Ч.І. (для рівня B1 +) / За загальною редакцією проф. Корольової А. В. Київ 2007 Видавництво Національного педагогічного університету ім. М. П. Драгоманова

Прослухайте, прочитайте текст, розкриваючи дужки та ставлячи дієслова в правильній формі

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14. Прослухайте, прочитайте текст, розкриваючи дужки та ставлячи дієслова в правильній формі.
One evening when Andy Donovan (to go) ___ to dinner at his boarding house on Second Avenue, he _________ (to introduce) to a new boarder, a young lady Miss Conway. She (to be) ______ and (to wear) ____ a plain brown dress.

Two weeks later Andy (to sit) ______ on the front steps enjoying his cigar, there (to be) a soft rustle behind and above him. Andy (to turn) ___ his head – and had his head turned.

Just to coming out the door (to be) ____ Miss Conway. She (to wear) ___ a night-black dress, her hat (to be) _____ black and from it (to fell) ____ a veil, filmy as a spider’s web. She (to stand) ____ on the top step and (to draw on) the black silk gloves. Not a speck of white, or a spot of colour about her dress anywhere. Her rich golden hair (to draw) _____ into a shining smooth knot low on her neck. Her face (to be) _____ plain rather than pretty but it (to be illuminated) now and (to make) ______ almost beautiful by her large grey eyes that (to gaze) _____ above the houses across the street into the sky with an expression of the most appealing sadness and melancholy.

А. Поставте запитання до тексту.




4 _______________________________________________



В. Спираючись на питання до тексту, утворіть діалог та інсценуйте його.


15. У стародавні часи перед тим, як взяти людину на роботу, їй пропонували поїсти. З того, як робітник їв, господар робив висновок про його роботоспроможність. Протестуйте себе та зробіть відповідні висновки.

Do this questionnaire and discover more about yourself and which job you would be good at.
1. If you were invited to have dinner in an expensive restaurant by your friend's parents and you discovered that they had your favorite food but it was very expensive, would you order it?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Maybe
2. If you were on a diet but someone offered you a piece of chocolate cake it was their birthday, would you eat it?

a. No

b. Yes

c. Maybe
3. In some parts of China, they eat dogs. If you went to China, would you try it?

a. No

b. Yes

c. Maybe, but you would prefer not to because you like dogs.

4. If you were in restaurant and you found a hair in your food, would you complain?

a. No

b. Yes

c. Maybe
5. If you invited a friend to your house for dinner but you dropped the food on the floor (which was clean) two minutes before they arrived, what would you do?

a. Confess and by something else

b. Pick it up and say nothing

c. Confess, but explain that the floor was clean
6. If you invited your vegetarian friend to dinner but after the meal you remembered that your mother had put a little bit of meat in it, would you tell it him/her?

a. No

b. Yes

c. Maybe

7. If you went to a party where you didn't know anyone but there was a lot of food what would you do?

a. Eat the food

b. Try to talk to new people

c. Carry around the food, offering it to people

8. If you only had one of favorite chocolates left who would you offer it to?

a. Nobody

b. A boyfriend/girlfriend

c. Anyone

9. Have you ever bought any food (such a chocolate, ice cream or cakes) after seeing or hearing an advertisement?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Can't remember

10. If you were in England and you went to a restaurant and saw a sign which said All you can it for ¤ 10 what would you do?

a. Eat what you wanted but no more

b. Eat as much as possible until you were sick

c. Eat as much as possible and then try to take some home by putting it in your bag.









































Food Psychology analysis

    1. You are quite a determined person, aren't you? You make a decisions

quickly and work quite hard. You are also quite competitive, aren't you?

You like winning and being top of the class. Occasionally you are a bit


  • Job which you would enjoy: Lawyer, Accountant, Traffic Warden

16-23 You are a logical person. You like talking to people. But you are also happy

when you are alone. You are normally quite relaxed and organised although

you occasionally panic when you have to do exams.

  • Job which you would enjoy: Manager, Computer analyst, Engineer, Football referee

24-30 You are a kind person who usually thinks of your friends. Normally you

are very generous and energetic. When people have problems they talk to

you, don't they?

  • Job which you would enjoy: Doctor, Teacher, Psychologist

17. Затишне місце для прийому гостей та відпочинку біля телевізора потребує частих походів по магазинах. Прочитайте текст та порівняйте магазини у Британії та в Україні.

Most shops in Britain open at 9.00 am and close at 5.00 or 5.30 in the evening. Small shops usually close for an hour at lunch time. On one or two days a week - usually Thursday/Friday some large food shops stay open till about 8.00 pm for late night shopping.

Many shops are closed in the afternoon on one day a week. The day is usually Wednesday or Thursday and it is a different day in different towns.

Nearly all shops are closed on Sundays. Newspaper shops are open in the morning and sell sweets and cigarettes as well. But there are legal restrictions on selling many things on Sundays.

In general, overseas visitors don't have much difficulty know­ing where to buy things. Most shops sell the things that you would not expect them too. One problem is stamps. In Great Britain you can only buy these at post office. Many large food shops (super­markets) are self-service. When you go into one of these shops you take a basket and you put the things you wish to buy into it. You queque up at a cash-desk and pay tor everything just before you leave.

If someone tries to take things from a shop without paying they are almost certain to be caught. Most shops have store detectives who have the job catching shoplifters. Shoplifting is considered a serious crime by the police and the courts.

When you are waiting to be served in a shop it is important to wait your turn. It is important not to try to be served before people who arrived before you. Many people from overseas are astonished 'at the British habit of quequeing.

17. Прочитайте оповідання та обсудіть правила поведінки за столом. Чи дотримуєтеся ви завжди цих правил.


(A List of Do’s and Don’ts)

On the continent people have good food; in England people have good table manners.

Don’t put your elbows on the table. Sit facing the table and keep your feet under you, don't stretch them all the way under the table. Never stretch over the table for something you want, ask your neighbour to pass it. Take a slice of bread from the bread-plate by hand; don’t harpoon your bread with a fork. Don’t bite into the whole slice, break it ff piece by piece. Vegetables, potatoes, macaroni are placed on your fork with the help of your knife. Cut your meat into small pieces, one piece at a time. Chicken requires special handling. Just cut as much as you can, and when you can’t use knife and fork any longer, use your fingers. Don’t use a knife for fish, cutlets or omelettes. Don’t use a spoon for what can be eaten with a fork. Don’t eat off the knife. Don’t lick your spoon. Try to make as little noise as possible when eating, or they’ll say you’re a noisy eater. Don’t talk with your mouth full. Never read while eating (at least in company). Never spoil your neighbour’s appetite by criticizing what he is eating. The customary way to refuse a dish is by saying: "No, thank you." Don’t say, "I don’t eat that stuff" and don’t make faces to show you don’t like it. If you really feel hungry ask for a second helping. And finally, don't forget to say "thank you" for very act of kindness. By the way, English people do not wish each other "Good appetite".
Phrases to Remember

to put elbows on... — класти ліктя на...

to sit facing... — сидіти обличчям до...

to spoil the appetite — псувати апетит

to make faces — робити гримаси

the customary way загальноприйнятий спосіб

to require special handling — вимагати особливого звертання
А. З”єднайте слова та утворіть словосполучення.



slice of








В. Знайдіть речення з цими словосполученнями та запишіть їх.

С. Поставте до них запитання та утворіть діалог.

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D. Обсудіть з одногрупниками: яка різниця в поведінці людей за столом при офіційній зустрічі, в колі друзів, з родичами.


18. Вітальня – це місце романтичних вечірок. Запропонований тест допоможе вам замислитись над питанням що “є кохання та чому його обожнюють люди”.
Put the definitions 1 to 16 into categories: cynical, romantic or realistic. Decide which category the definitions of being in love fall into and write the numbers. You may add your own definitions of being in love. Write them under the relevant headings.

  1. …is more like being on a battlefield than in a bed of roses.

  2. …is all you need.

  3. …makes you suffer.

  4. makes you lose control.

  5. is bad for your health.

  6. …is only for yong people.

  7. …is better than having all the money in the world.

  8. means wedding rings.

  9. …is the strongest emotion you will ever feel.

  10. …is painful.

  11. is playing a fool’s game.

  12. …is hearts and flowers.

  13. distracts you from the more important things in life.




19. Свята ми ,безумовно, святкуємо у вітальній кімнаті. Але легше святковувати ,ніж прибирати. Прочитайте текст.

A good housewife, as a rule, rises early in the morning. First of all she makes a fire in the stove and then begins to make coffee and get breakfast ready. By the time breakfast is ready, her husband and children are up too.

Breakfast is over, but her work is not; it has only just begun. While the eldest daughter attends to the children, she tidies the rooms. She sweeps the floors, makes the beds, dusts the furniture, etc. When everything in the house is quite neat and in good order, she goes marketing and buys provisions for the day. After that she begins to prepare lunch. When she sits down to lunch at midday, she feels fairly tired, and yet the day holds some more fatigue in reserve for her. There is the dinner to be cooked, but as it happens to be washing-day, there is a bundle of clothes to be washed and dried. The ironing and mending is generally done on evenings. Now that the washing is done, there comes the dinner to be prepared. It must be ready by the time father comes home from his work at six o’clock.

While father smokes his pipe after dinner, she clears the table and washes up the dishes. And that is not all. In the short while the smaller children are to be washed and put to bed. It is only late in the evening that she manages to sit down in the arm-chair, but not to rest. There are the socks and stockings to be darned and the clothes to be mended. She takes out her work-box with her scissors, reels of cotton and silk thread, pins and needles, caps her middle finger with her thimble, and down she gets to mending the clothes, putting on a patch and sewing up a rent there. The evening has far advanced into the night and everything is quiet in the house. Even father has long ago put away his evening newspaper and gone to bed, but mother is still at work – up first, she goes to bed last.

А. Підберіть антоніми до слів, спираючись на текст.

В. Знайдіть речення і слова з другої колонки ( Вправа А) та випишіть їх.


С. Поставте запитання до виписаних речень та утворіть діалог.

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D. Обсудіть с одногрупниками, як ви закінчуєте святкування, запропонуйте свої рецепти, як не зіпсувати настрій собі та близьким.


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