Formulating the research problem/ зерттеу мәселесін тұжырымдау

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Zamadin Olzhas (Mozh)

  1. FORMULATING THE RESEARCH PROBLEM/ зерттеу мәселесін тұжырымдау

The study of the possibilities of information technology as a means of increasing the efficiency of the process of teaching the basics of molecule-kinetic theory.. This contributes to the solution of three main didactic tasks:
1. Study of software products for use in physics lessons.
2. Selection of software tools and mastering them.
3. Development of animated models of mechanical phenomena.
4. Do educational work to study the modeling environment.
Молекула-кинетикалық теорияның негіздерін оқыту процесінің тиімділігін арттыру құралы ретінде ақпараттық технологиялардың мүмкіндіктерін зерттеу. Бұл төрт негізгі дидактикалық мәселені шешуге ықпал етеді:
1. Физика сабақтарында қолдануға арналған бағдарламалық өнімдерді зерттеу.
2. Бағдарламалық жасақтаманы таңдау және игеру.
3. Механикалық құбылыстардың анимациялық модельдерін жасау.
4. Модельдеу ортасын зерттеу бойынша білім беру жұмыстарын жүргізіңіз.
The most important conclusions of the thesis are the following:
1) The presence of a specific topic or question. A work devoted to the analysis of a wide range of problems in biology, by definition, cannot be performed in the genre of physics literature reviews literature review topic.
2) The literature review expresses individual impressions and thoughts on a specific occasion or issue, in this case, on physics literature reviews and does not knowingly pretend to a definitive or exhaustive interpretation of the subject.
3) As a rule, an essay suggests a new, subjectively colored word about something, such a work may have a philosophical, historical, biographical, journalistic, literary, critical, popular scientific or purely fiction character.
4) In the content of an literature review samples on physics literature reviews, first of all, the author’s personality is assessed - his worldview, thoughts and feelings.
5) The goal of an literature review in physics literature reviews is to develop such skills as independent creative thinking and writing out your own thoughts. 6) the basic concepts of mathematics in the study of physics are: the concepts of number, fraction and degree; the concept of function and ways of its representation; the concept of vector and vector quantity; the concepts of derivative, primitive and integral;
6) there is a lot of practical material for the implementation of interdisciplinary connections of the school course of mathematics and physics: the development of lessons, examples of problem solutions; recommendations for lessons.
The most important conclusions of the thesis are the following:
The work was carried out with the assumption that the introduction of new information technologies in the educational process will contribute to improving the quality of students ' training, since these technologies will make it possible to rationally use study time while observing the basic didactic principles of teaching.
In the general system of theoretical knowledge of students in physics and mathematics in secondary school, the concept of "function" occupies a large place. It has cognitive and ideological significance and plays an important role in the implementation of interdisciplinary connections
The mathematical apparatus used in physics lessons must first be determined in accordance with the fundamental facts, concepts and theories contained in the educational information of the physics course.
Физика сабақтарында қолданылатын математикалық аппарат алдымен физика курсының оқу ақпаратында қамтылған іргелі фактілерге, ұғымдар мен теорияларға сәйкес анықталуы керек.
In my dissertation work, I will take a sample design consistent, deliberate and systematic sampling
Диссертациямда мен үлгі дизайнын дәйекті, әдейі және жүйелі түрде аламын
Data collection in my work will be through graphs and diagrams, by sending questionnaires between students through Google forms "Do you think there is a connection between physics and mathematics?"
Менің жұмысымдағы деректерді жинау графиктер мен диаграммалар арқылы, оқушылар арасында Google Forms арқылы сауалнамалар жіберу арқылы болады " физика мен математика арасында байланыс бар деп ойлайсыз ба?"

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