Чтобы свести ущерб от крупных землетрясений к минимуму

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предзащита 1

1) Automatic earthquake warning system integrated with the Internet of Things
2) my thesis is to create an early warning system for earthquakes in order to gain at least 30 seconds or a minute for people to leave the building or take children under supervision and choose a safe position, to help the elderly and people with disabilities.
I will build a prototype station on Arduino, where there will be sensors that will send information to the site. And there will be an alarm notification if the site receives information about strong waves from the station.
Also, with the help of this system, we can buy time to turn off important infrastructure machines, turn off gas and electricity to avoid major accidents. We can stop traffic and the subway, warn pilots not to land planes at this time. This list can include a lot more accidents that can be minimized.
Чтобы свести ущерб от крупных землетрясений к минимуму
Стихийное бедствие, вызванное землетрясением, влечет за собой не только потерю жизни и имущества, но и функциональный ущерб городской деятельности и социально-экономические потери

Intense ground shaking during large earthquakes can damage or even cause failure of engineered structures such as buildings, bridges, highways, and dams. Sustained strong shaking can also trigger ground failures, such as rock falls, landslides, earthflows and liquefaction.


1. Full study the capstone project title and and find the necessary resources.

4 -5 weeks

2. Make a project plan

1 week

3. Work on creating a website

4 - 5 weeks

4. Investigate and select the necessary sensors for the prototype station (Arduino)

2 weeks

5. Work on a prototype of the station (Arduino)

4 weeks

6. Set up the connection between the station and the site

2 weeks

7. Testing the system, find and fix bugs

2 weeks

8. Work on the theoretical part

2 weeks

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