Сабақтың тақырыбы:
The theme of the lesson
Айнымалы ток тізбегіндегі қуат
Power in an AC circuit
Оқу бағдарламасына сәйкес оқу мақсаты
Learning objectives according to the curriculum
| - explanation of the physical meaning of the concepts of active and reactive power of alternating current; - determine the power factor by creating a vector diagram
Сабақтың мақсаты
The purpose of the lesson
All students can: describe alternating current;
Most students will be able to: know the reactance in an AC circuit;
Some students will be able to: describe power in an AC circuit;
Бағалау критерийлері
Evaluation criteria
• determination of active power of alternating current;
• determination of reactive power of alternating current;
• solve problems related to alternating current, determine the power factor and construct a vector diagram
Құндылықтарға баулу
Inculcation of values
The value of work and creativity by finding the necessary formula in solving given problems, correctly writing the unit of measurement, and finding the correct answer
is formed;