Учебно-методическое пособие для аспирантов

The findings are in agreement with …

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түріУчебно-методическое пособие
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The findings are in agreement with …

Certain correlation between … and … has been established.

From the analysis of the data it was determined that …

  1. Recommendations for further application and research.


application, use


apply, use, suit, fit, enable, employ, permit, allow, serve


helpful, applicable, wide, promising, limited, possible

The findings may find practical application in …

The present investigation enables us …

This approach is applicable to …

The method can be used in the studies on …

The approach is best suited for the investigation of …

The findings are especially helpful when …

Another method of treating … is recommended.

The approach will make it possible to …

Our observations can be particularly efficient when investigating…/for the study of …

We make a suggestion as to how …

… can be used (can be of use) if we study …

… can be helpful to determine …

It is suggested that … should be

  1. Reporting on the results of your research, drawing conclusions.


result, conclusion, viewpoint, opinion, assumption, correctness, proof, evidence


obtain, present, provide, report, check, collect, summarize, sum up, find, extend (to), state, confirm


final, certain, complicated, convincing, satisfactory

It has been shown that …

It’s concluded that …

The results obtained show/confirm/indicate/make it possible to conclude/to draw a conclusion that …

Thus, it may be stated that …

Therefore we came to a conclusion that …

The above said led us to a conclusion …

As a consequence, a conclusion is made …

Results from experiments prove …

These factors are shown to be irrelevant to …

… were described with particular emphasis on …

New data on … were obtained.

As a result of the investigation it was observed …

As a result of the study some practical recommendations can be given.

The results indicate that additional work is needed to improve/perfect

We reported our results at …

To sum up, …

In the extract below one can find some useful expressions to speak about the aims of one’s research. Pay attention to the key words and phrases underlined for you.
The problem of crime is not new to our time, but its challenge has, in our age, progressed to increasingly disturbing proportions. For thousands of years a great many thinkers have tried to deal with this major social issue, but it is in our generation that crime has become everybody’s concern. The ever-increasing rate and the expanded variety of lawbreaking have made virtually all of us potential victims. Thus, it is not really surprising that, in this flourishing era of criminal activity, a bewildering array of criminology textbooks have offered themselves to illuminate the crime problem. This volume proposes to belong to that category of books.

This text, however, ventures to deviate in intent and orientation from most of the standard works in the field. Criminology textbooks have traditionally been of ambitious length in an attempt to cover the fullest possible scope and, perhaps, to create the illusion of presenting all relevant knowledge. Oddly enough, they might include swiftly changing statistical information, short-lived research results, and ephemeral theoretical constructs.

This paper is not intended to provide a comprehensive treatment of all details of the problem of crime. Instead, by drawing only essential outlines, it attempts to concentrate on a general and comprehensive understanding of the whole.

Complete the sentences supplying them with the information on your own research activities.
The present paper deals with …

The research is aimed at …

An attempt has been made …

We have applied the method of …

The method has been applied together with …

Some features of the phenomenon have been described with the help of …

We wanted to have a full view of …

It’s argued that …

The paper abounds in …

On the basis of the comparison made …

Interdependence between … has been revealed.

Research into … provides an answer to the question …

The research provides the answers to a multitude of questions facing … and gives us the tools which …

The main provisions of the research have been reported at …

Some disputable issues have been discussed in …

The reliability of the results obtained can be verified …

The results of the investigation have been reflected in the form of …
Below one can find the speculations of a former post-graduate student on his future dissertation.
Since I’m just in my first year of a post-graduate course my idea of the dissertation to be submitted in three years is rather hypothetical. Theoretically, I realize it’s to be composed of an introduction, two or three chapters, conclusion, bibliography, supplement, if necessary. Still, I can explain the basic points of my research right now.

To start with, the topic of the thesis sounds like that: “Application of Criminal Retrospection Method to Crime Investigation.” Evidently, the topic of the crime investigation methods is not new in criminalistics. Our research is supposed to contribute to this branch of law since it deals with such a topical problem as developing more reliable methods of crime investigation. Thus, the notion of “retrospection” in criminalistics and the ways of its application to crime detection will be dealt with in the research. On the surface the issue seems to be not innovative at all, but it’s not quite right. Ordinary understanding of the retrospection is enough to find “a lost pen” while we are targeting at the investigation of complicated crimes which needs profound theoretical study. Thus, our research is aimed at providing a practical worker with concrete up-to-date recommendations on retrospective analysis of crime detection.

The law is dynamic and ever-changing; as our society and community changes, the law must also change to fit the new needs and problems that arise.

Our research is supposed to begin with a survey of the literature on the problem under discussion, analysis of the latest achievements in this field, scrutiny of investigation methods to provide a theoretical basis for the research. History and the present state of the retrospection method application will be given particular emphasis to, case studies will be presented, basic rules, principles and the place of retrospection in modern criminalistics are to be defined. Case studies may become the subject of supplement attached to the main body of the research paper.

I realize the significance of the final part of any dissertation since it summarizes the results obtained, stresses the topicality of the research made, suggests the possibility for further research and practical application of theoretical assumptions.

I hope to solve all the tasks facing me as a researcher, and step by step proceed to the ultimate goal of any post-graduate – defence of the dissertation and the award of PhD degree.

This summarizing translation can be helpful for you while working on the topic “My work on the dissertation”.

  1. К концу срока обучения в аспирантуре аспирант должен представить текст диссертационного исследования для обсуждения на одном из заседаний кафедры.

  2. После обсуждения на кафедре, внесения необходимых изменений и исправлений работа получает рекомендацию к защите.

  3. Диссертация предоставляется для рассмотрения членами соответствующего Ученого Совета и заслушивается на одном из его заседаний.

  4. На защите претендент кратко излагает основные положения диссертации, цели исследования, обосновывает его актуальность и новизну, полученные результаты и возможности практического применения.

  5. Все выносимые на защиту положения должны быть отражены в автореферате диссертации, который в сжатой форме представляет проделанное диссертационное исследование и рассылается за месяц до защиты.

  6. После доклада соискателя выступают официальные оппоненты с критическим анализом проделанной работы.

  7. Если у присутствующих есть желание выступить, они вправе это сделать.

  8. Соискатель обязан ответить на все поступившие в устной или письменной форме вопросы.

  9. Ход заседания записывается, чтобы позднее была возможность приобщить стенограмму заседания к документам по его защите.

  10. Наконец, после соблюдения всей процедуры защиты, проходит тайное голосование членов Ученого совета относительно присуждения претенденту ученой степени кандидата наук.

Below there follows a summary of the research conducted in the field of linguistics which might serve as a model for describing your research paper. Study it carefully and pick out useful phrases.

The current paper is devoted to a problem of colloquial or informal speech which has recently moved into the foreground of both theoretical interest of the world's linguists and scholars and practical attempts of language teachers and students. Its significance and practical value in the age of mass communications are axiomatic. Yet, paradoxically many aspects of contemporary informal English (Standard Educated Colloquial/Informal English, SECE in this case) including its status and role in the system of national language (British English), its specific properties as distinct from the so-called “standard English”, according to G. Brown and other prominent colloquialists, “at an infant stage of research and investigation”. Practically underinvestigated are also the basic types of SECE, major settings and motives determining the choice of SECE in a particular communicative situation.

Finally, it's worthy to note an absolutely rudimentary stage of research in Britain and in our country into the status of SECE in modern media, including the British “quality and “popular” press and BBC radio and television broadcasting. Moreover, some pioneer attempts in this direction are sometimes assessed with a considerable share of scepticism.

It would hardly be surprising then that these and other problems relevant to the essentials of contemporary colloquial English and its functioning analyzed in the current paper may facilitate a serious approach to SECE as a sociolinguistic phenomenon worth of theoretical investigating and practical studying and the course itself be used by scholars and students of English as a kind of theoretic introduction into the topic.

Most research papers dealing with informal English published recently in Great Britain and elsewhere concentrate on specifics of SECE in a chosen field. And that is only too natural and rewarding considering an extremely complex nature of informal English and absolutely insufficient level of its investigation. Guided by these considerations the author attempts to follow a systematic approach to the problem in question (undertaken in a number of fundamental works by E. Zemskaya, Y. Skrebnev, B. Gavranek, T. van Dijk, M. Stubbs and other scholars) and tries to present a comprehensive outline of SECE as an entity, relying on an interdisciplinary approach. It is for the reader to judge, however, to what extent such an approach is justifiable and beneficial.

On the basis of analysis of some modern relevant concepts the author dares to offer his understanding of the problem. These considerations have basically predetermined the structure and make-up of the paper, offering the following parts: introductory part, three chapters, conclusions, bibliography, supplement.

The paper is tailored along the programmes of foreign language institutes and departments and may be used by students, postgraduates, teachers and scholars, by all those whose line of activity is linked to English.

The author is fully aware of the futility “to embrace unembraceable” as regards such a complex (and underinvestigated) phenomenon as contemporary colloquial or informal language, therefore the given paper on SECE may only serve as an attempt in the right direction, at best. The author would be very much indebted to any critical remark facilitating further studies of SECE.

Now speak on your research paper dwelling upon the following issues:

  • composition of the dissertation;

  • problems discussed in the introductory part;

  • topicality and novelty of your research;

  • research methods applied;

  • your findings (anticipated results);

  • assessment of the results obtained;

  • practical application;

  • possibility for further research;

  • your reports, articles on the problem under research.

In Focus

Expressing stages in a series of events















At the moment we’re at the initial stage of the experiment.

Intermediate results with be verified at the final stage of the experiment.

In preceding years two new parties were formed which became engaged in the attempts to win over voters.

Prior to the 1990s very few people had access to a home computer.

Now we witness current expansion in home computing.

Helen has a number of ongoing projects.

Due to technical problems emails with large attachments may not be accepted by the university’s server, this is likely to continue during the transitional period while a new server is being installed.

The process will reach a critical stage next week, when problems may be greatest.

Subsequent generations will live in a different world.

The book examines the war and the subsequent changes in society.

The eventual publication of the research findings is likely to be in May, in the forthcoming issue of the “New Scientist”.

Grammar Review: Gerund and Gerundial Constructions
Step 1. Translation tips:

  1. Reading scientific articles broadens your knowledge.

Чтение научных статей расширяет твои знания.

  1. I don’t feel like discussing the same idea again and again.

Я не люблю обсуждать одну и ту же идею вновь и вновь.

Я не люблю обсуждение ….

  1. He was not capable of analysing the obtained results.

Он не был способен проанализировать полученные результаты.

  1. On coming to this conclusion he was satisfied with the work done.

Придя к этому выводу, он был доволен выполненной работой.

  1. Excuse my interfering into your discussion.

Извините меня за то, что я вмешиваюсь в вашу дискуссию.

  1. Einstein’s having been awarded the Nobel prize in physics soon became widely known.

То, что Эйнштейна наградили Нобелевской премией, вскоре стало широко известно.

  1. He insisted on my being included into the group of young researchers involved in joint experiment.

Он настаивал на том, чтобы меня включили в группу молодых ученых, вовлеченных в совместный эксперимент.

  1. These points of view are alike in having a great number of supporters.

Эти точки зрения сходны тем, что у них есть много сторонников.

  1. It’s no use denying the fact that the problem is on the increase, since the latter assumption is made on the basis of the observed data.

Бесполезно отрицать тот факт, что интерес к проблеме возрастает, поскольку последнее предположение сделано на основе наблюдаемых данных.

  1. It is worth discussing this phenomenon.

Стоит обсудить это явление.

  1. It is no good arguing about this issue.

Не стоит спорить по этому вопросу.

  1. I can’t help acknowledging the importance of this statement.

Я не могу не признать важность этого утверждения.

13. Would you mind showing the latest data?

Покажите, пожалуйста, последние данные.

14. In spite of having some problems, our group succeeded in finishing this part of work.

Несмотря на то, что были некоторые проблемы, нашей группе удалось завершить эту часть работы.
Step 2. Translate into Russian.

  1. Maintaining an effective working relationship in a team holds the key to success of research projects.

  2. You may feel so proud of having actually produced something worthy of your supervisor’s attention.

  3. Whilst the UK is currently very successful in attracting international postgraduates maintaining this position will become increasingly challenging, as competitor countries invest heavily in developing and marketing their own postgraduate systems.

  4. The period of time involved in completing a PhD is usually at least three years full-time and four years part-time.

  5. It is worth doing more for students by taking advantage of research findings on different educational techniques.

  6. Undertaking postgraduate study develops research skills and independent thinking.

  7. There is no use arguing about this approach.

  8. Start by writing a summary that includes whatever you think is important, and then gradually cut it down to the required size by removing unnecessary words.

  9. You can’t use other people’s work or words without acknowledging the source of information to avoid plagiarism.

  10. Mr. Brown’s having been appointed head of the Department was quite unexpected.

  11. To a large extent the skilled analyst’s productivity may be attributed to his having acquired, through many repetitions, the necessary technique.

  12. Success in obtaining grants for research projects depends on the scientific merit of the proposal.

  13. Asking direct but positively constructed questions is worth doing.

  14. In spite of having quite a lot of difficulties, he managed to complete his scientific work on time.

  15. The book aims at acquainting the readers with modern achievements in psychology.

Step 3. Translate into English.

  1. Аспиранту было трудно убедить своего научного руководителя в достоверности полученного результата.

  2. Я думаю об использовании другого подхода.

  3. Мне кажется, что эта гипотеза не стоит того, чтобы ее упоминали.

  4. Вопросы, заданные оппонентом, нацелены на более полное понимание эксперимента.

  5. Извините меня за то, что опоздал на собеседование.

  6. Он не мог не принять участия в предстоящей международной конференции.

  7. Есть еще одна точка зрения, которую стоит упомянуть.

  8. Вы не будете возражать, если я задам вам несколько вопросов?

  9. Я не могу не сожалеть о том, что не закончил учебу в аспирантуре.

  10. При решении проблем необходимо делать различие между фактом и гипотезой.

  11. Бесполезно делать правки в вашей статье, их слишком много.

  12. Несмотря на то, что у него не было разрешения, он продолжал пользоваться оборудованием.

  13. Они возражали против того, чтобы данные были опубликованы прежде, чем завершатся все эксперименты.

  14. При проведении наблюдений необходимо быть очень точным, чтобы избежать ошибки.

  15. За последнее время человеку удалось добиться контроля над многими процессами в природе.

Grammar Review: Non-Finite Forms of the Verb.
Step 1. Translate into Russian.

    1. The results of the work to be discussed at the workshop are of great importance for us.

    2. The participants of the conference expected the draft code to be discussed at one of the sittings.

    3. It is to be mentioned that the problem can be viewed from different angles.

    4. The dissertation having been submitted to the Academic Council, the latter started to study it closely.

    5. They succeeded in having finished the discussion ahead of time.

    6. He was the first to make the report at the conference.

    7. The organizers of the workshop could not help thinking over its tentative agenda again and again.

    8. It is worth analyzing this phenomenon in detail.

    9. The conference room was packed, several participants standing along the walls.

    10. To sum up, we must acknowledge that there are positive shifts in the sphere of cooperation with international educational institutions.

    11. The report is to be translated into the Belarusian language.

    12. There being too many people in the conference room, we couldn’t enter it.

    13. Bringing research students together in interdisciplinary centres not only enriches the students’ experience but also encourages knowledge sharing.

    14. Getting the balance right between risk-taking and risk-minimizing in research education requires fine judgment.

    15. To have a full understanding of science full information is required.

    16. They can hardly be said to have discovered this phenomenon.

    17. This method does not seem to offer any advantages over that discussed above.

    18. Here is one more important point for the speaker to explain.

Step 2. Translate into English.

  1. Отчет о стажировке должен быть представлен не позднее 1 июня.

  2. Моя последняя статья была помещена в «Вестнике БГУ», причем еще одна статья также принята к печати.

  3. О том, что Петров успешно защитил диссертацию, сообщалось в январском номере «Университетской Жизни».

  4. Стоит просмотреть зарубежные издания по вопросам права.

  5. После того, как были подведены результаты конференции, председатель выступил с заключительной речью.

  6. Осуществлять профессиональные контакты – значит участвовать в конференциях, научных стажировка, круглых столах и др.

  7. Следует подчеркнуть, что помощь научного руководителя является решающей для успешной подготовки диссертации.

  8. Статья, которая должна быть сдана в сборник «Наука», очень важна для моего отчета.

  9. Известно, что научный руководитель назначается из числа сотрудников кафедры, имеющих ученую степень.

  10. Мы полагаем, что дискуссия развернется по актуальным проблемам окружающей среды.

  11. На книгу, которую я перевожу, часто ссылаются ученые, занимающиеся проблемами экологического права.

  12. На конференции аспирантов и молодых ученых, ежегодно проводимой в нашем университете, мы получили возможность выступить с докладом по проблеме исследования.

  13. Научный руководитель настоял на проведении повторного эксперимента.

  14. Оппонент продолжал делать замечания.

  15. К экзамену мы представим доклад и эссе, написанные по переведенной литературе.

  16. Выводы, которые сделал ученый привели к грандиозному открытию в науке.

  17. Нет основания, чтобы это противоречие обсуждалось вновь.

Reports from around the world
Environmental Protection

I. Read the article Comment on the meaning of the highlighted words and expressions; summarize the text.

Summit Seeks Accord on Arctic Ocean

Ilulissat, Greenland – The five nations that ring the Arctic Ocean affirmed their willingness to cooperate to protect its environment, at the end of a day-long ministerial summit in Greenland.

"We will take steps in accordance with international law... to ensure the protection and preservation of the fragile environment of the Arctic Ocean," said a statement agreed Wednesday by envoys from Canada, Denmark, Norway, Russia and the United States.

“We intend to work together, including through the International Maritime Organization, to strengthen existing measures and to develop new measures to improve the safety of maritime navigation and... reduce the risk of ship-based pollution,” he added.

The five nations went on to pledge to strengthen cooperation over the Arctic Ocean – including scientific research – “based on mutual trust and transparency.”

The summit in Ilulissat, on Greenland's west coast, was the first to be held at ministerial level between the five regional powers. It was aimed at easing recent tensions as each nation seeks to extend its sovereignty to the Arctic waters that could hold 25 percent of the world's undiscovered oil and gas, according to the US Geological Survey.

“The race for the North Pole has been cancelled,” said Swedish Foreign Minister Per Stig Moeller, hailing the outcome.

Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov said: "The declaration reflects the will of all participants to resolve the issue through negotiations in a spirit of cooperation and on the basis of international law."

Rivalry between the five Arctic neighbors has heated up as the melting polar ice makes the region more accessible. Denmark and Canada, for instance, have a longstanding disagreement over who owns the tiny, uninhabited, ice-covered Hans Island, which straddles Nares Strait between Greenland and Canada's Ellesmere Island. Canada and the United States are meanwhile at odds over the sovereignty of the Northwest Passage, which links the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Scientists say the Northwest Passage could open up to year-round shipping by 2050. Last year, Russian explorers planted their flag at the bottom of the ocean, at a depth of about 4,000 meters, underlining Moscow’s aspirations to Arctic territory.

According to international law, each of the countries bordering the Arctic hold sovereignty over a zone measuring 200 nautical miles (370 kilometers). That leaves 1.2 million square kilometers (465,000 square miles) of unclaimed

II. Translate into English using the prompts..

    1. Системная организация природоохранной деятельности является обязательным условием устойчивого социально-экономического развития страны, обеспечения ее экологической безопасности и служит гарантом результативности в природоохранной сфере.

environmental activity


ecological security ensures effectiveness

    1. Аналитический контроль в области охраны окружающей среды проводится в целях оценки количественных и качественных характеристик выбросов в атмосферный воздух загрязняющих веществ, а также определения загрязнения земель.




land pollution

    1. Одним из важнейших аспектов создания благоприятной окружающей среды является сохранение естественных экосистем и ландшафтов.

favourable environment

natural ecosystems landscapes

    1. В Республике Беларусь эта цель достигается путем создания особо охраняемых природных территорий заповедников, национальных парков, заказников, памятников природы.

protected areas

natural reserves

wildlife refuge

nature sanctuaries

    1. Министерство природных ресурсов и охраны окружающей среды придает большое значение заключению двусторонних соглашений в области охраны окружающей среды прежде всего с государствами, являющимися нашими соседями, а также другими государствами, проявившими интерес к сотрудничеству в этой области.

Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection

III. Scan the articles on global warming. Extract the topical vocabulary. Compare the points of view presented in the two articles.
The Plan that Saved the Planet

By Al Gore

Not too many years from now, a new generation will look back at us and ask one of two questions. Either they will ask, “What were you thinking? Didn't you see the entire North Polar ice cap melting before your eyes? Did you not care?” Or they will ask instead, “How did you find the moral courage to rise up and solve a crisis so many said was impossible to solve?”

We must choose which of these questions we want to answer, and we must give our answer now – not in words but in actions.

The answer to the first question – what were you thinking? – is almost too painful to write: “We argued among ourselves. We didn't want to believe that it really was happening. We waited too long. “We had so many other problems crying out for attention. I know this is of little comfort, but we did try. I'm sorry.”

The second question – how did you solve it? – is the one I much prefer that we answer, and here is the answer I hope we can give: “The turning point came in 2009. The year began well, with the inauguration of a new president, who immediately shifted priorities to focus on building the foundation for a new low-carbon economy. The resistance to these changes – especially by corporations that were making a lot of money from coal, oil, and gas – was ferocious. “But the truth about the global emergency gained ground. The evidence presented by the scientists accumulated, slowly at first, but then a few of the opponents of change changed themselves.

“Whatever happened, it made a powerful difference when these former opponents became passionate advocates for a new direction. The momentum shifted. One by one, others joined in a powerful consensus that we had to act, boldly and quickly. At the end of 2009, the United States passed legislation that changed the way business and civic leaders made plans for the future.

“By putting a price on the pollution that had been previously ignored, the United States established powerful incentives to begin the historic shift. The new incentives to shift our energy production from fossil fuels to solar, wind, and geothermal sources unleashed a wave of improvements in renewable technologies.

“The most important change that made this transformation possible is something that is hard to describe in words. Our way of thinking changed. The earth itself began to occupy our thoughts. Somehow, it became no longer acceptable to participate in activities that harmed the integrity of the global environment. "I know that we waited too long. I wish we had acted sooner. But the outlook for your future is now bright. The wounds we inflicted on the atmosphere and the earth's ecological system are healing.
Global Warming: A Convenient Lie
By Andrew Gavin Marshall

For those who saw Al Gore’s “documentary”, it was very convincing of its hypothesis that global warming is a man-made phenomenon that has the potential to kill us all and end humanity. After all, the film was filled with graphs and charts, so it must be true. Let’s just get something straight here, Al Gore is not a climatologist, meteorologist, astronomer, or scientist of any kind; he is a politician. And as we all know, politicians always tell the truth. However, as Al Gore’s popularity grows and with his recent winning of an Academy Award for his movie, the issue has spiraled into massive push for quick action and stifled debate, forcing many scientists to speak out and challenge the political status quo. A group of scientists recently stated that the research behind Al Gore’s film and in fact, the concept of greenhouse gases causing global warming, is “a sham”. They claim that in fact, there is very little evidence to prove that theory, and that the evidence actually points to an increase in solar activity being the cause of climate change.

Timothy Ball, one of the first Canadian doctors in climatology, recently wrote an article addressing the issue of why no one seems to be listening to scientists who claim that global warming is NOT man-made. He starts by writing, “Believe it or not, Global Warming is not due to human contribution of Carbon Dioxide (CO2). This in fact is the greatest deception in the history of science”. He continues, “We are wasting time, energy and trillions of dollars while creating unnecessary fear and consternation over an issue with no scientific justification.”

 In a storm of scientists speaking out against Al Gore’s movie, an Australian professor of the Marine Geophysical Laboratory has publicly stated, "Gore's circumstantial arguments are so weak that they are pathetic. It is simply incredible that they, and his film, are commanding public attention." In response to the use of images in Gore’s movie of glaciers breaking off, Dr. Boris Winterhalter, a professor on marine geology and former marine researcher at the Geological Survey of Finland, said that, “The breaking glacier wall is a normally occurring phenomenon which is due to the normal advance of a glacier.”

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