Глоссарий по информатике

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Глоссарий по информатике

Access is a universal database management system. It is designed to create and maintain databases, to organize queries, all kinds of samples and reports. Contains tools for linking tables and linking with other application packages.

CMOS-memory is used to store the most important information about the computer settings.

It remembers the user password, if it was set, the current time and date.


DVD-ROM. Initially, these discs are designed to record videos. DVDs can have two carrier layers on each side. By increasing the recording density, each layer has an information capacity of 4.7 MB.

It is assumed that DVD-ROM-discs will be produced in three versions: DVD – R – read – only, DVD-writable, DVD-writable.

Excel for WINDOWS is a powerful tool for working with data tables that allows you to organize, analyze, and graphically represent different kinds of data. But spreadsheets are mostly focused on numerical data and have limited ability to maintain databases.


FTP-service - the ability to share files with a remote computer (FTP-server). The transfer is possible in both directions, but mainly RTR servers are used as a storage of files placed there for public access (reading).


Internet – Internet) - external network, network of networks. This is the ability to communicate with all computers in the world connected to the Internet.

Internet Mail (E-mail) does what regular mail does, only many times faster and more reliable.
Internet News (teleconferences) is designed to communicate with groups of individuals or newsgroups, as opposed to e-mail, where correspondence is at the level of individuals.

Jaz-drives, which appeared on the domestic market in 1996, have a capacity of 100 MB or 1 GB. They are also available in both internal and external versions.


WINDOWS XP is an operating system that contains new screens with a clear interface, simplified menus, and more. And this is its main difference from previous versions of graphical shells

WINDOWS 3.1 or Norton COMMANDER shells, which are only an add-on to the MS-DOS operating system.

Word 2003 for Windows XP is a multifunctional word processing program.

World Wild Web (WWW) - - the world wide web Internet.

Zip is an external drive with removable media format 3.5 inches and a capacity of 25 or 100 MB. The Zip device connects to the parallel port of any computer and provides full media filling in 5 minutes. One such medium replaces 65-70 diskettes. Internal drives have a higher read / write speed, providing 100MB fullness in 2 minutes.

Antivirus-programs designed to detect and destroy viruses.

Archive-a set of data or programs stored in a compressed form.
Archivers-programs designed to compress selected files, place them in the archive and write the resulting archive to a floppy disk. Naturally, the archiver should be able to unzip the files, that is, return them to their original state.
Archiving is the process of compressing a file or group of files.
File attribute-a characteristic that defines the file.
Database-a table, in the rows of which objects with their characteristics are represented, and in the columns – homogeneous characteristics. The first line contains the name of the fields (characteristics), the remaining lines are records of the table.
The basic I / o system is one of the MS-DOS OC modules that performs utility functions.
Byte is a unit of memory equal to 8 bits.
Bit is the smallest unit of information.
Lock-prevents subsequent operations from being performed until the current operations are completed.
Notepad is an editor program for working with small text files, included in standard Windows programs.
The browser is a universal means of transportation through networks, with which You will get access to all Internet resources, whether it be e-mail, file storage, Web-pages, databases or other resources.
This name comes from the English browser Explorer. Now there are two such browsers: Microsoft Internet
Explorer and Netscape Navigator.
The clipboard is an area of memory that WINDOWS 98 makes available to programs. Each program can put data there and take it from there.
Video cards are the boards through which the monitor is connected to the computer.
Hard drive-see Hard drive.
Virus "Ghost" - a virus that does not have any permanent code (uses different encryption keys).
The "invisible" virus is a virus that intercepts DOS access to infected files and areas of the disk.
Boot virus-a virus that attacks the DOS boot loader and the main boot record of the hard disk.
A computer virus is a program that can spontaneously join other programs (i.e. "infect" them).
Non-resident virus-a virus that does not write itself to the RAM (when you run the program-virus, then – program).
Resident virus-a virus that is activated in the RAM.
The modernizing virus is a virus that changes the modification of its body.
A network virus is a virus that spreads over a computer network.
External application WINDOWS 98 is a different program, the normal execution of which is provided with WINDOWS 98. An external modem is a separate unit that is connected by a flexible cable to the serial port of the computer and to the AC power adapter. On the case of the external modem is a light model of the indicator that allows you to monitor its operation.
External memory is disks for long-term storage of information, as well as for reading and writing. Disks are divided into hard drive and floppy disks. The latter are convenient for creating backups and exchanging information between users. External memory is a hard disk drive (HDD – hard disk drive), floppy disk (floppy disk) and CD-ROM (CD-ROM). Each of them has its own drive: HDD, FDD, CD-ROM.
Windows 98 internal applications are included with Windows 98 itself. Each of them has its own purpose. For example, the Explorer application provides the necessary service when working with the file system and computer devices. Other applications in the Standard group allow you to create simple text and graphics documents, use media, or work with a modem.
The internal modem is a separate Board installed inside the system unit. It's compact. Does not require Autonomous power supply and is usually cheaper than the external one. The disadvantage of it is that due to the lack of a light panel, the visibility decreases when working with it.
Flexible magnetic disk-a removable magnetic disk on a flexible medium, used in the PC as an external direct access memory.
Hypertext is text that is highlighted or underlined. With this text you have already encountered, referring repeatedly to the Help, as well as when working with reference and legal systems. By clicking on this text, you moved to other related documents. The world Wide Web (WWW) consists entirely of hypertext and, poking the mouse on the links, you can travel the network, getting into a variety of computers, cities, countries.
The main menu contains all the necessary applications, information and support programs at the initial stage of work with the computer.
Global networks connect both individual users and local networks. An example of a global network is the Internet.
The slot is a rectangle bounded by a thin dotted line and is used to enter characters related to this pattern.
The boundary is the limit of change of a certain value.
Window border-vertical and horizontal lines running along the perimeter of the window.
The Paint graphics editor is a standard WINDOWS 98 program and comes with it.
Group of programs-a set of programs, United on a certain basis.
Binary-a type of file that represents a program code, image, or for information-
matting documents (as opposed to pure text files).
A disk is a magnetic medium of information presented in the form of files.
Hard disk-see hard disk Drive.
Logical drive-part of the hard drive memory, identified by the Latin letters C:, D:, etc.
A floppy disk is the same as a floppy disk (floppy disk).
System diskette-the diskette on which the operating system files are stored.
A disk drive is a mechanism for reading and writing information to magnetic disks.
Print Manager-a program that controls the order of the printer.
Program Manager is the main program of the Windows system.
Windows file Manager is a program for working with files and directories.
The display (the screen on the cathode ray tube), otherwise the monitor, is the device that has received the greatest distribution for the output of information from the computer.
Distance learning-Distance learning in the near future will be most in demand for education in those disciplines that are not taught in local schools, or in order to obtain additional information on the topic of interest.
Drivers are programs that ensure proper operation of video systems and other computer devices.
Window title (Windows) – the first line of the window that contains the name of the application running in this window, or the name of the dialog window.
Booting is the process of reading a program from external memory (hard drive, floppy disk, CD-ROM) into the computer's RAM.
A record is a row in a database table. The lines contain a description of homogeneous objects or processes.
Description of the object is based on the allocation of its characteristic features. For each feature, a column is assigned.
Queries are used to get information on the specified criteria, but the source is the table in which the data is stored.
Protection (information) - a) prevention of unauthorized access to equipment, programs and data; C) protection of the integrity of programs and data (anti-virus protection); C) protection against power failures of the equipment.
Icon – a small graphic image with a short inscription.

The folder name is set according to the same rules as the file name. We recommend that you name your folders even more expressive and concise than your files.

The file name has two parts. The first part-the name itself - can be up to 255 characters long and consist of any characters, including a space, except \/: *[?[]), The second part of the name-extension-can contain any number of characters, as long as the full file name does not exceed 255 characters and does not contain prohibited characters.
Interactive mode-the mode of dialogue between man and machine. It is this mode that allows the user to influence the course of solving the problem on the computer.
Line spacing-the distance between adjacent lines on paper or display screen.
Internet – Internet) - external network, network of networks. This is the ability to communicate with all computers in the world connected to the Internet.
The Windows 98 interface and its applications are Windows, menus, icons, status bar, scrollbars, and scale bars.
Computer science is a set of disciplines that study the properties of information, as well as methods of presentation, accumulation, processing and transmission of information by means of technical means. Often the concept of "Informatics" includes some branches of mathematics and Cybernetics (theory of algorithms, discrete mathematics, etc.). In other words, computer science is the science of the application of computer technology.
Information-information about someone or something, transmitted in the form of signs and signals; in computing-data to be entered into the computer, stored in its memory, processed on a computer and issued to the user.
The information is reliable-the information does not have hidden errors.
Information is available-the property of the information characterizing possibility of its reception by the given consumer.
Information is protected-a property that characterizes the impossibility of unauthorized use or change.
Information complete - property of information exhaustively (for the given consumer) to characterize the displayed object and / or process.
Relevant information-the ability of information to meet the needs (requests) of the consumer.
System information-a summary of the parameters of the computer devices: the performance and bitness of the processor, the amount of external and RAM, the type of adapter, keyboard, etc.
Information is modern-the ability of information to meet the needs of the consumer at the right time.
Information is valuable – the value of information depends on what tasks we can solve with it.
Information is ergonomic-a property that characterizes the convenience of the form or volume of information from the point of view of the consumer.
Calculator-a service program that allows you to perform calculations.
Directory (directory) – the named area of the disk. It is used by the user to organize the storage and facilitate the search for files.
Communication channel-a generalized name of the path along which the information flow of data. For example, a physical data channel to the Internet, a television channel, a stereo recorder's left or right channel. In the IRC system, one of several shat channels that can be joined.
A keyboard is an electronic device designed to automatically convert typed letters, numbers, and symbols into binary codes that a computer is able to understand. In addition, the keyboard can successfully perform and control functions.
A key element of the keyboard, depression of which generates code appropriate sign or initiated a specific action. Cursor key-a key that moves the cursor on the display screen in a certain direction.
Shortcut keys – Hot keys)-a combination of keys [Shift], [Ctrl], [Alt ] with other keys to perform operations in the case when for some reason the mouse does not work.
Function key-a key, pressing which initiates the execution of a certain function in the system.
Client-a system of computers or a software package that requires maintenance by another computer system or process. For example, a workstation that requests the contents of a server file is a client of the server file.
Key-a field or a set of fields by which tables are linked and databases are sorted.
The key word is 1. A lexical unit that describes a language construct in certain contexts. 2. A natural language word or phrase that is selected from the text of a document and used to index it.
The system menu button is used to open the system menu.
Code volapük – code to replace each Russian letter with one or two Latin letters.
Encoding-1. Identification of data with their code combinations; establishment of correspondence between a data element and a set of symbols, called a code combination (code word). 2. Convert a detailed specification into a program.
A command is any instruction that forces a computer to perform certain actions.
CD-ROM (CD-ROM) - is designed for input of traditional programs and data, as well as for multimedia.
Compilation is the transformation of the programme from view in the programming language in instruction or executing system.
Configuration-the layout of the system with a clear definition of the nature, quantity, relationships and basic characteristics of its functional elements; a set of hardware and connections between them; a list of tools included in the complex or system.
Root directory– the main or top-level directory.
Computer (information) systems-information systems, which include not one software tool, but a set of software tools, combined into a system both software and hardware and a certain way organized set of data.
Computer viruses are harmful programs. And write their harmful people.
Computer business games simulate alternative behavior in certain professional activities and involve the active inclusion of the individual in the game.
Computer technology. Computer technology initially involves the separation of operations between man and machine, a clear regulation of functions and responsibilities of each link in the computer system.
Consulting, or expert, systems are designed for in-depth study (examination) of a particular object, situation, phenomenon.
Context menu the menu that appears when you right-click. Its content depends on the location of the mouse, but usually it contains a list of commands.

The recycle bin is where deleted files are automatically placed. You can optionally either restore them from there or throw them out of the trash.

Cursor-a movable visible mark used to indicate the position on the screen over which the operation will be performed.
Cache memory is a buffer between the CPU and RAM and serves to increase the performance of the computer.
Laser printer provides the highest quality and speed of printing. It uses a complex and expensive printing technology similar to Photocopying.
Legend is a chart element that shows the name of the chart data markers.
Scroll bar-the window border area to control the document view area.
Line 1. Pixel. 2. The simplest geometric element in the graphical editor.
Local networks are local in nature and operate within a single enterprise or organization.
A route is a designation consisting of a logical drive name and a chain of names of mutually subordinate directories.
The wizard is a program that generates a set of questions for the user and automatically creates the required document based on his answers.
Scaling-1. The performance values so that they result about led over them calculations were within the specified range. 2. Zoom in or out of the entire image or part of it.
Motherboard (from the English, motherboard). It is equipped with processor and memory chips, there are also connectors or slots (from English, slot), which connect additional boards, called expansion cards-sound card, modem, etc.
Matrix printer is the most simple in the device and cheap. It forms an image by hitting the thin rods of the print head through the ink strip on the paper.
Menu-a list of items that hide groups of commands.
Command menu-a list of commands, operations or subsystems of this application program, which is called on the monitor screen during its operation.
Menu system (Windows) - a list of commands to perform basic actions with the window.
A microprocessor is an integrated circuit that performs the functions of a Central processor.
A modem device is a modulator-demodulator device that converts digital signals into analog form and back to transmit them to analog communication police.
Modification – any changes that do not change the essence of the object.

Expansion module of the basic input-output system-OS module that performs all information exchange operations with external devices.

Monitor is a standard device for displaying information on the screen. Can work in text or graphic mode. According to the device and the operating principle, the screen is similar to a TV.
Trash - a special folder in which all files deleted by the user are temporarily placed.
If necessary, you can restore a accidentally deleted file if the recycle bin has not been cleared.
Multimedia is commonly referred to as a set of devices designed to share dynamic graphics and sound. The most common media are the sound card and CD-ROM drive. Multimedia is widely used for both entertainment and business.
Mouse-manipulator, a manual device for specifying the coordinates of the screen and transfer the simplest commands, it is used to set the cursor, select from the menu, select objects, change their size and move.
Moving is carried out by rotating the ball inside the mouse.
Initial download-1. A procedure that allows the device to perform its own installation in a specified state. 2. The procedure for loading the initial part of the OS, after which the system can continue to work under its own control.
The Word workspace is the main Word workspace where Windows for multiple documents can be opened at the same time.
Workspace - the internal space of the window.
Object – a certain part of the reality surrounding us (object, process, phenomenon) or any information that can be included in the document by special means. It can be texts, graphics, tables and much more.
A window is a rectangular sector on the screen. There are different types of Windows: application Windows, document Windows, dialog boxes.
Active window-the window in which the user is currently working. It is located above all other Windows, and only with it interact the mouse and keyboard.
Popup window-a window with additional information explaining the selected keyword.
RAM (OP), or Random access memory (RAM), - provides instantaneous
access to any part of the information. However, it should be borne in mind that the information disappears from the OP immediately after turning off the power of the computer.
Operating systems are programs designed to control the entire operation of a computer.
Reports can be presented in tables or forms, giving them an attractive appearance. The report has the ability to sort and group data, determine the total values.
Sender-the subscriber who sends the e-mail message.
Palette-the color gamut used to build the image.
Memory-a functional part of the computer, designed to receive, store and issue data.
The CACHE memory, which is accessed much less than the memory access time, is used as a buffer between the processor and the RAM.
RAM-memory for storing the currently used programs and the data required for this purpose.
Permanent memory-memory, the contents of which can not be changed dynamically during the operation of the computer.
As a rule, the recording of information in such a memory is carried out in its manufacture.
The taskbar is initially located at the bottom of the screen, in the bar where the start button is located, and allows you to switch between applications running on Your computer.
The control panel provides easy access to the Registry.
Switch-a variable in the program that is applied automatically or on the instructions of the programmer (the value "on" or "off") and used to select one of the alternative branches of the algorithm for solving the problem.
Print-data output to the printer.
Pixel-the smallest element of the graphic image on the screen.
Icons-toolbar buttons.
Subdirectory-directory. The name that is part of another directory
A field is a column in a database table that contains one type of information.
Scroll bars are located in the right and bottom border of the screen and allow using electronic buttons to move through the text or table up, down, right, left, row, column, screen, page.
Recipient-the subscriber who receives the message sent by e-mail.
Ports is a special IC that allows your computer to communicate with external devices.
They are serial and parallel. Devices such as a mouse and a modem are connected to serial, and printers are usually connected to parallel devices.
Persistent memory, or BIOS, is an immutable type of memory. The BIOS contains a set of system programs for managing computer devices in a variety of situations.
Mailbox-a certain amount of memory on the host machine, which includes all messages addressed to the subscriber.
Legal applications are programs that are written to meet the needs of lawyers, law firms and law enforcement agencies (Prosecutor's office, police, court, notary, traffic police, etc.).
Standard Windows applications are applications that are required for everyday work.
Printer-a printer without a keyboard, designed to display text and graphic information n paper, ie to obtain a documented copy. Depending on the principle of operation distinguish matrix (or dot–matrix), inkjet and laser printers; 2. Device for printing information on paper; 3. Device for registration (printing)of information on paper.
An application program is a user program, an application in contrast to programs to support a computer system, system utilities. Sometimes used more loosely to refer to any program, including user and system.
Provider-a company that should provide you with access to the Internet via TCP/IP, delivery and storage of Your e-mail. It should also provide you with everything you need to connect (communication programs, drivers), give full instructions on how to configure the system. Most providers have hotlines where you can always get an answer to your question.
File Explorer is a Windows program for working with the file system, with which you can copy, move, delete files and directories, establish communication in a computer network, run programs, format floppy disks, etc.
File Explorer, My computer, Network places are built – in tools for working with files in Windows. They are used to search for files, folders, or network computers.
A program is an ordered sequence of commands to be processed; a sequence of programming language sentences describing the algorithm for solving problems.
A computer program is a set of detailed instructions written in one of the algorithmic or machine languages that specifies exactly what the computer should do.
The program is "infected" - there is a virus inside the program.
Communication program-e-mail software.
Protocols-standards that define the forms of presentation and methods of sending messages, procedures for their interpretation, rules of collaboration of various equipment in networks.
The processor serves as the computer's electronic brain. Any complex computational or logical process is divided into a set of elementary operations such as addition or comparison of two numbers performed by the processor with great speed.
Workspace – the area of the window where the input information is located.
A workstation is a class of computers as opposed to a class of" servers " with lower performance indicators. The distinctive characteristics are the processing speed of graphic data, processor frequency and frequency on the system bus, the amount of RAM and memory on hard magnetic disks, the number of processors, etc.
Windows desktop-a screen is often referred to as an electronic desktop that hosts various objects.
Edit-change the content of the data.
MS Word editor is a Windows application designed for creating, editing, viewing and printing documents. Included in MS Office package.
Paint editor (Paintbrush) - a simple point graphics editor included in the standard delivery of Windows.
Editor graphic program to enter and edit graphic informations.
Formula editor is a service program that inserts mathematical formulas and symbols into the text of a document.
Registry is a WINDOWS database that stores information about user installations, hardware configuration, installed programs, application and file type compliance, and other system information.
Communication. If two files are linked, the data in the dependent file is automatically updated when the source file is changed. Links can be established between files created by different programs.
File server-programs that implement user access to their own archives of files with information materials. Network -1. Means of access-data network, computer network. 2. Groups of computers connected to each other or to a Central server to share resources.
Service programs, or shells, are designed to provide a comfortable environment for the user.
Windows graphical shell performs the same functions as MS-DOS, but it also contains new applications for file management, running programs, networking, expanding communication capabilities, working with media.
A network is a combination of multiple computers to work together and send messages. There are local and global networks.
Global network-integration of all computer networks connecting users of personal computers regardless of the graphical location.
Local area network is a computer network, the nodes of which are located at a short distance from each other, which does not use General-purpose communication means.
File system-a set of named data sets and programs.
The system bus serves as an artery through which all information is transmitted inside the computer. Additional devices are also connected to the system bus.
Scanner-a device for entering text and graphic information into a computer by optical reading of information.
Agreements-a set of rules for the use of General-purpose registers for the organization of intermodule links and the definition of a standard structure of the conservation area.
Coprocessor-a specialized processor that complements the functionality of the main processor.
Data sorting-distribution of set elements into groups according to certain rules.
Lists-a standard element of dialog boxes that allows you to select one or more options from the list.
Help-opens the help system of the program, contains comprehensive information on all the features of the program and how to use them.
Reference (help) is help information with the hypertext principle.
Yellow pages is a directory of information services and products collected by category.
These directories can be found on many Web servers. The Handbook is also published as a printed edition.
Reference legal systems are powerful information bases that include all regulations and programs for their search, selection, editing and printing.
Ethernet standard-a network standard for local networks with a bandwidth of 10 Mbit / s, the maximum packet length of 1518 bytes, the actual information is 1024 bytes.
Streamer - a device for storing data on magnetic tape (computer tape).
Title bar-contains the name of the application or document
The menu bar is the second line of the screen that lists the menu sections.
Message string-a string that contains information about the commands currently available.
Status bar – status bar) - a line located at the bottom of the screen, which provides information about the current status (status) of the program.
Inkjet printer provides higher quality and printing speed. To form an image in an inkjet printer, special ink is used, which is sprayed through microscopic nozzles onto paper.
Tables are the basis of the database and consist of columns and rows.
Text-a set of any characters; information content of the document, program, message.
Pointer. – 1. Link, address. 2. Cursor.
Cell pointer-a glowing rectangle that defines the current cell.

A file is a logically related set of data or programs that is allocated a certain area in the external memory. In the language of the lawyer is the regulations, documents, files, books.

Archive file-a set of one or more files placed in a compressed form into a single file.
Temporary file – a file with the extension * .TMR, which is to be deleted after completion of the task that created it.
Executable files-files with extensions *.honeycombs'.* ,EXE, *.bat,*.pif.
Fax-facsimile (phototelegraph), on the Internet there is a gateway software for sending faxes via E-mail.
Filter-a program that prevents penetration into the database, program or system of incorrect data; when working with tables in the database, the filter is used to see only the values defined by the specified criterion.
Filtering-check whether the actual value of the data belongs to a set of valid values.
A form is a visual display of information contained in a single record.
The format of the numbers – view the numbers.
Formatting the floppy disk. The new diskette is completely clean and you can't work with it. First, it must be formatted, that is, measured in concentric circles, the so-called track, and the tracks are divided into sectors.
Host computer-the head machine of the network, the Central computer.
Chat-l. Chat, talk. Form of interactive communication on the Internet online. 2. Chat, chat system. The system of interactive communication on the Internet in online mode. A system that enables real-time communication between remote users.
Template-a pre-designed document in which you only need to enter the missing data.
E – mail–electronic mail (E – mail) - 1. The system of sending messages between users, in which the PC takes over all the functions of storing and forwarding messages. E-mail is an important component of the automation system of institutional activities; 2. Exchange of e-mail messages with any Internet subscriber; 3. Means of communication with any subscriber through telephone lines using a computer network; 4. A network service that allows you to exchange text e-mail messages over the Internet. Modern e-mail capabilities also allow you to send NTML documents and attached files of various types. At present, e-mail is one of the fastest and most reliable forms of communication.
E-book-a formatted electronic document that is downloaded to a computer or a specialized display device (book tablet). Advantages of e-books: the ability to create compact electronic libraries, developed tools for tagging, search and indexing, the ability to supply only under the order(circulation as such does not exist), reading information at a distance.
Electronic buttons (icons) are icons in the form of individual buttons with images or symbols, pressing which is equivalent to the execution of the relevant commands

Hypertext markup language-HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is designed to create hypertext links.

A shortcut is an icon that hides a small file that is a link to another file. The shortcut allows you to double-click it to remotely download programs, open folders, and access objects such as a printer or remote network access.

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