History of military traditions of the
Kazakh Khanate of the 15th-17th century
Annotation. The article tells about the military tradition of the Kazakh Khanate in the
period from the XV to XVII centuries. It is written about the history of the Kazakh Army,
created to preserve the terraced integrity of the country, about the main tactical techniques used
in the course of attacks, about maneuvers. The main features in the management of the army are
recorded. It is written about aspects of the military history of the Kazakhs, about the specific
specifics of military art.
ISSN – 2617-6319 ҚӘӘИ ХАБАРШЫСЫ №3 (51), 2022
Key words: Army, flag, tactics, cavalry, warrior, tradition, battle, Sultan, fight.
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Байсалдина Гульназым
ҚР Ұлттық ұлан Академиясының оқытушысы,
гуманитарлы ғылымдар магистрі, Петропавл,
Байсалдина Гульназым
Магистр гуманитарных наук, преподаватель
Академии Национальной Гвардии РК, Петропавл,
Baisaldina Gulnazym
Master of Humanities, lecturer at the Academy of the
National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
Аlmaty, Kazakhstan.