Kew words:
teacher, competence, professional competence, training, education, educational process, profession-
al activity, the formation of competence.
XX century is the century of the scientific revolution. Technology changed the means of production.
This is due to the development of science and technology. It had several consequences. Firstly, the in-
creased requirements for employees. It began to demand from the employees greater knowledge and
understanding of new processes. Secondly,the part of workers and researchers increased in mental labor.
Thirdly, it gave rise to the belief in science’s ability to solve problems and improve the human life’s qual-
ity. Nowadays the science plays an important role in modern society. Level of science can serve as one of
the key indicators of social development, as well as the indicator of cultural, civilized, educated modern
state. The increasing role of science in society has created its special status in contemporary culture
and education. The level of the problem’s development can show the features of scientific knowledge and
its correlation with other forms of cognitive activity. Advances in science affect the educational process,
the content of programs, textbooks, the technology, the forms and methods of teaching. The leading role
here belongs to teaching science. This is done through cultural activities and education. The educational
system has become a key factor in the social process. The task of education is to hardening of the material
and technical base on the basis of new information technologies and the humanization of the educational
process. The most important features of a modern educational system are the following: the transformation
of a differentiated multi-system (primary, secondary and higher education), which allows to continuously
improve and update the previously obtained knowledge and skills. Modern specialist should be prepared,
so that, to be always ready to go with the process of science and technology, its 1517 education should
educate him intellectual creativity and the ability to make other intellectual perception. We can say that
science is what you can teach or learn, that is to impart knowledge or skill or to add knowledge himself.
The educational process is a process of transmission and acquisition of knowledge and skills. To make the
process of knowledge production, there must be the atmosphere, the atmosphere of intellectual personal
training in the chain of student - teacher, student – student, teacher – teacher. [1]
In the educational process the teacher is called to be the bearer of the updates based on conservation and
enhancement ideas in traditional education and global experience. New conditions for the existence of the
educational sphere, the development of science, updating the content of education, the development of in-
novative forms and methods of teaching, increasing demand for the quality of knowledge - all this requires
increase professional competence and formation of the future teacher preparing to carry out professional
activities. Modern society needs educated, moral, enterprising people, the ability to make responsible
decisions in the situation of choice, mobile, dynamic, design professionals must have a strong sense of
responsibility. To achieve this goal, it is necessary not only to update the content and technology education,
but also to prepare the teacher to be able to solve these complex socio - educational tasks. Achieving these
needs, the society needs a modern teacher of high culture, deep morality, formed a system of values and
beliefs citizenship, a teacher is interested in the development of the scientific potential of their students,
the ability to innovate, self-improvement and professional activity. One of the main objectives is to create
a professional - a competent specialist. One of the important ways to control the quality of teacher training
is the implementation of the competency approach to modernization of educational content.