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Canada is a vast country, bigger than the United States, bigger than the continent of Australia. It is in fact one of the world's largest countries. Its area is about 10 million square kilometers. As Canada extends for thousands of miles from the Arctic Ocean to the United States and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, all kinds of weather conditions and scenery are the found there.

The population of Canada is 29 million people. The capital is Ottawa; the main cities are Toronto.. Montreal and Vancouver. The word Canada comes from one of the Red Indian languages - Kannata", meaning "a number of huts". Canada is often called the "Land of the Maple Leaf". The maple leaf is the national emblem of Canada. The history of Canada goes back over 400 years. The French were the first settlers to this country. In 1759 Canada became a part of the British Empire. In 1931 became independent from Britain. Today Canada is an independent federative state, consisting of 10 provinces and 2 territories. It is a member of the Commonwealth, headed by the Queen of Great Britain. The two official languages are French'>English and French. But many other languages are spoken: Italian, Chinese. German, Polish and Greek. Canada is a country with very high standards of living. This country is particularly advanced in the areas of health education social protection and human rights.

43.According to the text, the history of Canada goes back over years.

A) 10

B) 29

C) 400

D) 2

44. Two official languages of the "Land of the Maple Leaf are……

A) Chinese and German

B) English and Italian –

C) English and French

D) French and Greek

45.The word Canada comes from one of the Red….. languages - Kannata", meaning "a number of huts’.

A) Polish

B) Italian

C) Chinese

D) Indian

46.The first official language is English in Canada, the second one is…..

A) English

B) Italian

C) German

D) French

47.The …..were the first settlers to this country.

A) Chinese

B) French

C) German

D) Italian

48.The word Canada comes from one of the Red Indian…..

A) words

B) languages

C) people

D) students

49.According to the text the population of Canada is ……million people.

A) twenty

B) forty four

C) twenty nine

D) twenty four

50..In……Canada became independent from Britain

A) 1795

B) 1913

C) 1759

D) 1931
4 вариант


Well, I speak Spanish quite well. So, before I go to university I'm going to travel around South America. I've got an old school friend in Brazil and a pen friend in Guatemala. So, I have some people to visit. I also want to go and see the rain forest. I am working in the local restaurant at the moment. But as soon as I have enough money, I'll book a flight to Rio de Janeiro. I'll spend about a month in Brazil. Then go on to Guatemala, I think. I'm so looking forward to go. It'll be fantastic. When I'm travelling around, I’ll phone home twice a week. If I don't keep in touch, I know my parents will worry

1.As soon as the speaker has enough money, he will book a flight to.

A) Guatemala

B) Rio de Janeiro

C) America

D) Spain

2.He speaks….quite well.

A) Spanish

B) Portuguese

C) English

D) Italian

3.The author plans to earn some money to.

A) travel around the world

B) visit his friends abroad

C) gon university studies

D) book a flight to Rio

4.As soon as he…… he will book a flight to Rio.

A) earns enough money

B) writes this friends abroad

C) travels around the world

D) enters the university

5.The speaker plans to contact with parents

A) twice a week

B) twice a day

C) once a month

D) three times a week

6.He is going to……in Brazil and Guatemala.

A) spend money on gifts

B) work in a local restaurant

C) visit his friends

D) meet his friends from university

7.The boy's plans for the nearest month are to.

A) travel round South America

B) open his own restaurant

C) write letters tpen friends

D) enter the cooking school

8.Contacting parents is crucial as they will

A) be anxious about him

B) find him the university

C) be able tjoin him

D) have to visit him



  • Maria, where do you work?

-1 work in a big shopping centre in Madrid. I am a telephonist.

  • What do you do?

  • My work place is a cubicle. It’s very small. There is a chair, a computer and a telephone.

  • It sounds very nice

  • No, it isn’t. Anyway, basically I answer calls all day. I get calls from customers, but also, I have calls from suppliers about orders and deliveries.

  • And do you like your job?

  • Not really. The worst thing is that people think that I'm responsible for everything.

  • What do people say?

  • It’s horrible! They are always complaining about things and shouting at me. It’s awful! Of course, I can’t hang up.

  • Is it really hard?

  • Yes. I suffer from stress. I really hate phone at home. It makes me jump sometimes. I want to disconnect it but my husband needs it for work.

  • What are you going to do?

-1 really don’t know. I smoke too much. I can’t sleep. And it’s all because of phone.
9.Maria's work place is a…..

A) cubicle

B) big office

C) shared space

D) laboratory

10.She smokes tomuch and can't sleep well because of

A) neighbors’ pets

B) her husband's job

C) the phone

D) street noise

11.Maria works in a.

A) service provider center

B) pharmaceutical company

C) big shopping centre

D) mail delivering company

12.Maria ... during her working day.

A) complains and shouts

B) plays games

C) answers calls

D) talks a lot

13.According to the dialogue Maria talks with….. at her work.

A) boss and dealers

B) boss and suppliers

C) customers and rivals

D) customers and suppliers

14.Maria thinks it’s awful that people...

  1. complain and shout at her

  2. are too strict

  3. are late for work

  4. talk too much

15.Maria finds her job ...

A) important

B) satisfying

C) stressful

D) boring

16)Maria's work place is like a/an

A) laboratory

B) cubicle

C) dormitory

Лексико-грамматические тесты

17.Can you see… tall man over there?

A) these

B) that

C) this

D) those

18……Sun rises in…..east

A) -,the

B) a,-

C) the, the

D) –,-

19.This time tomorrow we…. drinking coffee in Rome!

A) are going to

B) will be

C) will

D) are going

20.The baby is due to be born…… Christmas Eve.

A) on

B) at

C) in

D) -

21.The Imperative mood:

A) All the stones were interesting.

B) What a nice day’

C) Don't do that!

D) It’s necessary to finish this exercise on time.

22.You….. look very well.

A) hasn't

B) don't

C) doesn't

D) haven't

23.Its ……to leam a foreign language in the country where it is spoken.

A) a lot easier

B) seasy as

C) easiest

D) easy than

24.I put only a little …..and……. in my tea.

A) sugar, milk

B) sugar, milks

C) sugars, milks

D) sugars, milk

25.Kazakh people used to eat Beshbarmak … their fingers.

A) in

B) with

C) at

D) from

26.The bag is heavy but the suitcase is……

A) most heavy

B) more heavy

C) heavier

D) heavy

27.People sometimes watch films that they are not interested …..at all.

A) of

B) out

C) in

D) off

28.You ……a lot of noise. Can you be quieter? I… to concentrate.

A) made, am trying

B) are making, am trying

C) are making, med

D) making, am trying

29.We write and say 0.375 as……

A) nought point thirty seven and five

B) nought point thirty seven five

C) nought point three seventy five

D) nought point three seven five

30.Don't hurry there's ……time.

A) any

B) plenty of

C) many

D) several

31.We try to go away from the city ……weekends and ……holidays.

A) on. in

B) at on

C) in, on

D) in, at

32.She started a new job a few weeks ago. Before that she was out of work……three months.

A) in

B) on

C) for

D) at

33.She…… in a small village in the south of Spam.

A) was born

B) has been born

C) born

D) has born

34.I was also a poor woman,….. and lonely.

A) despairing

B) excitement

C) despaired ???

D) deceiving

1 Чтение

The city of Wellington.

According to Maori legend, Wellington was first discovered in the 10th century by the great Polynesian explorer Kupe. By the time the explorer Captain Cook visited in 1773, the harbour was lined with Maori settlements. Today a popular viewing point, Mt Victoria, is built on top of an ancient Maori burial ground. Wellington was named in honor of Arthur Wellesley, the first Duke of Wellington. Wellington has been the capital of New Zealand since 1865. New Zealand's first capital city was Old Russell in 1840-41. Auckland was the second capital from 1841 until 1865, when Parliament was moved tWellington after an argument that persisted for a decade. As the members of parliament could not agree on the location of a more central capital, Wellington was decided on by three Australian commissioners.

Today Wellington is one of the busiest port and the country's second largest urban area. The population of Wellington is about of 449,000 people. Wellington ranks as one of New Zealand's chief seaports and serves both domestiand international shipping. The port of Wellington handles millions of tons of cargo annually importing petroleum products, motor vehicles, minerals and exporting meat, wood products, dairy products.

Wellington's economy is primarily senice-based, with an emphasis on finance, business sendees, and government. Many national government departments have their head offices in Wellington and many of New Zealand's banks and insurance companies have their headquarters in the city.

35.New Zeaand's banks and insurance companies.

A) have their headquarters in the city

B) are considered tbe financially stable organizations

C) have their headquarters all over the world

D) opened head offices in the city

36.Mt Victoria is built…..

A) near the Town Hill

B) by Polynesian explorers

C) by first Duke of Wellington

D) on top of an ancient Maori burial ground

37.The second capita of New Zealand was……

A) Auckland

B) Wellington

C) Hamilton

D) Old Russell

38.Wellington was chosen tbecome the capital city……

A) after an agreement of Parliament members

B) upon request from Maori people

C) by three Australian commissiners

D) by decision of Arthur We llesley

39.Wellington is considered to be…….

A) the city with its well-known film industry

B) one of the most beautiful places of the world

C) world's health and education centre

D) one of New Zealand's chief seaports

40.The city was ……Arthur Wellesley.

A) named in honor of

B) first explored by

C) renamed by

D) destroyed by

41.Exported products from the port of Wellington are.

A) meat, wood products, dairy products

B) dairy products., petroleum products

C) motor vehicles, minerals

D) petroleum products, motor vehicles, minerals

42.The port of Wellington.

A) supports a busy cruise traffic

B) handles millions of tons of cargo

C) imports seafood products

D) does not support national economic prosperity

2 чтение

Lost Love

These things happened to me nearly ten years ago. I lived in a city, but the city was hot in summer. I wanted to see the country. I wanted to walk in the woods and see green trees.

I had a little red car and I had a map, too. I drove all night out in the country. I was happy in my car. We had a very good summer that year. The country was very pretty in the early morning. The sun was hot, and the sky was blue. I heard the birds in the trees.

And then my car stopped suddenly.

'What's wrong?' I thought. Oh dear. I haven’t got any petrol. Now I’ll have to walk. I'll have to find a town and buy some petrol. But where am I?' I wasn’t near a town. I was lost in the country.

And then I saw the girl. She walked down the road, with flowers in her hand. She wore a long dress, and her hair was long. It was long and black. She was very pretty. I wanted to speak to her. I got out of the car.

'Hello,' I said. 'I'm lost. Where am I?

She looked afraid, so spoke quietly.

'I haven't got any petrol,' I said. 'Where can I And some?’

Her blue eyes looked at me, and she smiled. 'She's a very pretty girl!' I thought.

'I don’t’ know,' she said. 'Come with me to the village. Perhaps we can help you.'

43.Suddenly the man saw the ….who walked down the road., with flowers in her hand.

A) woman

B) car

C) girl

D) bird

44.We had a very good summer that year and the country was very pretty in the…..

A) late evening

B) all day

C) midnight

D) early morning

45.The girl was very…..and he wanted to speak to her she got out of the car.

A) dumb

B) better

C) angry

D) nice

46.The city was hot in summer so he wanted to see the ..

A) the girl

B) town

C) country

D) city

47.The city was hot in summer so he… to see the country

A) had a desire

B) hated

C) waited

D) dislike

48.When he asked for some…..she smiled and said to him to come with her to the village .

A) petrol

B) flower

C) water

D) advice

49.The sun was……, and the sky was blue.

A) hot

B) cold

C) cool

D) warm

50.And then his……stopped suddenly.

A) legs

B) car

C) bike

D) shoes
5 вариант



I have a lot of friends. Most of them are classmates. My best friend called Ali. He is fourteen. He lives with his parents not far from the school. Ali has a lot of hobbies: he likes to play the computer, to read detective stories, to collect butterflies. He likes animals, espesially cats. He has got a cat Lastik at home. Ali has short, light hair and brown eyes. He is quite short and rather thin. He always manages to be cheerful, energetic, full of life. He is helpful and honest. Ali is very popular. H is a helpful person and every time he tries to do her best to help somebody when he has problems. Ali is very attentive to his parents. Of course, he has some drawbacks - sometimes she is a hurly-burly boy, a bit stubborn. But still like him as she has a good sense of humour and pleasant to deal with. We spend much time together - watch video or listen to the music, walk or go to the cafe discussing all sorts of things. Our friendship helps me feel strong and sure of myself.
1.He is……

A) 15

B) 14

C) 13

D) 16

2.Ali likes reading.

A) fantasy books

B) history books

C) novels

D) detective stories

3.We spend……time together.

A) few

B) much


D) some

4.He tries to do his best to help …….when this person has problems.

A) his classmate

B) his father

C) a neighbor

D) somebody

5.Ali has short hair and brown……

A) hair

B) lips

C) nose

D) eyes

6.He…….. manages to be cheerful, energetic, full of life.

A) always

B) sometimes

C) seldom

D) hardly ever

7.Ali and I can go to the park ……all sorts of things

A) discussing

B) studying

C) watching

D) playing

8………..helps me feel good and be sure of myself.

A) Our hobby

B) Our book

C) Our friendship

D) Our life

2-слушание, текст не найден
9.Tetra-amelia is an disease.

A) inborn

B) acquired

C) ordinary

D) infectious

10.Hirotada, s………. called him Oto




D) friends

11.Hirotada has……. disability.

A) temporary

B) short-term

C) permanent

D) casual

12.Hirotada graduated from the ……..university in Japan.

A) regional

B) popular

C) ordinary

D) state

13.Hirotada played a lot of sports when he was a……

A) school boy

B) journalist

C) student

D) writer

14.Nowadays Oto teaches

A) His books

B) Social studies

C) Art and music

D) Sport

15.Hirotada has no…….

A) friends

B) arms and legs

C) parents

D) books

16.Hirotada and Oto are…..

A) scientists

B) classmates

C) close friends

D) the same person

Лексико-грамматические тесты
17.What is correct variant of the Possessive case?

A) mother-in-law advice's

B) mother-in-law’s advice

C) mother's-in-law's advice

D) mother-in-laws advice

18.It's a pity my watch is fast again. I’ve recently had it

A) tbe repair

B) being repaired

C) is repairing

D) repaired

19.The room looked nice. Somebody…….it

A) is cleaned

B) had cleaning

C) was cleaned

D) has cleaned

20.The book of a friend

A) a friend ' s books

B) a friend book

C) a friends'book

D) a friend's book

21.Well, I think you ought to speak to that man …………standing with a notebook in front of the car.

A) who's

B) which's

C) who

D) whose

22.Do you prefer watching a DVD at home……….. the cinema?

A) going

B) to go

C) go

D) to going

23.After she………….. the house, she………… TV.

A) had cleaned / had watched

B) cleaned/watched

C) cleaned / had watched

D) had cleaned / watched

24.There are three……. on the desk

A) diary

B) diarys

C) diaries

D) diaryies

25…….dress is expensive but it’s very nice.

A) This

B) These

C) Them

D) Those

26.It must be about two years since we last ……..

A) meet

B) has met

C) have met

D) met

27.They are at home today. They….. TV at the moment

A) watch

B) are watching

C) watches


28………the film I remembered where I'd left my keys.

A) in

B) While

C) On

D) During

29.This letter isn’t for… . It’s for ..

A) you,me

B) yours, mine

C) you,I

D) your, my

30.The students hope … all the examinations because they've been preparing for a long time.

A) to pass

B) passing

C) pass

D) to passing

31.They arrived …..three o'clock ……the afternoon

A) in/for

B) last /-

C) at / in

D) when / ago

32.She ……in Paris since 1999.

A) have lived

B) was living

C) lived

D) has lived

33.They’re really angry because someone ……their car.

A) was damaged

B) has damaged

C) damage

D) has been damaged

34.Mary is away at the moment. She will be back ... Monday




D) of

Чтение 1 текста как на 3 варианте

Чтение 2 текста как на 3 варианте

6 вариант


Thank you very much, Mark.

You’re welcome.

I’m really sorry about the coffee.

That’s OK. It’s late.

Our meeting’s at twelve thirty.

We can take a taxi.


Do you like the shirt?

Well, yeah, it’s exactly the same as the other one.

The same? It’s completely different!


Typical man!

Allie, can I ask you something?

Yeah. What?

Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?


Yeah. You see… it’s my birthday.

Oh! Happy birthday!

I’m sorry, but I can’t have dinner tonight.

I’m busy.


How about Friday night?

Friday? Well… OK.

Do you know a good restaurant?

Let me think.

Do you like Italian food?

I love it.

Well, there’s a new Italian restaurant.

We can go there.

Good idea. Taxi!

1.Mark apologizes for.

  1. being late

  2. losing something

  3. bringing wrong papers

  4. spilling coffee

2.Allie can't have a dinner with Mark as she is….


B) busy

C) awful

D) free

3.Mark asks Allie about a restaurant because he…….

A)wants twork in a restaurant

B) wants to buy something teat

C) wants to find a good restaurant

D) is hungry

4.They are going to the meeting.

A)by bus

B) on the underground

C) by taxi

D) on foot

5.Allie suggests……

A) an Italian restaurant

B) dancing in the evening

C)walking in the park

D) a coffee bar

6.Mark thinks the shirt is…..

A)not exactly the same

B) the same as the other one

C)not good

D) completely different

7.They are going …….after shopping.


B) to have some coffee

C) to the meeting

D) To the Italian restaurant

8.Mark wants Allie to have dinner with him…….

A) next day

B) that very day

C)next week

D) next Saturday
2-слушание текст не найден
9. Thoreau …………his perfect house at the age of 28.


B) bought

C) constructed

D) decorated

10.Thoreau lived in the …….century.

A) nineteenth

B) twentieth



11.According tthe text, Mukesh owns not only the house, but also

A) cars

B) population

C) a driver

D) a rider

12.The Ambani family lives at the top of the building and has a view of the……


B) Beautiful lake

C)Swimming pool.

D) Arabian Sea

13. Thoreau's house was a…….. house.

A) guest

B) movable

C) small

D) wooden

14.Thoreau died at the age of

A) 28

B) 27

C) 45

D) 55

15.Mukesh has a ……house.

  1. cheap

  2. small

  3. simple

D) big

16.The first six floors of Ambani's house are for


B) cars


D) relaxation

Лексико-грамматические тесты
17.She……… fell off the edge of the platform because she went too……to it.

  1. nearly, near

  2. nearly, nearly

  3. near, nearly

  4. near, near

18…………..by all his friends, he decided to become a monk.


B) To reject

C) Rejected

D) Is rejecting

19.Our new division manager…… speak four languages.

  1. be able to

  2. ought

  3. can

  4. have

20.Complete the sentence. The Alps are ... than the Urals.

  1. the highest

  2. highest

  3. the higher

  4. higher

21. I use the car … often than I used to.

A) lesser

B) least

C) less

D) the less

22. His wish that everybody………….in the work was reasonable.

  1. took part

  2. take part

  3. shall take part

  4. should take part

23……Panama Canal joins……Atlantic Ocean and…… Pacific Ocean.

A) The, the, the

B) -,-,the

C) -,-,-

D) -, the,the

24.Jane's house is the green one….. of the street.

  1. for the end

  2. on the end

  3. until the end

  4. at the end

25.When I ……a job, I…… for a place to live.

  1. will have found, will look

  2. have found, will look

  3. have found, look

  4. will had found, will look

26.Cheese ……from milk.

A) are produced

B) produces

C)is produced

D) are being produced

27.I……. I …….my sister’s secret.

A) wish, would knew

B) wish, knew

C)wish, had known

D) wish, know

28.The first price by Jack.

A) won

B) was won

C) wins

D has won

29. They ... the film yet.

A) doesn’t study

B) haven’t seen

C) didn’t seen

D) hasn’t seen

30.All the rooms…. the hotel have air conditioning.

A) to

B) in

C) on

D) at

31.I went to….. Italy last year.

A) an

B) a

C) -

D) the

32.Sarah’s mother ….up in Scotland.

A) had grown

B) grew


D) has grown

33.He’d love ... on his own. but he simply can’t afford ... his own flat.

A) living / having

B) having lived /have

C)To live / to have

D)live / to be having

34.My friends postponed…… to the new house.

A) move

B) to moving

C)To move


1 Чтение

Money Can’t Buy Everything

Nick was a 10 year old boy. He was the only son of his parents. Nick’s father was a businessman who could not spend time with his son. He came home after Nick slept., and was at work before Nick woke up in the morning. But Nick wanted to go outdoors and play with his father.

One day, Nick was surprised to see his father at home in the evening.

“Dad, it is a big surprise to see you at home,” Nick said.

“Yes son, my meeting was cancelled. So I’m at home. But after two hours I have to catch a flight,” his father replied.

“When will you be back?”

“Tomorrow noon.”

Nick was in deep thought for a while. Then he asked, “Dad, how much do you earn per one year?”

Nick’s father was taken aback. He said, “My dear son, it’s a very big amount and you won’t be able to understand it.”

“Ok dad, are you happy with the amount you earn?”

“Yes my dear. I’m very happy. Isn’t that great?”

“Yes, dad. I’m happy to hear that. Can I ask you one more question?”

“Yes, dear.”

“Dad, can you tell me how much you earn per day?”

“Nick, why are you asking this question?” Nick’s father was perplexed.

Nick’s father replied, “It will be around S 25. - per hour.”

Nick ran this room and came back with his savings: “ Dad, I have $50 in my piggy bank. Can you spare two hours for me?”

35.Nick's father earned a of money.

  1. very little

  2. very a little

  3. very many

  4. big amount

36. Nick's father had to go away after hours.

A) three

B) second


D) two

37. The boy was very happy when he saw his father at

A) school

B) cafe

C) street

D) home

38.His father went to work before his son .

A) got off

B)woke up

C) sleep

D) dress on

39………….was surprised when he saw his father at home

A) Father

B) Nancy

C)The boy

D) Mother

40…….brought a lot of money to their family

A) Father


C) Both

D) Mother

41.Nick wanted to play….

A) indoor

B) outside

C) alone

D) inside

42.His father went to work.... his son woke up.

A) before

B) after

C) until

D) because
2 Чтение

Are Zoos a Good Thing?

Zoos are incredibly popular attractions both for adults and children. But are they really a good thing?

Critics of zoos claim that animals often suffer physically and mentally by being enclosed. Even the best artificial environments can't come close to matching the space, diversity and freedom that animals have in their natural habitats. This deprivation causes many zoo animals to become stressed or mentally ill. Capturing animals in the wild also causes much suffering by splitting up families. Some zoos make animals behave unnaturally: for example, marine parks often force dolphins and whales to perform tricks. These mammals may die decades earlier than their wild relatives, and some even commit suicide.

On the other hand, by bringing people and animals together, zoos educate the public about conservation issues and inspire people to protect animals and their habitats. Some zoos provide a safe environment for animals which have been mistreated in circuses, or pets which have been abandoned. Zoos also learn- out important research into subjects like animal behaviour and how threat illnesses.

One of the most important modern functions of zoos is supporting international breeding programmes, particularly for endangered species. In the wild, some of the rarest species have difficulty in finding mates, and are also threatened by poachers, loss of their habitat and predators. A good zoo will enable these species to live and breed in a secure environment. Breeding programmes provide a safeguard: zoo-bred animals can be released in to the wild to increase genetic diversity. However, opponents of zoos say that a great number of captive breeding programmes do not release animals back in to the wild. Surplus animals are sold not only to other zoos but also to circuses or hunting ranches in the US or South Africa, where some people are willing to pay a lot of money for the chance to kill an animal in a fenced enclosure. Often, these animals are familiar with humans and have very little chance of escaping.

So, are zoos good for animals or not? Perhaps it all depends on how well individual zoos are managed, and the benefits of zoos can surely overweigh their harmful effects.
43.There are zoos which provide a secure environment for……

A) endangered dolphins

B) abandoned pets

C) wounded predators

D) wild whales

44.The USA and South Africa have…… that bring their owners a lot of money.

A) artificial habitats

B)whale shows

C) hunting ranches

D) marine parks

45.International breeding programmes deal primarily with……

A) wild animals

B) dolphins and whales

C) disappearing animals

D) predators and their mates

46.It is often difficult for the rare species in the wild to find (a)



C) food

D) pair mate

47.There are zoos which provide a safe environment for the animals that suffered from in circus.

A) misinterpretation

B) genetidiversity

C)poor and scanty nutrition

D) exploitation

48.According to, …….most captive breeding programmes do not release the animals back in to their natural habitats.

A) pet abusers

B) zoo opponents

C) environmentalists

D) hunters and poachers

49.Predators,…….and the loss of habitat are the main factors putting the lives of rare species at risk.



C) circuses

D) researchers

50…….are often made to perform tricks in marine parks to entertain visitors.

A)The rarest predators

B)Endangered species

C) Mammals

D) Birds
7 вариант

1-слушание текст не найден
1.According to the dialogue Pat and Tim both love.

A) karate

B) golf

C) concerts

D) music

2.According to the dialogue Pat isn't very good at.

A) computer games

B)jazz music

C) the guitar

D) French films

3.Tim ……in a company.

A) has flexible hours

B)watches DVD

C) travels a lot

D) manages a team

4.Tim sometimes with his colleagues after work.

A) does sport

B) watches sports

C) goes out

D) underdoes

5.Tim meets his colleagues in after work.

A) the cafe

B) a restaurant

C) French cinema

D) the office

6.The dialogue is mainly about Pat and Tim discussing.

A)golf and cuisine

B) jobs and leisure

C)pastime activities and classes

D) films and discos

7.Normally Tim works about hours a week.

A) 30

B) 35


D) 45

8.Tim meets his colleagues after work.

A) usually


C) often

D) sometimes



Thank you very much, Mark.

You’re welcome.

I’m really sorry about the coffee.

That’s OK. It’s late.

Our meeting’s at twelve thirty.

We can take a taxi.


Do you like the shirt?

Well, yeah, it’s exactly the same as the other one.

The same? It’s completely different!


Typical man!

Allie, can I ask you something?

Yeah. What?

Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?


Yeah. You see… it’s my birthday.

Oh! Happy birthday!

I’m sorry, but I can’t have dinner tonight.

I’m busy.


How about Friday night?

Friday? Well… OK.

Do you know a good restaurant?

Let me think.

Do you like Italian food?

I love it.

Well, there’s a new Italian restaurant.

We can go there.

Good idea. Taxi!

9.Mark asks Allie about a restaurant because he.

A) wants to find a good restaurant

B)wants to work in a restaurant

C)is hungry

D)wants tbuy something to eat

10.Allie can't have a dinner with Mark as she is.

A) free

B) upset

C) busy

D) awful

11.They are going to the Italian restaurant.

A) to have some coffee

B) because they have a meeting there

C)To show Allie's new shirt

D) to have dinner

12.Allie's idea was about.

A) going tthe Italian restaurant

B) having coffee after the meeting

C) buying Mark a new shirt

D)buying Allie a new shirt

13.They are going tthe meeting.

A) by bus

B) on the underground

C) on foot

D) by taxi

14.Allie doesn't agree to go to the party because she.

A) wants tgshopping

B) is going tanother party

C) is busy

D)doesn't like Mark

15.Allie suggested Mark going

A) to the Italian restaurant

B) to the shop

C) home

D) to the coffee house

16.It was birthday that day.0

A) Allie's

B) Mark's

C) their friend's

D) their colleague's

Лексико-грамматические тесты
17.I have got a problem….. you help me, please?

A) Shall

B) May

C) Can

D) Do

18.He… on holiday next Saturday.

A) will going

B) went

C) is going

D)has gone

19.Shakespeare's plays remain ………..popular today and are …………studied.

A) highful, constant

B) highly, constantly

C) highly constant

D) high, constant

20.He brightened as if he ……….a gift.

A) received

B) would have received

C)had received


21.I went to ……Italy last year.

A) an

B) a

C) -


22.I eat.. apple every day.

A) an

B) the

C) -

D) a

23.Chinese is ……….than English but Spanish is…… than German.

A)more difficult; more easy

B) the most difficult; easier

C) difficult; easy

D) more difficult; easier

24.My friend ………..at the University for twenty years by the first of May.

A) will have been working

B) will work

C) worked

D) will be working

25.She’s very good …..mathematics.

A) in

B) at

C) of


26.She .. fell off the edge of the platform because she went… to it.

A) nearly, near

B) near, near

C)near, nearly

D)nearly, nearly

27.The house of my parents……….. in 1973

A) build

B) is built

C) builds

D) was built

28.Police asked me for….. address.

A) my

B) I’m

C) me

D) mine

29.All the rooms.. the hotel have air conditioning.

A) at

B) to

C) in

D) on

30.Our new division manager…. speak four languages.

A) have

B) can

C) ought

D) be able to

31.He’d love ... on his own, but he simply can’t afford ... his own flat.

A) to live /to have

B) live / to be having

C) living /having

D) having lived/ have

32.Complete the sentence. They left the country in 1950.

A) ninety fifty

B) nineteen fifty

C) nineteen fifteen

D) one hundred nine to housand and fifty

33.Cheese …..from milk.

A) is produced

B) produces

C)are being produced

D)are produced

34.His wish that everybody. …..in the work was reasonable

A) took part

B) should take part

C) take part

D) shall take part

Чтение 1 текста как на 6 варианте

Чтение 2 текста как на 6 варианте

8 вариант


An interview

Robin Knight the television reporter, is interviewing the Duchess of Wessex for the programme «The English At Home».

Robin. — Now, Duchess… tell us about an ordinary day in your life

Duchess. — Well, I wake up at seven o’clock…

Robin. — Really? Do you get up then?

Duchess. — No, of course I don’t get up at that time. I have breakfast in bed and I read «The Times».

Robin. — What time do you get up?

Duchess. — I get up at ten.

Robin. — What do you do then?

Duchess. — I read my letters and dictate the replies to my secretary.

Robin. -… and then.

Duchess. — At eleven I walk in the garden with Philip.

Robin. — Oh? Who’s Philip?

Duchess. — Philips my dog.

Robin. — What time do you have lunch?

Duchess. — I have lunch at twelve thirty.

Robin. — And after lunch?

Duchess. — Oh, I rest until six o’clock.

Robin. -… and at six? What do you do at six?

Duchess. — I dress for dinner. We have dinner at eight.

Robin. — What time do you go to bed?

Duchess. — Well, I have a bath at nine thirty, and I go to bed at ten.

Robin. — Thank you, Duchess… you certainly have a busy and interesting life!
1.The name of the television reporter is

A) Roland White

B) Rodger Night

C) Ronald Kite

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