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protasis & apodosis or premise & conclusion (clause), antecedent & consequent in logical terms. It can also be generalized with a still broader concept of actualization. It is already the inferential nature of text that gives rise to its irretrievability and anisotropy as the initial premise for such confrontation of the preceding vs. the succeeding. This textual anisotropy comes to the general idea of motivation replacing narrower predication.

It is to stress that the motivational net of the text can appear only within the transition from potential to resultant functions in A.V. Bondarko’s terms. Such conclusion can be substantiated also with I.F. Vardul’s statements on the potential syntax as referring to propositions and not to actual messages. Respectively the transition to message from propositional abstraction presumes intentional load of text224. This presence of textual power (in particular of intention) irreducible to propositional structures enables the division of syntax into potential and actual levels225. There are at least two consequences of this division that differ actualities from potentialities. Firstly, it goes about the formation of occasional composed words that are blended with words’ chains226. This situation brings about the question on the limits of a lexical unit (especially actual for Chinese). Secondly, it gives the pretext to suggest the concept of substantive predicate227. Thus the measures of predicates are essentially widened involving the circumstantial details in actualities. That circumstances and complements become predicates in rheme can be attested with the formation of denominatives as in redden = get red from red (or respectively Fr. rougir = devenir rouge). Nouns in the role of rheme (actual predicate) can be regarded as possible sources for denominatives. Another sample of rhemes’ applicability can be exemplified with keywords turning into catchwords where a bridge to paremiology arises.

As far as actualities belong to textual inherent properties not to be withdrawn they determine also stylistic features as the inseparable quality of textual integration. In particular the succinctness of Pushkin’s prosaic works is found to be indebted to the respective actual division of sentence228: thus, for instance, in “Dubrovsky” the author informs about the existence of library in the manor while describing the circumstances of the landlord’s daughter’s absence. In its turn the new information’s introduction with the seemingly known (but actually new) themes correlates with the stylistic tendency to build the so called analytical expositions with the commencement that lies within the middle phase of plot’s development229. The importance of actualities varies not only between different stylistic versions but also between the whole languages. Such comparison can be conducted in particular between the Slavonic and the Turk languages230.

The distinction of an actual message from potential syntactic textual structure reproduces the distinction of text from a set of sentences. It is due to peculiar textual properties that potential structures can be overcome. Textual actual predicates replace formal potential ones foreseen and predestinated with reproduced paradigms of syntactic structures. This difference will be disclosed with the shift of predicates in text in comparison to sentence. In a simple sentence “a glass is broken” the first word will be actual predicate when the class of fragile objects is presumed. Thus the existence of integrative textual quality of motivation different from syntactic predication (and irreducible to it) is disclosed with the transition to actualities.

With the transition to actual integrity of a text as a message the representation of communicative mission and function are involved. Motivation presupposes the power of mediation as language’s fundamental property. It means the necessity of the presence of intermediary attributes or interstitial substance that would unite separate locutions. Thus one can say of attributive motivational ties providing textual coherence. Here one has to take into account that such mediation is at the same time textual interpretation. Text displays itself here as a self-organizing and self-analyzing system insofar as the interpretation is implied with textual essence and included into the scope of textual virtual opportunities. In other words motivation as mediation becomes here the development of text itself motu proprio and not as some outer force discovered by an explorer. To achieve integration text must be comprehended and therefore represented as the receptacle of interpretative possibilities evolving in the act of comprehension. Respectively potential syntactic functions are to be reconceived within communicative perspective231. Textual referential net incarnates such mission of mediation determining thus the mentioned motivational role of moment. As an example of the role of moment (and word order) in actualization the initial role of a statement can make up the paragon so that the inversed order provides emphatic meaning and therefore decides upon the choice of rheme232.

Emphatic shift in its turn demonstrates only a separate facet of the multilateral net of dependencies arising between parts and whole with textual integration and making up the above discussed functional structure of text (in particular the distribution of denotative roles). Although functional relations are of universal nature they gain priority when textual integration comes to existence. Respectively functional destination of textual segments plays decisive role in determining actualities and overcoming thus the boundaries of propositional structures233. In its turn this functional motivational integrative basis develops the properties inherent still to propositional structures. Ch. Bally (“General linguistics”, §§ 110-111) has defined actualities as the result of the identification of abstract notions with objects where their contents and extent undergo changes234. In particular A.V. Bondarko has stressed that it is already the category of person enabling steps to actualities within propositional potential structure235. This role of personification and location of speech is felt especially obviously in situational actualities disclosed in dialogues236. Meanwhile a much more general power is involved here – the power of reflection. Personification presupposes the opportunity of text to be conceived as something alien. Therefore it becomes the object of reflection that discloses its productive role as the constituent force of a text’s integration. It is why derivative and expansive aspects of the growth of words in the text, the variability of their sense dependent on textual perspective gains importance. Being endowed with reflexive properties a word displays expansive forces and brings forth the whole referential net of deixis interwoven in a text that promotes the transition to actualities.

Together with personification still more important part in promoting actualities belongs to the category of modus and modality as opposed to the so called dictum that designates textual tissue. These concepts were suggested by the just mentioned Ch. Bally (“General linguistics”, §28) as the inherent properties of proposition237. In particular any assertion presupposes the certitude about its truth implying thus respective modality; in its turn dictum is abstracted from propositional or nominative form of representation (enabling the mentioned transformational equivalence) that is illustrated with the example of transformations <je crois que cet accusé est innocent> ↔ <l’innocence d’un accusé> ↔ <cet accusé est innocent> [Балли, 1955, 46]. It is in analytical constructions where such division of modus vs. dictum becomes especially evident as in the example <l’amour est dans tes yeux, mais la haine dévore ton coeur> [Балли, 2003, 116]. Obviously this division is to be conceived as that of abstractions and therefore it is not always evident as in simple sentences such as <it rains>. This dual representation of proposition is interpreted also as the particular estimation of reality in modus opposed to “semantic predicates” of dictum [Шинкарук, 2003, 14]. Then these categories correlate with the confrontation of subject vs. object that will be removed in conceiving them as the partial vs. the total within functional frameworks. From here the necessary correlation of modality & actuality ensues: as far as the transition to actuality arises with textual integration it is to be conceived as inseparable from modality as its indispensable property. It can be traced in the construction of the questions for testing sentences’ actual division that concern dictum and modus separately as in Ch. Bally’s examples of the so called “dictal” questions (total <Qu’est ce qui ce passe?> vs. partial <Qu’est - il arrivé?>) as opposed to medal questions (total <Est - il allé à l’école?> vs. partial < Est – ce à l’école qu’il est allé?>) [Балли, 1955, 47]. The very admissibility of the division of the modal vs. dictal abstractions proves to be seen as the germs of textual integration inherent already for proposition. At the same time being engendered with the categories of personality, modality and actuality motivational net of integration can’t be reduced to them.

In particular modality is to be correlated with intention inherent also already to propositional structure. Respectively intents are opposed to contents as the correlation to modus vs. dictum opposition. Intentions are given as partial and particular viewpoints or aspect opposed to the objective totality. Thus a kind of textual teleology arises. One of the important consequences of its implications is the notion of purport [Долгова, 1980, 74] as a facet of intentionality. It is intention and premeditation of expressions that gives burden of the subjective purposes of those speaking, and it makes possible to open the hidden motives growing into the thorough referential net of a text. Each utterance as the step of a textual expansion carries the load of intention inseparable from meaning. The extracts of text occur as if they were charged with intentional load, and they bear the seal of correlation with other sections of text in the network of referential net (deictic scheme)238. The intentional reflection generates referential net providing thus textual coherence and determining the sense of the potentially isolated fragments. In particular it is to be traced in the rise of the author’s image as textual integrative power239. It is intention that determines the selection of lexical units and textual transformations (such as iterations or intensifications) providing thus textual integrative means in particular irrespective to the existence or absence of explicit referential net240. Thus intention together with the above mentioned reflection seems to gain priority in regard to referential means of textual integration. At the same time it is here to remind the scholastic statement <nihil volitum nisi cogitatum> ‘nothing is wanted if it is not known’ or the old proverb <ignoto non cupido> ‘I don’t want what I don’t know’. It is apparent that contents are always prior in regard to intents as well as dictum in regard to modus. In its turn intentionality follows still the more essential reticent concomitant presupposition that accompany sentences: it goes about the so called presumptions concerning existence & verity. That the utterance presupposes the existential and confirmative latent statements as “It is true that …” and “There really is …” attests the complicated relations between modus & dictum241.

Together with reflection & intention the idea of textual stratification becomes more profound. The broadly conceived strata intersect in a way with what has been also designated as “speech registers” (the term introduced in stylistics by Ch. Bally). The concept of registers enables discerning various styles of producing text that can be differentiated in particular in view of different tenses and aspects used within separate strata. For example, narration is associated with past tenses whereas being retold in a libretto one uses historical present [Падучева, 1986, 85]. Such textual layers can be seen as the germs for the development of separate genera.

In particular one divides these registers into the so called “generitive” and informational ones whereas the generative behave as textual segments relatively autonomous within the context and self-sufficient in their inferential opportunities. This peculiar autonomy of the generative speech register reveals itself in particular in what is to be attributes to the so called poly-predicative structure. Due to the interaction of different actual predicates (rhemes) the utterance of this register, be it even a simple sentence, discloses the opportunity of being converted into a clausal structure of hypotaxis242. In particular it is proverbial locutions that are regarded as those belonging top the generative speech register together with various sentential enunciations. Meanwhile the property of poly-predicative structure peculiar for the autonomous passages of text can be generalized over text as a whole. The concept of poly-predicative structure gives still additional reasons to come to more generalized relations arising in text. Instead of the field structure with its division of centre vs. periphery a more flexible axial vs. lateral relationship appears. In particular it can’t go about amplification in register’s transformation as far as generitive register doesn’t imply abstraction to be filled with details.

That a common propositional predication must needs become something much wider within the conditions of textual integration can be seen not only from the mentioned poly-predicative structures but also from the semantic ambiguities to be removed with the aid of generalized predication. One can say in particular of the phenomena latent predication arising from the interplay of motivation and spontaneity243. This ambiguity originates from the indefiniteness of a code’s units used in a text, so the transition from a code’s topics to communicative comments (from potentialities to actualities) becomes here the decisive step in generalizing propositional predication. It is the generalized predication that prevents textual disintegration with introducing the forces of motivation and spontaneity.

As far as the propositional structure can’t give account to textual coherence the notion of thematic progression has been suggested by Fr. Daneš. Obviously here the communicative properties are taken into account so that the interrelationships between theme and rheme become the decisive features. These structures are divided into those of concatenation (where usually the preceding rheme becomes the succeeding theme as in usual narration with the so called prolepsis) and ramification (where there is the overall theme that is elucidated from different sides): obviously the contact references prevail in the first case while the second case presumes the necessity of distant references. There can be also discerned the cases of gradation vs. saltation (in the last case the theme can be interrupted and radically changed). The most essential is that both themes and rhemes don’t remain indivisible: they can easily split and reduplicated (in particular with the rhemes becoming themes) as well as generate the derivative themes or become a thorough theme (Leitmotiv).

1.2.5. Functional Stratification of Text
The transition to text as message with its own motivational integrative powers irreducible to propositional transformations reveals the above mentioned textual antinomy where verbal stuff is confronted with the essence that lies beyond the language and provides textual motivational filament. To account for the peculiarities ensuing from this antinomy the concept of scheme seems to become most appropriate that had been suggested still by I. Kant and can be conform to the mission of mediation appropriate to text. In particular a textual invariant built as a conjectured abstraction and kept for retaining in all diverse propositional transformations would correlate with what has been defined by I. Kant as (a transcendental) scheme: it must mediate the sensual with the intellectual so that being abstract it remains also endowed with visible traits244. Furthermore, the quality of scheme has been detected by I. Kant (“The Critic of the Judgment’s Faculty”, § 59) within intuition as its substantiation in opposite to rational thought245. It is very demonstrative that Kantian “scheme” has been converged within E.R. Curtius’ doctrine on the permanence of rhetoric tradition with the traditional “topos”. Then a category appears with mediating opportunities that enables removing confrontation of the rational and sensual in introducing the power of temporality. It is time that is presupposed with the concept of a scheme as such medium246. This attachment to intuition & transcendence & temporality seems to concord with what has been said about textual openness. Each textual representation as the revelation of some invariant must be esteemed as incomplete due to the opportunities of further transformations so that this invariant would acquire an outlook of a set of unfinished incomplete sentences (collocations & colligations) without a finite propositional form or dispersed set of lexical units. Such incomplete representation is none other as a scheme referring to something deeper. In this respect text can be conceived as a scheme.

This assumption can be still confirmed with the development of the concept of scheme in the works of F. W. Schelling where it has turned out to be correlated with the concept of productivity and productive thought within his doctrine on intellectual intuition. It was exemplified with the sample (“System of the Transcendental Idealism”, epoch 3, 1) of the work of an artisan who doesn’t follow abstract patterns but uses “sensually contemplated rules”247. Production is then regarded (ibid., epoch 2, 5) as an opposite to reflection that serves as a restrictive force248. This concept of production was applied to define the artistic creative work (“The Philosophy of Art”, § 133) where thus the approach to poetry as the source and paragon for creativity is substantiated249. Then it becomes scheme that occupies the central place within such approach. Especially shrewd was the idea (ibid., § 39) that all verbal generative process is to be conceived as the formation of scheme so that speech production itself would subsume to the category of scheme250. The substantiation here is to be found in the mediating mission of scheme that joins notion and object just as the result of imaginative productive act251. It has become this imaginative productive power that enables overcoming the confrontation of notion and image252. In terms of verbal substance such unifying productive power of scheme would mean the mediation between the signifying and the signified. In particular scheme is a counterpart to allegory as the representation of particulars with the means of generalities253. One could here add that it is textual entity in opposite to propositions and notions where such mediation between general and particular will be disclosed.

The doctrine on scheme gives new opportunities for the representation of textual integration. The concept of scheme as applied to integrative problems discloses common features with that of periphrastic description (circumscription, circumlocution) as opposed to rhetoric amplification. The common link could become the concept of homology as inexact similitude so that the given text would be conceived as a textual version of an infinite set of transformations. Scheme would disclose the property of homology as a mediating device evolving in temporal series. Conceiving text as a scheme that results from its own inherent incompleteness one can compare and correlate its invariant with something irreducible to sentences and words. It is therefore the sets of circumscriptions as incomplete propositions that represent this invariant.

It gives also opportunities to generalize the concept or speech registers as textual strata. The approach to textual analysis based on stratification comes back to the mentioned Fr. Daneš who has not only introduced the concept of thematic progressions but also developed the functional principles of the Prague school. In particular it is here to tress that the question has been posed “whether some supra-sentential (hyper-syntactic) strata should be introduced into the description of the language system” [Daneš, 1971, 136]. As to the textual structure as a special hyper-stratum, it was suggested by the author to divide textual structures according to the “utterance function” so that “the stratificational hierarchy of language system reflects the fact that its items are placed in different distances to this global external function” [Daneš, 1971, 127] entailing thus the necessity to take into account the communicative factors. Strata (taken in such widened sense) look like a string of textual fragments while the observer’s comments disclose their referential connections. In particular cases stratum can coincide with a taxis or a part of it. It is important that stratum widening the concept of W. Chafe’s “chunks” can be reduced neither to proposition nor to apposition. As a special example of textual stratum the role of dramatis persona can be taken. It can’t be reduced also to a pure collection of quotations of textual fragments being endowed with explanatory comments. In this respect stratum differs from textual segment as far as the very process of stratification involves the factor of competence as its necessary premise.

Within the terms of stratificational approach it is to mention the old notion of syntactic perspective254 that generalizes referential net of a text. In particular it concerns the so called “verbs plot studies” developed by M.N. Kozhina to enable restoring a plot’s description from verbs’ chain of a text255. The interrelations of verbs (and, more widely, of predicates) gives clue to the scheme of a narrative so that the syntactic perspective determines the development of derivative meanings so that the entire image comes to being256. Such approach has given evident proofs of the leading role of verbs in the poetic texts where the derivative processes are especially intensive. In particular the respective investigations prove the dominance of “verbal style” in artistic texts in contrast to “substantive style” in those of office, business and bureaucracy that become the cemetery for words257. It is evident that verb plays in the syntactic perspective a leading role in comparison to substantives. Old Slavonic designation of a verb (глагол) as a name for a speech in general (from глаголати ‚to speak’) is an overt and evident taboo reflecting this clue position of verb for the creation of text. It is also here to add that it is especially gerund with its correlates that plays leading role in creating referential net258. From here the importance of

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