Найновите научни постижения - 2023 ★ Volume 9
The subjects that influence the territory development and management
(executive authorities, local self-government bodies and delegated powers) do not have
a common platform for interaction and forms to unite efforts in the development of
territorial communities [6].
A clear understanding of the "field" of issues in the work of public
administration and management entities allows us to formulate further targets for
qualitative and quantitative changes in both their organizational structures and
functional content of activities, to determine the sufficiency and necessity of the
resource base for transformations, to design algorithms for implementing certain tasks
and, in general, to ensure the quality use of a systematic approach to solving
appropriate issues.
Subsequently, this raises the problem of scientific search for a new
organizational and functional model of the public administration and management
entities work. This sets the technical tasks of developing the model, its training and
implementation into the practical use. Based on the conceptual tasks of such a model,
we can say that within the scope of the proposed new model, public administration and
management entities should be able to produce and promote effective social proposals:
development strategies, programs and development projects, relocate social resources
and efforts to the necessary directions for the territories and the country. This makes
them being relevant to the time challenges, timely and meaningfully change the
techniques and technologies of authority implementation and to adapt the system of
public administration and management to external challenges and internal changes.
1. Keeling D. Management in Government / D. Keeling (1972), London: Allen &
2. Polovtsev O.V. Systemnyy pidkhid do pryynyattya rishenʹ v derzhavnomu
upravlinni: monohrafiya/ Polovtsev O.V., [monohrafiya] GlobeEdit Dodo
Books Indian Ocean Ltd. member of the OmniScriptum S.R.L Publishing
groupe, 2021r., 207 stor., ISBN 978-620-0-62602-8/
3. Instytutsionalizatsiya publichnoho upravlinnya v Ukrayini: stan problem ta
perspektyvy rozvytku: monohrafiya / za zah. red. S. K. Khadzhyradyevoyi ; S.
A. P. Rachynsʹkyy, O. V. Polovtsev [ta in.] ; Nats. akad. derzh. upr. pry
Prezydentovi Ukrayiny. Kyyiv : NADU, 2018. 247 s.