Лаборатория нелинейных и оптоволоконных технологий для квантовых систем

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Лаборатория нелинейных и оптоволоконных технологий для квантовых систем

Междисциплинарного Квантового Центра ФФ НГУ

Заведующий лабораторией профессор С.К.Турицын

Laboratory of Non-linear and Fibre-Optic Technologies for Quantum Systems led by Prof. S. K. Turitsyn is a collaborative interface structure linking the newly established QC NSU with the Aston-NSU International Centre for Photonics and the Laboratory of Nonlinear Photonics (created and still funded through the mega-grant). This laboratory will be funded from mega-grant and other external sources (no funding is requested) and it will be focused at fibre-optic and nonlinear photonics techniques for quantum science and technology applications.

План работ лаборатории на ближайшее время:

In 2015-2016 we plan to explore potential of our possible research in the area of quantum science. The main initial scanning of possible research directions of the laboratory will include the following themes:

  • Fibre-optic technology for quantum science and quantum communications.

  • Theoretical analysis of the design of an ultra-bright integrated bi-photon source. The concept is to inscribe high-quality, low loss waveguides (WGs) in nonlinear media that allow a level of pumping high enough to make the first ever WG bi-photon source with the down-conversion length shorter than the WG length.

  • In a collaboration with Aston University to evaluate feasibility of fabrication of such source using femtosecond laser inscription.

  • Theory of quantum solitons in the fibre optics.

  • Implementation of quantum physics effects in photonic devices


Ключевые 5 публикаций команды лаборатории за последние 5 лет:

1. D.V. Churkin, I.V. Kolokolov, E.V. Podivilov, I.D. Vatnik, M.A. Nikulin, S.S. Vergeles, I.S. Terekhov, V.V. Lebedev, G. Falkovich, S.A. Babin, S.K. TuritsynWave kinetics of random fibre lasers, Nature Communications 6:6214 (2015)

2. D.V. Churkin, S. Sugavanam, N. Tarasov, S. Khorev, S.V. Smirnov, S.M. Kobtsev and S.K. TuritsynStochasticity, periodicity and localized light structures in partially mode-locked fibre lasers , Nature Communications 6:7004 (2015)

3. A. Bednyakova and S. K. TuritsynAdiabatic soliton laser, Phys. Rev. Lett., 114, 113901 (2015)

4. I. S. Terekhov, S. S. Vergeles, S. K. Turitsyn, Conditional probability calculations for the NLS equation with additive noise, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113 230602 (2014)

5. E. G. Turitsyna, S. V. Smirnov, S. Sugavanam, N. Tarasov, X. Shu, S. A. Babin, E. V. Podivilov, D. V. Churkin, G. E. Falkovich and S. K. TuritsynThe laminar-turbulent transition in a fibre laser, Nature Photonics, 7, 783-786 (2013)

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