Варианты тестов платного пробного тестирования нцт 020 года вариант 1-слушание Text

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C) fight for their rights

D) study at school

50.Australia is an island and nearly times as large as the British Isles.

A) 6

B) 25

C) 18

D) 26

Вопросы из реальных тестов 2019 года c ответами.

Отдельно Listening, Lexical-grammar test и reading


Text 1

  1. Mike suggested registering for other...

  1. clubs

  2. classes

  3. places

  4. colleges

  1. There is nothing to do for the student but get some ... that will be useful.

  1. papers

  2. classes

  3. journals

  4. books

  1. One of the students forgot about...

  1. motivation

  2. semester

  3. consultation

  4. registration

  1. There is nothing to do for the student but get some classes that will be ...

  1. objecting

  2. safety

  3. still open

  4. rejecting

  1. One of the person’s name in the dialog is ...

  1. Mike

  2. Pete

  3. Nick

  4. John

  1. Mike is sure that one should not... registering for classes.

  1. break

  2. refuse

  3. choose

  4. miss

  1. In Mike’s opinion professor of Philosophy is really ...

  1. strict

  2. cool

  3. bad

  4. selfish

  1. 101 is a number of... class

  1. psychology

  2. sociology

  3. math

  4. philosophy

Text 2

  1. Steve and Mike planning on ... today

  1. Doing nothing

  2. Watching a movie

  3. Playing pool

  4. Drinking beer

  1. Steve has to ... later today

  1. Study for exams

  2. Watch a television show

  3. Meet parents for dinner

  4. Go to a party

  1. The weather will be ... tomorrow

  1. the Same

  2. Clear and Sunny

  3. Neither A or B

  4. Both A and B

  1. They planning to ... tomorrow

  1. Watch a movie after lunch

  2. Lunch together then watch a concert at 1 pm

  3. Eat dinner together

  4. Go to a party at eleven thirty

  1. The concert will be ...

  1. In the forest

  2. By the river

  3. On the beach

  4. In the townhall

  1. Steve was ...

  1. watching T.V.

  2. taking dinner.

  3. meeting his parents.

  4. doing nothing.

  1. ... is/are getting bored?

  1. Steve.

  2. Mike

  3. Both Steve and Mike

  4. None of them

  1. What time does the live concert start?

  1. At 1 a.m.

  2. At 13.00

  3. at 11.30

  4. At 11 p.m.

Text 3

  1. ... asked Ann to do something different for their New Year holiday.

  1. Tom

  2. Tom’s friends

  3. Friends

  4. Parents

2.When the Kremlin clock strikes at twelve, ... wish Happy New Year to each other.

  1. Ann and Tom

  2. Ann and her parents

  3. Tom and his friends

  4. Ann and her friends

3... thinks it’s boring to celebrate the New Year holiday with parents.

  1. Tom

  2. Friends

  3. Ann

  4. Parents

4.Ann invited Tom to celebrate New Year with her...

  1. colleagues

  2. relatives

  3. family

  4. friends

5.Tom’s ... plan to have fun playing games and dancing at a party.

  1. parents

  2. relatives

  3. girlfriend

  4. friends

6.Tom thinks it’s boring to celebrate New Year with ...

  1. groupmates

  2. friends

  3. Ann

  4. parents

7... usually gets lots of presents from relatives.

  1. Ann

  2. Tom

  3. Ann’s parents

  4. Tom’s parents

8.Tom suggested to ...

  1. stay with parents

  2. play games and dance

  3. watch TV

  4. go to bed

Text 4

  1. First of all, the girl visited the ...

  1. Piccadilly Circus

  2. Big Ben

  3. Stonehenge

  4. Trafalgar Square

  1. The boy wants to ... the girl in the next trip.

  1. leave

  2. refuse

  3. join

  4. invite

  1. The girl’s trip to Great Britain was ...

  1. boring

  2. amazing

  3. wonderful

  4. unforgettable

  1. The girl wanted to ... as many sights as possible.

  1. visit

  2. read about

  3. more about

  4. speak about

  1. ... had a trip to Great Britain

  1. The girl

  2. The girl’s friend

  3. Adam

  4. The boy

  1. ... wanted to know more about her trip.

  1. Nelson

  2. Adam

  3. The girl

  4. The boy

  1. The second place which the girl visited was

  1. the Piccadilly Circus

  2. the British school

  3. the Trafalgar Square

  4. the Stonehenge

  1. The girl wanted to see as many ... as possible.

  1. cities

  2. parks

  3. sights

  4. photos

Text 5

  1. Maria works in a ...

  1. big shopping centre

  2. service provider center

  3. pharmaceutical company

  4. mail delivering company

  1. Maria's work place is like a/an ...

  1. cubicle

  2. office

  3. laboratory

  4. dormitory

3 Maria ... during her working day.

  1. talks a lot

  2. complains and shouts

  3. plays games

  4. answers calls

  1. According to the dialogue Maria talks with ... at her work.

  1. customers and suppliers

  2. boss and dealers

  3. customers and rivals

  4. boss and suppliers

  1. Maria's work place is a ...

  1. big office

  2. shared space

  3. cubicle

  4. laboratory

  1. Maria finds her job ...

  1. important

  2. satisfying

  3. boring

  4. stressful

  1. Maria thinks it’s awful that people ...

  1. complain and shout at her

  2. are too strict

  3. are late for work

  4. talk too much

  1. She smokes too much, and can't sleep well because of...

  1. street noise

  2. the phone

  3. her husband's job

  4. neighbors' pets

Text 6

  1. ... is British

  1. Carmen’s mother

  2. The director

  3. Her friend

  4. Carmen’s teacher

  1. Carmen's teacher is ...

  1. American

  2. British

  3. Mexican

  4. French

  1. The ... are from many different countries.

  1. parents

  2. students

  3. directors

  4. technicians

  1. Carmen admires ... as her classes are fun.

  1. students

  2. peers

  3. places

  4. Helen

  1. Helen is from ...

  1. the USA

  2. Spain

  3. Mexico

  4. Italy

  1. Carmen’s mother is ...

  1. British

  2. Spanish

  3. Mexican

  4. French

  1. Carmen tells us ...

  1. what she likes about her Spanish course

  2. who likes her English course

  3. what she likes about her English course

  4. why she dislikes her English course

  1. ... is French.

  1. Carmen’s mother

  2. Carmen's friend

  3. Carmen

  4. Carmen’s teacher

Text 7

  1. He speaks ... quite well.

  1. Portuguese

  2. Italian

  3. English

  4. Spanish

  1. The author plans to earn some money to ...

  1. go on university studies

  2. travel around the world

  3. book a flight to Rio

  4. visit his friends abroad

  1. Contacting parents is crucial as they will ...

  1. be anxious about him

  2. find him the university

  3. be able to join him

  4. have to visit him

  1. He is going to ... in Brazil and Guatemala.

  1. spend money on gifts

  2. work in a local restaurant

  3. visit his friends

  4. meet his friends from university

  1. The boy’s plans for the nearest month are to ...

  1. travel round South America

  2. write letters to pen friends

  3. enter the cooking school

  4. open his own restaurant

  1. As soon as the speaker has enough money, he will book a flight to ...

  1. Guatemala

  2. Rio de Janeiro

  3. America

  4. Spain

  1. As soon as he ... will book a flight.

  1. earns enough money

  2. travels around the world

  3. enters the university

  4. writes to his friends abroad

  1. The speaker plans to contact with parents ...

  1. three times a week

  2. once a month

  3. twice a week

  4. twice a day

Text 8

  1. Mark ordered another...

  1. tea

  2. brownie

  3. coffee

  4. sandwich

  1. Allie needs a new shirt because ...

  1. she can’t go to the meeting in a dirty shirt.

  2. Mark doesn’t like her shirt.

  3. she likes new shirts

  4. Allie prefers wearing new shirts at meetings.

  1. They are talking ...

  1. in class

  2. at home

  3. in the cafe

  4. in the office

  1. Allie ... has her white clothes spoilt.

  1. not often

  2. never

  3. seldom

  4. rather often

  1. They are going shopping after having coffee because ...

  1. Allie needs coffee before shopping.

  2. Mark ordered another coffee.

  3. They don’t have enough time.

  4. Allie asks for more coffee.

  1. Mark asks Allie to sit down and relax because ...

  1. Allie feels bad

  2. they had a difficult day

  3. they have enough time

  4. Allie is tired

  1. Mark proposed to go to the ...

  1. staff meeting

  2. cafe

  3. office

  4. shop

  1. Mark paid ... in the coffee house.

  1. 6.35

  2. 6.50

  3. 5.65

  4. 6.45

Text 9

  1. Heather’s brother arrives in town at...

  1. 7pm Thursday

  2. 9pm Tuesday

  3. 8pm Tuesday

  4. 8pm Thursday

  1. He flying from ...

  1. London

  2. Paris

  3. Mexico

  4. Melbourne

  1. They are going to ... on Thursday evening.

  1. Go to restaurant

  2. Stay at home

  3. Go to visit friends

  4. Go to Melbourne

  1. Terry is going to stay with her...

  1. two weeks

  2. until Friday

  3. until Monday

  4. for a week

  1. They are going to ... on Friday afternoon.

  1. have lunch at restaurant

  2. have a picnic at beach

  3. have a picnic in countryside

  4. swim at beach

  1. The Mexican restaurant is on ...

  1. 17th Avenue

  2. 27th Avenue

  3. 7th Avenue

  4. 57th Avenue

  1. They are going to have lunch ... on Saturday.

  1. In 7th Avenue

  2. In Central Park

  3. In the museum

  4. In a Japanese restaurant

  1. Heather’s surprise have for brother is ...

  1. a basketball match

  2. a party

  3. a fishing trip

  4. meeting a famous person

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