Муниципальный этап всероссийской олимпиады школьников по английскому

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A old fashioned B very modern C the best city in the world

16 The modern shopping area is in .

A Yau Ma Tei B Mong Kok C Kowloon

17 is an area in Kowloon.
A Tsim Tsa Tsui B Nine Dragons C Yau Ma Tei

18 The writer says that Nathan Road is a good place to .

A explore during the day B find things at a good price C buy traditional things
19 Go to Nathan Road if you want to buy .

A wedding clothes B appliances C flashing signs

20 You can on Ning Po Street.

A change money B buy a car C buy a house made of paper

21 Fortune-tellers use to tell you your future.

A coloured lights B noodles C birds

22 The writer says that Mong Kok .

A is not worth visiting B hasn’t been changed by C is dangerous for foreigners

23 The food in other areas of Hong Kong is different from the food in Mong Kok because .

A tourists don’t buy it B there are fewer tourists C there are a lot of Chinese
24 The writer says that you’ll in Hong Kong.

A buy more luggage B eat more C spend a lot of money

25 The writer mentions places where you can buy .

A traditional clothes B medicine C birds

USE OF ENGLISH (15 minutes)


Read the text below and think of one word which best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning.
Fish and Chips

It all started about 150 years _ago_, when women in poor English families had to go out to work in factories. There was 26 time to shop and cook so they bought fast food in the street. The most popular was fried fish with a piece 27 bread. Then the first chips came from France. The ‘chipped’ potatoes, as they 28 called in those days, were also sold in the street. The idea to sell fish and chips together first came to a Londoner Joseph Malin. In 1860 he opened 29 fish-and-chip shop in Cleveland Street in London’s East End. Soon there were fish’n’chip shops everywhere in working-class areas. Today, fish and chips are very popular in Britain and 30 than 250 million portions are eaten in the country every year!

Read the following English proverbs and complete each gap with one word. Write the whole word as in the example.

Example: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. eggs

31 Never judge a book by its c .
32 The g is always greener on the other side of the fence.
33 There is no smoke without f .
34 East or west – h is best.
35 Actions speak louder than w .


Read the following extracts and choose A, B, C, or D to complete all three gaps. The first extract is an example.
The symbols of England

Example: A is the most well-known symbol of England and the United Kingdom recognised all over the world. It often appears in films set in London. A is the nickname for the Great Bell of the striking clock of the clock tower of the Palace of Westminster. The official name of the tower in which A is located was originally the Clock Tower. It was renamed Elizabeth Tower in 2012 to mark the Diamond Jubilee of Elizabeth II, Queen of the UK.

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