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Geography-Kozlova (1)

    Бұл бет үшін навигация:
  • Antarctica
14 Lesson 14 Antarctica 
14.1 Words and word combinations to the text 
Antarctica /Antarctic Continent – Антарктида 
Antarctic Region – Антарктика 
pronounced – явный, резко выраженный 
irregularity – неровность 
to thrust – выступать, выдавать(ся) 
enduring shelf – длинный риф/отмель 
indentation – углубление 
dimensions – размеры 
glacier – ледник 
save – за исключением 
angular – треугольный 
negligible – незначительный 
discontinuous – прерывистый 
devoid – лишённый (чего-либо) 
marsh – болото, топь 
pack ice – паковый лёд (пак) 
to breed – размножаться 
albatross – альбатрос 
petrel – буревестник 
penguin – пингвин 
flightless bird – нелетающая птица 
lichen – лишайник 
moss – мох 
algae – морские водоросли 
steepness – крутизна 
embayment – залив 
tapering projection – конусообразный выступ 
little precipitation – малое количество осадков 
to drift – дрейфовать 
14.2 Practise reading the following words 
Weddell Sea, Antarctic (Palmer) Peninsula, Cape Horn, Ross Sea, Ross Barrier, 
Gondwanaland, outward, downward, varieties, enormous, supercontinent, 
concentrically, persistent, steep-sided, interior, creatures, compactness, altitude. 

14.3 Read and translate the text 
Antarctica, fifth in size among the world’s continent, lies concentrically about the 
South Pole, with a landmass almost wholly covered by a vast ice sheet. The area of the 
continent is about 14,200,000 square kilometers. The southern portions of the Atlantic, 
Indian and Pacific oceans form the Antarctic ocean around Antarctica. 
Antarctica is a compact, mountainous plateau having only three pronounced 
irregularities along the coastline: the Weddell Sea facing the Atlantic; the Antarctic 
(Palmer) Peninsula thrust northward in the direction of Cape Horn to latitude 63
; and 
farther west the deep indentation of Ross Sea, which supports on its inner reaches a 
broad expanse of enduring shelf called ‘Ross Barrier’. This is the largest area of 
persistent, water-born ice, with dimensions of about 300 by 500 miles. From place to 
place huge glaciers, tongues of inland ice, extend downward through rocky, steep-
sided coastal valleys from the interior high plateau to the sea. 
All of Antarctica, save a scattering of high, angular peaks and negligible, 
discontinuous tracts of coastal lowland is covered with a deep mantel of enduring ice 
and snow. It is estimated that 90 per cent of the world’s ice is concentrated in this 
single, enormous expanse. Most of it stands at high altitude, averaging more than 6,000 
feet above the sea. The thickness of the ice cap has been seismically measured to 
average about 8,000 feet. 
Antarctica is a continent almost devoid of lakes, without rivers, marshes, having 
no soil, no forests, no grasslands, nor any deserts of the sort found in milder latitudes. 
Its fauna are creatures of the sea, such as certain varieties of whales, giant Weddel seal, 
flying birds like the albatross, petrel, etc. The most prominent inhabitant of Antarctica 
is the penguin. A flightless bird, it lives on the pack ice and in the oceans around 
Antarctica, and breeds on the land or ice surfaces along the coast. Most typical are the 
Adelie and emperor penguins. Plant life includes over a hundred species of lichens and 
mosses found on bare rock areas along the coast. Algae often color the snow of coastal 
tracts and are found in a few freshwater lakes. 
The size, latitude, altitude and comparative compactness of Antarctica, the height 
and steepness of its coastal margins, the broad embayments of Ross Sea and Weddell 
Sea, and the tapering projection of a single peninsula, all surrounded by the unfrozen 
sea, combine to establish the essential climatic character of the South Polar ice cap. 
Antarctic weather may be described as a combination of very cold air, high winds, 
and blowing snow. Antarctica’s coldest temperatures often reach –73

C. The almost 
constant wind intensifies the cold. The snow that falls never melts and the pressure 
caused by the enormous weight of the snow turns it to ice. Despite the large amounts of 
ice and snow that cover the continent, geographers regard Antarctica as desert because 
it receives little precipitation. 
Antarctica was a central part of the former supercontinent Gondwanaland. As 
Gondwanaland broke apart to form the continents of the southern hemisphere, 
Antarctica drifted from the tropical zone to its present polar position. Within the 
mountains are found many coal deposits and fossil remains related to the earlier 
tropical climate of Antarctica. 

14.4 Say whether the following statements are true or false 
1. Antarctica is larger than Europe and Australia. 
2. Ninety per cent of the world’s ice is known to be concentrated on the North Pole. 
3. The thickness of the ice cap has been measured to average about 800 feet. 
4. There are many rivers in Antarctica. 
5. Antarctica is devoid of plant and animal life. 
6. Many factors influence the climatic character of Antarctica. 
7. Antarctica’s coldest temperatures often reach –73
8. Antarctica was a central part of the former supercontinent Gondwanaland. 
14.5 Complete the following sentences 
1. Antarctica lies ………. . 
2. Antarctica’s three pronounced irregularities are ………. . 
3. All of the continent is covered with ………. . 
4. The largest area of persistent water-born ice is called ………. . 
5. Plant and animal life of Antarctica includes ………. . 
Factors that influence the climate character of the continent are the
following ………. . 
7. Antarctic weather can be described as ………. . 
8. As Gondwanaland broke apart to form the continents of the southern hemisphere, 
Antarctica ………. . 
14.6 Read the texts and reproduce them in the form of a dialogue 
Географы различают понятия «Антарктика» и «Антарктида». Название 
«Антарктика» происходит от греческих слов «анти» – против, «арктикос» – 
северный, то есть лежащая против северной полярной области земли – 
Арктики. Антарктика включает материк Антарктида с прилегающими к нему 
островами и южные полярные воды Атлантического, Индийского и Тихого 
океанов до зоны так называемой антарктической конвергенции, где сходятся 
холодные антарктические воды с относительно тёплыми водами умеренных 
широт. В среднем эта зона лежит около 53

05’ ю.ш. 
В недрах Антарктиды обнаружены разнообразные полезные ископаемые: 
руды горных и цветных металлов, крупные запасы слюды и графита, уран, 
золото, алмазы. Геологи предполагают, что громадная впадина между морями 
Росса и Уэдделл хранит большие запасы нефти и газа. Но все эти запасы 
полезных ископаемых считают пока потенциальными, так как их современная 
добыча в суровых условиях Антарктиды связана с большими трудностями и 
экономически нерентабельнa. 

14.7 Answer the following questions 
Where is Antarctica situated? 
What pronounced irregularities has Antarctica? 
What is the largest area of persistent, water-born ice? Give its dimensions. 
Are there any rivers, lakes, marshes, or swamps in Antarctica? 
What kinds of plant life are found in Antarctica? 
What can you say about Antarctica’s fauna? 
What factors determine Antarctica’s climate? 
Why do geographers regard Antarctica as a desert? 
What signs of former tropical climate has Antarctica? 
14.8 Text for written translation 
The Antarctic region was first penetrated by European explorers in the 18 th 
century. Cook’s circumnavigation in 1772–1775, and the resulting awareness of the 
large population of whales and seals there, ushered in the first era of marine mammal 
exploitation in the Antarctic waters. Fur seals were massively ever exploited, and 
eliminated from some islands by 1820s. Sealers and whalers become major explorers 
of Antarctica and Sub-Antarctica in the 19 th century while searching for new 
hunting grounds. National expeditions began to be sent to Antarctica in the middle of 
the 19 th century. The first deliberate overwintering was in 1898 and the South Pole 
was reached by Roald Amundsen in 1911, although the mapping of Antarctica was 
only completed in the late 1940s. Permanent human presence in Antarctica dates 
mainly from the establishment of year-round research station in the 1940s – although 
the Argentina station «Orcadas» has been continuously operated since 1904. 
In 1959, twelve countries, including the United States and the Soviet Union, 
agreed to allow freedom of scientific investigation on Antarctica. They also agreed 
not to use the continent for military purposes. This meant that they would not test 
nuclear weapons there. Later four other nations signed the agreement, called the 
Antarctic Treaty. Subsequent agreements in what has been termed the Antarctic 
Treaty System (ATS) include the 1972 Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic 
Seals (CCAS), the 1980 Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living 
Resources (CCAMLR), and the 1991 Protocol of Environment Protection.
14.9 Make up all possible types of questions to the text 14.8 
14.10 Speak on: 
1. geographical position of Antarctica; 
2. flora, fauna, climate; 
3. exploration of Antarctica; 
4. the Antarctic Treaty 


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