Оңтүстік Қазақстан мен Ресей арасындағы сауда-экономикалық байланыстар тарихы

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The scientific novelty of the undertaken research consists in the following: the research studies the problem of trade and economic relations development of south Kazakhstan and Russia in the context of capitalistic terms development at the end of XIX and at the beginning of XX centuries. Herewith there’s shown a complex character of the nomad population economy development in the region. It allows revealing the place and role of south region in the system of trade economic connections of Russian Empire.

The scientific novelty of the research is also determined by application of unpublished archives materials and new historical sources into scientific practice.

Besides the dissertation paper contains the following elements of novelty:

-an important role of cattle breeding economy in south regions of Kazakhstan has been determined in the formation of new market terms in Russian economy, trade connections on Eurasian region;

- peculiarities and role of husbandrial economy development of south regions have been revealed in the development of trade connections with Russia;

- the development of financial economic relations in Kazakh environment in different spheres of activities, including the development of trade cattle breeding and commercial economy has been studied;

- the role of trade, financial, credit and industrial relations has been investigated in adaptation of Kazakh society to capitalistic terms.

Theoretical positions submitted for defense:

  • at the end of XIX and beginning of XX centuries the cattle breeding remains not only the basis of traditional economy of Kazakh society but also emerges as perspective economy basis for developing national market economy. At the end of XIX –beginning of XX centuries market cattle breeding economy plays a very important role not only in the economy of Kazakhstan but also in foreign and domestic markets.

  • The characteristic reveal of Kazakh society adaptation to market terms is the formation of business qualities and the spread of business activity;

  • The development of trade cattle breeding, the spread of husbandrial culture in Kazakh society, the participation in industrial investigation of the region, the development of various types of business and trade witness about real adaptation of Kazakh society to market terms in spite of time hardships and colonial status of Kazakhstan.

Chronological frames of the research include the period from the end of XIX century to 1917, when the Great October revolution was realized and the power of Bolsheviks was established.

The results of the research:

-new archives materials on the history of trade-economic relations of south regions with Russia have been applied into scientific practice;

-historical processes which characterize the entrance of Russian capital into commercial use of natural and agricultural resources of south territories of Kazakhstan have been examined;

-trade-economic connections of south region with Russian regions have been studied in the context of including material possibilities of Kazakh population its traditional economy holding;

- the questions of interrelations of south Kazakhstan region with Russia at the end of XIX – beginning of XX centuries have been determined from the positions of new scientific views and approaches.

The degree of scientific development of the research. The range of problems taken into consideration in the following research is quite wide, that is why the literature used was systematized and divided into three parts as following: the historiography of the colonial period, historical investigation of the soviet epoch and historical works of the period of Kazakhstan independency.

Foreign historiography of Kazakh society adaptation to market terms is represented by Russian sources and also by American and English authors.

In these publications problems of trade economic relations weren’t studied separately.

Source basis of the research was formed with unpublished and published written historical sources. Archive funds of central state archive of the republic of Kazakhstan (CSA RK) were used in the dissertation paper. Documents were studied from fourteen archives.

A great number of documents was postponed in many funds of the central state archives of the republic of Uzbekistan.

In the following dissertation paper the documents from five archives funds were used and applied into scientific practice for the first time.

Methodological and theoretical basis of the research.

The system approach and principles of historism and objectivity were chosen as the methodological basis of the research. It allowed to study the development of Kazakh-Russian trade economic relations at the end of XIX and the beginning of XX centuries in its interrelation and unity with other social economic and political processes.

The practical value of the research is determined by that the scientific problems, considered in the research, are connected with the decision of practical tasks, facing the independent Kazakhstan directly. The analysis and generalization of the historical experience of trade economic relations development at the end of XIX – beginning of XX centuries are claimed for comprehension of the republic of Kazakhstan economic development.

Approbation of the research. Main positions of the research and conclusions of the dissertation paper were published in author’s reports at regional and international conferences – 5, and in magazines – 3.

The structure of the research. The dissertation paper consists of introduction, two chapters and list of used sources, and appendices to dissertation sections.

Басуға қол қойылды 28.05.2009 ж.

Шартты баспа табағы 1,5

Көлемі 60х90 1/16.

Офсет қағазы.

Таралымы 100 дана.

Тапсырыс № 43
М.Өтемісов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан мемлекеттік

университетінің баспа орталығы

Орал қаласы, Сарайшық көшесі, 34.

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