Учебно-методическое пособие для аспирантов

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Целью пособия является развитие навыков чтения и перевода оригинальной литературы по теме исследования, создания вторичного научного текста (реферата, аннотации, тезисов), говорения на профессионально значимые темы, ведения научной дискуссии, письменной реализации коммуникативных намерений (заявка на участие в конференции, написание делового письма, заполнение анкет и т. п.). Также имеется электронная интерактивная версия пособия, доступная в системе Moodle, способствующая развитию навыков самостоятельной работы обучаемых.

Пособие предназначено для аспирантов, магистрантов и соискателей гуманитарных специальностей. Оно может быть использовано широким кругом лиц, занимающихся научной деятельностью, а также теми, кто самостоятельно готовится к сдаче кандидатского экзамена по английскому языку.

Авторы выражают признательность коллеге из Великобритании – эксперту в области преподавания иностранных языков госпоже Делвин Эрлис Вилкинсон, Уэльский университет (Mrs. Delwen Eirlys Wilkinson, University of Wales, Aberystwith) за ознакомление с рукописью пособия и сделанные ценные замечания.

Address to Young Researchers
Dear friends,
Taking a post-graduate course as a starting point of your
career development obliges you to deal with a number of
research-related activities.

First, positioning yourself as a research student you should learn everything about post-graduate education at BSU and foreign educational institutions.

Second, you should work with a research adviser whose supervision and assistance may be crucial for conducting research and successful production of your future dissertation.

Third, you should keep in mind that a young researcher’s life can’t be imagined without specific professional contacts – conferences, exchange programmes, study and research visits.

Fourth, you’ll be engaged in extensive library work studying fundamental scientific problems, collecting materials for
reports, articles, presentations.

Finally, you will have to submit the manuscript of your
research paper to the Academic Council.

Listed above are the problem areas of the present textbook aimed at helping you to successfully pass your candidate exam in English.

Success attend you!

The authors



education – образование

higher ~ – высшее образование, высшая школа

further/post-diploma/continuing ~ – последипломное образование

college – колледж

~ of higher education – колледж

~ of technology/commerce/art – технологический, коммерческий, художественный колледж

technical ~ – техникум


the ~ in higher education – диплом о высшем образовании

departmentкафедра, отделение

head of (the) ~ – заведующий кафедрой, руководитель отделения

the ~ of English/the English ~ – кафедра английского языка

correspondence ~ – заочное отделение

full time ~ – дневное отделение

syllabus – программа курса

curriculum – учебный план

certificateудостоверение, сертификат


academic ~ – ученый совет

courseкурс (теоретический)

compulsory ~ – обязательный курс

optional ~ – факультативный курс/курс по выбору

to take a post-graduate ~ (in) – поступить/учиться в аспирантуре (по)

to design/to tailor a ~ – разработать курс

upgrading ~ – курс повышения квалификации

specialized ~ специализированный учебный курс

a taught ~/a ~ by instruction – практико-ориентированный курс обучения

a research ~ – научно-исследовательский курс обучения

completion of an academic ~ of study – завершение курса научной подготовки

to pursue/conduct research work – вести научно-исследовательскую работу

defence procedure – процедура защиты

panel – группа специалистов

proficiency – умения

attainment of mastery – достижение мастерства

multiple disciplines – разнообразные дисциплины

to fulfill the requirements – выполнять требования

scholarlyсвойственный ученым

~ paper – научная работа (напр., доклад, диссертация, статья)

career advancement – продвижение по карьерной лестнице

to graduate (from) – закончить высшее учебное заведение

a graduate – выпускник

graduation paper – дипломная работа

an undergraduate (student) – студент

postgraduate – последипломный

a ~ studentаспирант

~ studies – учеба в аспирантуре

full-time studyобучение с отрывом от работы

part-time studyобучение без отрыва от работы

field of studyобласть исследования

arts studentстудент-гуманитарий

Bachelor of Arts (BA) – бакалавр искусств (или гуманитарных наук) (низшая академическая/ученая степень)

Bachelor of Science (BSc) – бакалавр наук (естественных и технических) (низшая академическая/ученая степень)

BA holder – обладатель степени бакалавра

Master of Arts (MA) – магистр гуманитарных наук (вторая академическая степень)

Master of Science (MSc) – магистр наук (естественных и технических) (вторая академическая степень)

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – доктор философии (Doctor – высшая академическая/ученая степень по любой отрасли, напр., химии, физике, истории и т. д.)

final examination (finals) – выпускной экзамен (экзамены)

to sit (for) an examination – держать экзамен

comprehensive examination – всесторонний экзамен

examiner – экзаменатор

outside ~ – экзаменатор, приглашенный из другого учебного заведения

small group seminar – групповое семинарское занятие

practical class – практическое занятие

to specialize in a subject – специализироваться по предмету

specialization – специализация

degree – степень

~ with Honours (Honours degree) – степень с отличием

to “sit” for a ~ – держать экзамен на получение степени

~ holder – обладатель степени

to confer a ~ – присуждать степень

recipient of the ~ – получатель степени

to confer/award a ~ – присуждать степень

higher ~ – ученая степень магистра или доктора

scholarship стипендия

fellowship – стипендия, выплачиваемая аспирантам и лицам, окончившим университет и ведущим при нем научно-исследовательскую работу

to qualify (for) – 1) приобретать какую-либо специальность, 2) получать право (на)

thesis/dissertation – диссертация

(the) doctorate – докторская степень

tutor – преподаватель; куратор; руководитель группы студентов

tutorial – индивидуальное практическое занятие с преподавателем

tuition fees – плата, взимаемая за обучение

to charge fees – взимать плату за обучение

to train – обучать

~ smb. for a job/profession – готовить кого-либо к профессии

training – подготовка, обучение

well-rounded/well-grounded ~ – всестороннее/основательное обучение

the humanities/liberal arts – гуманитарные науки

a research supervisor/adviser – научный руководитель

to submit a thesis – представлять диссертацию на рассмотрение

available – доступный

availability – доступность


teaching/academic ~ – профессорско-преподавательский состав

~ meeting – заседание кафедры

~ room – преподавательская


university teacher/~ – преподаватель университета

senior ~ – старший преподаватель

credit – зачет, балл; удостоверение о прохождении какого-либо курса в учебном заведении

Before you read the texts below say what you know about postgraduate systems of education in the U.K. and the USA. What is “further education”? What is the difference between “the courses by instruction” or “taught courses” and “research courses”?

Postgraduate Study in Great Britain

In the last ten years, postgraduate study in the UK has experienced phenomenal growth, from around 100 000 students to almost 400 000. This increase reflects the United Kingdom’s extraordinary range of taught and research opportunities at higher education institutions, both for students in the UK and from overseas.

A quick look through the postgraduate prospectus of any UK university will reveal that there are two distinct types of study possible, the first is by instruction or a taught course, the second is by research. There may be a combination of both too, as an increasing number of postgraduate courses now contain both research and taught elements, although the traditional division between the two modes of delivery still exists.

People undertake postgraduate study for all sorts of reasons. These may be academic (intellectual challenge, development of knowledge), vocational (training for a specific career goal), or only vague (drifting into further study). It is absolutely essential for a person to determine the reason he or she wants to become a postgraduate.

The most common type of course in terms of the number of people undertaking them are taught courses, or courses by instruction.

Taught courses usually last one academic year full-time or two years part-time and lead to a higher degree such as a Master of Science (MSc) or a Master of Arts (MA). Applicants should usually hold a degree in the same subject as the intended area of study, but there are some important exceptions to this rule, particularly in subjects such as information technology and business administration. Where an appropriate qualification is not held, it is sometimes possible to undertake a preliminary course, such as a certificate or a diploma, in order to prepare for a more advanced study to follow.

Degrees by instruction are very similar to undergraduate courses in that most of the time is devoted to attending lectures. This may take up the first eight or nine months of the course and is followed by written examinations. A period of research lasting for two or three months usually follows and the results of it are presented in the form of the thesis. Finally, an oral examination is held, lasting perhaps an hour or two, to test the knowledge accumulated throughout the year. It is important to perform satisfactorily in every part of this assessment procedure.

The different courses on the programme are coordinated so that students’ workload is manageable and evenly spread throughout the year. The courses are taught intensively through lectures and small group tutorials, and rapidly bring students to an advanced level of understanding. A postgraduate’s progress is continually assessed and regular contact with teaching staff adding to the vital interchange of ideas. In addition to tutorials, most courses include projects and practical work, essays, problem classes and lectures. Case studies on – and visits to –relevant organizations are a feature of many courses.

Traditionally students have been tested by written exam papers, although an increasingly common method is the assessment of work submitted throughout the period of study.

Dissertations or supervised projects – major components of Master’s courses – are essentially research-based and are a valuable preparation for a research Doctorate.

The nature of a research course is completely different, however, from that taken through a taught course. First of all it lasts longer. The most popular qualification is a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), which usually takes three years. There is a shorter version called a Master of Philosophy (MPhil), but minimum amount of time, which this takes, is usually two years. Both of these qualifications require the student to carry out a piece of innovative research in a particular area of study. It is essential that the work has never been done before. Research study, whether at Master’s or Doctoral level, depends upon the individual supervision of students by a member of the faculty who shares their interests. This emphasis on personal guidance and teamwork is an important feature of research degrees. Students are given training in research methods as well as the opportunity to pursue independent research under the guidance of experienced academics and, if studying a technical subject, to use highly sophisticated equipment.

The start of a research degree involves a very extensive survey of all previous work undertaken in that area. The preliminary part of the study can take up to six months, but it is important to note that the process of keeping up to date with other work going on in the subject must continue throughout the entire period of the research.

The next stage of a research course usually involves collecting information in some way. This might be through experimentation, in the case of arts, social sciences or humanities degrees. The important thing is that something new must be found. This second part of the procedure takes about two years in the case of a PhD. The research is written up in the form of a thesis during the final six months of the three year period. Typically, this will contain an introduction, methodology, results and discussion.

At doctoral level, the work will consist of an original piece of research which is to make a substantial contribution to knowledge in a specific area, followed by a defence of the dissertation in front of a panel. Research students meet regularly with their supervisors to discuss the progress of their work. A PhD thesis should be produced over three or four years’ full-time study and will take longer for part-time completion.

University and Higher Degrees in Great Britain
In England, Wales and Northern Ireland the most usual titles for a first degree are Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc). A first degree is usually awarded at the end of a three-year course, which most people start at the age of 18/19, after leaving school, a second degree is Master of Arts (MA) or Master of Science (MSc) and a higher degree is Doctor of Philosophy (PhD or DPhil).

A higher degree is one which is awarded after further study, usually, although not always, involving research.

After a course of studies lasting from three to four years an undergraduate student sits for a final examination which, if he passes it, entitles him to a first degree. The final exam is the principal criterion for establishing the class of degree.

Uniformity of standards between universities is promoted by the practice of employing outside examiners for all examinations, and the general pattern of teaching (a combination of lectures, small group seminars or tutorials with practical classes where necessary) is fairly similar throughout Britain.

The range of second and further degrees in Britain is huge and complex – and depends on the arrangements of each autonomous university. There are MAs, MPhil, MSc, MBA, and many others. Some of these are obtained by doing another “taught course” and some by writing a thesis. Although some students take their second degree in the same university as their first degree, many more move to another university.

The award of a Master’s degree is the culmination of what is normally one-year full time or two-years of part-time taught study and demonstrates the attainment of mastery in the chosen subject area. Higher degrees are sometimes also called further degrees. Research degree is also used, but it is not an exact synonym of higher/further degree; it means a degree involving research, and not all (although most) higher degrees are research degrees.

Until recently, postgraduate Master’s degrees were awarded without grade or class. Nowadays, however, Master’s degrees are classified into categories of Pass, Merit and Distinction – commonly 50+, 60+, and 70+ percent marks, respectively.

The most common types of research postgraduate Masters are MPhil and MRes. The Master of Philosophy (MPhil) is a research degree awarded for the completion of a thesis. It is a shorter version of the PhD but is of a lower standard. The Master of Research (MRes) degree is a more structured and organized version of the MPhil, usually designed to prepare a student for a career in research. For example, an MRes may combine individual research with periods of work placement in research establishments. Like the PhD, the MPhil and MRes degrees are awarded without class or grade.

The Universities of Oxford, Cambridge and Dublin award MA degree to BAs without further examination, when a certain number of years have passed and (in some cases but not all cases) upon payment of a nominal fee. It is commonplace for recipients of the degree to have graduated several years previously and to have had little official contact with the university or academic life since then. The MAs awarded by Oxford and Cambridge are colloquially known as the Oxbridge MA.

The doctorate generally requires an outstanding proficiency in some specialised branch of research. It is regarded as the highest degree. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) – DPhil at Oxford, Sussex and York – is awarded after a minimum of two or three years’ research and indicates a higher level of attainment than a Master’s degree.

The use of the word philosophy does not mean that the degree is restricted to philosophy. The name is the same for all faculties, and one may have a DPhil in English, or mathematics, or geography. From a practical point of view philosophy here means the same as наук in the names кандидат или доктор наук.

A postgraduate may be granted an allowance called a “fellowship” for the pursuance of research work. Fellowships are established for a fixed number of years.
University and Higher Degrees in the USA

An academic degree is a title conferred upon an individual by college or university trustees and faculty that officially recognizes completion of a prescribed academic curriculum undertaken at the undergraduate or graduate academic level.

The bachelor of arts (B. A.) degree is typically conferred by institutions of higher learning that are designated as four-year colleges, many of which are part of universities. In general, completion of a B.A. degree requires that the student successfully complete course work and fulfill elective requirements through personally chosen course work. Most bachelor’s degree programs require that the undergraduate student complete at least 120 credits to graduate.

According to the US Department of Education as for graduate education, it falls into the following categories: master’s degree education, intermediate graduate awards and post-baccalaureate certificates, professional degree education, research doctoral degree education and postdoctoral training.

The Master’s degree

Graduate degrees vary, but the most commonly completed graduate degree is the master’s degree. The master’s degree is awarded upon completion of one to two years of advanced graduate study beyond the bachelor’s degree, depending on the field of study and conferring institution. It recognizes heightened expertise in an academic discipline or professional field of study, gained through intensive course work; the preparation of a culminating project or scholarly paper or thesis; or successful completion of a comprehensive examination which tests students on foundational knowledge in the field of study.

A significant number of programs offer students the option of completing a final master’s project or paper as an alternative to a scholarly thesis. These projects or papers typically focus on applied problems, issues relevant to the world of professional practice. As a result the master’s degree has evolved into a pragmatic degree, combining theoretical, academic, and practical foci with the goal of preparing the graduate student for advanced practice and positions of leadership in the field of specialization. Such programs are growing in popularity and availability throughout the nation. The appeal of these programs lies in their ability to offer well-grounded training to students, and to do so in a relatively short time. In sum, master’s degrees can be separated into two types: the research master’s degree and the professional master’s degree.

The primary goal of these degrees is to provide graduate students with advanced post-baccalaureate training, preparing them for advanced doctoral study in a particular field. Although typically these degrees are required for admission into doctoral degree programs in the field of study, there is a growing trend toward offering admission to doctoral programs to students who lack a master’s degree, awarding the master’s degree to these students en route toward the doctoral degree.

The research doctorate is the highest academic degree conferred upon an individual in the US system of graduate education. Course work and examinations play important roles in the first stages of a research doctoral degree program of study. However, what distinguishes this degree from all others (in particular, from first professional doctoral degrees) is its recognition of the recipient’s proven ability to conduct independent research at a professional level in either an academic or professional discipline. This independent research, typically presented in the form of a thesis, dissertation, or other major culminating project, must pass the review of a committee of scholars from both within and outside the field of study. Because of the comprehensive nature of this independent research and because it must be deemed to represent an important contribution to the body of knowledge in the field of study, research doctoral degrees take an average seven years to complete. In some cases, the doctoral candidate must also complete a supervised internship.

The most commonly known research doctoral degree is the doctor of philosophy (PhD). However, there are a number of other doctoral degrees that enjoy the same status and represent variants of the PhD within certain fields. Examples are the doctor of education (EdD), the doctor of dental science (DScS) and the doctor of architecture (DArch). The doctor of science (DSc), more commonly conferred in England, the British Commonwealth countries, and Russia, is considered to be a higher degree than the doctor of philosophy (PhD) with regard to maturity and scientific accomplishment.

Postdoctoral Education

Many persons who have earned PhD’s or similar degrees enroll in postdoctoral training programs or internships. These occur most often in the allied health and medical sciences, the counseling professions, and the physical and natural sciences. Lasting one or more years, these programs do not usually confer a degree, but they are often considered necessary for those hoping to launch a professional or academic career in a given field of study.

Honorary Degrees

Honorary degrees are awarded by institutions of higher education primarily in recognition of some significant achievement rather than the completion of an academic course of study. For this reason, honorary degrees are not generally considered comparable to their academic counterparts.

Select the word from the topic related vocabulary that best
completes each of the sentences below:

    1. The requirements for an MA or PhD degree usually include the preparation of …

    2. An examiner who is invited from another university in order to be present at the final examination and to ensure objectivity is called …

    3. A student who has already obtained a first degree and is studying for a higher degree is called …

    4. The examination held at the end of a three or four year university or college degree course is called …

    5. Master’s degrees are classified into categories of …

    6. The degree obtained at the end of a more general course is usually called either … or …

    7. The degree obtained at the end of a specialized course in a single subject is usually called …

    8. The main undergraduate qualification is the first degree such as …

    9. The most common types of research postgraduate masters are …

    10. The MAs awarded by Oxford and Cambridge are colloquially known as …

Maria Brown tells us about her educational background. Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases from the box below. Then speak on your own educational background. You may use Maria’s as a model.




higher degree

honours degree





primary school


secondary school

stay on




  1. I started at … in London when I was 5.

  2. At the age of 11, I went on to …, also in London.

  3. At 18, I … to university.

  4. I got a … at Manchester to … Engineering.

  5. In fact I was awarded a … .

  6. But at the end of the first year I changed to another …

  7. I … from University in 2003.

  8. I have a first class … in Economics.

  9. I decided to … at university.

  10. So I did a … in business administration at the University of California.

  11. During the course, I did an … on small business development.

  12. I found the topic so interesting that I applied for a … to do a doctorate on the same subject.

  13. Once I had got the money, I had to write a 50,000 word …

  14. So now I have a BA, an MBA and a …

  15. All I need now is a …

Progress questions.

  1. What is an academic degree?

  2. What categories does British/American graduate education fall into?

  3. Who is the Bachelor’s degree conferred to?

  4. When is the Master’s degree awarded? What does it recognize?

  5. What is the research doctorate? What characteristic feature distinguishes this degree from all others?

  6. What is the most commonly known research doctoral degree? Do other variants of the PhD enjoy the same status?

  7. In what cases are honorary degrees awarded?

  8. What is a “fellowship”?

  9. What do various levels of academic degrees designate?

  10. What are the differences and similarities between the systems of post-graduate study in the U.K., in the USA and in Belarus?

  11. What reasons have made you take up further study, do research?

  12. What new experience and knowledge do you hope to gain from the post-graduate study?

Now let us discuss the educational policy in the Republic
of Belarus.

Belarus: Education in the 21st Century

Many countries consider education a major vehicle of social advancement. Training of highly qualified specialists, capable of solving the most complex problems of modern society is the main priority of higher education. The efforts of our scientists have always been focused on the fundamental problems of humanities, natural and social sciences.

At the end of the century the system of higher and further education in Belarus underwent a process of great reforms. They were initiated to provide closer links between education and technological needs of industry. The major significance of the reforms was to move toward the democratization of university administration and the “humanitarization” of the educational process in terms of students’ individual aptitudes and needs.

A distinguishing feature of our universities is that they are becoming internationally oriented. We have joined the European Cultural Convention which enables us to participate in all projects concerning higher and further education, academic mobility and recognition of qualification. The universities also expand their cooperation with such authoritative international organizations as UNESCO and the Council of Europe.

The need to make education more democratic and universal arises from the fact that our country is integrating into the European community. Issues such as environment, exchanges rate and economic competition, public health, national security, poverty, population control and human rights affect every country domestically as well as internationally.

The characteristic feature and the main trend in modern higher and further education is not only to check students’ knowledge but develop their abilities and creative thinking. Today’s scientific and technological progress demands of the university graduates to be prepared to deepen their knowledge individually and adapt themselves quickly to the changes in science or industry.

Much has already been done and is being done to transform the national system of education. A wide range of non-state schools, colleges and institutes have been introduced.

Of course, university education in Belarus still faces a great variety of problems, connected with introduction of new disciplines, retraining of the faculty, reorienting university policies and programs towards new goals. But if we want to prosper in the new environment of the 21st century, our universities must truly orient themselves around new goals.

Plan your discussion.

  1. The role of education in modern society.

  2. Reforms of higher and further education in the Republic of Belarus.

  3. The main trends in the native higher and further education.

The Belarusian State University is one of the leading educational institutions in the Republic of Belarus. It ranks high among European Universities. Further there follows information about research activities at the BSU.
The BSU: Research and Development

The BSU which has recently celebrated its 90th anniversary is a top-ranked university in the national system of education. It is a large academic, scientific and manufacturing complex comprising 26 educational establishments, 4 research institutes, 9 research centres, 177 chairs, 23 research laboratories,

11 production sites. The University trains elite personnel in social, humanitarian and natural sciences, carries out fundamental and applied research in the main fields of science on a highly professional level. To a great extend it shapes the national image of the country.

Today the BSU is the Alma Mater for 30 thousand students studying at its 16 faculties: the Faculty of History, the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Biology, the Military Faculty, the Geography Faculty, the Faculty of the Humanities, the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, the Faculty of Radio Physics and Computer Technologies, the Faculty of Pre-University Education, the Faculty of Physics, the Faculty of Philology, the Faculty of International Relations, the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Chemistry. Within recent years the University has initiated training specialists in the sphere of nuclear energy, logistics, management of innovation technologies, applied computer science, aerospace, radio-electronics, information technologies as well as in a number of humanities. The total number of specialities of higher education equals to 58.

890 students are involved in the course of Master’s training and 682 – in the course of postgraduate and doctoral studies. Specialities of Master’s programmes comprise 47. Courses of postgraduate training are conducted in 118 specialities. Doctoral studies are done in 75 fields of research. Annually dozens of Doctors of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctors of Science (ScD) defend their theses at 22 dissertation councils of the University.

Research activity at the BSU is conducted at numerous research institutes, laboratories and University departments. More than 3000 lecturers and university researchers are engaged in different scientific projects. About 1670 Candidates of Science and 400 Doctors of Science. 15 Academicians and 16 Corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences work at the BSU. Thousands of publications are issued and a great number of scientific and practical conferences, symposia and seminars are held annually.

The major areas of research comprise:

  • alternative and renewable sources of energy, energy saving;

  • physical, chemical, biological and genetic methods and technologies of obtaining new substances, materials, biologically-modified forms, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies;

  • development of new technologies and appliances for medical treatment, diagnosis, prevention and rehabilitation;

  • psychophysiology and psychology of labour; development of methods and procedures for determining professional eligibility;

  • mathematical and physical modeling of systems, structures and processes in the environment and society, information technologies, modernization of information infrastructure;

  • socio-economic and cultural development of the Republic of Belarus, interdisciplinary research in the field of history, culture, society and state; research in the area of history, material and spiritual heritage of Belarus; improvement of the national systems of law and government;

  • study and development of the Belarusian language as a means of communication and preservation of the Belarusian cultural heritage.

High level of teaching and research facilitates the process of integration of the University into a broader educational environment. The BSU takes part in 80 international programmes, including INTAS, as well as those developing under the auspices of the UNO, NATO, CERN, etc.

Study the information about the Higher Attestation Committee and get ready to speak about its tasks.
Высшая аттестационная комиссия
Республики Беларусь

Высшая аттестационная комиссия Республики Беларусь (ВАК) является республиканским органом государственного управления, реализующим функцию государственного регулирования в области аттестации научных и научно-педагогических работников высшей квалификации, и подчиняется Президенту Республики Беларусь.

Основными задачами ВАК являются:

  • обеспечение функционирования национальной системы аттестации научных и научно-педагогических работников высшей квалификации;

  • обеспечение единых требований к уровню научной и научно-педагогической квалификации соискателей ученых степеней и ученых званий;

  • развитие международного сотрудничества в области аттестации научных работников.

ВАК в соответствии с возложенными на нее основными задачами осуществляет следующие функции:

    • определяет совместно с Национальной академией наук Беларуси и Государственным комитетом по науке и технологиям порядок аккредитации научных организаций;

    • разрабатывает и утверждает номенклатуру специальностей научных работников Республики Беларусь и перечень специальностей, по которым присваиваются ученые звания;

    • утверждает состав советов по защите диссертаций;

    • присуждает ученые степени доктора и кандидата наук на основании ходатайств советов по защите диссертаций;

    • присваивает на основании ходатайств советов (ученых советов) высших учебных заведений и научных организаций ученые звания профессора и доцента;

    • проводит нострификацию документов о присуждении ученых степеней и присвоении ученых званий, выданных в других государствах, с которыми Республикой Беларусь заключены договоры о признании этих документов;

ВАК в пределах своей компетенции имеет право:

    • совместно с Министерством образования и Национальной академией наук Беларуси разрабатывать рекомендации по научно-методическому руководству подготовкой научных работников и тематике диссертаций докторантов и аспирантов;

    • привлекать высококвалифицированных специалистов в качестве экспертов по вопросам аттестации научных работников;

    • отменять решения советов по защите диссертаций о присуждении ученых степеней кандидата и докторов наук.

  1. ВАК возглавляет Председатель, назначаемый на должность и освобождаемый от должности Президентом Республики Беларусь.

  2. Главным научно-аттестационным органом ВАК является Президиум, который принимает решения по вопросам присуждения ученых степеней и присвоения ученых званий.

  3. Для проведения экспертизы диссертаций и аттестационных дел соискателей ученых степеней и ученых званий, ВАК создает экспертные советы по отраслям науки или группам специальностей соответствующей отрасли науки.

  4. ВАК является юридическим лицом, имеет печать с изображением Государственного герба Республики Беларусь и со своим наименованием.

In Focus

Expressing tendencies



There is a tendency for (someone) to do (not to do) smth.

There is a tendency for university graduates to continue education and take a post-graduate course.

To tend to do smth.

After finishing a master’s course young researchers tend to work towards a PhD. Students tend to leave preparation for exams till the last minute.

To be likely to do smth.

Research supervisors are likely to create stimulating research environment for their postgrads.

To have a tendency to do smth.

Higher educational institutions have a tendency to introduce a learner’s-centered approach to their teaching strategies.

To be prone to do smth.

Today postgraduates are more prone to accept responsibility for their personal learning and the production of a thesis.

Grammar Review: Tenses in the Active Voice
Step 1. Use the correct form of the verbs in the Active Voice.

  1. Last time we (to decide) that it (to be) useful to hold presentation sessions every other month.

  2. Most Universities (to award) honorary degrees, usually at the postgraduate level.

  3. At the moment amongst all students enrolled in postgraduate courses the largest group (to study) for a qualification in business.

  4. This (to result) from many changes and developments in recent years within the higher education sector.

  5. Research degrees (to denote) advanced study in a chosen discipline with a view to the pursuit of an academic career.

  6. The emphasis on research (to prompt) recently new levels of competition amongst universities.

  7. Once the student (to present) a research design acceptable to his or her adviser, the independent research phase (to begin).

  8. Her successful defence of the thesis (to lead) to the award of the degree.

  9. Research study, whether at Masters or Doctoral level, (to depend) upon the individual supervision of students by a member of the faculty who (to share) their interests.

  10. Schools, colleges and universities (to be) the most widely spread methods of formal education and training so far.

  11. There (to be) no record of what (to take place) at the latest conference.

  12. In South Africa universities doctoral studies (to remain) very much the same over the years.

  13. After you (to spend) quite a bit of time with the topic, usually you do not want to write about something that (not to appeal) to you.

  14. How much information you (to gather) in order to check the possible value of the “future” of your studies?

  15. He (to conduct) the research since he graduated from the University.

Step 2. Translate into Russian paying attention to the words of time indication. Put questions to the underlined words.

  1. With an ever increasing climate of competition, other countries are emerging as desirable study destinations at the moment.

  2. The last decade of the 20th century witnessed a process of swift and irrevocable change leading to the third industrial revolution.

  3. Your research topic has been in an interdisciplinary area so far.

  4. If a student-supervisor relationship is not working satisfactorily the only proper solution will be the appointment of a new supervisor in future.

  5. The expansion of Doctoral Training Centres has also been a positive step of late as has the development of other models of doctoral training.

  6. Adults with advanced degrees as a rule earn four times more than those with less than a high school diploma.

  7. We have deeply thought about the possible impact of postgraduate studies on our life.

  8. So far policy makers have paid little attention to postgraduate provision, despite the fact that postgraduate education is of enormous value to the UK and will play a crucial role in economic growth.

  9. The UK delivers 8% of world research output, and is second only to the US in a number of research disciplines.

  10. The general principles of project management at postgraduate level do not, however, vary significantly across the academic disciplines.

  11. Such factors as the internalization of higher education and the growth in information technology are also influencing the way in which supervisors manage their postgraduate students.

  12. They asked a disinterested academic member of staff in a related research area to look over his thesis and make an independent assessment of its quality.

  13. Access to education and training for all has not always been the right of all citizens and an obligation for governments.

  14. Currently we are witnessing a worldwide shortage of PhD degree holders.

  15. Mr. Brown had been working in the laboratory for seven years before he got promotion.

Step 3. Translate into English.

  1. Как правило, магистерский курс отличается от бакалавриата тем, что он включает большой объем самостоятельной работы.

  2. Лишь небольшая часть слушателей уже сдали экзамены на получение степени магистра.

  3. В этой стране до сих пор нет единой системы объективной оценки знаний.

  4. В последние годы наблюдается повышение роли университетов как крупных исследовательских центров страны.

  5. От местных органов власти студенты получают стипендии, которые покрывают стоимость обучения и иногда – стоимость проживания.

  6. Он уже выбрал тему диссертационного исследования и представил индивидуальный план работы.

  7. На прошлой конференции он сделал очень интересный доклад, который вызвал бурную дискуссию.

  8. Поступающие в аспирантуру сдают вступительные экзамены по специальности, иностранному языку и философии.

  9. До конференции он ничего не знал о результатах исследования и поэтому не включил их в доклад.

  10. На том этапе продолжение исследования было нецелесообразным, поскольку аспирант не сопоставил полученные результаты с предшествующими.

  11. Написание диссертации состоит из нескольких этапов, и он только что завершил первый.

  12. Он пишет первую главу уже семь месяцев и никак не может прийти к ее логическому завершению.

  13. Насколько мне известно, результаты его диссертации привели к серьезному открытию.

  14. Аспирантам иногда трудно сформулировать свои идеи из-за недостатка теоретических знаний.

  15. Аспирант потратил очень много времени, прежде чем получил конкретные результаты.

Grammar Review: Emphatic Means
Step 1. Translation tips:

I. Auxiliary do.

    1. The above law does hold.

Вышеупомянутый закон действительно работает.

    1. I do hope you will make the right decision.

Я действительно надеюсь, что ты примешь правильное решение.
II. Inversion:

  1. Relevant for this theory was the following point.

Для этой теории значимым был следующий момент.

  1. Perhaps nowhere have been achieved better results as in this field of science.

Вероятно, нигде не были достигнуты лучшие результаты, чем в этой области науки.

  1. Nor should we forget the importance of this discovery.

Не должны мы забывать и важность этого открытия.

А также мы не должны забывать важность этого открытия.

III. Double negation:

  1. Not until X made his famous discovery did scientists realize the importance of this law.

Только тогда, когда Х сделал свое знаменитое открытие, ученые поняли важность этого закона.

  1. The case is not improbable.

Этот случай весьма (вполне) вероятен.
IV. Cleft* sentences:

  1. It is these results of the research that are most important for us.

Именно эти результаты исследования чрезвычайно важны для нас.

  1. It was not until last night that Susan received an invitation to the conference.

Только вчера Сьюзан получила приглашение на конференцию.

  1. It was Richard who was sent to England to study.

Именно Ричарда отправили в Англию учиться.
* “Cleft” means divided. In a cleft sentence information which could be given in one clause is divided into two parts, each with its own verb.
Step 2. Start the sentence with the suggested words.

  1. I’ve never heard of such a good University course. – Never have I …

  2. I had hardly received the results of the first experiment, when new requirements were put forward for the second one. – Hardly had I …

  3. It may seem strange, but I don’t enjoy conducting out my research. – Strange as it …

  4. I have never met a more disorganised student. – Never have I …

  5. Although it may seem difficult, it is not impossible. – Difficult as it …

  6. In this very paper new data on the subject are presented. – It is in this paper …

  7. You must not reveal your secret results in any circumstances. – In any circumstances …

  8. When I completed my research I realized how much had been done. – Not until …

  9. This theory may be satisfactory in many respects but it is far from being probable. – Satisfactory as this theory …

  10. For that reason the present book is both timely and appropriate. – It is for that reason …

  11. The results of any research work can be presented in different forms. – Whatever the results …

  12. Although it is hard but we must finish this research. – Hard as …

  13. These results may seem controversial, but they are still valuable. – Controversial as …

  14. You can’t have read the same book. – It can’t have been …

  15. The facts were not all made public until later. – Only later …

Step 3. Translate into Russian paying attention to the language means of emphatic use.

  1. It is the academic staff’s responsibility to monitor the progress of the research that ensures the students’ mastery of the appropriate research skills.

  2. The advances of modern sciences are seen to be not inconsiderable.

  3. If you suffer a mental block, have lost confidence, or if anything at all is interfering with your work, do let your family know.

  4. It is the supervisor’s expertise that helps conduct the research in the right direction.

  5. Not only should a doctoral dissertation be of a high quality, but it should also make a significant contribution to a particular field.

  6. The statistics do, however, indicate that only 50% of researchers complete their doctorates.

  7. It was the University of Bologna in Italy that first conferred the degree of Doctor in the late 12th century.

  8. Perhaps never was the invention mentioned above shared by so many scientists all over the world.

  9. Nowhere can we see such rapid progress as in computer science.

  10. Strange as it may seem, the debate on the subject went far beyond its original bounds.

  11. It was not until the 5th century that the first universities were founded in Byzantium.

  12. Whoever may the author have been he should have dwelt on this problem.

  13. It is the three-level hierarchy of degrees that is gradually replacing the two-stage system which is still used in some countries.

  14. It was because I answered confidently at the interview that I got the job.

  15. Not until I got the final results did I realize how much had been done.

Step 4. Translate into English.

  1. Именно с научным руководителем аспирант определяет сроки работы над каждой частью диссертации.

  2. Кто бы ни высказал замечания по моему исследованию во время обсуждения, я буду внимательно относиться к каждому из них.

  3. Всякий раз, когда возникает проблема, обращайтесь к научному руководителю.

  4. Хотя эти замечания и противоречивы, они должны быть проанализированы.

  5. Именно научные факты характеризуются объективностью, достоверностью и точностью.

  6. Он действительно просмотрел и изучил абсолютно все виды источников, которые имеют отношение к исследуемой в диссертации научной проблеме.

  7. Не должны молодые ученые игнорировать и возможность отстаивать свою собственную позицию.

  8. А также мы не должны забывать и о других методах анализа фактического материала.

  9. Именно в архивах он нашел необходимые документы по изучаемой проблематике.

  10. Только после того, как диссертант выступил на научном симпозиуме, он приобрел опыт публичного выступления.

  11. Я действительно знаю, как добиться хорошего результата.

  12. Как ни трудно, ты должен завершить теоретическую часть как можно быстрее.

  13. Хотя результаты исследования спорны, они все-таки представляют определенный научный интерес.

  14. Только после того, как он завершил экспериментальную часть, работа была представлена на обсуждение.

  15. Какой бы сложной ни была научно-исследовательская работа, в конечном итоге она всегда приносит удовлетворение.

Reports from around the world

I. Read the article. Comment on the meaning of the highlighted words and expressions; summarize the text.

Obama, Chinese leader talk global challenges

By Keith B. Richburg


BEIJING – President Obama and his Chinese counterpart, Hu Jintao, met officially for more than an hour today at China’s Great Hall of the People, and the US president was expected to press the Chinese leader for possible new sanctions on Iran, a stepped-up Chinese role in Afghanistan, and more cooperation on the relative strength of the countries’ respective currencies.

The two leaders were also trying to find agreement on some modest climate-change goals for the upcoming environmental summit in Copenhagen and on edging North Korea back to multilateral talks over its nuclear program.

The two already met once over dinner last night, shortly after Obama arrived in the frigid Chinese capital from Shanghai. National security adviser James Jones described that meeting as an informal dinner discussion” in which the two leaders discussed “the evolution and histories of China and the United States.

By the time Obama leaves China tomorrow, he and the Chinese leader will have had three formal meetings here in Beijing – the dinner last night, the official formal meeting today and again tonight for a state dinner. These follow separate meetings the two leaders have held on the sidelines of other international gatherings this year.
II. Render into English using the prompts.

В Минск по приглашению Президента Беларуси с официальным визитом прибыл Президент Венесуэлы.

Во время пребывания в Беларуси делегация из Венесуэлы встретилась с представителями правительственных, деловых кругов и другими официальными лицами. Стороны обменялись мнениями по вопросам двустороннего сотрудничества, обсудили текущие проблемы, международную ситуацию в целом. Переговоры были отмечены духом взаимопонимания. В честь высокого гостя был дан обед. Присутствующие говорили о перспективах развития взаимовыгодного всестороннего сотрудничества между двумя странами. Стороны выразили удовлетворение результатами визита. Делегация отбыла на родину.

at/on/the invitation of

to arrive on/for a visit

representatives of government circles

exchanged views on

bilateral cooperation
marked by the spirit of mutual understanding

dinner was given

mutually beneficial cooperation
left for home

III. Get ready to make a report on a recent official delegation visit to your country. Use the words and word-combinations below:

at/on/the invitation of

to arrive on/for/a visit; to be on a visit; to pay a visit

during the stay

those present


to be accorded a hearty welcome

the sides exchange views on

problems: current, urgent

to discuss the international situation as a whole

the talks are marked by the spirit of mutual understanding

to give a dinner in honour of; to speak at a dinner

to give a reception

business circles

diplomatic representatives

in transit

to develop all-sided relations: bilateral, mutually beneficial, good-neighbourly
motivation – мотивация

variety of reasons – разнообразие причин

to undertake further study – продолжить обучение

to do a degree/to take a post-graduate course /to work towards a PhD – заниматься в аспирантуре

to develop skills – развить навыки

competition – конкуренция

competitive environment – конкурентная среда

advantage – преимущество

to provide ~ – предоставить преимущество

advantageous – преимущественный

to be ~ to smb – обладать преимуществом

to tailor a course – разработать курс

work experience – опыт работ

to put theory into practice – использовать теорию на практике

to succeed academically – достичь успехов в учебе

skill – навык

higher level ~ s – навыки более высокого уровня

to develop ~ – приобрести навыки

problem-solving ~ s – навыки решения проблемных вопросов

to assimilate ideas – воспринимать идеи

to make smb more employable – сделать более привлекательным для приема на работу

to produce a dissertation – написать диссертацию

to benefit (from) – извлечь пользу

to generalize – обобщать

other-worldly – не от мира сего

outdated – устаревший

to treat favourably – относиться с предпочтением

to value – ценить

to specialize in a

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