d) are done

e) was done

212. Complete the sentence.

This book belongs to …

a) ours

  1. b) me



e) we
213. Choose the right variant.

How … friends do you have?

a) many

  1. b) much

c) few

d) any

e) little
214. Choose the correct form of the pronoun.

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