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4. Прочтите и переведите следующий текст: 
Text 14A 
Basic compound of any real estate 
In historical background of the relation to property, as majorants of 
economic type of the society, it has undergone repeated modifications 
stipulated by the desire to overcome the contravention between scar-
city of resources, involved in production, and increasing human needs. 
In searching paths of maximizing productive forces effectiveness the 
society has periodically transformed patterns of ownership on factors 
of production and mechanism of a state participation in the govern-
ment of economy. 
The relations of landownership have always been the central part 
of social and economic relations. 
The Earth represents the ?unique natural resource. It is a unique 
place of mankind's existence, main and unique factor of creation of its 
productive forces participating in creation of all other products and 
goods. Scarcity and the irretrievability of this resource results in ob-

jective necessity of public regulating of the laws and conditions of 
land use. 
At the same time, in market economy the land acquires the form of 
goods and can be a subject to the property agreements, the result of 
which can restrain interests of other people and societies as a whole. 
Therefore introduction of the market relations shows heightened de-
mands to a system of the state registration of land lots, control over 
their legal status and acting encumbrances, turnover of land and its ra-
tional usage. 
It means, that a part of the income, which is capable to generate the 
land lot by virtue of the location, natural properties and possible im-
provements which are not stipulated by economic activity of the hold-
er itself, can serve as a source of public needs sufficing and be de-
ducted as rental paying. It in turn requires the monitoring of cost char-
acteristics of land lots as factors of production and plants of invest-
And, at last, land is a basic compound of any real estate. According 
to article 130 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation we refer to 
real things (real property, real estate), land lots, sites of subsoil, iso-
lated aquatic plants and everything, that is strongly linked to ground
i.e. plants, which can not be removed without disproportionate injury 
to their assigning, including forests, long-term green plants, buildings. 

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