Сабақтың тақырыбы: Қар және мұз Theme of the lesson: Snow and ice

- Негізгі ақпараттың қысқаша бөлігін түсіне біледі

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Snow and ice Lesson plan grade 4

- Негізгі ақпараттың қысқаша бөлігін түсіне біледі;
-жалпы мәліметтерді тақырыпқа қолданып айта алады;
- сөздер мен сөз тіркестерін байланыстыру үшін сөйлемдерде and, or, but, because шылауларын қолдана алады

  • understand some specific information and detail of short

  • supported talk on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics

using conjunctions and, or, but, because

Thinking Skills 

Knowledge and Сomprehension Application

Language objectives

and, or, but, because


More able learners can be encouraged to write more for what words they learned that day at the end of the lesson. More able learners may be paired with students needing extra help for the post-reading activity at the end of the lesson. .

ICT skills

Projector or Smart board, PPT

Value links

Competition, Functional literacy

Previous learning

Know about weather and snow,ice

Cross curricular links

Knowledge of the world




Open journal
The teacher will be able to assess how well the students have acquired the new words through the warm up review. The teacher will be able to asses if the students are able to place words using context through the reading activity. The teacher can assess pronunciation and oral skills through the survey.


Planned timings

Planned activities

0-2 min

2-5 min

5-7 min

Greet the learners and ask them how they are doing.

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